• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
I think the newest FF movie was their attempt to get a shared universe off the ground.. Then after that bombed they was like eff it lol
I think the newest FF movie was their attempt to get a shared universe off the ground.. Then after that bombed they was like eff it lol
Shared with what? :lol:

They had their chance with DofP to go for that and didn't. F4 came out and it was rumored it was a mess before it came out.

Ignoring the fact that they can't even do a movie with the F4 meeting the X-Men, the F4 movie didnt hint at anything.
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it can be done with the proper studio attatched
A shared universe is overrated to be honest. Marvel made it work but now it’s kinda holding it back with some of its stories. DC is getting killed by it becuase now it’s better movies, really ONLY WW, need to work it in with the trash
A shared universe is overrated to be honest. Marvel made it work but now it’s kinda holding it back with some of its stories. DC is getting killed by it becuase now it’s better movies, really ONLY WW, need to work it in with the trash

How is it holding it back?
How is it holding it back?
Well look at infinity war. Half the cast dies but we know damn well they have movies on deck so they’re going to come back. Couple other movies serves as filler to set up bigger movies. Then we had movies , AOA, that was nothing but a commercial for the next movies half the time.

Does it always hold stories back? No, but it can. All I’m saying is a shared universe isn’t needed
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Infinity War is a poor example if you want to say a shared universe is holding marvel back :lol:

If anything IW elevated marvel lol
I disagree with the point I made. How many filler movies did we get to make that movie work?

Again, a shared universe has its ups and downs but it’s not needed. It can also really cripple things if not done absolutely perfectly. I think marvel just recently hit its stride to be honest
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Well look at infinity war. Half the cast does but we know damn well they have movies on deck so they’re going to come back. Couple other movies serves as filler to set up bigger movies. Then we had movies , AOA, that was nothing but a commercial for the next movies half the time.

Does it always hold stories back? No, but it can. All I’m saying is a shared universe isn’t needed
I'll agree that not everything has to be a shared universe. It really depends on what you're working with. You need a strong stable of different characters that the audience can connect with. Plus whoever is running the show got to be able to think long term and have a very clear vision and be able to execute it. Like if you don't have someone like Kevin Feige on your team, then don't waste your time.

But that doesn't mean a shared universe is overrated. It just means that executing one is so complex that most shouldn't attempt it
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It was rumored that the F4 would have a crossover with xmen
I remember the rumors but they didn't actually attempt anything.

Kinberg was also calling it a crossover in to another dimension or w/e further making it clear that they do not share the same universe.
I just realized the movie didn't even address the other symbiotes :lol:

Didn't say they died in failed hosts or that Riot put them on the rocket :lol:

There supposedly still in those containtment cylinders.

How is it holding it back?
They were trying to make shared universe movies instead of good movies.
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sideshow bob

It seems like many people are threatened by Venom’s “success” and take it as some type of seed being planted of Sony taking back full control of the Spider-Man film rights. What we all have to realize is that Pascal WANTED Venom to be in the MCU and the fact the movie scaled back its R rating showed that there is still interest. This was Sony proving to Marvel that they’re competent enough with Spider-Man properties to help commandeer the MCU. Why would Sony take on the burden of doing everything Spider-Man related when they can just have Marvel be the work horse in terms of advertisement and connecting it to their INSANELY successful shared universe and reap benefits that would be greater than if Sony themselves did it? Marvel gets more interconnectivity with their poster child, Sony stays afloat financially. Everyone wins. This is good for Sony and being that Marvel owns all marketing rights to all their characters including Venom, this was good for Marvel too. Expect to see Venom more in Marvel strike force commercials and Marvel branded products just like Wolverine after Logan did well...
Venom --- 4.5 / 8

- It felt like Hardy / Williams really mailed this in
- The action wasn't bad, but that symbiote fight scene was rough to watch
- So why did Venom want to stay on Earth? Because he ended up liking Eddie and his philosophy of not killing good people?
- I laughed at Harrelson's wig in the post-credits scene
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