• It's a Masterpiece!!! (kiLLerisLame was right)

    Votes: 46 26.3%
  • Not the Best but Top 5 Easily (like Lebron)

    Votes: 44 25.1%
  • Above Average, Maybe Top 10 (butF4notBYKE)

    Votes: 50 28.6%
  • Average (like Duff and Milana and M5s)

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • Terrible (this will get 1 vote and it's from AmeL w/ another L)

    Votes: 8 4.6%

  • Total voters
Exactly. Most of the people who have reviewed it and said they didn't like it dance around the issues they claim they don't like. And go out their way to say how great the acting is from Garfield and Stone

Yeah. I actually don't mind if people don't like it, it's just that the reasons I'm hearing aren't good reasons to dislike this film. I literally saw one person list a reason they didn't like it because Flash isnt in the film. If you have valid reasons for not liking it, fine, but the majority of what I'm reading so far is bogus.

You guys seem to be a little more invested in the franchise than I am, but like I said, the only reason I didn't like it is because - speaking in generalities (no spoilers) - it felt like they consciously packed as much as they could possibly fit in to one film. Between Peter Parker discovering his past, dealing with his relationship, Rhino, Electro, Green Goblin, etc, it was a bit scatter brained for my taste.

Would have liked a little more focus and development.
You guys seem to be a little more invested in the franchise than I am, but like I said, the only reason I didn't like it is because - speaking in generalities (no spoilers) - it felt like they consciously packed as much as they could possibly fit in to one film. Between Peter Parker discovering his past, dealing with his relationship, Rhino, Electro, Green Goblin, etc, it was a bit scatter brained for my taste.

Would have liked a little more focus and development.
And that's one of the things I can understand people not liking. I said before I saw it that people's biggest problem may be that this film won't have a central plot. However, the plot flowed smoothly and there wasn't that much going on as people are saying. Everything was related somehow from Peter and his Past to what's going on now, and his relationship with Gwen and what's happening with the villains.
So yeah I just watched the movie. . Better than the first one.

One thing I noticed from the first movie, I'm sure it's been mentioned before, is that Garfield is more Spidey than Parker. We already talked about the nerd, more reserved stuff before but he's really all expressive jokes with some guilt sprinkled in here and there. The entire time, and I'm not nitpicking cuz I loved it, but you can clearly tell he's playing Spidey more than he is Peter most of the time. That kiss at the graduation is something Peter would never do :lol: So at times him being more Spidey came off as just plain bad acting when he was just Peter talking to Gwen or to Aunt May.

Jamie Fox as just Max Dillon was really good. Another thing not like anything else character wise, they seemed to really make their own history and personality for the characters so it wouldn't be like anything else just similar. He played that obsessive loser lost in his own world really well before he went full on villain. Being misunderstood and all that worked great but once he went full Electro it kinda felt like anyone could've done what he did. Webb probably should've called Snyder cuz he straight up had Electro looking like a low grade Dr. Manhattan :smh:

Same goes for dude playing Harry, he was really good but not a familiar Harry Osbourne which is fine I liked most of this new take. Son was a bit ruthless and already crazy though. I can understand being bitter and the daddy issues but still his craziness escalated quickly :lol:

Story wise it was okay. The plot could've been stronger. The whole blood thing didn't make sense on Spidey's part. When science like that is involved they usually do a test first to see if it'll match not just right away test on the human and there seemed to be no thought put in to that for why he said no and of course Harry goes crazy. Seemed like his advanced much quicker given that Norman with the disease looked pretty normal in those videos with Pete's dad.That's one thing not going for the movie, villains just seemed to just be crazy in a escalate quickly sort of way. Electro was ****** up from the jump but still.

I haven't read reviews in other places and I don't plan to cuz I don't do that but I can see how ppl could not like this or nitpick things about the movie but imo not in a MOS way.

Overall definitely better than the first movie. Really nice ending. The movie was really good.
Yo, I mentioned the same exact thing in my review about when Peter kissed Gwen at the graduation. Only thing that bugged me about Garfield's performance.

Also, glad they graduated because he's starting to age.
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I midas well put my review in spoilers because it's full of spoilers

Around the time Sam Raimi's Spiderman films came out, I was a kid, and not into anything comic book related. It wasn't until that I saw the Spiderman films that I became immersed in this world. Although I liked the movies, I never viewed the first two films with the same praise others give it. Spiderman 1 was just meh beyond the origin, and Spiderman 2 was a good film, but other than the train scene, it's not all that memorable for me. In this film, I feel that Garfield has nailed both Peter and Spiderman. With that being said, I'm going to dive right into my review.

One of the many complaints about the first Amazing Spiderman film was that it didn't wrap up many of the plot elements it introduced. One of them being the myster of his parents. Well right off the bat, they fix this problem. The first scene deals with Peter's Parents dropping Peter off at Aunt May from Peter's dad perspective. We get to know why he did what he did. In the first film, I think they planned to stretch this arc out, but wasn't received well enough, so they just decided to wrap it up here, and I thought they did it perfectly.

The introduction to Aleksei Sytsevich, better known as the Rhino, was absolutely perfect. He was introduced in a classical spiderman fashion. Villain is on a run after stealing something, and a police chase ensues. This is where we get our first introduction to Spiderman and the new suit. What follows is Spiderman defeating Aleksei easily and humorously in a typical Spiderman manner. A perfect introduction to Spiderman.

What follows is their graduation. When Peter shows up late due to stopping Aleksei, he steps up to get his diploma and kisses Gwen in a way that just seems un Peter like. It's not a big problem, but that's just something I couldn't imagine him doing.

Also during the pursit of Aleksei, we get our first glimpse of Jamie Foxx as Max Dillon. He looks insane. He's a guy who pretty much is a loner, and doesn't feel respected, until Spiderman saves him. A little while later, we get to a scene where we see his newfound? obessesion with Spiderman. Now that was a bit wierd. Jamie did a good job in this film with Electro. Electro isn't some super complex who is all that interesting. He had no backstory, he was always a villain with cool powers. I feel that they captured that in the film.

A little while later, we get our first glimpse of Harry as he is seeing his dying father. Norman explains that his illness is hereditary, and that he was trying to find a cure. I kind of have mixed feelings as to them killing off Norman so soon. There's so much they could've done with Peter and Norman, but Deehans Goblin works fine for me.

There was a brief scene in the movie where Peter confronts his Aunt about the truth on what happened to his parents, and I felt that it was a powerful scene.

A little later, it is revealed that Harry is showing signs of the illness his father has. He calls up Peter because he knows that Peter takes pics of Spiderman and he wants Peter to try and contact him because he believes his blood is the cure for his illness.

At this point in the film, Peter is pretty much losing everything. He broke up with Gwen because he feels bad for not fulfilling the promise he made to her father and from not wantng to put her in danger. He's getting nowhere with his parents mystery, and now Harry is dying.

At an earlier point in the film when Electro first gets hishis powers, he is presumed dead. The CEO's blame his death on Harry. Harry found out what his dad has been working on. He finds the Goblen suit and the venom from the spiders that Richards were experimenting on. Little does Harry know is that the Spiders were infused with Richards DNA, and will only positively affect those that share his DNA. It is this that turns harry into the Goblin. I thought infusing the Spiders DNA with it only working with Richards DNA was a nice touch. It was an interesting explanation as to why it turns Harry into the Goblin, instead of it just not working on him the same way it worked on Peter.

Peter then finds why his dad left. He recieves a message from Gwen that she's accepting an job offer or some kind of offer to England. He professes his love for her, and they agree to both go to England together. Before that happens, Spiderman has to fight Electro who ia now working with Harry as they both have the same goal of capturing Spiderman. When Electro first appears earlier in the movie, he's defeated easily by Spiderman and Electro blames him for his arrest, and feels betrayed. Spiderman, along with Gwen, defeats Electro, and here come Harry.

With Harry spotting Spiderman and Gwen so close together, he assumes Spiderman is Peter. Harry believes he needed Spidermans blood to cure his illness, so he is now upset that his friend refused to give him what he needed to save his life. Harry grabs Gwen, and they fight on top of a clock tower. This is where the highlight of the film comes. Harry tosses Gwen and Peter lunges after her and they fall through the clocktower. Peter and Harry are fighting, Gwen is in the mix and she falls. Peter webs her up and she is now hanging onto his web. Meanwhile the Goblin and Spiderman are still fighting. Peter eventually gets the best of Harry, and it is then shown that the web that Gwen is hanging on snaps, and Spidey plunges to try and save her. Spiderman shoots a web, and it is too late as Gwen's head hits the floor, and you can hear her back snap I believe due to the way Peter grabs her.

Gwen's death hit hard. Holy Hell. I already was spoiled that it was going to happen, but it was still effective.

Following Gwens death, it has been five months since her death, and Peter has quit being Spiderman. Crime has gone up, and the public is missing Spiderman. We now go to Ravencroft, where we see Harry, looking okay, and the Man In The Shadows. They discuss that they want more trials now that Spiderman is gone. The first subject is Aleksei, whom they break out of prison. Now we move to Peter, who is in grief of Gwen's death. Like I said earlier, he quit being Spiderman. It is here where they replay Gwen's graduation speech from earlier, and it is placed well here. It goes something along the line "There will be dark days, days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed the most...no matter what happens, you must allways keep hope." And that is what makes Peter suit back up. This is when we get our first glimpse of The Rhino. It is perfectly reasonable that he's introdcuced at this part of the film, even after something as heavy as Gwen's death.

Conclusion: I literally have zero major complaints for this film. I'll start off by saying that people who believe this film is convoluted is nuts. While there isn't a central plot, and if that's a problem for others, fine, but this film was very easy to follow. The whole this being too much of a setup for future Spiderman films was exaggerated. There were only three things that alluded to it. Smythe, Felicia Hardy, and the scene where they show Vulture Wings, Doc Ocks arms and all of that. It's done all the time in Marvel films, yet I find no complaints there. Now to important stuff. Garfield nails Peter and Spiderman down perfectly IMO. My favorite aspect is the HUMOR. Whether you like the humor or not is unimportant. The fact is that it's there. Instead of the dry humor from the Raimi series, Garfield is out there with it, and to me, it's great and works perfectly. Emma Stone is also great in the film. I liked Easy A, but man she's great. The chemistry between the two is perfect, and as leads they beat Tobey and Kirsten in every way. Jamie Foxx does good as Electro. Aside from the one thing I mentioned earlier, he's a great addition to this film and does good with what he's given. Dane Deehan was great. I didn't think he could hold his own next to Jamie Foxx. People say that his turn to villainy was rushed, but yet, people seem to like Dafoe's Goblin and his death all in one film. His motivations are reasonable. He finds out he's dying so he tries to find a cure. He figures that Spiderman may hold this cure, so he tries to get it from him. When he figures out that his best friend is the one who refused to give him what he thought he needed, he snaps and feels betrayed. That, along with the Venom gone bad that he taken, is reason enough for him to turn bad in this film. The death scene was great. Simple as that. I already knew it was coming, yet it was still effective. I hate that Emma is gone, but she did great with the character, and she will be tough to follow. To end my review, I will say that this film satisfied me greatly. It wasn't as perfect for me as The Winter Soldier was, but I loved it. For me this is what Spiderman 2 is to others. This definitely goes in my top 5 CBM's of all time. Sorry for any bad grammar or whatever.

4.5 / 5
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Yo, I mentioned the same exact thing in my review about when Peter kissed Gwen at the graduation. Only thing that bugged me about Garfield's performance.

Also, glad they graduated because he's starting to age.

IDK why there is so much hate for Garfield. I think he is perfect.
As far as Norman:

I couldn't buy in to his death although it could be the way they're going since right now Harry is really crazy as the villain and running things with the guy in the shadows but I think there's a good chance Norman was cryogenically frozen and by the time things wrap up with Harry and the other villains by SM4 or w/e I can expect with a new Spidey that Norman will return
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Is the Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker still an issue? He has Spider-Man's humor and he looks just like the current Peter Parker in the comics. Yes, a lot of people liked Tobey as Peter, but it's over.

Is the Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker still an issue? He has Spider-Man's humor and he looks just like the current Peter Parker in the comics. Yes, a lot of people liked Tobey as Peter, but it's over.
   I think it's calmed down, but there's still debate over it

^^ Great Review
Thanks. Spidey's my favorite character. Glad to see him done right. At least right to me

As far as Norman:

I couldn't buy in to his death although it could be the way they're going since right now Harry is really crazy as the villain and running things with the guy in the shadows but I think there's a good chance Norman was cryogenically frozen and by the time things wrap up with Harry and the other villains by SM4 or w/e I can expect with a new Spidey that Norman will return
 I think he may be frozen too because there was mention of them freezing his head or something, but it wasn't in the film
This story has the feel of a classic Spider-Man episode, which a suppose people don't like for the movies, but works for me.

I think it's cool these movies are getting folks into comic books. I remember when the first Raimi Spider-Man cane out, it was like me and three old far dudes on opening day in my town lol, they were in the back like 'bullish it!' Lol ill never forget that.
This story has the feel of a classic Spider-Man episode, which a suppose people don't like for the movies, but works for me.

I think it's cool these movies are getting folks into comic books. I remember when the first Raimi Spider-Man cane out, it was like me and three old far dudes on opening day in my town lol, they were in the back like 'bullish it!' Lol ill never forget that.

Barely. Tho comics sales have been increasing steadily over the last 10 or so years they are still made in practically nich numbers. February's top selling comic was Scott Snyder's Batman at 114k issues. In fact if you sell more than 4,000 comics, it will likely be an ongoing. Though I am not sure. I looked at comic book sales and I am not well versed in the subject enough to know which ones were reprints and which ones were original print sales. But if you sell 8,000 an issue I am almost positive you the series will be ongoing.
They should release them twice a month. It's not as exciting IMO when I have to wait an entire month for the next story. Twice a month would be better .
With the price of comics these days I try not get into many series. It may only be $3-4 but it is only 15 minutes of pleasure. I download most of my comics and pay for the good series. There were a decent amount of twice a month comics but for some reason they almost all became once a month after a few story arcs.
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Saw it bootleg online. Will def see it in theatres.
I always like to watch the bootleg first to get the storyline. That way when I go to the movies I can focus on special effects and things I missed the first time.

I thought it was a good Spiderman movie. I think Garfield nails the role of Peter Parker. I liked Tobey too but to me, he made Spidey too soft.
Spiderman was always confident after the bite and developing his powers,and I think Garfield embodies that better.
Is the Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker still an issue? He has Spider-Man's humor and he looks just like the current Peter Parker in the comics. Yes, a lot of people liked Tobey as Peter, but it's over.
It might raise back up with this movie but I dunno. At this point I just accept that this a different Peter Parker and he is consistently a funny risky goofball with the mask on or off.
I saw the film tonight and thought it was good. Anyone notice that the mystery guy reveals his name "freeze" or something like that? Not really up to date with the comics so if anyone who's seen the movie or follows the comics can give me some info about him that would be great. Also I saw a pic of what looked like someone's frozen head, but didn't notice that in the movie if anyone else caught that.
Movie was ok. It wasn't a let down by any means but I wouldn't say it was great either. Main thing I'm upset about is the whole Norman/Harry/Green Goblin issue. I feel like they dropped the ball on the green goblin... again. They just overlooked Norman as the original goblin and then they just rushed Harry as the goblin in the film ala Venom in SM3. And I still can't get over those lightning bolts on electro's costume. What kind of grown man (a villain at that) would put cartoonish bolts on his sleeves? I know it's a movie but c'mon. :lol:

Cap still holds the crown for best superhero movie this year so far.
I saw the film tonight and thought it was good. Anyone notice that the mystery guy reveals his name "freeze" or something like that? Not really up to date with the comics so if anyone who's seen the movie or follows the comics can give me some info about him that would be great. Also I saw a pic of what looked like someone's frozen head, but didn't notice that in the movie if anyone else caught that.

Yeah they say he's in the comics and goes by the man in the shadows or something. He's responsible for bringing together the S6
The man in the shadows dude isn't really in the comics. He was in some adapted Sinister 6 novel of the comics with it's own continuity and the dude was called the Gentleman.
I hope he's Kingpin...that'll make me smile.

I only by 'graphic novels' now, essentially wait til the stories told then buy it all and read it at once. Been a regular at comic shops as long as I could remember, but I've never been as into them as most people, not worth the argument.
Question after watching ASM..was peter parents apart of shield or was his father ever a superbero? I never read the comics so idk
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