STAR TREK: DISCOVERY-NEW TV Series - Renewed for a 2nd Season - Picard

I’m watching! I’m really interested to see where this is heading. I feel like it’s going to reveal something different about the Romulans origin than what we thought we knew.
Question: Is it a good decision for cbs to put a big property like Star Trek on their streaming service instead of on their tv network? Or are Nielsen ratings not as important as whatever number of people sign up for cbs access? cbs got old people watching all their ncis stuff on tv, curious about the demographic on who have their streaming service.
Not sure but their streaming service is doing so well they're about to merge it with Showtime and another cable network in to a new streaming service that also provides new exclusive series.

I thought it was a bad idea at first not to put both Star Trek shows on the network but it seems to be working great for them subscriber wise. They also have a few new series and spinoffs on their service doing multiple seasons as well.
I like the show alot so far. I’m actually glad they’re moving at this pace and showing just how much the universe has changed.
Been meaning to get into the Star Trek world
Should I start by watching the Next Generation series?
I started to watch Voyager and will attempt to finish that then watch the other series. Will save the og series and tng for last. I tried to keep up with Enterprise when it aired but lost interest. Jolene Blaylock though, so nice.

Anyway, good episode of Picard. Next ep looks fun. I checked IMDb and it listed 11 eps. I still dunno what that big cube place is, some borg place? Found it weird the girl called her mom in a previous episode and the mom told her, her twin sister was fine when she knew the girl was in trouble.
I started to watch Voyager and will attempt to finish that then watch the other series. Will save the og series and tng for last. I tried to keep up with Enterprise when it aired but lost interest. Jolene Blaylock though, so nice.

Anyway, good episode of Picard. Next ep looks fun. I checked IMDb and it listed 11 eps. I still dunno what that big cube place is, some borg place?
Doing yourself a slight disservice. When you watch the TNG series and get to all of the Borg eps you'll know the significance and the fear a borg cube instills.

Not to spoil anything but you'll get to know a bit more when you finish the Voyager series cuz they mess with the Borg too.
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