DS9 is the one departure from the intended vision of The Stat Trek mythos. So if thats the main thing one would like about ST i can get not vibing with DS9.
DS9 embraced the religious and spiritual side and showed what it would look like in the future that Gene felt humanity would've mostly evolved past. They explored that stuff a lot.
To me though, DS9 had the far superior characters. I already mentioned the unevenness of the Voyager cast until they better balanced things 4+ seasons in.
DS9 to me never had those problems. Sisko was great. They got Cardassians as villains and ended up drafting O'Brien and Worf, meanwhile Voyager got Barclay and TNG's leftover Borg as villains after some boring seasons. They made the aliens and their culture interesting as they explored it. Bajorans and Cardassians only got more depth.
Dax has mad interesting possibilities and they didnt even go all the way in during the whole run.
Then you get to the Dominion. DS9 definitely began to stand on its own much earlier unlike Voyager who started with a similar Cardassian/Bajoran/Maquis premise.
Also, the other taboo DS9 pulled off that made them so compelling was to do away with the notion that Earth was a morally ethical paradise. Section 33 basically being a global CIA/KGB was a stroke of genius revealing the dirt humanity had to do to get earth to where it is and make Starfleet look like a shining example really tore through what Roddenberry established about Star Trek in the OG. Even Enterprise touched on this in great ways.
For me, Voyager had more potential and I do like it but DS9 flourished with all the risks it took.