STAR TREK: DISCOVERY-NEW TV Series - Renewed for a 2nd Season - Picard

Oh man they did the fans dirty not showing Elnor put in work at the end of this ep.

Aint even explain how he got on the cube so quick :lol:

:lol: @ this Romulan spy banging and falling in love with Soji the robot.
Ehh Picard was cool. Always something missing though, that I can understand and even welcome in the older ones, but doesn't translate to these 4k UHD Dolby Vision ones at 60 fps well for me. The pacing, lack of action etc. just doesn't work for me, same with new Doctor Who.

That said i'm still in for S2 with that crew :lol:
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I think almost every Trek show’s first season lacks a bit. I liked Picard overall, but anticipate next season being way better. Either way, it was great seeing him, Riker, Seven and closure for Data.
Trying to get into Voyager again but it's tough. Writing, character development, easily the worst of the "modern" ones. Way too boring for a ship legitimately lost in deep space. You're telling me the Capt's idea of fun away from her duties is babysitting some old timey British children?
Oh man you got a power binge Voyager or watch it weekly.

I got through Voyager cuz the Heroes & Icons channel showed Voyager daily and BBC America had mini marathons on the weekends.

Those early seasons were tough and if I were to list my fav ST members, even just for the modern era, a lot of the Voyager cast is at the bottom.

Janeway and Chakotay were a stiff 1-2 punch as leaders. Nelix was annoying and only worked to loosen Tuvok up. Didn't like Paris either.

The doctor, 7 of 9, Kim, Torres, Tuvok and guest characters really kept me watching along with the overall story and twists. If it weren't for some Borg background and new aliens this would've been tough.

Writers and showrunner even knew they were a bit bland which is why they took out Kes and introduced 7.

A bit crazy how they could have such a lively group of characters for DS9, a rich core in TNG, and then have that cast for Voyager.
I see why people hated Nelix, son was such a creepy weirdo that treated Kes like his possession and got wife beater jealous of her. Kept waiting for them to say "oh he had an alien infection" that made him act like that, but nah they just nonchalantly kept this happy go lucky persona play cape fear with this poor Stockholm syndrome 9 year old woman. It is wild strange.

Their character variations were weird, they did the same with Janeway a few times where you think her going against a firm order she just made minutes ago was an alien, but nah.

Biggest thing I hate though is them sticking to federation hierarchy and rules while lost in deep space.
Yeah, I had an issue with what little push back from the Maquis members there were other than the one defector (who was a Cardassian spy anyway).

Those ppl rolled over and became starfleet officers far too fast.

They really had a chance of recapturing some of the unknown that the original Star Trek had by literally going where no person had gone before. They like to say it was the past but Kirk was playing it fast and loose with the rules. Janeway was a boring stickler and corny old Chakotay fell in line pretty quick. No help he was former starfleet. Then you add Tuvok and that's 3 super disciplined ppl in the chain of command.

Meanwhile, TNG had Picard-Riker-Data and DS9 had the unpredictable Sisko-Nerys-Odo combo.

They should've had a wildcard 2nd in command that would always imply he and his ppl could defect or pull a mutiny at any moment.

Hopefully, this next season of Discovery delivers on exploring the unknown given its set in the future and no Starfleet exists.
Voyager had a ton of potential, but just fell so short. Chakotay could've been way more out of line, standing up to Janeway along with the rest of the Maquis crew who just ended up falling in line too.

If you think about it, Ron Moore's Battlestar Galactica probably had a lot of elements and story ideas that he probably wanted to use in Voyager before leaving.
It would've been a bit of a copy but before the remake movies I was hoping for a new ST series where a section 31 ship or a secret section 31 captain explored the Beta quadrant and took on the Romulans while also trying to go undetected.
:lol: Yo why is Kes so boring? Just monotone with no personality, just there. Then you find under the surface she's 3 years old, and has psychokinetic abilities, and is part of a race that doesn't usually make it to 10. What they couldn't do interesting things with that? You know how badly 3 year olds would be wildin if they had that power? Or any adult who knew their life was that short?
I really didn't get the overall objective of the show. I think writers knew this. Company wanted that 3rd Trek show

The show didnt find themselves until they jacked the Borg as main villains.
Barclay is this super genius life changing engineer and they keep treating him like some annoying weirdo. The ****.
Binged the last 4 eps of Picard.

Damn it that ending with dead Data was poignant and heartbreaking.

Damn with advance makeup and tech Spiner really could play Data forever.

Miss me with that Picard resurrection though. They had that little gadget that could do anything via imagination and chose not to use it after they quickly spammed hundreds of copy ships.
Watching some TNG eps man the prime directive is political nonsense. Even in the future we can't escape it. They try to wrap it in this "preserve culture" package but it's really only interact with cultures you can gain something from. Meanwhile other advance cultures had to interact with earth for it to get to the point it is. They turn it on and off when convenient for them. Also Picard and Riker are kind of aholes to their people in times of crisis, straight illogical demands, hence "make it so". Quarantine thoughts.
The exception to the prime directive is if a planet's civilization reaches warp engine technology.

Its the only reason the Vulcans came through to earth.

But yeah its basically about what you can do for me since you proved you can be on our level.

If not it's let the course of history go uninterrupted and fend for yourselves.

Barclay is this super genius life changing engineer and they keep treating him like some annoying weirdo. The ****.
Just continuing the clown label he earned on TNG.

Only gets respect when he saves Voyager.
Trying to get into Voyager again but it's tough. Writing, character development, easily the worst of the "modern" ones. Way too boring for a ship legitimately lost in deep space. You're telling me the Capt's idea of fun away from her duties is babysitting some old timey British children?

I just finished Voyager (probably for the 3rd time?) last night. I enjoy it - but it is definitely variable. You have these weird episodes of them spending what seems like weeks doing boring things on boring planets and then there are some great episodes fighting the Borg mainly. I guess the reasoning was if it was going to take 20 years to get home they would all go mad if they just pointed to the alpha quadrant and pressed go.

Better than DS9 though - couldn't get into that at all.
DS9 is the one departure from the intended vision of The Stat Trek mythos. So if thats the main thing one would like about ST i can get not vibing with DS9.

DS9 embraced the religious and spiritual side and showed what it would look like in the future that Gene felt humanity would've mostly evolved past. They explored that stuff a lot.

To me though, DS9 had the far superior characters. I already mentioned the unevenness of the Voyager cast until they better balanced things 4+ seasons in.

DS9 to me never had those problems. Sisko was great. They got Cardassians as villains and ended up drafting O'Brien and Worf, meanwhile Voyager got Barclay and TNG's leftover Borg as villains after some boring seasons. They made the aliens and their culture interesting as they explored it. Bajorans and Cardassians only got more depth.

Dax has mad interesting possibilities and they didnt even go all the way in during the whole run.

Then you get to the Dominion. DS9 definitely began to stand on its own much earlier unlike Voyager who started with a similar Cardassian/Bajoran/Maquis premise.

Also, the other taboo DS9 pulled off that made them so compelling was to do away with the notion that Earth was a morally ethical paradise. Section 33 basically being a global CIA/KGB was a stroke of genius revealing the dirt humanity had to do to get earth to where it is and make Starfleet look like a shining example really tore through what Roddenberry established about Star Trek in the OG. Even Enterprise touched on this in great ways.

For me, Voyager had more potential and I do like it but DS9 flourished with all the risks it took.
DS9 is the one departure from the intended vision of The Stat Trek mythos. So if thats the main thing one would like about ST i can get not vibing with DS9.

DS9 embraced the religious and spiritual side and showed what it would look like in the future that Gene felt humanity would've mostly evolved past. They explored that stuff a lot.

To me though, DS9 had the far superior characters. I already mentioned the unevenness of the Voyager cast until they better balanced things 4+ seasons in.

DS9 to me never had those problems. Sisko was great. They got Cardassians as villains and ended up drafting O'Brien and Worf, meanwhile Voyager got Barclay and TNG's leftover Borg as villains after some boring seasons. They made the aliens and their culture interesting as they explored it. Bajorans and Cardassians only got more depth.

Dax has mad interesting possibilities and they didnt even go all the way in during the whole run.

Then you get to the Dominion. DS9 definitely began to stand on its own much earlier unlike Voyager who started with a similar Cardassian/Bajoran/Maquis premise.

Also, the other taboo DS9 pulled off that made them so compelling was to do away with the notion that Earth was a morally ethical paradise. Section 33 basically being a global CIA/KGB was a stroke of genius revealing the dirt humanity had to do to get earth to where it is and make Starfleet look like a shining example really tore through what Roddenberry established about Star Trek in the OG. Even Enterprise touched on this in great ways.

For me, Voyager had more potential and I do like it but DS9 flourished with all the risks it took.

I wouldn't call it a departure from the vision but more so the execution. I do agree that's why a lot of fans didn't mess with the structure. I love it for that, Sisko, and the exploration into the implications of war.

To be fair, I think DS9 had its issues in the beginning as well. While I think the in depth exploration of the Bajorans and Cardassians paid off in the end, the first two seasons were still uneven. The show changed for me when they got the Defiant and started diving into the Dominion in S3. That also boosted up Odo's profile. Then they got another boost with Worf and the Klingons in S4. I'm pretty sure we don't learn about Bashir until S3 or 4 as well.

I agree with pretty much everything else about the show though. As you mentioned, I think they did an exceptional job of exploring the moral gray area in this series. (See "In the Pale Moonlight")

Voyager had so much potential. A whole quadrant out there and they couldn't come up with a new suitable antagonist. Even species 8472 was pretty meh after the war with the Borg. I do appreciate now what they were able to do with a deeper exploration of them but something new would have been appreciated.
Yeah they are actually all pretty bad at the start, TNG season 1 is awful, just gotta push through. DS9 is my favorite of the bunch, great characters. Voyager never really catches a stride to me.
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