Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
I don't think any of us are changing minds one way or the other (cept Zik) but I agree.
Again, opinions about things aren't like your precious Star Wars.

There isn't a light side or dark side and thats it. Shades of gray. There is a middle ground to liking things.

Now this may confuse and bewilder you but I still enjoyed the movie despite those glaring flaws. Its just if I'm talking about the flaws I'm going to go in depth about why I didn't like it.

You have lie standards.

And by no means at all will expressing my opinion have to suit your judgement of what is or isn't following group think or any other bull **** you want to sling my way.
I'm an extremely casual "fan" (putting quotations because I only like three of all the Star Wars movies ). I'm not sure why as someone who just wants to watch a movie with a solid plot I have to be met with hundreds of fake smileys from nerds who think Star Wars is the greatest thing in existence.

I'm not even being picky and criticizing things like gravity usage. I enjoyed TFA even though it was a blatant remake of ANH. But you have C CP1708 talking about "Star Wars is amazing; it's so much more than the Skywalkers and that's where the new movies want to expand to" That's fine (and actually what I wanted to see), but the ENTIRE FIRST MOVIE was based on finding Luke to help save the galaxy again. I can't find the logic in making a 3 hour movie where the entire Resistance and First Order are searching for Luke, and then making another 3 hour movie with zero logical plot where he's just some SF/NYC crazy homeless dude doing weird @#%@ instead of making an impact until some ridiculous "power" at the end. I'm not sure how you're posting fake smileys at people who were clearly misled by a 3 hour movie and false advertising.

If it was just a standalone movie, I wouldn't be criticizing that part. I'm just confused about the purpose of TFA now.
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Alrite I did my 3rd watch of this.

1st watch: Hated it
2nd watch: Liked it a lot
3rd watch: Really liked it a lot

I also watched it in IMAX 2d first time, Imax 3D the second time, and regular screen the 3rd time. Imax 3D on a good screen is by and far the best way to watch. Also, funny enough I felt the opposite of the Force Awakens. It was really great on first watch but less interesting upon rewatches.

As a reference, I’ve read basically every major Star Wars book out there. I’m not big on emotional throwbacks to the past either (eg using emotions as a crutch for story).

A lot of the criticism I originally had with the films lessened or became unimportant to me upon rewatches. The only ones that stood out is still that I think the leai Superman scene was too outlandish (but not as much as I hated it before) and that the fight scene with the guards in that unnecessarily weird red room made no sense. Kylo and Rey shouldn’t of had any problems washing them. Only explanation that would of made sense is if the guards were somehow actually the Knights of Ren and became loyal to Snoke. Also, made no sense why they even attacked after Snoke was dead. Once he is dead there is no leader for them to be loyal to. Also, still don’t really like that they made it into a women’s power thing. Actually have deeper concerns about that and the fundamental shift our world is going throguh. We’re perverting the natural order of life and it’s having a big impact on society.

All the other stuff became more minuscule in my mind. I accepted that they’ve created a different version of power in the force. They focused much more on the force as an ability to connect than as a way to control power.
I definetely liked it more the 2nd time.

Luke speaks

2 members. Zik, and Lame.

I haven't bothered anyone else that didn't like the film. Hell, I'm not even sure where Zik qualifies. He liked it, but now he doesn't......iono, he's neither Jedi nor Sith, he's more grey. :lol:
I understand lame but why are you on my **** again?

Can't go a pg where you post where my name isn't in it.
When you see actual military people commenting on the stupidity of Holdo's lack of communication, I tend to think she should have said something. :lol:

I mean like also, half the damn crew mutinied with Poe :rofl:
You know, I've said little to nothing about Poe Dameron in this movie. I had more positive things to say in his smaller role in TFA.

I loved the action in this movie but when I see ppl say TLJ could've done without the casino world and Finn subplot that's the way I'm beginning to feel about the Poe subplot. Helping Finn and Rose dip was cool, but then this overeagerness and no strategy to his decisions once Leia goes in that coma just had me like *things are happening*

I mean the ******* mutiny. Just went too far. It was weird. Didn't feel like a real military outfit. The structure was mad lose.

Laura Dern did not act like a Vice Admiral in a resistance movement.

Her and Leia's reaction to Poe's mutiny was blasé as ****. Legit turned to I really like him for that insubordinate atittude. Son was not channeling Han so I don't get it.

Just weird.
I enjoyed Ironman 3, but damn sure didn't love it. it was good up until the 3rd act. Had a crap ton of flaws
I compare the confusion of this movie like watching marvel movies out of order.
It's like watching Captain America 1, then watching Captain America 2 right after... and being like wait. who... what happened??
Perfect example.

I enjoyed it too but you won't find me arguing against that pitiful Mandarin fakeout.
Just got back from seeing The Last Jedi..

Honestly I liked it..the casino scene could’ve be left out of the film..I did want Luke to actually fight Kylo however at the end

The killing of Snoke was dope IMO..i did like how Kylo wanted to get rid of the past and do his own thing
TLJ was **** ... I mean that in the nicest way possible because I do appreciate the attempt ... It's just a poor attempt ...

If you are going to transform something like Star Wars, you can't do it this way ... I honestly don't even know where to begin ... I would rather watch Clones ... That about sums it up ...
I'm an extremely casual "fan" (putting quotations because I only like three of all the Star Wars movies ). I'm not sure why as someone who just wants to watch a movie with a solid plot I have to be met with hundreds of fake smileys from nerds who think Star Wars is the greatest thing in existence.

I'm not even being picky and criticizing things like gravity usage. I enjoyed TFA even though it was a blatant remake of ANH. But you have C CP1708 talking about "Star Wars is amazing; it's so much more than the Skywalkers and that's where the new movies want to expand to" That's fine (and actually what I wanted to see), but the ENTIRE FIRST MOVIE was based on finding Luke to help save the galaxy again. I can't find the logic in making a 3 hour movie where the entire Resistance and First Order are searching for Luke, and then making another 3 hour movie with zero logical plot where he's just some SF/NYC crazy homeless dude doing weird @#%@ instead of making an impact until some ridiculous "power" at the end. I'm not sure how you're posting fake smileys at people who were clearly misled by a 3 hour movie and false advertising.

If it was just a standalone movie, I wouldn't be criticizing that part. I'm just confused about the purpose of TFA now.

How long was Mark Hamill in TFA? 7 seconds? 10?

They spent the whole movie LOOKING for Luke, but you spent a few seconds SEEING Luke.

My point about SW > Skywalker is basically referencing the EU, games, comics, cartoons etc. There is a lot to tell that doesn't include them.

TFA basically used the old characters on a nostalgia tip. To say goodbye to the old, and hello to the new. Agree or disagree, that's fine. Me, personally? I would have recast them as younger 30ish aged characters. I would have them in their primes. I would have re-done parts of the EU. Introduce Thrawn. Change/adjust the story of their intersection as I saw fit.

But people ASSUMING storylines of Luke, or Rey, or whoever is their fault, not Disney's. The Last Jedi didn't need to mean Luke. People that thought that, that's on them. It's not false advertising. Misleading? Sure, maybe.

The preview said it all, "It's time for the Jedi to end" Plural, not singular.
"This won't end the way you want it to"

I look forward to 9 finishing off the Skywalker story. That doesn't mean we'll never hear/see a Skywalker of some sort, cameo's, TV shows, spin off references (kinda like Vader in Rogue One) Maybe someday we'll even see a recasting and movies set in the 30 years between 6-7.

Maybe we'll see Cade Skywalker someday. :nerd:
You still throwing in this EU stuff you talked about that's not canon now and blah blah blah.

I'm not going back to a movie theater 3 times to watch the same movie just to get a clear understanding of what was trash to me. and is still trash to me but I've accepted it's trashiness., and now dont mind the trash as much..

Should've just made this same universe different time period with some nods as to what happened with the old characters.
Maybe throw in some flash backs or something.
The more I think about it, the more incredulous I become at the fact that in Episode IX, General Armitage "Slapstick Comedy" Hux and Kylo "Piece of trash outta the sky" Ren are to be considered as equivalent to the likes of Vader, Sauron, Palpatine, and Voldemort.

Agreed. Need to have Episode 9 set in some far away distance into future timeline where Hux grew a pair, Darth Emo matures and this other referenced Snoke trained apprentice to show up and kick some New Different Jedi Order ***.
Saw the movie for a second time. Liked it better, but still think it's a let down. The island scenes seemed even longer this time around.
Out of all the videos you've posted which one do you think is the best one to watch ?

Double toasted stuff, is funny and relatable

Emergency awesome, is more nerdy.. if you like CBMs, GOTs, comic book shows and stuff like that, I'd highly recommend.. don't watch the DC shows, but he does a ton of stuff on those

Pretty sure that vid was the only other vid I've posted
Gee if I had issues with the film, do I:
-watch the 5 min vid that was reasonable and clear or
-go with the 35+ min vid of a FanBoy obsessively retreading every single scene, character and the kitchen sink in a annoying bloody accent.

So are you dismissing the half hour breakdown of valid criticisms because of the length of the video and the person's accent?

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