I'm an extremely casual "fan" (putting quotations because I only like three of all the Star Wars movies ). I'm not sure why as someone who just wants to watch a movie with a solid plot I have to be met with hundreds of fake smileys from nerds who think Star Wars is the greatest thing in existence.
I'm not even being picky and criticizing things like gravity usage. I enjoyed TFA even though it was a blatant remake of ANH. But you have
talking about "Star Wars is amazing; it's so much more than the Skywalkers and that's where the new movies want to expand to" That's fine (and actually what I wanted to see), but the ENTIRE FIRST MOVIE was based on finding Luke to help save the galaxy again. I can't find the logic in making a 3 hour movie where the entire Resistance and First Order are searching for Luke, and then making another 3 hour movie with zero logical plot where he's just some SF/NYC crazy homeless dude doing weird @#%@ instead of making an impact until some ridiculous "power" at the end. I'm not sure how you're posting fake smileys at people who were clearly misled by a 3 hour movie and false advertising.
If it was just a standalone movie, I wouldn't be criticizing that part. I'm just confused about the purpose of TFA now.
How long was Mark Hamill in TFA? 7 seconds? 10?
They spent the whole movie LOOKING for Luke, but you spent a few seconds SEEING Luke.
My point about SW > Skywalker is basically referencing the EU, games, comics, cartoons etc. There is a lot to tell that doesn't include them.
TFA basically used the old characters on a nostalgia tip. To say goodbye to the old, and hello to the new. Agree or disagree, that's fine. Me, personally? I would have recast them as younger 30ish aged characters. I would have them in their primes. I would have re-done parts of the EU. Introduce Thrawn. Change/adjust the story of their intersection as I saw fit.
But people ASSUMING storylines of Luke, or Rey, or whoever is their fault, not Disney's. The Last Jedi didn't need to mean Luke. People that thought that, that's on them. It's not false advertising. Misleading? Sure, maybe.
The preview said it all, "It's time for the Jedi to end" Plural, not singular.
"This won't end the way you want it to"
I look forward to 9 finishing off the Skywalker story. That doesn't mean we'll never hear/see a Skywalker of some sort, cameo's, TV shows, spin off references (kinda like Vader in Rogue One) Maybe someday we'll even see a recasting and movies set in the 30 years between 6-7.
Maybe we'll see Cade Skywalker someday.