Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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    Votes: 27 28.4%

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Probably will wait to see this movie when it's on Blu-Ray or digital.

Kinda wish we got a Yoda movie.

I enjoyed it. It was a cool movie. The very beginning felt very much like a Ron Howard movie. Felt his directorial style pretty strong.

I understand some saying something was a bit off. To me it was Alden. Wasn't his take on Han for me just more of his average acting or hm playing the same character. He didn't really harm the story though.

Glover was real good as Lando :pimp: Wanted to see more and what else he could do with it. Definitely reminded of Lando on Rebels.

:rofl: @ Lando dipping on Han after he bluffed the teenagers seeking revenge on Crimson Dawn.

Beckett was cool. Shouldn't have killed my girl Thandie so early though.

Emilia was great. Already love her but she could've got more screen time too.

Only thing I didnt like was the bull **** message and reveal Infant's Nest or w/e the **** they were called. I mean really? They're a bunch of orphaned teens wanting revenge on CD cuz their families got wiped out? Come the **** on. Especially with this teenage orphan Annie as the leader. I was not buying that bull **** at all.

Also to me they were pushing it with the extra scene of Han winning the MF from Lando.

Beyond great that they made Han shoot first though.
Only Star Wars movie that I can call underwhelming. Great parts in the movie but that’s not Han or Lando and I can’t get past that.

Every reason I had as to why this movie shouldn’t have been made came true for me.
Also to me they were pushing it with the extra scene of Han winning the MF from Lando.

That's legit how he won it in the EU. (Not this same meeting/story) but playing multiple games of Sabaac for it.

It happens again after RotJ, with different results. Falcon been passed around like a Twilek. :lol:
That's legit how he won it in the EU. (Not this same meeting/story) but playing multiple games of Sabaac for it.

It happens again after RotJ, with different results. Falcon been passed around like a Twilek. :lol:
I'm not mad that's how he won it. I been knew that.

But the movie was over, as to what you allude to I prefer Han winning the MF in a completely different adventure/story/encounter with Lando.

This was basically, Lando cheated to win, Han notices, pulls a slight of hand move when he next meets him (immediately after the main story is done) before he plays him again and then boom gets the ship.

Then they got the nerve to tack on he's going to meet up with Jabba. That was a tad annoying to me.
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Personally, the tacky part to me was when Beckett ended up double crossing them. It was totally predictable with all of his contrived lessons he was spitting. Like, Han grew up the way he did and should’ve already known all of those lessons. Had he left the movie with his “going to Tattooine” line, I would’ve been cool with that.

And I’m seeing folks disgusted today at L3-37. While she didn’t bother me much, I can see exactly why people would dislike her. Why does a droid need to fight for social injustice for anyway? They’re just pieces of metal who do tasks. And I can see how her “equal rights” schtick can rile people up too. It’s just getting way too blatant now:lol:
I'm more excited to hear about the Fett movie than I thought I would be, and it gives me hope we see a Vader movie. I want 2 hours worth of the ending of Rogue One....I see a few of you brought up the Dredd movie (I liked Dredd).

I'll leave you with this as to a hope for what we get for Fett:

giphy (2).gif

Just got back from my matinee showing.

I liked it. Feels good to get the bad taste out my mouth from TLJ.

I haven’t read through this thread in awhile and I’ve stayed away from reviews to try and not let anything persuade my opinion.

I’ll start with my dislikes tho:
- Alden. Dude has the look of Han. But he just doesn’t have that IT factor. Idk if it was the way it was written or if it was just his acting, but for the lead actor he was pretty forgettable and I think others outshined him multiple times.
- I wish we would have got some kinda time lapse for his imperial training. I understand it would have extended the movie some, but I think it would have been a nice touch. This might be me being picky though.
-Beckett constantly having to give Han lessons. I know he’s young and just getting into the game, but it was just too obvious that Beckett was going to double cross them. Han growing up on the streets and already living with the crime syndicates, he should have known those lessons already.

Things I liked:
- Donald Glover killed it as Lando. Dude ran laps around Alden in terms of acting and having that on screen bravado and presence.
- The storyline for Han and Chewy was great. Alden did have great chemistry with Chewy.
- Love my girl Emilia Clarke. I’d drink her bath water.
- Darth Maul :wow::wow::wow: I was not ready for that at all. Fans of Clone Wars/Rebels finally get a pay off!

I’m assuming that we are getting a sequel of some sort. Or if Fett will just tie into the Qi’Ra storyline, because at a New Hope Han still doesn’t believe in the force.
Movie was solid though. 5.99/8 for me.
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I was hoping to catch a recliner at the closest IMAX but it appears they were only doing 3D viewings witch is a ***** for #TeamGlasses. Had to settle for the local No Frills spot.

I liked the film for what it was. I didn’t have any expectations. But I also accepted the fact that Harrison Ford is no longer Han. New Han did alright, wasn’t phenomenal or anything but he didn’t **** it up necessarily. Sort of feel the same about Daenerys (Although her twist was ill). Childish as Lando was cool but the love obsession with the robot was ridiculous. Harrelson was Harrelson. He did okay. Chewie was dope. Vision had cool blades but that was about it. I really enjoyed the train scene and that cameo at the end was a great setup for what I presume will be the Obi Wan movie.

I think we could have used some Jedi esque warriors, like how Rogue One had Ip Man.

I think the next Star Wars story film could be a grand slam if they do it right.
Just got back from my matinee showing.

I liked it. Feels good to get the bad taste out my mouth from TLJ.

I haven’t read through this thread in awhile and I’ve stayed away from reviews to try and not let anything persuade my opinion.

I’ll start with my dislikes tho:
- Alden. Dude has the look of Han. But he just doesn’t have that IT factor. Idk if it was the way it was written or if it was just his acting, but for the lead actor he was pretty forgettable and I think others outshined him multiple times.
- I wish we would have got some kinda time lapse for his imperial training. I understand it would have extended the movie some, but I think it would have been a nice touch. This might be me being picky though.
-Beckett constantly having to give Han lessons. I know he’s young and just getting into the game, but it was just too obvious that Beckett was going to double cross them. Han growing up on the streets and already living with the crime syndicates, he should have known those lessons already.

Things I liked:
- Donald Glover killed it as Lando. Dude ran laps around Alden in terms of acting and having that on screen bravado and presence.
- The storyline for Han and Chewy was great. Alden did have great chemistry with Chewy.
- Love my girl Emilia Clarke. I’d drink her bath water.
- Darth Maul :wow::wow::wow: I was not ready for that at all. Fans of Clone Wars/Rebels finally get a pay off!

I’m assuming that we are getting a sequel of some sort. Or if Fett will just tie into the Qi’Ra storyline, because at a New Hope Han still doesn’t believe in the force.

Movie was solid though. 5.99/8 for me.
Bruh way to spoil it for everyone about DARTH Maul SMH

I know I didn't care bec. I wanted to know if boba fett was in it but I know some people here didn't see it and want the Darth maul as a surprise
Bruh way to spoil it for everyone about blankety blank. SMH

I know I didn't care bec. I wanted to know if boba fett was in it but I know some people here didn't see it and want the Darth maul as a surprise

Thanks. You just spoiled it too. See how that works.

Idc tho. Spoilers dont bother.
UnicornHunter UnicornHunter Man I did that on the last page :lol:

For a movie not many if any were excited about you can clearly see how much ppl care about "spoilers" the go around.

Pretty much by Thurs night/Friday don't be in the thread unless you saw the movie or don't care.

Another thing, I had my missed my standard viewing showtime (which was packed) and went in to Regal's RPX viewing which had maybe 20 ppl in it. Really enjoyed that on top of everything. DP2 and IW still got packed theaters.
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Man I did that on the last page :lol:

For a movie not many if any were excited about you can clearly see how much ppl care about "spoilers" the go around.

Pretty much by Thurs night/Friday don't be in the thread unless you saw the movie or don't care.

This. I’m not super active in this thread or many of the other movie threads, but I’m staying away from the thread usually a week before a movie releases.

But my bad to any of those I may have spoiled it for. Be safe out there.
As a casual star war franchise film I thought it was good. Right now nothing touches rogue 1 for me. But I'm waiting to see the other one shot movies.

Usurper *** daenerys doing Usurper *** things....
As a casual star war franchise film I thought it was good. Right now nothing touches rogue 1 for me. But I'm waiting to see the other one shot movies.

Usurper *** daenerys doing Usurper *** things....
Coming from the one who supports a king that followed his usurper brother...
Just got out of the theater and without someone saying “Han”, “Chewie”, or “Lando” every 5 minutes or so I might’ve forgotten I was watching a Star Wars movie ~Sarcasm~ :smh:...

Seriously can someone go through and count how many times those 3 names were used? Had to be in the multiple dozens of times...

The laughable character dialogue is just the tip of the iceberg as far as this things problems go...Though the dialogue is easily as bad as the prequel trilogy...

I’ve got a whole list of issues but damn that...My head hurts after trying to piece together this nonsensical abortion of a movie...
Just came back from the film. I went in thinking it was going to be trashed based off of what I've heard and the lack of enthusiasm over it and left thinking "why was this movie bad?". I enjoyed it.
Alden was an alright Han Solo to me. There were a couple spots in the movie where it sounded like he was doing an impression of Harrison Ford as Han Solo, but he was good for the rest of the movie. Action was great from beginning to end. Donald Glover did a good job as Lando, the humor kinda fell short, but the interaction between the droid and Kira was funny and the ending tied the movie together well. My issues with it
They tried to hint at how Kira got off of Corellia, but it was still unclear to me, so it felt like watching Han go through what he had to in order to get a ship and save Kira seem kinda useless. The other issue was Beckette's girl through her life a way really easily. Like her sacrifice was so sudden that I didn't feel anything when she died.

I've never watched Rebels so Darth Maul being alive shocked me. Had to look it up after.
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