Starbucks kicks out 2 black men for nothing

Iono, me as a manager, no matter what race you are, if you didn't buy ****, you're not using my bathroom.
I agree. I don't think the should have gotten kicked out. But, a private business isn't obligated to let you use the bathroom. I see people get denied all the time at the Starbucks I go to and one time this white dude with his son had to get escorted out by the cops because stood by the counter the whole time eye-balling the workers.

but i'd apply that to everyone

is that cheap?
Idk man
I just think
Some stuff ain’t that serious
And we as humans
Don’t treat each other
As good as we claim
Or think we do
Not letting someone use the bathroom
Cause they ain’t buy something is petty
But hey I’m not a business owner
So whatever

From Starbucks to Hashtags: We Need to Talk About Why White Americans Call the Police on Black People


Police monitor activity as protestors demonstrate outside a Center City Starbucks on April 15, 2018, in Philadelphia. Police arrested two black men who were waiting inside the Center City Starbucks, which prompted an apology from the company’s CEO. Photo: Mark Makela (Getty Images)

This article deserves its own thread.
There are wypipo at my job who go to Starbucks twice a day. In the morning as they stroll in to work and again at lunch or for a pick me up at 2pm. And that's just at work. Who knows if they eating dinner there later.

this is me af
so what if some black guy
has his lil 4 year old with him
and he or she needs to use it
u gonna make him buy something???
I've been to establishments like that and funny you should mention a scenario I actually experienced when dating a person that had a 4 year old. I had to buy a drink in order to take them to the bathroom during a parade one time.
We barely made it.

We weren't going to steal, shoot dope, short it, Rob the place or anything.

Our white counterparts are lucky to not have to go through being humiliated via racism. Off topic but sort of on topic, it's so sad dealing with prejudiced ppl around supposed non prejudiced white ppl and non black poc as a black person and seeing ppls reactions as you're going through it.

I don't think they can possibly know and understand just how hurtful, shameful and humiliating experiencing racism truly is.

I remember one time I was walking somewhere and a group of white dudes in a car slowed down and someone in the car shouted, "you ******* ******" out at me. They sped off before I could catch up to the car on foot of course.

On God that made me feel really bad for at least a week and I have never forgotten each and every time I've been called a ******. Ever.
To white people and non black poc, let me warn you. You are too comfortable with what you say and how you treat black people when you should be scared. You should also pray to your God(s).
One day, whether in this lifetime or the next or several from now, our time will come, we will unify and we will not forget what we as a people have been through.

Movements like the EFF in South Africa are being watched by the diaspora. Believe that.
I agree. I don't think the should have gotten kicked out. But, a private business isn't obligated to let you use the bathroom. I see people get denied all the time at the Starbucks I go to and one time this white dude with his son had to get escorted out by the cops because stood by the counter the whole time eye-balling the workers.

What is the harm in letting someone use the bathroom even if they are not buying anything?
I remember one time I was walking somewhere and a group of white dudes in a car slowed down and someone in the car shouted, "you ****ing ******" out at me. They sped off before I could catch up to the car on foot of course.

Happened to me twice as a teen in Philly suburbs. First time I was crushed. It never really hits you till you're called one directly. But my pop was part of one of the black muslim groups that were strong in the 90s so he was able to bring my spirits back up within a few minutes. 2nd time I was like "dude whatever, clowns", bunch of drunk white boys driving. Funny thing is both times were dudes speeding by in cars so I figured such brave dudes have to drop n-bombs while doing 60 in a 35. I must not be that much of an n-word if you have to floor it afterwards.
First time i experienced racial profiling i was 16 walking home from mcdonalds after my shift my two older brothers who worked at taco bell were with me
Cops stopped us asked me where were coming from.

I was in full uniform and same for my brothers
They checked our id and gave us a courtesy ride home.
First time i experienced racial profiling i was 16 walking home from mcdonalds after my shift my two older brothers who worked at taco bell were with me
Cops stopped us asked me where were coming from.

I was in full uniform and same for my brothers
They checked our id and gave us a courtesy ride home.
Thats nothing, at 16 me and my boys got whipped over by a Navigator and dudes with suits hopped out and shook us down talking about we don’t belong on that side of town. To this day idk what kind of law enforcement they were but it had to be something serious.
Maybe 15 years ago but nowadays i wouldnt feel comfortable with a courtesy ride from the police.

Not judging, just saying...
I have a $25 gift card from starbucks. But boycotting for now
so what if some black guy
has his lil 4 year old with him
and he or she needs to use it
u gonna make him buy something???
A little kid is different. If he's a black, white, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, or Native American grown man or woman and he's just walking in to use the bathroom with no intentions or purchasing anything, nah.
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Ye man drive by nword shoutings is real. Happened to me a few times and alot of people i know.
I worked at Starbucks back in the day and was ready to walk around the cash wrap and fire on someone damn near every shift. Obviously I was in the wrong line of work
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