Staten Island man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold

call me emotional 
 got anything else?

what you call problems are signs of change

people are fed up

the problem is you want it one way but its the other way
Sometimes civil disruption and disobedience gets more attention than standing on a sidewalk hoping for change.

Even peaceful people protesting in a designated area (irony) end up being hassled. If people flood the streets and cities, they'd pay a lot more attention.
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call me emotional :rolleyes  got anything else?

what you call problems are signs of change

people are fed up

the problem is you want it one way but its the other way

What makes you say that last part. I'm being realistic.

I agree that people are fed up.

Pointing out factual problems from people going onto a highway isn't wrong though.

Aside from the protestors putting themselves in danger from unintentional and intentional harm, their potentially preventing people getting to where they need to be in cases which may be a legit emergency.

When protests affect that it is an issue. I don't get what's so hard to understand about that.
So if a black person who is being rushed to the hospital for an emergency procedure doesn't make it because the amber lamps rushing him to the hospital is significantly delayed on the highway because of people illegally entering said highway and causing delays and civil disturbances, we should just shrug out shoulders and say its no big deal?

This has to be one of the greatest hypothetical reaches ever
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Aside from the protestors putting themselves in danger from unintentional and intentional harm, their potentially preventing people getting to where they need to be in cases which may be a legit emergency.
man look again no one is worried about that

if any runs over protesters thats a crime intentional or not

if it happens oh well

if things werent so bad people woldnt be out there and they could get where theyre going
Lol going back and forth with you is like talking to a rock.

Where did I wish harm on those causing a civil disturbance. All I said is don't cry foul if you get ran over when your not supposed to be on the highway to begin with. A motorist isn't expecting people to be on the road when their not supposed to be there to begin with.

Lol at "ain't nobody" I never knew you were the voice for everyone else.

Running over someone because you're inconvenienced in getting to work would be homicide, period. The news reports that there are people protesting on specific highways so if you choose to still take those highways then it's your fault
Running over someone because you're inconvenienced in getting to work would be homicide, period. The news reports that there are people protesting on specific highways so if you choose to still take those highways then it's your fault
not everyone is on top of all the news reports.   its a persons fault for taking their usual route to work, or its a persons fault who is rushing to take their sick mother to the hospital the quickest possible route, only to have a bunch of people breaking the law by going onto a highway that it is illegal for them to be on in the first place without an operating vehicle.     i guess common sense doesn't apply when people post off of baseless emotion.

and it wouldn't necessairly be homicide.  someones driving within the speed limit minding their business and unintentionally runs over a person in the middle of the highway where they have no business being in the first place. especially at night when it might be harder to see said person or come to a quick stop.   the person illegaly going onto the freeway would be intentionally placing themselves in danger.  i'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that.  cars go faster on freeways/highways then they do on regular roads.  
waits for someone on the espn facebook comments on their articles to make a stink about that shirt the same way they were up and arms over the guys on the rams doing the hands up don't shoot gesture. 
not everyone is on top of all the news reports.   its a persons fault for taking their usual route to work, or its a persons fault who is rushing to take their sick mother to the hospital the quickest possible route, only to have a bunch of people breaking the law by going onto a highway that it is illegal for them to be on in the first place without an operating vehicle.     i guess common sense doesn't apply when people post off of baseless emotion.

and it wouldn't necessairly be homicide.  someones driving within the speed limit minding their business and unintentionally runs over a person in the middle of the highway where they have no business being in the first place. especially at night when it might be harder to see said person or come to a quick stop.   the person illegaly going onto the freeway would be intentionally placing themselves in danger.  i'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that.  cars go faster on freeways/highways then they do on regular roads.  

If I'm heading to work and my typical highway is blocked and I'm stuck in traffic, yea it's my fault. Most of the times when there is traffic by the time I reach where it's clear there is no evidence of anything needing to hold up traffic.

n that case it would be vehicular manslaughter. Most of the protest have police escorts so the likelihood of one lone protestor is small.

But I get your point, protesters have to be careful, but protests are disruptions. It helps those who may not care about the issues want those that do to get what they want to get what they want
Police brutality is disgusting.  I don't see why some carry a prejudice.  Police corruption isn't unheard of.  It is disturbing and disgusting.  What's more disgusting is when they pushed his head into the cement.   I wished cops would treat REAL OFFENDERS this way!!  

Just my POV, but sports figures like DROSE getting political isn't too good.  It's a tough subject, but it's obvious DROSE wanted to make a statement.  
I am all for the people, by the people.  So yes, as much of a disruption a protest creates, it is necessary and it does something.  Being civil is necessary, although it's been shown in history that violence in protests and civil unrest are sometimes necessaryl.  What I am not for are people who use justification to loot, wreck havoc, and vandalize.
I am all for the people, by the people.  So yes, as much of a disruption a protest creates, it is necessary and it does something.  Being civil is necessary, although it's been shown in history that violence in protests and civil unrest are sometimes necessaryl.  What I am not for are people who use justification to loot, wreck havoc, and vandalize.
Those aren't protesters bro, they came out to blend in with the crowd.
So if a black person who is being rushed to the hospital for an emergency procedure doesn't make it because the amber lamps rushing him to the hospital is significantly delayed on the highway because of people illegally entering said highway and causing delays and civil disturbances, we should just shrug out shoulders and say its no big deal?

That deflection and since they did this its ok to do this mindset is a bad look. Causing delays affects all races. Someone may be very sympathetic to the Eric Garner cause but they got every right to be pissed and/or run the illegal barrier over if its causing a huge delay.

All I'm saying is, nothing good comes from illegally walking onto freeways and disrupting traffic and sitting on subway train tracks.

Your beef is with the police department, not with everyday citizens just trying to get to work and get home to their families.

Bruh. Seriously?

If they lady dies, then its quite unfortunate...

But if you look at life that way, damb near nothing would get done.

Take any reform:

Hell, MLK...

He KNEW some people would get injured and even killed...

Did he say "well... This may not benefit everyone... Some people might get injured... So let's just keep things the same"


It would seem the easiest way to alienate people from being open to understanding is to purposely involve innocent people, your slogan can't really be "black lives matter" if you're going to be casual or indifferent about lives of people; in the "movement" or not...the difference, to me anyways, was there was a really concrete goal about which there was real conflict and disagreement (i.e. people wanted to be treated equally under the law and the official stance of the state was in opposition, that doesn't appear to be the case here); people knew what they were sacrificing for (it's also is worth noting even in those times most people were on the sidelines & not the frontlines...) not sure that is the case now. similarly, the "occupy Wall Street" thing fizzled out because their plan seemed to be just to disrupt or be visible without all that much organization or tangible goals. officers wearing cameras seems to be a step in the right direction, but I don't know that anyone was asking for that or if that is enough, to be honest, I haven't ever followed the news on any of these the events or there corresponding protests so I wouldn't know

the media has us all not only desensitized to some extent, but also fragmented such that these events are very much put through filters that contextualize them to their specific audience(s), it isn't like in the past where people weren't used to seeing these type of things and basically all got their news from the same few is hard for people who may be on opposite side of the issue(s) to understand the other when they're basically spoon fed the information that only confirms their world view

these aren't reasons not to engage in civil disobedience, but it is 2014...I don't know that it should be expected that what was effective in the 1960s-70s would be now; maybe there is a way to think smarter about the end goal

Police brutality is disgusting.  I don't see why some carry a prejudice.  Police corruption isn't unheard of.  It is disturbing and disgusting.  What's more disgusting is when they pushed his head into the cement.   I wished cops would treat REAL OFFENDERS this way!!  

Just my POV, but sports figures like DROSE getting political isn't too good.  It's a tough subject, but it's obvious DROSE wanted to make a statement.  

"real offenders?" no one deserves that treatment...besides who would decide the definition???

I honestly believe the "jordan era" has made everyone think star athletes should just be opinionless robots that sell products, that shouldn't offend anyone...why wouldn't drose feel a way as a black man with a son in america? especially being from a place like englewood??
Let me throw a hypothetical out there. But before I do that, lemme make it clear, people got every right to be pissed and protest a blatant slap in the face injustice like this, I just think stuff like blocking traffic on the west side highway and fdr is not how you go about it.

What's going to happen if people block traffic on the highway chanting black lives matter or whatever and a black woman being rushed to the hospital for an emergency is severely delayed and doesn't make it due to this human road block on the highway?

Or if someone running late for work or has an emergency decides to say "protest this" and run a group of people over who have no right to be on the highway to begin with?

Again, people need to be protesting and getting their voice out but stuff like blocking traffic on a highway or lying down on train tracks isn't the way to do it. That affects people who have nothing to do with the situation whatsoever. When people lay on tracks like they did in Boston its affecting innocent people from getting to work on time, getting home to their kids on time etc and that's not cool and doesn't help rally empathy or support for the cause.

This didn't make you look intelligent at all, should've kept it to yourself. Y'all gotta realize when you're bordering on the ridiculous. **** like this earns you the superb treatment.
So if a black person who is being rushed to the hospital for an emergency procedure doesn't make it because the amber lamps rushing him to the hospital is significantly delayed on the highway because of people illegally entering said highway and causing delays and civil disturbances, we should just shrug out shoulders and say its no big deal?


This has to be one of the greatest hypothetical reaches ever
Damn :lol: I really don't see it as a reach but to each their own. Its one thing do disagree with me which is fine, but to make that superb comparison is unnecessary.

Aside from a situation where someone's rushing to take a sick person or relative to the hospital, I just don't see how blocking traffic on a highway gets more people sympathetic to the cause.

People protesting on a public street, in front of a police station, or doing those die in's is effective gets attention, and gets awareness and empathy from those who may have been unaware of the cause and does so without affecting the day to day operations of who its trying to get the message to.

Someone who's trying to take their kids to school, get to work, take a relative to the hospital or whatever the matter may be is going to be annoyed and inconvienced that these protests forcefully delayed their day. Yeah the protests got their attention but in a negative way. They probably feel what happened to garner was messed up, but causing a significant delay for them is going to make them look at the protesters in a bad way rather then a positive manner.

Regarding the actual protests, its good to see a pretty mixed crowd which is a positive sign.

But sadly, the day we'll see some real type of changes regarding police brutality is when a bunch of middle aged white soccer moms think their little Billy's are just as likely to go get shot by a trigger happy cop as little Jamal's are. The day that white America outrage is directed towards law enforcement because they think it can happen to them as well is when we'll see some real change.
ya aint slick kid boy

tryna play ignorant i see what you did "that one kid"  :rolleyes  may as well have just said boy like you wanted to

What makes you think that's what I wanted to do? There you go again assuming and reaching.

Your the type of dude a right wing conservative talk show host would love to have on their show, Not because of the elequent points you would make, but off how you would make a fool out of yourself and minimize any type of message your trying to get across.

Its the equal of cam and dame going on bill I riley. Only cam has actual talent, is funny, and when on there with a no dambz given approach to rustle jimmies. You would just make a fool out of yourself while thinking your dropping knowledge.
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