Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

lol at people like you.

cut like becks? hes most likely around 8-10% bf so why dont you give that a try.

or maybe just play soccer for years and run miles and miles a day.
Whats the laugh for?

The type of cardio that "kills" your muscle would be long steadystate cardio such as running for x-minutes. HIIT will lower your BF andkeep your muscle. Just look at the different body types between toplevel marathon runners, and sprinters to illustrate the difference.
Sprinting and interval training arent the same thing though.  That comparison doesnt work.

NO^^^^ Slow, steady cardio is a better for burning fat while retainingas much muscle-mass as possible. HIIT is fine once a week if you'retrying to lean out, but it is very taxing on the body and moredemanding on the muscles, and if you're doing HIIT once a week or more,and any anaerobic cardio on a regular basis at a high intensity whiletrying to add mass, it's counterproductive. Only exception is if youhave a large frame and a slow metabolism.
You say anaerobic cardio too??
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This man rite here is a beast....[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Crossfit is it, better than regular la fitness training in my opinion...[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)][/color]
[/td][/tr][/table]The only thing that concerns me with crossfit is that its timed. I feel as though thats asking for an injury to happen.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Does being "sore" after a workout mean your workout was productive/efficient?

Which is more effective?
1. Dumbbell Incline Bench or Barbell Incline Bench
2. Dumbbell Flat Bench or Barbell Flat Bench

Is the decline bench recommended? I've heard that it really doesn't do much for your chest..

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Dumbbells are definitely better for hitting the inner pects...

Would you recommend doing both(dumbbell and barbell) on Chest day?
I don't...I'll switch it up between those on chest day though. I go pretty heavy on both, so I just do 1 or the other that's why...if you're going lighter, I don't see why not.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Does being "sore" after a workout mean your workout was productive/efficient?
No.  It just means your muscles are sore.  You can have a productive/unproductive workout and be sore or not be sore.  It just means those were the muscles you exercised.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Dumbbells are definitely better for hitting the inner pects...

Would you recommend doing both(dumbbell and barbell) on Chest day?
i personally do dumbbells instead of bench. i like them more and have got great gains from them, more than i was when i was doing bench.  But i think its more on personal preference.  Try them both out or just switch it up every couple weeks
Thanks for the responses everyone..

I think I will get barbell a rest for a while, because I have been stuck on 175 for quite sometime now.. I had my "first" dumbbell day yesterday, and I was VERY shaky.. I think it was because I'm not used to the motion of moving my arms like that, but I obviously started off light.. is this something everyone goes through?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Thanks for the responses everyone..

I think I will get barbell a rest for a while, because I have been stuck on 175 for quite sometime now.. I had my "first" dumbbell day yesterday, and I was VERY shaky.. I think it was because I'm not used to the motion of moving my arms like that, but I obviously started off light.. is this something everyone goes through?
It will definitely get more comfortable as you get more comfortable with the form.

I hit a new PR with dumbbell press.. 60lbs ea.

I find with barbell press, I can do the equivalent weight on each side of the bar as I would do dumbells. i.e. 45lb dumbbell presses = 135lbs barbell presses (45 on each side). That's just me though, and I do both regularly,

And decline is a waste of time
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Thanks for the responses everyone..

I think I will get barbell a rest for a while, because I have been stuck on 175 for quite sometime now.. I had my "first" dumbbell day yesterday, and I was VERY shaky.. I think it was because I'm not used to the motion of moving my arms like that, but I obviously started off light.. is this something everyone goes through?

Yup.  The shaking will even happen to me with barbells if I haven't done them in a while.That's what I'm benching right now, 175.  I usually go with 55-60 lb dumbbells. 
Yeah i just started doing dumbbell presses too, lightweight. I was shaky too, but i went a little heavier, stabilized it, and i could still do them.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

NO^^^^ Slow, steady cardio is a better for burning fat while retaining as much muscle-mass as possible. HIIT is fine once a week if you're trying to lean out, but it is very taxing on the body and more demanding on the muscles, and if you're doing HIIT once a week or more, and any anaerobic cardio on a regular basis at a high intensity while trying to add mass, it's counterproductive. Only exception is if you have a large frame and a slow metabolism.
what? I do HIIT and lift. As long as you get enough protein it's fine. I'm obviously more concerned with burning fat than getting bulk, but I've noticed very solid muscle gains with my HIIT by taking in enough protein and having good carbs before my HIIT. 
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Thanks for the responses everyone..

I think I will get barbell a rest for a while, because I have been stuck on 175 for quite sometime now.. I had my "first" dumbbell day yesterday, and I was VERY shaky.. I think it was because I'm not used to the motion of moving my arms like that, but I obviously started off light.. is this something everyone goes through?

i find with me anyway, when i focus more on dumbbells my bench goes down a little. same with bench, my dumbbells drop a lil. 
i cut out bench for about a year. and used strictly DBs. i honestly like DBs because of greater range of motion imo.

keep it up and incline DBs are great for developing upper chest
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Thanks for the responses everyone..

I think I will get barbell a rest for a while, because I have been stuck on 175 for quite sometime now.. I had my "first" dumbbell day yesterday, and I was VERY shaky.. I think it was because I'm not used to the motion of moving my arms like that, but I obviously started off light.. is this something everyone goes through?
It will definitely get more comfortable as you get more comfortable with the form.

I hit a new PR with dumbbell press.. 60lbs ea.

I find with barbell press, I can do the equivalent weight on each side of the bar as I would do dumbells. i.e. 45lb dumbbell presses = 135lbs barbell presses (45 on each side). That's just me though, and I do both regularly,

And decline is a waste of time
What makes you say that?
im trying to retain/ gain a little more muscle, while losing weight......i have been lifting w/ like 15 mins of cardio after my PWO shake, and then next day do long steady state inclines on the treadmill and then playing ball. i do this every other day schedule 7 days a week. should i be goin about the amount of cardio in a different way? I am naturally big framed, right now sitting at 6'4 like 235
just finished my first week of P90X, it isn't as hard as i thought it is ,i lost 2 pounds this week
To anyone who hasn't tried P90X, stick to the nutrition Plan and you will win, see you guys in June
I've been following this 4 week program (this is the last week), http://www.muscleandfitne...uide/training/269?page=1 and feel great.

My bench max 3 weeks ago was 155, today I was able to put up 175 three times and 185 twice, and could probably put up 195 once. The program is great since it does not repeat many exercises and flows nicely from week to week. Starting next week I am beginning a more personalized program as I am attempting to gain weight (and the high reps, lower weight isn't going to accomplish that). Thanks to whoever posted that link about 2 months ago 
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