Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Kinda dissapointed tried white flood and purple wraath today and didnt feel the difference
Were you going with the decreased dosage today? Maybe go for the full recommended amount next workout and see. 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Kinda dissapointed tried white flood and purple wraath today and didnt feel the difference
Were you going with the decreased dosage today? Maybe go for the full recommended amount next workout and see. 
nah  i took 2 scoops of each..ill try 3 scoops next time
Originally Posted by wsdesigner14

I've been following this 4 week program (this is the last week), http://www.muscleandfitne...uide/training/269?page=1 and feel great.

My bench max 3 weeks ago was 155, today I was able to put up 175 three times and 185 twice, and could probably put up 195 once. The program is great since it does not repeat many exercises and flows nicely from week to week. Starting next week I am beginning a more personalized program as I am attempting to gain weight (and the high reps, lower weight isn't going to accomplish that). Thanks to whoever posted that link about 2 months ago 
So that programs good for gaining strength but not size/weight?

Any physique changes at all?
I'm about to try some new whey protein.

Can you mix ON Gold Standard Whey Protein with water?

Does the Double-Chocolate taste good?
HIIT routine

pretty much just sprinting the length of a field, then jogging back, then sprinting etc.. do it around 6-7x @ 100% or the hardest I can go - usually decreases as you near the 6th or 7th rep.

I try do it 2x a week.
It takes about 48 hours to recover from HIIT so 3 times a week would be the max you should do.
Im having problems with chest workouts on tightening my chest cause I dont really feel it... Any way I can someone fix this?
Man I can't WAIT till it gets warm outside. I want to run on a track/FB Field so badly. And I miss riding my bike. Come on March.............
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man I can't WAIT till it gets warm outside. I want to run on a track/FB Field so badly. And I miss riding my bike. Come on March.............

Same here. There's no snow or anything, but the cold weather is just so discouraging.
Ok so assuming my diet is on point, will HIIT help me burn more fat doing it 3 times a week then doing regular 30-40 minute cardio sessions 4-5 days a week?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so assuming my diet is on point, will HIIT help me burn more fat doing it 3 times a week then doing regular 30-40 minute cardio sessions 4-5 days a week?
i suggest you cut out the regular cardio and just stick with hiit. at least with hiit you have minimal muscle loss. the more muscle mass you have the easier it is to burn fat.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Man I can't WAIT till it gets warm outside. I want to run on a track/FB Field so badly. And I miss riding my bike. Come on March.............

Shoot DC, where are you from DC or something? been like high 70s/80s here in AZ -- hah! Jus teasin. 
Been ballin nights outside.. very enjoyable
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so assuming my diet is on point, will HIIT help me burn more fat doing it 3 times a week then doing regular 30-40 minute cardio sessions 4-5 days a week?

Not more fat just more efficient at burning fat but I read that you should treat HIIT as its own seperate day I don't have enough days in the week to fit 3x sessions...
damn.... haven't looked back at this photo in MONTHS.

skinny fat me about 7 months ago

current me, still in a slow bulk ( i swere i was more lean than this.

a long ways to go but def happy about the progress so far

keep it up everyone and thanks to all the major contributors in this thread (neal, wawa, joe, audi, durden, pana, chewtoy) among several others.

you guys are helping people change their lives for the better

feeling healthy and ill be honest, all the confidence i gained.

best thing that ever happened to me, except the case of tinnitus and tennis elbow i got but other than that, it was worth it
^ forgot to mention u too

i just do a 3 day split like everyone else

chest/tri back/bi legs/shoulders

and include deadlifts, squats, bench, military press, pull-ups, rows

it's worked for me for awhile, but i have a feeling ill switch it up soon

i work on abs occasionally and do cardio 2-3x a week, some weeks none
Ahhh, I see. Right now my physique looks more like you during the "skinny-fat" stage, and I'll I've been doing is lifting with no cardio. Guess it's time to change it if it'll help me get cut like that! I'm guessing you leave 1 day of non-lifting in between your days of lifting?
So that programs good for gaining strength but not size/weight?

Any physique changes at all?

It seems good for both. While my goal is to gain weight/mass, this program was merely a way to get into lifting, and get accustomed to various exercises. I started the program at 168 and after changing up my diet, taking some protein, and following the workouts, I am around 176-178. Physique changes have been slow, but steady. My arms and chest have definitely become bigger, as did my legs.
Is a 45 min warmup ( Basketball)

Then a 18 Min treadmill run
1Min Walk
1Min jog
1Min walk
1:30-2Min Sprint(7Mph)
1Min Walk
1:30-2Min Sprint(7Mph)
1Min Walk
1:30-2Min Sprint(7Mph)
Etc.. Etc..
Then a cool down Jog...

is it a good workout in itself for Fat burning? I was Dizzy afterwords and felt drained.. and once i got of the treadmill i felt like a new born deer cuz i couldnt walk straight lol

Im plannin on doin this every Mon,Wed,Friday

Imm jus wondering if u guys thing thats a good routine? Advice? Suggestions?
I started a couple weeks ago at around 250 (
) and my buddy has me in the gym 5-6 times a week. We do cardio 3 days and a full body workout 2-3 times a week. The full body doesn't seem like it's doing much at the time, but I've been sore every morning after doing it.

I'm down to 240 already and hope to get to 220 pretty soon. Ideally I'll be right around the 200 mark. I tore my ACL last January and just quit all physical activity because I couldn't afford to miss class/work for surgery. It feels really good and I've been doing light leg lifting and lots of biking.

Is this a good spot to be in right now or should I be doing more?
I finally made a decision and just went with getting my own barbell. I'm gonna go get one tomorrow and hopefully start going heavy. That plus bar-barian requirements keep me busy.

Here's my progress with the Bar-Barians reqs(I try not to burn out because then I wouldn't be able to finish up the rest of the reps):
Dips: 15, 15, 10
Pull ups: 6, 6, 8 (First 12 were wide grip, and last 8 were regular grip)
Push ups: 15, 15, 8, 7, 5
Muscle up: only 1

It's worth a try for some of you more seasoned guys, just to see how good you can really do with endurance. The actual reqs are:
40 dips
20 pull ups
50 push ups
5 muscle ups
It's supposed to be done in under 6 minutes. Give it a shot!
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