Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Durden, i think we need some more basic stuff on the first page for how to lose weight. Some basic rules like:
Eat out less
Watch your portions
Exercise often
Don't binge eat
As well as how to structure a workout for different goals: strength, hypertrophy, fat loss, etc.

Just some thoughts because if everyone asked these questions, it creates a lot of clutter that could be avoided. Anybody can come up with it, just send it to durden so that he can add it to the first post.
Originally Posted by Cali2Memphis

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^run, dont eat as much, dont eat as bad.

how many miles a day would u suggest running?
work your way up. maybe walk in the morning a couple miles for a couple weeks and see how much weight you lose.
eventually you can incorporate more miles and run/job instead of walking if necessary
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

just learned the proper way to bench press use to laugh at guys with the arch little did i know i was treating thebench like a bed lying flat on it with feet no makes things so easier.

just doubled the weight today
Originally Posted by xDOEBOIx

Oh yesterday was the first time I did squats(assisted) and I felt my lower back the most... But today I dont really feel any soreness... Does that sound good?

my lower back never hurts when i squat

you need to drop with your hips and raise up with your butt pretty much no lower back
Sais put on some size, but I would fall out if I saw you in person with those Vibrams on. As long as you like em though. Keep up the good work. I'm actually sizing down right now, just have a hard time making myself do cardio for more than 30 minutes...
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Cali2Memphis

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^run, dont eat as much, dont eat as bad.

how many miles a day would u suggest running?
work your way up. maybe walk in the morning a couple miles for a couple weeks and see how much weight you lose.
eventually you can incorporate more miles and run/job instead of walking if necessary

ok good lookin out
now that i got some always copping Small or Medium shirts...damn im looking good! lol

and i love being asked @ work "have you been working out"?

hell yeah i have
Originally Posted by dgk3188

and i love being asked @ work "thave you been working ou been roiding up"?
Even better
Edit: Found some Lean Cuisine dish in the freezer, Fiesta Grilled Chicken. I'll try it out.

Can anyone recommend me some good lunches to have throughout the week? I feel like I'm having the same stuff every week (coldcut sandwiches, tuna, etc).
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by dgk3188

and i love being asked @ work "thave you been working ou been roiding up"?
Even better
lol word...
i had a lady at work the other day tellin me to slow down and not get any bigger because people are gonna think I'm using 'roids.

it's crazy because i always been a small frail skinny dude, so for me its almost unreal to look at myself and see some size...hard work pays off!
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by dgk3188

and i love being asked @ work "thave you been working ou been roiding up"?
Even better
lol word...
i had a lady at work the other day tellin me to slow down and not get any bigger because people are gonna think I'm using 'roids.

it's crazy because i always been a small frail skinny dude, so for me its almost unreal to look at myself and see some size...hard work pays off!
I'm 5'10", weighing about 148-155 lbs, so I'm in the same boat as you. I've definitely noticed a difference from when I first started working out in September, but I definitely could have seen more of a difference if I went all out (which I have started to do the last month or so).

Do you mind posting your workout, seeing as you said you are turning heads because of the unreal difference you said you have made.

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by dgk3188

and i love being asked @ work "thave you been working ou been roiding up"?
Even better
lol word...
i had a lady at work the other day tellin me to slow down and not get any bigger because people are gonna think I'm using 'roids.

it's crazy because i always been a small frail skinny dude, so for me its almost unreal to look at myself and see some size...hard work pays off!
I'm 5'10", weighing about 148-155 lbs, so I'm in the same boat as you. I've definitely noticed a difference from when I first started working out in September, but I definitely could have seen more of a difference if I went all out (which I have started to do the last month or so).

Do you mind posting your workout, seeing as you said you are turning heads because of the unreal difference you said you have made.

i'm actually about the same size lol. i'm 5'9". i was weighing 145 before i started getting serious about working out. i'm @ about 156 i put on a good 11 lbs of muscle.

i've just been doing compound exercises since everyone talks about those in here. this is the workout i've been using:


i like it because it's real simple but I've seen a huge difference.
Finally picked up a barbell and did a small workout. I still need some more weight though.
The spot I went to had kettlebells for pretty cheap though. $2 per pound is pretty cheap for a kettlebell.
They also had $150 squat rack which I may pick up. I just have to figure out how to transport it.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by dgk3188

and i love being asked @ work "thave you been working ou been roiding up"?
Even better
lol word...
i had a lady at work the other day tellin me to slow down and not get any bigger because people are gonna think I'm using 'roids.

it's crazy because i always been a small frail skinny dude, so for me its almost unreal to look at myself and see some size...hard work pays off!
I'm 5'10", weighing about 148-155 lbs, so I'm in the same boat as you. I've definitely noticed a difference from when I first started working out in September, but I definitely could have seen more of a difference if I went all out (which I have started to do the last month or so).

Do you mind posting your workout, seeing as you said you are turning heads because of the unreal difference you said you have made.

i'm actually about the same size lol. i'm 5'9". i was weighing 145 before i started getting serious about working out. i'm @ about 156 i put on a good 11 lbs of muscle.

i've just been doing compound exercises since everyone talks about those in here. this is the workout i've been using:


i like it because it's real simple but I've seen a huge difference.
Thanks, I'll check it out. Looks very doable.
Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by dgk3188

and i love being asked @ work "thave you been working ou been roiding up"?
Even better
lol word...
i had a lady at work the other day tellin me to slow down and not get any bigger because people are gonna think I'm using 'roids.

it's crazy because i always been a small frail skinny dude, so for me its almost unreal to look at myself and see some size...hard work pays off!
I'm 5'10", weighing about 148-155 lbs, so I'm in the same boat as you. I've definitely noticed a difference from when I first started working out in September, but I definitely could have seen more of a difference if I went all out (which I have started to do the last month or so).

Do you mind posting your workout, seeing as you said you are turning heads because of the unreal difference you said you have made.

I'm gonna be honest my work out is nothing
real basic split of nighttime workouts of chest/tri, bi/back, delt/legs and cardio in the morning every day. I focus on proper nutrition, good form, solid supplementation. In all seriousness, I think i go 5x harder than pretty much anyone else at my gym so i feel like just being mental strong/tough and pushing myself gives me a real edge...... sorry if that sounded conceded
Yoooo this dark rage is extra strong... Join made my heart beat out my chest and that's off 3/4 of a scoop if I tone down to 1/3 scoop will iget the same results???
Originally Posted by chatta718

Yoooo this dark rage is extra strong... Join made my heart beat out my chest and that's off 3/4 of a scoop if I tone down to 1/3 scoop will iget the same results???
Try half a scoop
Mannnnn....It snowed here in nyc on tuesday which is usually day 1 of my weekly regimine so I said I would make it up today...but I felt a little sick this morning and it wasn't worth me going to the gym and half-assing my routine. So I guess this is my off week in 3 months.

I comend those of you who get sick and still train but when my body tells sends me certain signals I listen.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Sure it's possible. Work on speed/ explosiveness a bit more. The squat is one of those exercises where mass in and of itself helps quite a bit but progress can be had while staying at the same weight. The only thing you should realize is that the stronger you get at a certain weight the more marginal the increase.

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
Would anybody recommend Animal Cuts fat burners? if not, what are some good ones?

Or would anyone recommend fat burners in general?

I know it increases metabolism but what are the main benefits and downsides to it?
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