Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Sure it's possible. Work on speed/ explosiveness a bit more. The squat is one of those exercises where mass in and of itself helps quite a bit but progress can be had while staying at the same weight. The only thing you should realize is that the stronger you get at a certain weight the more marginal the increase.

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
It's probably because you're so used to looking at yourself. A trick i play on my mind is for certain periods I'll cover myself or tell myself not to look in the mirror. I did this last year for about 1 month where I wouldnt look at myself shirtless or anything. It gives you a better perception of your progress. Btw 195 at 5'7 is friggin impressive especially if you're anything around 15% bf or less....
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would anybody recommend Animal Cuts fat burners? if not, what are some good ones?

Or would anyone recommend fat burners in general?

I know it increases metabolism but what are the main benefits and downsides to it?
Yo I actually just got off of Animal Cuts. It didn't make me all jumpy or anything like ephedra extract, caffine, or ephedrine would. I started taking it about 3 weeks ago, and I've lost about 10 pounds... but I'm not sure if it was just me pushing myself harder in cardio and eating better or if it was cuz of the Animal Cuts. I do know that it helped me lose a ton of water weight. One of the pills is a diuretic and it made me piss and sweat like a horse

Bottom line is, I lost 10 pounds while on Animal Cuts and that alone makes me wanna give it another go. I definitely would recommend it

Another one I just started using is Thermoloid by Goliath Labs. I've only been on it for a few days now so I cant really comment on it.....

Downside to all fat burners is that you can die
so make sure you !+++# your tolerance to these supplements.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Sure it's possible. Work on speed/ explosiveness a bit more. The squat is one of those exercises where mass in and of itself helps quite a bit but progress can be had while staying at the same weight. The only thing you should realize is that the stronger you get at a certain weight the more marginal the increase.

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
195-220 at 5'9 and below? You dudes are beasts.

I was around 160-165 back in October but am now around 175 (I'm 5'9). Back then I could only max around 305 in squats for 1 rep but I know I can do over 50 pounds that easily. I'm hoping to trim down in the coming months and get down to 160 but keep improving in the squat.

I hate being in a gym where most dudes just do bicep curls, chest and shoulders. 90% of the dudes dont do legs and I've only seen 4 other guys squat 3-plates or more. I feel like I have everyone in the gym watching me when I'm squatting over 3-plates. It honestly isn't that hard if you work on it for a while but most dudes do not bother working out their legs.

I saw a guy at my gym squat 4-plates a few months ago and asked 3 people to spot him
. I think I can get there by the end of the summer while weighing in the 160s.

I have to work on my deadlift though. I can only do 315 because of my grip sucks.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
*kanye shrug*

exactly what I was thinking

but damn.... Again you're being too modest. You need to post them vids up.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would anybody recommend Animal Cuts fat burners? if not, what are some good ones?

Or would anyone recommend fat burners in general?

I know it increases metabolism but what are the main benefits and downsides to it?
Yo I actually just got off of Animal Cuts. It didn't make me all jumpy or anything like ephedra extract, caffine, or ephedrine would. I started taking it about 3 weeks ago, and I've lost about 10 pounds... but I'm not sure if it was just me pushing myself harder in cardio and eating better or if it was cuz of the Animal Cuts. I do know that it helped me lose a ton of water weight. One of the pills is a diuretic and it made me piss and sweat like a horse

Bottom line is, I lost 10 pounds while on Animal Cuts and that alone makes me wanna give it another go. I definitely would recommend it

Another one I just started using is Thermoloid by Goliath Labs. I've only been on it for a few days now so I cant really comment on it.....

Downside to all fat burners is that you can die
so make sure you !+++# your tolerance to these supplements.

Really? How is that possib;e
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Sure it's possible. Work on speed/ explosiveness a bit more. The squat is one of those exercises where mass in and of itself helps quite a bit but progress can be had while staying at the same weight. The only thing you should realize is that the stronger you get at a certain weight the more marginal the increase.

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
195-220 at 5'9 and below? You dudes are beasts.

I was around 160-165 back in October but am now around 175 (I'm 5'9). Back then I could only max around 305 in squats for 1 rep but I know I can do over 50 pounds that easily. I'm hoping to trim down in the coming months and get down to 160 but keep improving in the squat.

I hate being in a gym where most dudes just do bicep curls, chest and shoulders. 90% of the dudes dont do legs and I've only seen 4 other guys squat 3-plates or more. I feel like I have everyone in the gym watching me when I'm squatting over 3-plates. It honestly isn't that hard if you work on it for a while but most dudes do not bother working out their legs.

I saw a guy at my gym squat 4-plates a few months ago and asked 3 people to spot him
. I think I can get there by the end of the summer while weighing in the 160s.

I have to work on my deadlift though. I can only do 315 because of my grip sucks.
You shouldn't let it bother you. You do what you do and others do what they do. It could be worse.
It's way more competitive in specialized gyms.On ethe one hand it can be great but at times it's a major negative. Some people thrive off of that while others don't. Back in college a friend who I trained with was one of those dudes who was always amped and was competitive all the time. On the other hand, I do best when I'm alone and relaxed.

I've found that front squats help a lot with the deadlift. Also, if you don't use chalk then start using it. What grip do you use?
For grip I'd suggest to doing heavy static holds and pinch plates for time.

You should be varying your deadlift routine every week as well. I'm usually rotate every week between, covnentional deads for reps (6), platform deads, cleans pulls for speed, romanian deads, and conventional deads for doubles/triples.

*kanye shrug*

exactly what I was thinking

but damn.... Again you're being too modest. You need to post them vids up.

I'm not really a fan of posting vids unless they're instructional. Don't really see a point to it.
I'd much rather exaplin to people what I know and what I believe to work (for a particular goal).

For example take yesterday. I was doing clean pulls and after I finish my 6 sets I liek to do a heavy set of regular deads. I tried 450 and I got 6 pretty good. I was happy considering that I've only been 5 months back since I was forced to take 8 months off from weightlifting before that.
Now I hear this sometimes in gym; " That's motivation for me". However, these same people never bother to ask for any advice or even discuss techniques and strategies to get to a certain goal.

I don't know how many times I've suggested in this thread to beginners that they don't really need many supps at all. All I'd really recommend is fish oil, a multi, and zma. You still have people wasting money on crazy @*@%.

My lifts aren't impressive enough to be vids anyways. You seen soem of the vids online? Plenty of really impressive lifts
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would anybody recommend Animal Cuts fat burners? if not, what are some good ones?

Or would anyone recommend fat burners in general?

I know it increases metabolism but what are the main benefits and downsides to it?

Got mine the other day
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

I don't know how many times I've suggested in this thread to beginners that they don't really need many supps at all. All I'd really recommend is fish oil, a multi, and zma. You still have people wasting money on crazy @*@%.

My lifts aren't impressive enough to be vids anyways. You seen soem of the vids online? Plenty of really impressive lifts
You're a nter so that alone is incentive for people in this thread to want to watch them, not to mention the numbers you put up for your height.

But it's cool, I understand you need your privacy. Your advice in this thread is greatly appreciated though.
ive heard good things about animal cuts' effectiveness.

with that said:

i'm not the the type who will try to talk you out of taking them at all costs due to fictional health concerns, but you really don't need a fat burner.

the changes even something like an EC stack will have on your metabolism is pretty minor.

so if you lost weight with animal cuts, it was probably 90-95% your diet and exercise and 5-10% the supp.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Sure it's possible. Work on speed/ explosiveness a bit more. The squat is one of those exercises where mass in and of itself helps quite a bit but progress can be had while staying at the same weight. The only thing you should realize is that the stronger you get at a certain weight the more marginal the increase.

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
195-220 at 5'9 and below? You dudes are beasts.

I was around 160-165 back in October but am now around 175 (I'm 5'9). Back then I could only max around 305 in squats for 1 rep but I know I can do over 50 pounds that easily. I'm hoping to trim down in the coming months and get down to 160 but keep improving in the squat.

I hate being in a gym where most dudes just do bicep curls, chest and shoulders. 90% of the dudes dont do legs and I've only seen 4 other guys squat 3-plates or more. I feel like I have everyone in the gym watching me when I'm squatting over 3-plates. It honestly isn't that hard if you work on it for a while but most dudes do not bother working out their legs.

I saw a guy at my gym squat 4-plates a few months ago and asked 3 people to spot him
. I think I can get there by the end of the summer while weighing in the 160s.

I have to work on my deadlift though. I can only do 315 because of my grip sucks.
My squat has def helped my deadlift, or just working out my legs in general. Also try dead stop reps or regripping.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Would anybody recommend Animal Cuts fat burners? if not, what are some good ones?

Or would anyone recommend fat burners in general?

I know it increases metabolism but what are the main benefits and downsides to it?
Yo I actually just got off of Animal Cuts. It didn't make me all jumpy or anything like ephedra extract, caffine, or ephedrine would. I started taking it about 3 weeks ago, and I've lost about 10 pounds... but I'm not sure if it was just me pushing myself harder in cardio and eating better or if it was cuz of the Animal Cuts. I do know that it helped me lose a ton of water weight. One of the pills is a diuretic and it made me piss and sweat like a horse

Bottom line is, I lost 10 pounds while on Animal Cuts and that alone makes me wanna give it another go. I definitely would recommend it

Another one I just started using is Thermoloid by Goliath Labs. I've only been on it for a few days now so I cant really comment on it.....

Downside to all fat burners is that you can die
so make sure you !+++# your tolerance to these supplements.

Really? How is that possib;e
Some of them can really mess with your heart rate, blood pressure, among a bunch of other things. An increased heart rate could lead to nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate and even hospitalization/death if taken in excess.

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive heard good things about animal cuts' effectiveness.

with that said:

i'm not the the type who will try to talk you out of taking them at allcosts due to fictional health concerns, but you really don't need a fatburner.
the changes even something like an EC stack will have on your metabolism is pretty minor.
so if you lost weight with animal cuts, it was probably 90-95% your diet and exercise and 5-10% the supp.
I'll cosign this. But at the same time I know the diuretic in AC helped me lose water weight
i've been off it for awhile now and I'm still sweating/peeing like crazy...
regarding about diet plans, im trying just to eat sea food for the next 40 days for in day 2 and man i feel like throwing up...
that's crazy, why would you eat just seafood? watch that cholesterol level skyrocket.  maybe just fish would be aight.
is the cholesterol that bad in seafood? crap...i had salmon for dinner, shrimps for lunch and tuna melt after my work out
Originally Posted by Homer

that's crazy, why would you eat just seafood? watch that cholesterol level skyrocket.  maybe just fish would be aight.

and the mercury in the fish
So today I lifted in the afternoon, did back and bis. Right now I just got back from playing a few rounds of basketball and I'm starving. There's a chinese place open until 2 am. It's god this is hard.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

So today I lifted in the afternoon, did back and bis. Right now I just got back from playing a few rounds of basketball and I'm starving. There's a chinese place open until 2 am. It's god this is hard.
get a spoonful of peanut butter down and try and go to bed
Finally had a GREAT workout today (did back, biceps, some triceps and abs) after feeling dizzy/nauseous for the past two weeks.

Note to anyone taking supps...especially pre-workouts...use with caution lol.

Two Fridays ago I opened up a new bottle of NO-Xplode, this would be my 4th cycle of using an NO product in the past two years of weight training. I took NO-Xplode and SP250 before and never felt any side effects. After taking 1.5 scoops...I got to the gym, starting doing some weighted pull-ups and immediately felt dizzy. My vision started blurring in and out, my eyes became super sensitive to light, and the room was spinning out of control... I went home and had continuous jitters for the next 5 or 6 hours, couldn't fall asleep until the sun was rising. I felt like my heart was palpitating, but my resting heart beat was normal. Well I can assure you now I'm done with pre-workout supps, or any supplements for good. Since that night I have been feeling dizzy and light-headed every single day of the week, even on off-days. After visiting the doctor, she concluded my heart was normal...and that my dizziness could be related to my vision. I go to the eye doctor...and she says my vision was impaired and I've been having what they call visual I get fitted for glasses. The past two days I been wearing my glasses, the dizziness completely vanishes. I didn't know it was possible to suddenly have your vision go bad. But I had my first lifting day with my new glasses a few hours ago, and everything felt back to normal.

Long story short...if you are avid on taking pre-workout supps, or any supplement for that matter...please do not overdo it. I take it as a sign that this happened to me. Prior to my episode I took NO-X and SP250 like it was nothing...hitting the recommended limit (3 scoops) every time I hit the gym. I guess I realized just isn't worth it to get a few more pumps...

Anyways...prior to two fridays ago, I was about 5 weeks into my cutting phase. I'm at about 175lbs...started out around 185ish. Anyone else in here cutting? My question to you do you maintain all of your strength? Back in 2009 and early January I was putting up 235lbs on the flat bench for 6-7 reps....yesterday I barely put up 225 for 4 reps...I know the majority probably has to do with my diet, but I feel like I've been eating well. All my meals are spread out through the day. Any success stories from you guys that successfully cut and kept/gained strength in the process would be greatly appreciated. 
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