Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bkmac

Are these websites straight #@!%#++! or are they worth giving a look see?

I didn't click but all you really need to know to get a 6pack is to keep cutting down body fat and your 6pack will eventually show
any good workouts for cutting down body fat?

Anything that burns calories.

Calories burned > calories consumed = - body fat

Keep protein and fat intake high, carbs low, and watch the fat burn off.

And if your just a lazy bum who cant do 45-60 minutes of intense weight training, and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio a day then forget about ever being jacked.

and fat burning pills are basically straight caffiene. There is no magic pill.... thats legal.
You are able to maintain your strength while cutting by doing HIRT routines.
You may google the term for some excellent examples.

Been out of the gym for a week and eating garbage... firs slip since I started in September. being out of town FTL.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by Homer

that's crazy, why would you eat just seafood? watch that cholesterol level skyrocket.  maybe just fish would be aight.

and the mercury in the fish
I don't think all fish has mercury? I thought it was only farmed fish --
So, after a random disappearance from catching the NT virus, I'm back.  Someone school me on how to embed YouTube videos, please. I got some rather entertaining vids that you'll probably wanna see.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^Spoonfuls of fried rice that is! Alright, time for bed.

I want some fried rice now


I don't know how to embed videos. Unless you mean use that feature at the top when you post a reply. "Insert Flash", next to the smiley face?
^25lbs?! Where dey do dat at? That must be one good @!+ flavor if you don't mind having that much at a time...
Edit: Speaking of embedding and all that stuff, I just switch to Google Chrome from firefox, and for some damn reason all chrome lets me do in my replies is change font, color, and the margining of my reply. All my smilys and embedding and insert links and stuff is gone!
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by cincybcats22

Just copy the embed link from youtube and paste it here.

Good lookin' out.� That being said, here's what NOT to do when squatting:
im somewhat new to squatting. could you point out what he was doing wrong so we can all make sure we're using correct technique?
re: Vids

1. Check my bar placement. It's actually sitting on my neck. I need to pull my hands in and elbows back and keep the bar on my traps so I don't accidentally kill myself. Also, I need to straighten my wrists out and hold the bar with my back, not my arms.

2. If you look carefully, I have balance problems when I go down. Keep pushing your knees outward and keep your feet planted. It was suggested to me over at to wear Chucks instead of my normal basketball shoes. My right foot especially likes to roll inwards as I descend for whatever reason.

3. Keep the arch in your lower back. When I shot these, I was concentrating on that above all else. Move your hips first when you start to descend, and when you hit the hole, make sure your butt doesn't sag in towards your calves.

BTW, I'm definitely a work in progress, so if any squat pros have anything to add or help me with that I missed, it would be GREATLY appreciated.
You need to work on your flexiblity in your ankles, kness and hips.

I noticed your heels come off the ground as you reach your lowest point.
TylerDurden, do you ever get questioned why you hardly ever do any cardio? I am in the same boat and I am tired of being asked the question. What should I respond with? I am a slim dude trying to get to Bruce Lee status. At like 11% BF right now
Originally Posted by Durden7

You need to work on your flexiblity in your ankles, kness and hips.

I noticed your heels come off the ground as you reach your lowest point.

That too.  I try to stay conscious of that and keep my toes up, but something inevitably slips because I'm working on so much at the same time.  Good lookin' out--I'll probably record tomorrow's sets as well with corrections hopefully made.
was the the form in that vid perfect? no. but i wouldnt have gone up to you in the gym if i saw that.
i thought it was going to be something terrible like this 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

TylerDurden, do you ever get questioned why you hardly ever do any cardio? I am in the same boat and I am tired of being asked the question. What should I respond with? I am a slim dude trying to get to Bruce Lee status. At like 11% BF right now
the way I see it, there's no point in doing cardio unless it helps with your performance. Sprinting helps in some sports, so whoever plays those sports and wants to improve should sprint. Unless you enjoy, don't waste your time. You can get the same benefits through a tough workout. Just focus on keeping your heart rate high during your workout and you'll be good. Maybe during rest you can do some burpees or jumping jacks between sets. It'll keep the heart pumping fast and you'll get the same benefits. Another option is to use supersets.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Muscle ups are harder than I thought, the transition part.  Any tips?
yeah man, they're no joke. The most I've done consecutively is 4. But my form is still a little sloppy.
Work on explosiveness in the pull ups. Clapping/plyo pull ups work well. Try different grip pull ups(wide, close, chin up, mixed, etc.). Also, work on negatives. That really helped me. Jump up and slowly lower yourself or use a chair to do it if you need to.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by Durden7

You need to work on your flexiblity in your ankles, kness and hips.

I noticed your heels come off the ground as you reach your lowest point.

That too.  I try to stay conscious of that and keep my toes up, but something inevitably slips because I'm working on so much at the same time.  Good lookin' out--I'll probably record tomorrow's sets as well with corrections hopefully made.

Durden beat me to it.  You're tight in all the places he mentioned, but especially in your ankles and soleus/calves.  Stretch those a little bit and squat with a wider stance to practice staying on your heels through the whole movement, especially at the bottom of the rep. 
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