Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by YuraS718

What's the most accurate way to determine how many calories I burn through daily activities?
I don't think there's any accurate way.

Lol... But you don't need to know that anyway in order to reach your goal.

Grats on the progress.
Originally Posted by YuraS718

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by woody23

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bkmac

Are these websites straight #@!%#++! or are they worth giving a look see?

I didn't click but all you really need to know to get a 6pack is to keep cutting down body fat and your 6pack will eventually show
any good workouts for cutting down body fat?

Anything that burns calories.

Calories burned > calories consumed = - body fat

Keep protein and fat intake high, carbs low, and watch the fat burn off.

And if your just a lazy bum who cant do 45-60 minutes of intense weight training, and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio a day then forget about ever being jacked.

and fat burning pills are basically straight caffiene. There is no magic pill.... thats legal.
I do 3 different workouts for a muscle group, 4 sets of about 10, first set 12, next set 10, etc.  After a workout i do 3 different abs workouts.  And then run for 15-20 minutes.
I gotta start to consume less carbs.

But i my calories gained are greater than calories consumed because i eat around 2000 calories a day and no way could i burn it off with in a day.

Should i be drinking that protein shake/mix?

What do you mean your calories gained are greater than your calories consumed?

The "calories in vs. calories out" statement is misleading to a lot of people.  Most individuals make the assumption that they have to burn off that many calories from exercise, but the body burns calories through daily activites (walking, breathing, thinking, sleeping, normal cell activity) and those need to be added into the equation as well.
What's the most accurate way to determine how many calories I burn through daily activities?

Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks, been eating ALOT better.  Now I'm just trying to have carbs in only 1 meal, instead of two as I was use too.
This is what I use:

imo its pretty good.
What's the most accurate way to determine how many calories I burn through daily activities?

Down 6 pounds in 2 weeks, been eating ALOT better.  Now I'm just trying to have carbs in only 1 meal, instead of two as I was use too.
Theres really no "accurate" way to determine it, but your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) is the best way to determine the calories that your body burns during daily activities.  It depends on your age, height and weight so its not an accurate science.

P.S.  Dont be afraid to eat more carbs when you hit that "wall".  Youll hit it soon and your body is going to need more complex carbs.  It wont hinder your progress.

This is what I use:

imo its pretty good.
Yeah, as far as determing BMR/RMR its pretty good.  I wouldnt trust the other options as far as exercise amount is concerned though.  You can seriously use 3 different BMR/RMR calculators online and all 3 will give you different results.  Theyll all be ballpark though which is good enough for the average person.
quick question, is hiit on the eliptical as effective as it is on the treadmill ?
The "best" way is to do it is on the floor but as far as comparing those 2 it really doesnt matter. As long as the intensity is the same for both it doesnt make a difference.
need a lil advice, ive been on the p90X for a week and a half, and im doing the lean workout i need to lose like 10 pounds before may. whats a good thing to eat /drink after each workout. (i dont like the recover drink)
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

need a lil advice, ive been on the p90X for a week and a half, and im doing the lean workout i need to lose like 10 pounds before may. whats a good thing to eat /drink after each workout. (i dont like the recover drink)

whey protein shake or chocolate milk (skim)
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Squatted a personal best 355 (x2) today and I'm pretty sure I could've done more. I was winding down my workout and I just completed 10 sets of squats prior but I wanted to test my max...I think my real max is around 370 or so. My goal is to get to 4-plates (405) later this year.

Is it possible to improve in squats without your legs getting any bigger? My legs are already huge and I dont want them to grow anymore but I want to reach my goal. Jean shopping with big legs = horrifying experience
Sure it's possible. Work on speed/ explosiveness a bit more. The squat is one of those exercises where mass in and of itself helps quite a bit but progress can be had while staying at the same weight. The only thing you should realize is that the stronger you get at a certain weight the more marginal the increase.

btw, even 160 at 5'10" seems kind of skinny. I'm 5'7" and around 195 now. My brother is 5'9" and weighs around 220. When I look at myself I don't really seem myself as 'big'.
195-220 at 5'9 and below? You dudes are beasts.

I was around 160-165 back in October but am now around 175 (I'm 5'9). Back then I could only max around 305 in squats for 1 rep but I know I can do over 50 pounds that easily. I'm hoping to trim down in the coming months and get down to 160 but keep improving in the squat.

I hate being in a gym where most dudes just do bicep curls, chest and shoulders. 90% of the dudes dont do legs and I've only seen 4 other guys squat 3-plates or more. I feel like I have everyone in the gym watching me when I'm squatting over 3-plates. It honestly isn't that hard if you work on it for a while but most dudes do not bother working out their legs.

I saw a guy at my gym squat 4-plates a few months ago and asked 3 people to spot him
. I think I can get there by the end of the summer while weighing in the 160s.

I have to work on my deadlift though. I can only do 315 because of my grip sucks.
You shouldn't let it bother you. You do what you do and others do what they do. It could be worse.
It's way more competitive in specialized gyms.On ethe one hand it can be great but at times it's a major negative. Some people thrive off of that while others don't. Back in college a friend who I trained with was one of those dudes who was always amped and was competitive all the time. On the other hand, I do best when I'm alone and relaxed.

I've found that front squats help a lot with the deadlift. Also, if you don't use chalk then start using it. What grip do you use?
For grip I'd suggest to doing heavy static holds and pinch plates for time.

You should be varying your deadlift routine every week as well. I'm usually rotate every week between, covnentional deads for reps (6), platform deads, cleans pulls for speed, romanian deads, and conventional deads for doubles/triples.

*kanye shrug*

exactly what I was thinking

but damn.... Again you're being too modest. You need to post them vids up.

I'm not really a fan of posting vids unless they're instructional. Don't really see a point to it.
I'd much rather exaplin to people what I know and what I believe to work (for a particular goal).

For example take yesterday. I was doing clean pulls and after I finish my 6 sets I liek to do a heavy set of regular deads. I tried 450 and I got 6 pretty good. I was happy considering that I've only been 5 months back since I was forced to take 8 months off from weightlifting before that.
Now I hear this sometimes in gym; " That's motivation for me". However, these same people never bother to ask for any advice or even discuss techniques and strategies to get to a certain goal.

I don't know how many times I've suggested in this thread to beginners that they don't really need many supps at all. All I'd really recommend is fish oil, a multi, and zma. You still have people wasting money on crazy @*@%.

My lifts aren't impressive enough to be vids anyways. You seen soem of the vids online? Plenty of really impressive lifts

On your leg days do you just do squats?  I usually do BB or DB lunges and calfraises.. perhaps thats why im sore for like 3 years after my leg day.  Im getting into lighter weight/explosivity in squats.. probably around 50-60% of my 1RM.  10 sets of squats is that like 10, 8, 6?

2. What are those deadlifts - can you possibly provide videos or links?  I've been deadlifting around 220lbs 3x6ish.. probably can do 250-260 1RM - think i've lost weight tsk tsk.
I3, I dont know why you get so sore.

I'm trying to think back to the days when I'd feel sore for 3-4 days after a leg workout and I'm thinking it was because I did a ton of volume back then. I'd do like 10 sets of squats (8 reps each), followed by 5 sets of deadlifts, followed by 4 sets of good mornings, then 4 sets of lunges and finish off with 4 sets of leg press. This was a long time ago and have since realized that I was crazy back then.

Now-a-days I can honestly say that I never feel sore after leg days (whether I'm lifting heavy or light). I'm just like you...I cant afford being sore for 3-4 days because it just messes up the rest of my week and it prevents me from playing sports 2-3 times a week during the summer.

I think you have to find out the best mix for you. I dont like the 10-8-6 rep style because I feel like its a waste of energy at the beginning doing 10, 8 that I'll need near the end of my workout when I'm pushing myself.

Anyways, this is what I do...10 mins elliptical warm-up...some leg swings to loosen up my hamstrings and hips, then I'll do 135 about 10 times to warm up...then I'll jump 40-50 pounds each set until I reach my target weight. On heavy days I'll go for 4-8 reps (usually 5 reps and I max out maybe once a month). On 'light days' I'll pick a weight that is challenging and leaves me out of breath after 10-reps. After that, I'll do cardio to flush out the lactic acid and burn some fat and then I'll stretch for 5 mins afterwards. I always do full body workouts so I dont dedicate a lot of exercises to just one muscle every time I go to the gym. One day I'll do squats, next time DLs, next time power cleans, and I'll throw in lunges, calf raises, etc. occasionally. Find out what works for you, meets your goals and keeps you interested.

I suggest you lower your volume. If you are in season and dont want to feel sore afterwards, then just exercise to maintain your strength and avoid injuries. So maybe 4-5 sets of squats at a challenging weight for 5-10 reps, then 2-4 sets of deadlifts for 4-8 reps, then maybe 1-2 other exercises (switch these up every week). If you still feel sore the next day then switch up your weight/rep range the next week until you no longer feel sore.

Maybe you could tell us how much you squat/DL (and the amount of reps) and we could help you out.
Originally Posted by woody23

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by bkmac

Are these websites straight #@!%#++! or are they worth giving a look see?

I didn't click but all you really need to know to get a 6pack is to keep cutting down body fat and your 6pack will eventually show
any good workouts for cutting down body fat?

Anything that burns calories.

Calories burned > calories consumed = - body fat

Keep protein and fat intake high, carbs low, and watch the fat burn off.

And if your just a lazy bum who cant do 45-60 minutes of intense weight training, and 30 minutes of high intensity cardio a day then forget about ever being jacked.

and fat burning pills are basically straight caffiene. There is no magic pill.... thats legal.

why do you need to keep the fat intake high?
Durden7 wrote:
DCAllAmerican wrote:
TylerDurden, do you ever get questioned why you hardly ever do any cardio? I am in the same boat and I am tired of being asked the question. What should I respond with? I am a slim dude trying to get to Bruce Lee status. At like 11% BF right now

Yeah, I get questioned all the time.

I always just tell them that I dont like doing it or it doesnt fit in with my goals.  I do play basketball a few times a week so I am getting some sort of aerobic exercise.  It's not intense basketball, but its more than just shooting around with friends.  I just can't stand any sort of aerobic machines.  (Treadmill, Elliptical, Bike, Stairclimber)  I tried a freewheelin bike once, but im not sure if id actually enjoy the class.  Theres just something about not physically moving that irks me.  I need it to be competitive and social.

Just tell them that it isn't need with what your goals are.

You guys probably have low body fat...but what if i want to lose some....would you guys do some HIIT or are you still saying a hard workout can make you lose body fat the same way?
^ if you wnat to lose bodyfat. Do weights, gain some muscle and definition. Muscle burns fat, but its a double edged sword as muscle makes it seem your not losing weight on the scale.

Do HIIT around 2-3 days a week. Steady state the rest of the days you work out or the rest of the week
Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by blackdude

quick question, is hiit on the eliptical as effective as it is on the treadmill ?
not sure, but HIIT is probably most effective without a machine. 
No sarcasm.. but how would you do HIIT on the elliptical?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by jackiechizzan

Originally Posted by blackdude

quick question, is hiit on the eliptical as effective as it is on the treadmill ?
not sure, but HIIT is probably most effective without a machine. 
No sarcasm.. but how would you do HIIT on the elliptical?

What I usually do is start off on a double digit level and start at around 4 mph, then I up it to around 8-9 mph and repeat. I like it better since it doesnt hurt your knees as much as a treadmill
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I3, I dont know why you get so sore.

I'm trying to think back to the days when I'd feel sore for 3-4 days after a leg workout and I'm thinking it was because I did a ton of volume back then. I'd do like 10 sets of squats (8 reps each), followed by 5 sets of deadlifts, followed by 4 sets of good mornings, then 4 sets of lunges and finish off with 4 sets of leg press. This was a long time ago and have since realized that I was crazy back then.

Now-a-days I can honestly say that I never feel sore after leg days (whether I'm lifting heavy or light). I'm just like you...I cant afford being sore for 3-4 days because it just messes up the rest of my week and it prevents me from playing sports 2-3 times a week during the summer.

I think you have to find out the best mix for you. I dont like the 10-8-6 rep style because I feel like its a waste of energy at the beginning doing 10, 8 that I'll need near the end of my workout when I'm pushing myself.

Anyways, this is what I do...10 mins elliptical warm-up...some leg swings to loosen up my hamstrings and hips, then I'll do 135 about 10 times to warm up...then I'll jump 40-50 pounds each set until I reach my target weight. On heavy days I'll go for 4-8 reps (usually 5 reps and I max out maybe once a month). On 'light days' I'll pick a weight that is challenging and leaves me out of breath after 10-reps. After that, I'll do cardio to flush out the lactic acid and burn some fat and then I'll stretch for 5 mins afterwards. I always do full body workouts so I dont dedicate a lot of exercises to just one muscle every time I go to the gym. One day I'll do squats, next time DLs, next time power cleans, and I'll throw in lunges, calf raises, etc. occasionally. Find out what works for you, meets your goals and keeps you interested.

I suggest you lower your volume. If you are in season and dont want to feel sore afterwards, then just exercise to maintain your strength and avoid injuries. So maybe 4-5 sets of squats at a challenging weight for 5-10 reps, then 2-4 sets of deadlifts for 4-8 reps, then maybe 1-2 other exercises (switch these up every week). If you still feel sore the next day then switch up your weight/rep range the next week until you no longer feel sore.

Maybe you could tell us how much you squat/DL (and the amount of reps) and we could help you out.

Thanks for the reply.

Maybe it is the volume.  I do 10, 8, 6.  But im willing to switch it up.  Or perhaps I should just have a squat day. (DL is on back day - I don't have soreness issues here)

My max squat hasn't been tested but, ive gotten around the 210-220 mark around maybe 1-2x.  Im around 140-145lbs - very light.  Usually im doing 80kg x 10, 85kg x 8 and 90-92.5 x 6.
Last week I did around 60kg x 10 x 3.  For explositivity and no soreness - but yet I was still sore.

I really want to up my squats only for functional purposes not really mass building.  So I was thinking like you said less volume but slightly lighter weight.  Maybe 80 - 85kg 5x4 or something.  Then throw in some calf raises and call it a day.  Then perhaps have a light day and do 3x10 of 60kg or something..

Any thoughts?
Mycoldyourdone wrote:

Durden7 wrote:
DCAllAmerican wrote:
TylerDurden, do you ever get questioned why you hardly ever do any cardio? I am in the same boat and I am tired of being asked the question. What should I respond with? I am a slim dude trying to get to Bruce Lee status. At like 11% BF right now

Yeah, I get questioned all the time.

I always just tell them that I dont like doing it or it doesnt fit in with my goals.  I do play basketball a few times a week so I am getting some sort of aerobic exercise.  It's not intense basketball, but its more than just shooting around with friends.  I just can't stand any sort of aerobic machines.  (Treadmill, Elliptical, Bike, Stairclimber)  I tried a freewheelin bike once, but im not sure if id actually enjoy the class.  Theres just something about not physically moving that irks me.  I need it to be competitive and social.

Just tell them that it isn't need with what your goals are.

You guys probably have low body fat...but what if i want to lose some....would you guys do some HIIT or are you still saying a hard workout can make you lose body fat the same way?
A hard workout can make you lose body fat just as well (if not better) than HIIT.

HIIT has reached a point where its basically viewed as some sort of magical "exercise" and its really not a magical pill.  Almost every 3rd level type of exercise is a form of HIIT.  Basketball, Soccer, Football can all be valid forms of HIIT.

Sometimes I get the impression by what people say here that HIIT is the holy grail of getting into better shape.  It works, yes, but theres thousands of ways that it can be done.  Its not an exercise.  Its a description.  Any kind of vigorous exercise that isnt done at a continuous level is considered HIIT.

Proper nutrition (correct foods, correct proportions) + intense resistance training + aerobic exercise = low body fat %.

Theres my mini-rant about HIIT. 

Quick question do I cycle on and off of creatine? I'm using SIZE ON right now and I'm almost done.
How many grams a day do you take?  How long have you been taking it?  Whats your workout like?

Without knowing any other information, i'd make the assumption that you should take some time off of it.
I've only been taking it for a month.  Just a scoop.  I work out 4 days a week.

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[/td][/tr][tr][td]Gaspari CelluDriver Energy Matrix[emoji]8482[/emoji][/td][td]11.9g[/td][td]*[/td][/tr][tr][td]Containing-Drive II Mitochondrial Energy Factor[emoji]8482[/emoji] (Glucose, Creatine Monohydrate,Malic Acid, 2-Deoxy-Ribose, Creatine Alpha-Keto-Glutarate), GlycerolMonostearate, Disodium Adenosine Triphosphate (Peak ATP[emoji]174[/emoji]),2-Deoxy-Ribose, Calcium Gluconate, L-Citrulline, L-Taurine,Acetyl-L-Carnitine[/td][/tr][tr][td]
[/td][/tr][tr][td]Gaspari Electrolytic Delivery Matrix[emoji]8482[/emoji][/td][td]206mg[/td][td]*[/td][/tr][tr][td]Containing-4-Hydroxy-Isoleucine, Magnesium Oxide And Aspartate, Zinc Oxide AndAspartate, Potassium Gluconate, Folic Acid, Alpha Lipoic Acid,Corosolic Acid, And Coenzyme Q-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]
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Is eating a high amount of protein bad for you? Ive been seeing reports online about it.

And about a diet, is a high protein, low carb diet good?
HIIT cardio? it's pretty simple...make sure you elevate your heart rate for a certain period of time...for example, jog for 1 minute and sprint for 30 seconds, keep doing that for 10 minutes...that's what i do when i don't wanna do long distance jogging (4 miles or more) im sure someone can go more in depth here
Yo....... what are your guys thoughts on soreness? Some days, like yesterday, I will have some hard @## workouts and will be sore during and immediately after. But then like an hour its gone. Other days I will be sore till the next day....
does soreness have any correlation to how my workout went? or does it just mean I need to go harder on my more developed muscles?
rck2sactown wrote:
Yo....... what are your guys thoughts on soreness? Some days, like yesterday, I will have some hard @## workouts and will be sore during and immediately after. But then like an hour its gone. Other days I will be sore till the next day....
does soreness have any correlation to how my workout went? or does it just mean I need to go harder on my more developed muscles?

Soreness is only an indication that you exercised those muscles.  Its not an indication that you had a good or bad workout.
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