Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

excessive protein can be bad for your liver.

soreness through and through is a product of over working. possibly a function of not working those muscles for an extended period of time, or simply not stretching and/or warming up/cooing down.

I can't verdict for the best multivitamin because I haven't tried them all but if you are serious about your training try out the GNC MENS performance package. seems like a turn key solution and it meets my needs.

HIIT can include any variant of increasing your heart rate and lowering it in intervals. running on ground outside is optimal. i do it on a treadmill. (1:00 @ 4mph, 1:00 @ 9mph for 12 mins)

I got in the gym for the first time in a week today. Took creatine + L-glutamine + NOshotgun pregame and exercised back/bis. Felt fantastic! Very rewarding
Originally Posted by Durden7

rck2sactown wrote:
Yo....... what are your guys thoughts on soreness? Some days, like yesterday, I will have some hard @## workouts and will be sore during and immediately after. But then like an hour its gone. Other days I will be sore till the next day....
does soreness have any correlation to how my workout went? or does it just mean I need to go harder on my more developed muscles?

Soreness is only an indication that you exercised those muscles.  Its not an indication that you had a good or bad workout.

So if I'm sore then that should mean I correctly worked out those muscles, hence a good work out?
Yea I was wondering when I do chest, I don't really get the same feeling as when I'm done with a leg day. I work my chest until fatigue, to the point I couldn't do a push up if i tried, but I'll only feel a little bit of soreness for that day and be fine the next day. Am I not hitting the chest right?
rck2sactown wrote:
Originally Posted by Durden7

rck2sactown wrote:
Yo....... what are your guys thoughts on soreness? Some days, like yesterday, I will have some hard @## workouts and will be sore during and immediately after. But then like an hour its gone. Other days I will be sore till the next day....
does soreness have any correlation to how my workout went? or does it just mean I need to go harder on my more developed muscles?

Soreness is only an indication that you exercised those muscles.  Its not an indication that you had a good or bad workout.

So if I'm sore then that should mean I correctly worked out those muscles, hence a good work out?

More like your sore so you worked out those muscles.  It doesnt imply it was done correctly or efficiently.
A few comments/questions. Hope all can participate

1. How often do you all do legs? I notice many folks in my gym NEVER do their legs. I used to be this way. Maybe a few years ago I never touched my legs. Until I came across this female that teased me for having chicken legs. So ever since then, I have been doing them about 2 times per week. I don't get called chicken legs any more by that female. I give her credit for the inspiration whenever she mentions my great progress.

2. How do you all deal with the females in your life? Are they on board with the healthy living? Eating right? WOrking out? I couldn't see myself dealing with someone that wasn't. I am practically spoiled since I don't know the last time I talked to a girl that wasn't already doing those things before I met them. I help them take it to another level but it must be frustrating deals with a lazy female that doesn't want to eat right. What is your motto?
dc i do legs every wednesday. i dont see people squatting much at my gym. the biggest girl i've messed with was comparable to pinky(chunky version). i got her to change her eating somewhat  but she's still fat
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

A few comments/questions. Hope all can participate

1. How often do you all do legs? I notice many folks in my gym NEVER do their legs. I used to be this way. Maybe a few years ago I never touched my legs. Until I came across this female that teased me for having chicken legs. So ever since then, I have been doing them about 2 times per week. I don't get called chicken legs any more by that female. I give her credit for the inspiration whenever she mentions my great progress.

2. How do you all deal with the females in your life? Are they on board with the healthy living? Eating right? WOrking out? I couldn't see myself dealing with someone that wasn't. I am practically spoiled since I don't know the last time I talked to a girl that wasn't already doing those things before I met them. I help them take it to another level but it must be frustrating deals with a lazy female that doesn't want to eat right. What is your motto?
I do legs once or twice a week. I don't do any machine stuff like leg curls though, I only do squats, front squats, box jumps, and other stuff like power cleans. I don't really care about the women and what they think of healthy living, as long as they know how to cook it's all good
I don't do leg extensions because I was always taught that those should be reserved for folks in rehab. I do leg extensions though. I love the burn they give me serious. I think I get some type of high off of those.

Other things I do (as if there is really much)
Wall Sits
Leg Press
Toe Raises

I have other routines with the elastics that I don't know the names of LOL
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

A few comments/questions. Hope all can participate

1. How often do you all do legs? I notice many folks in my gym NEVER do their legs. I used to be this way. Maybe a few years ago I never touched my legs. Until I came across this female that teased me for having chicken legs. So ever since then, I have been doing them about 2 times per week. I don't get called chicken legs any more by that female. I give her credit for the inspiration whenever she mentions my great progress.

2. How do you all deal with the females in your life? Are they on board with the healthy living? Eating right? WOrking out? I couldn't see myself dealing with someone that wasn't. I am practically spoiled since I don't know the last time I talked to a girl that wasn't already doing those things before I met them. I help them take it to another level but it must be frustrating deals with a lazy female that doesn't want to eat right. What is your motto?
the chick i'm currently talking to is somewhat of a "party girl" she drinks on the regular and her body shows it. she's not fat or anything, but has the lil beer gut lol. but anyways, she used to be a cheerleader in HS and was in shape back then, since we've been talking she's gotten motivated and signed up for the gym. i guess she feels she needs to look good if i'm looking good.
The current harlot I am talking to is not much of a party girl (unlike like most 18-25 y.o demographic). She does eat as she deems quantifiable. I know she eats fast food once in a while.
Whenever I'm questioned about how strict I am with diet+fitness she becomes rather uncomfortable such as she is doing something wrong and a fat pig compared to me. I honestly don't mind.. she's hot with some love handles. If I decide to pursue anything with her I will be putting her on a program. I don't know what it is about me but I'm attracted to borderline unhealthily skinny females.
Attraction aside, healthy living+diet+fitness increases things such as motivation, sexual performance, brain performance and overall health and mentality. a MUST for any girl I'm spending time with.

As far as legs go... I am a complete chicken leg.
Can someone provide me an overall "leg day" in include in my 5 day split?? Hugely appreciated.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

1. How often do you all do legs? I notice many folks in my gym NEVER do their legs. I used to be this way. Maybe a few years ago I never touched my legs. Until I came across this female that teased me for having chicken legs. So ever since then, I have been doing them about 2 times per week. I don't get called chicken legs any more by that female. I give her credit for the inspiration whenever she mentions my great progress.
Twice a week with weight lifting and once or twice a week with plyometrics.

D StaXX/Durden, in regards to doing legs twice a week, do you do any other particular muscle/muscle group twice a week? I used to lift chest twice a week for this particular program I was doing but was told that wasn't ideal in terms of balance, could lead to injury, etc. Are there these types of concerns when doing legs twice a weak? What are the benefits? Appreciate any info.
twice a week for me. whats weak is that a pallet board fell on my right calf and its been hurting for a week now. there is no bruise but hurts when i touch it.
Legs twice a week?! Pass on that nonsense. I find leg day to be the WORST and I don't think I ever look forward to it. I'll stick with once a week.
I need help. I get hungry a lot but I don't want to keep eating junk food all the time. Anything positive to help calm my hunger without regretting it later?
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

D StaXX/Durden, in regards to doing legs twice a week, do you do any other particular muscle/muscle group twice a week? I used to lift chest twice a week for this particular program I was doing but was told that wasn't ideal in terms of balance, could lead to injury, etc. Are there these types of concerns when doing legs twice a weak? What are the benefits? Appreciate any info.
I do every muscle "group" twice a week.  I find a once a week split boring.  Ive done them before and I do it every 6 months or so when I need to lighten up my workload but ive basically always been twice a week since the first day I started exercising.

Theres no real concern as long as theres adequate time between the days.  If the frequency and duration (# of exercises) are right theres no problem with it.  Theres so many benefits of doing it this way.  Increased strength, size, and power can all be achieved if its done this way.  Im not saying it cant be achieved doing it another way but it certainly works this way.

Legs twice a week?! Pass on that nonsense. I find leg day to be the WORST and I don't think I ever look forward to it. I'll stick with once a week.

Leg exercises are my favorite.  I hate anything arms.

I need help. I get hungry a lot but I don't want to keep eating junk food all the time. Anything positive to help calm my hunger without regretting it later? 
Any kind of nut.  (Peanuts, walnuts, cashews, etc.)  Fruit is always good.  Its easy to transport too.  The instant oatmeal packages are good to take around too.  Ive seen a friend eat it right out of the package dry, but all you really need is some water, a microwave and a spoon.  (Most work break rooms have all this)  Cereal can be transported easily as well.

I did a 6 day split for a long time, (typical cheast/tri, etc. split twice a week) but the past 8 weeks ive been doing a modified push/pull program twice a week.  Legs on Tuesday and Saturday.  I try to do plyometric exercises on Wednesday and absolutely on Friday.

When I did the 6 day split, I noticed I was overtrained more often than I liked.  Theres no great way to do a 3 day split twice a week.  The "best" way (overtraining wise) i've found was a Chest/Back, Legs, and Arms day but even that had its flaws.
I do my usual full leg workout on wednesday

Back squats, hack squats, lunges, sometimes front squats and cal exercises.

but then on friday i do deadlifts.

I also ride the stationery bike twice a week, so my legs are getting worked out OD.
I need some help. About 1 year ago I would work out 5 days a week with a trainer. We did a lot of free weights and such with kettle bells. Loved the work out.
The problem was that I, physically, couldnt notice a difference in the way I looked. But I did feel a lot stronger. I dont want to be ripped but i want to be lean and cut.
Right now im 6'1" and 172 pounds. I have a lot of extra weight that I want to get rid of, especially from the chest area. How could i go about doing this and seeing results? I feel like I might need a protein drink or something to make my muscle look more tone.  I work out 5 days a week but I just dont see any results physically
^I have no idea. Im not familiar with any kind of supplements that people take while working out. Not sure whats good or what isnt good.. Just a question..
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