Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Durden, really appreciate the info.

When you do your plyos, do you put together a cricuit, you going for time or is it treated like a standard "lifting" type day?

This past weekend did 100 burpee challenge w/roommate, I puked afterwards. I'm in winter shape right now so I somewhat expected the outcome.
OnETwO wrote:
I need some help. About 1 year ago I would work out 5 days a week with a trainer. We did a lot of free weights and such with kettle bells. Loved the work out.
The problem was that I, physically, couldnt notice a difference in the way I looked. But I did feel a lot stronger. I dont want to be ripped but i want to be lean and cut.
Right now im 6'1" and 172 pounds. I have a lot of extra weight that I want to get rid of, especially from the chest area. How could i go about doing this and seeing results? I feel like I might need a protein drink or something to make my muscle look more tone.  I work out 5 days a week but I just dont see any results physically

Youre 6'1, 172 and want to lose weight?  It doesnt sound like to have too much weight to lose.

Durden, really appreciate the info.

When you do your plyos, do you put together a cricuit, you going for time or is it treated like a standard "lifting" type day?

This past weekend did 100 burpee challenge w/roommate, I puked afterwards. I'm in winter shape right now so I somewhat expected the outcome.

I treat it as a "lifting" day.  Plyos arent intended to be done aerobically.  Theyre done in sets/reps just like regular exercises. Its more about quality than quantity.
Legs twice a week, with some plyo.

Girls don't get it, at least the large majority I run into. They absolutely love the results in the summer time, but when you turn down that beer at a party or opt for a salad instead of a fried catfish poboy (I'm from Louisiana, chill out
) they HAVE to ask why, you know, since I'm a guy and all and I shouldn't care about what I eat.
Legs three times a week but only 1-2 exercises per day for me.

My bench results have lately been showing 0 gain. Any tips? I don't want to spend half an hour for one exercise.
i hit the legs once a week. but i do kung-fu twice a week which works my legs out like crazy.

If you want to get "cut" and are comfortable with your size (albeit you will add some muscle), I highly suggest P90X
It's HIRT so you are burning fat RAPIDLY and gaining lean muscle.

Just remember diet is the key to aesthetics.
Leg days are really simple just do 3x set of however much you want to do

Calf Raise


anyways when yall do shoulder work outs? I'm going to start incorporating them into my chest work outs because I found out that alot of the shoulder work like miltary presses use chest muscle as well...before I was doing shoulder work on my back days
SMH how ineffecient of me      
used to hate leg workouts until i finally corrected my form. now i do them 2-3 times week with about 2-3 exercises.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Leg days are really simple just do 3x set of however much you want to do

Calf Raise


anyways when yall do shoulder work outs? I'm going to start incorporating them into my chest work outs because I found out that alot of the shoulder work like miltary presses use chest muscle as well...before I was doing shoulder work on my back days
SMH how ineffecient of me      
i have a shoulder day.
for me i try to keep chest and shoulders a few days apart. chest and shoulders both use tris and anterior delts so i need time to rest.

your anterior delts get worked with chest (bench/dumbbells) so be sure to give the other heads of the delts the same attention.

if you wanna look bigger trust me work shoulders, posterior delts are key
Man I Need Like a good Diet Guideline to like follow

I'm outta state for school and its hard to eat healthy all the time when all their is in this town is fast food spots galore....wendys gets hit up more then school itself   

Any suggestions? i'm a pretty little dude 5'5 140 but just have a little belly and want to add some muscle but it good along the way...I too was thinking of starting P90x next monday...watcha think?
I tend to hit legs twice a week, but I usually split up my quads and hams into two different workouts. Sometimes I'll do a split where I focus on heavy compounds like Squats, Leg Presses and Romanian Deadlifts on one day and then do a second day of unilateral work like lunges, step ups, single leg curls and single leg romanian deadlifts and single-leg presses. Just depends on what kind of program I'm on at the time, but I tend to hit legs 2 times within 5 days or at least repeat leg day within less than 6 days.
iLLest wrote:
YO. A little advice here please. Been working out every day since Jan 15th. Been seeing some great results. Haven't been to the gym since last Thursday do to a concussion I suffered that night. Going back today and going hard this week. But here is where my question lies.

I was initially going to start P90X on March 1st which is Next Monday. I am indecisive wether or not to start. I mean I have been getting great results at the gym. Love using weights etc. I just feel it will be so hard to give up bench press, back machines, etc. I want to get cut up and leaned out for summer though so I am in a pickle.....

Should I start P90X or not....

If you want to get "cut" and are comfortable with your size (albeit you will add some muscle), I highly suggest P90X
It's HIRT so you are burning fat RAPIDLY and gaining lean muscle.

Just remember diet is the key to aesthetics.

Its funny you said P90X because I would suggest stay with the gym.  HIRT can be done in a gym setting as well.  From what im reading, it sounds as though your choice is already made (gym) and youre looking for some re-assurance.  If youve been seeing results at the gym, enjoy using weights and feel like it would be difficult to give up compound exercises I dont see any reason why you would go back to P90X.

Take some of the basic principles used in P90X and apply them to a gym setting.  Im not familiar with the sets/reps/volume/intensity of the program so I cant really comment on that but youve tried it before so you should know.

The thing about P90X that I dont like is that the weight is constant.  A gym offers a wide array of weights for different exercises.

He is right about nutrition though.  As long as proper nutrition is followed, almost any workout program will show results.
Why is it ideal to only do HIIT 2-3 times a day? I wanna get more cardio/HIIT in....also would it be bad to do Cardio twice a day?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

The current harlot I am talking to is not much of a party girl (unlike like most 18-25 y.o demographic). She does eat as she deems quantifiable. I know she eats fast food once in a while.
Whenever I'm questioned about how strict I am with diet+fitness she becomes rather uncomfortable such as she is doing something wrong and a fat pig compared to me. I honestly don't mind.. she's hot with some love handles. If I decide to pursue anything with her I will be putting her on a program. I don't know what it is about me but I'm attracted to borderline unhealthily skinny females.
Attraction aside, healthy living+diet+fitness increases things such as motivation, sexual performance, brain performance and overall health and mentality. a MUST for any girl I'm spending time with.

As far as legs go... I am a complete chicken leg.
Can someone provide me an overall "leg day" in include in my 5 day split?? Hugely appreciated.
Haha, I'm the guy who warms up on the calf raises with the maximum weight 


But no, I think if anything positive came from the obesity in my past, it's that I've always had sizable calves. As far as leg days go, I'd suggest a front squat or back squat then easier/less hazardous exercises after. For instance, the leg press, lunges with dumbbells, etc...By the way, I did front squat for the first time last week and let me just say....that @%*$ works out way more than your legs man. My god...
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Why is it ideal to only do HIIT 2-3 times a day? I wanna get more cardio/HIIT in....also would it be bad to do Cardio twice a day?


You'll burn yourself out in less than 3 days doing that.
Originally Posted by Laced Up Jordans

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Why is it ideal to only do HIIT 2-3 times a day? I wanna get more cardio/HIIT in....also would it be bad to do Cardio twice a day?


You'll burn yourself out in less than 3 days doing that.
i'm sure he meant week, and it's 2-3x a week because you need at least one days rest in between or else you're over exhausting yourself. you really dont benefit as much doing hiit 2 days in a row kind of like if you did a chest workout 2 days in a row. 
If yall are in college.

I would HIGHLY suggest finding stadium steps to run.

Here @ UMD. i have access to old Cole Field House, and those stairs x running laps are crucial.
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

If yall are in college.

I would HIGHLY suggest finding stadium steps to run.

Here @ UMD. i have access to old Cole Field House, and those stairs x running laps are crucial.
i would love to do that. place is like basketball heaven.
You guys need to watch yourself with your HIIT routine.  Many beginners actually do more harm than good.  Over training is a waste of time.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Leg days are really simple just do 3x set of however much you want to do

Calf Raise


anyways when yall do shoulder work outs? I'm going to start incorporating them into my chest work outs because I found out that alot of the shoulder work like miltary presses use chest muscle as well...before I was doing shoulder work on my back days
SMH how ineffecient of me      

As for shoulder work outs.. personally I like to do them later in the week in relation to chest. You can maximize the efficiency of military presses, etc if your chest is fully recovered.
I do a major ab workout on shoulder day since there is no relation between the two groups.
I think I need to have 2 leg days too.

One day it will be compounds, squats. Day two, it will be lunges, calf raises. I think thats the reason why my legs are sore for 3-4 days.

Im definitely focusing on compunds this time around, I know i'll gain more muscle this way without the need to spend hours in the gym, doing isolated exercises. I hit my PB on squats yesterday

So I was thinking something like this:

- Squats

- Chest
- DB Inc. press
- Abs

- Rest (basketball - anaerobic)

- Back
- Deadlift
- Pull ups
- Lat pull
- Seated row/bent over row

- Shoulders
- Clean Jerk Press
- Military press

- Rest (basketball)

Edit: whats a good exercise to work the posterior delt? reverse pec dec or a reverse fly? Im assuming the Military Press suffices?
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