Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I'm really disappointed with my weak shoulders and little progress.

Shoulder/trap workout is every friday.

-3 of 6 over head BB press standing (100lbs)
-3 of 6 DB shoulder press sitting (45 lbs)
-2 of 6 Arnold DB press sitting (35lbs)
-2 of 12 lateral raises AND 12 front raises (20lbs)
-3 of 12 reverse flys (machine:115lbs)
-2 of 12 BB shrug (135lbs)
-2 of 6 BB shrug (225lbs)

I know hypertrophy comes with 12+ reps but I'm also told that the more fatigue you come to the more muscles grow, which is why my sets are lower reps and higher weights at the beginning.
I left the gym pissed off because those weights are the highest I can get and my shoulders don't feel the pump. My diet+supplements are on point too.

Is this workout effective, and should I be doing it once a week or more?
12+ is muscular endurance.  8-10 is a better hypertrophy range.

Also, just because you dont feel a pump doesnt mean it was a bad workout. 

He's right, go for 8-10 reps for sets 2 and 3 of your first two exercises and maybe a 4th set of 6-8. (meaning you're reaching failure at 6-8, not just stopping there.)  I'd also streamline your exercises a little bit more.  No need to do 3 different overhead pressing exercises in one shoulder workout.  If you're really trying to add size to your shoulders, I'd stick with a seated overhead barbell press and switch it with overhead dumbbell presses every 3rd shoulder workout.  I'd do the standing presses for warmups or once in a while to incorporate core strength, but it somewhat limits how much weight you can press.  Just do one pressing movement per shoulder workout for 4-5 sets (not counting the warmup) and you'll probably start seeing better results.  Also, just add reverse flyes or bent-over lateral raises and then standing laterals before shrugs.  Front delt raises are just overkill except for once in a while.  You use your front delts everytime you train chest, do pushups, etc...  

You could also look into adding upright rows after you've done your overhead presses, and if you find the right info/instruction, doing some explosive lifts like power cleans and hang cleans.  Just be consistent with your shoulders and keep it simple while adding some variety from time to time and they'll grow. 
Basically averages between $75-$90 an hour depending on how many sessions you buy at a time, and then like $45-$50 per half-hour if you buy half hour sessions. Most people are meeting with their trainer 1-2 times a week. I only have a couple of clients who train more than that.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Degenerate423

Trying to get back in shape, but I'm not sure if I should try out the p90x or just renew my membership to 24-hour fitness.

I use to do the ab ripper x part for a while when my brother left the dvd's, but he started back on it so he took the bands and pull up bar.  right now my main focus is gaining weight and working on my upper body.  I know a lot of people that end up giving up on the p90x because of how difficult it is, and I'd probably be more inclined to workout at 24-hour since some of my friends have memberships too, but I can't go everyday with due to my classes. and if I get accepted into USF then I'll only keep my membership until the end of summer.

So, the reason I'd get the p90x is because you can do a total body workout focused on building muscle or whatever, and it's more organized than just going to the gym.  The reason I'd renew my membership is because I feel like after a few weeks I might start slacking on the p90x whereas with the gym I could go with friends so I'd probably stay with that longer, theoretically speaking cuz I'm sure my friends will decide not go sometimes.

any help please?
It's really up to you. Are you the type of person that wants to look good or do you want strength over size? With p90x, you'll definitely look better at the end, but you'll be doing a lot of isolation work which is great for hypertrophy, but not necessarily best for strength. If you join a gym, you have the option to train for strength with barbells and heavy dumbbells. I tried out p90x for about 2 weeks but couldn't deal with working out in front of the tv. Plus it started to feel repetitive watching Tony Horton so many days in a row.
Also, training with friends isn't necessarily the best way to train for everyone. I know that I personally can't train my hardest with somebody with me. Joining a gym and going whenever you feel like it is a great way to keep focus and really push yourself.  Don't worry about going by yourself to the gym because after you get there and see everyone working hard, you'll probably get motivated to work hard too.

For your situation, I'd probably try and either do p90x until you go to college or get a barbell for yourself to workout at home. You could do deadlifts, hack squats, power cleans, military press, etc. with the barbell and use calisthenics for the rest. Handstands, pull ups, planches, front lever, pistol squats, etc. for strength through calisthenics.

Not to sound like a douche, but I'm going for the looks.  I don't really need to be ripped or toned, I just want to put on some muscle mass and get my abs back in order.  I'd like to join the gym, but I don't really know what exercises to do that's why I like the p90x because your workout plan is pretty much laid out.  The ab ripper x also gave me similar results as I got from doing training during baseball.  Thanks for the breakdown though, I really appreciate it.
Degenerate423 wrote:

Not to sound like a douche, but I'm going for the looks.  I don't really need to be ripped or toned, I just want to put on some muscle mass and get my abs back in order.  I'd like to join the gym, but I don't really know what exercises to do that's why I like the p90x because your workout plan is pretty much laid out.  The ab ripper x also gave me similar results as I got from doing training during baseball.  Thanks for the breakdown though, I really appreciate it.
There's nothing wrong with that. Any simple routine can work as long as you work your entire body. Otherwise when you neglect muscle groups, your proportions look off and you really don't look as good as you'd like. If you do decide to go with the gym, you look up exercises for all the muscle groups and just incorporate a few.
my big thing is that i eat too much candy. i would go months without touching a single piece of candy, then all of a sudden suppressed cravings become addiction and i'm eating 50-75g of sugar a day lol anyone else have this problem? i don't know how much bloating i suffer from the candy alone, but i can def. feel it when i'm eating candy right before i eat a meal. i've trying to cut down for the summer time. my power level will def. be over 9000 by then.
I am starting slowly to work out my arms. I wanted to know what do the wide arm pushups work out and what the closer together armed pushups do. Also what else can I do at home to work out my back, chest, shoulders, forearms and that area between the shoulder and elbow..that part that get's flabby on women and looks like a wing lol. sorry for the description but I appreciate anyone who can help me out at all.
I turned down drinking 100% last night and skipped out on the Mcdonalds run after the social events. I was DD so it was my excuse to order redbulls and/or water haha. I drive a flashy car too so it isn't that bad driving up to the club with my friends.

How can team fitness better your life?
-Spent $0.00 since friends bought me the non alcoholic bevs since I drove (as opposed to spending $200+)
-Didn't spend money on the 'night of' fast food and the next morning breakfast run.
-Woke up at a decent A.M time feelin fresh and got all my homework done
Originally Posted by cucumbercool

I am starting slowly to work out my arms. I wanted to know what do the wide arm pushups work out and what the closer together armed pushups do. Also what else can I do at home to work out my back, chest, shoulders, forearms and that area between the shoulder and elbow..that part that get's flabby on women and looks like a wing lol. sorry for the description but I appreciate anyone who can help me out at all.

Wide push ups work the chest more than triceps. Close/Normal push ups work the triceps more than the chest.
At home, you can probably do dips, push ups, squats, and pull ups(maybe not). Otherwise you can go to a park and do pull ups and dips on the monkey bars or designated pull up/dip bars that they may have.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

AI- stop wasting your time and money on those supps. Just get some juice bro lol. One cycle and youll get to your life goal and ull never have to juice again lol


no i really got bioforge for day to day feeling an also i needa start leanin out now, product has great feedback. i got my mass and strength back. i cant do juice man my fitness goals are not even to look like that anymore...............

"big is out, lean is in"-the situation


im prolly at like high 9-10% right now i needa get down to something like this again

o yea c-bol since its been a few weeks now..............yea id def put it up there with size-on. stuff gave me great strength and endurance but they dont lie its a mass performance creatine. for you hard gainers id go with size on or c bol all day
^Did he really need to be tuggin on his jeans like that tho?? lol Anyway I appreciate any info you guys have about working at home since I had to dead my gym membership for now. I'm starting to "shrink" and I don't like it at all.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

"big is out, lean is in"-the situation


Im about 6'~.5" and weiging in around 198 @ ~11%

In the process of gettin down to 190, which should have me lookin/feelin
My...... chest is in pain
Took to heart about the whole squeeze thing on that BB video a few pages back
.... Am I the only one that after I work out my chests they seriously double in size for like 2-3 hours afterwards and then go back to normal?
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

My...... chest is in pain
Took to heart about the whole squeeze thing on that BB video a few pages back
.... Am I the only one that after I work out my chests they seriously double in size for like 2-3 hours afterwards and then go back to normal?
Do you supplement your workouts with anything?
Also anyone ever use a bod pod to get their fat % accurately?

They have one on campus but its like $40 for the testing

Im thinkin about doing it around the end of spring term in june to see what I really am, i think it would be kinda cool to know.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

Also anyone ever use a bod pod to get their fat % accurately?

They have one on campus but its like $40 for the testing

Im thinkin about doing it around the end of spring term in june to see what I really am, i think it would be kinda cool to know.
damn I would so hop on that bod pod thing.
Anyway man it's been tough past couple days with all this damn temptation around me!! Thursday my family decides to have a big ol box of donuts what the hell. Then yesterday I go visit my relatives house and my little cousin has this little school party thing and they had chips, pizza, chips, coke, cake, eggrolls. Then today I went to my job orientation and man there was COOKIES, hot dogs, potato salad, muffins, brownies, burgers. But I resisted all that...
. Couple new cutie pies at work  that I didnt see last year. Caught some girls lookin at me
 unlike b4 . Hard work dedication pays off...
Originally Posted by treewing

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

My...... chest is in pain
Took to heart about the whole squeeze thing on that BB video a few pages back
.... Am I the only one that after I work out my chests they seriously double in size for like 2-3 hours afterwards and then go back to normal?
Do you supplement your workouts with anything?

like do i take supplements? yes....
I'm going to the gym right now and trying out that modified 300 workout. I haven't even done half those exercises so I will shoot for ~200
. I am doing this solo too
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

My...... chest is in pain
Took to heart about the whole squeeze thing on that BB video a few pages back
.... Am I the only one that after I work out my chests they seriously double in size for like 2-3 hours afterwards and then go back to normal?

I missed it... repost?
Do not underestimate yoga. It kicked my #%$
i'm glad I started because I can totally see this taking me to the next level.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

Originally Posted by Al Audi

"big is out, lean is in"-the situation


Im about 6'~.5" and weiging in around 198 @ ~11%

In the process of gettin down to 190, which should have me lookin/feelin

im your same height

i got down to 188 before, but i felt so skinny, really good definition and vascular but i felt so skinny, ill be happy with a very lean 195 thats my goal.

i think i was eating TOO little at the time, so i lost mass, diet was on point just wasnt getting enough cals in though.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

AI- stop wasting your time and money on those supps. Just get some juice bro lol. One cycle and youll get to your life goal and ull never have to juice again lol


no i really got bioforge for day to day feeling an also i needa start leanin out now, product has great feedback. i got my mass and strength back. i cant do juice man my fitness goals are not even to look like that anymore...............

"big is out, lean is in"-the situation


im prolly at like high 9-10% right now i needa get down to something like this again

o yea c-bol since its been a few weeks now..............yea id def put it up there with size-on. stuff gave me great strength and endurance but they dont lie its a mass performance creatine. for you hard gainers id go with size on or c bol all day
Audi is that really you? don't look anything like those pics you posted before lol much darker.
i remember your goal being to get UP to 200 lbs. guess you don't like it anymore?

one more thing
about Bioforge- is that considered a testbooster? it's kind of implied, but i can't get it stated explicitly on the description. i've wondered if my free/total test levels are down simply because i don't feel as AGRESSIVE as i used to, ya dig?
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