Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Thanks all for the props!

Just thought I'd look out particularly for the slim guys w/ high metabolism like myself to show that all their hard work isn't in vain. I see a lot ofpictures of guys going from overweight > fit but few of underweight > fit. Hardwork and discipline overcomes whatever body type you naturally are,whether skinny or fat.
I wanna see big dude transformations like wj4 did in vol 1. Mr Monday, Hen, Mayor etc, cats like that. I was never an Ectomorph so I know how hard it can bebut it really is about your diet an once that is right its a wrap on your gains. Ectos gotta work much harder than us.
Is there a certain minimum height for ectomorphs or a common one. I've been told that I was an ectomorph. I'm 5'8", never been thin, I'vealways been more of the bulky type kinda. I'm not fragile and I'm athletic. I suppose muscle gain is a little hard for me, but I wouldn't sayanything like an ectomorph, at least comparing myself to the ones that I know.
Mastamind ur prolly a Mesomorph like myself. Imo......the best, I'm bias though.
I try to take less than 5 grams of creatine. Its easy to od on it and piss it all out.

You can take more than 5g but once the loading phase is over you just cut back to about 2 or 3g so it doesnt all get excreted.

Mastamind ur prolly a Mesomorph like myself. Imo......the best, I'm bias though.

Considering its the "middle one", yeah id say its the best.

I have used Superpump before. It's an NO product that is supposed to increase the 'pump', your energy and focus while in the gym. I would give it a positive review as it def did help me with my focus and did give more of an extended pump throughout the day. Make sure you drink it on an empty stomach.

Be wary though, a lot of users (myself included) visit the bathroom shortly after using the product (and no not to pee).

Seeing this reminds me....

eric el terrible recommended that we should have a supplement review on the first page. people can write a short review about supplements and then ill put it on the first page for anyone whos looking for a review before taking something.

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I just finished my NO Shotgun x NO Synthesize stack
I think I might give Dark Rage( I believe this has some hormones in it) x Dark Matter a try

it doesn't, it's just a PWO. a very well-rated one though, very intense i hear. i almost bought some but i got some AEN presurge instead. not diggingthe overload on stims some of those crazy ones give you.
Al Audi, Durden7- I always felt that I leaned more toward mesomorph, was just never too sure

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I just finished my NO Shotgun x NO Synthesize stack
I think I might give Dark Rage( I believe this has some hormones in it) x Dark Matter a try

it doesn't, it's just a PWO. a very well-rated one though, very intense i hear. i almost bought some but i got some AEN presurge instead. not digging the overload on stims some of those crazy ones give you.
Yea, I heard Dark Rage was pretty intense. I'll try to see if I can get some samples, to give me a better idea.
i was squatting this morning in my garage. on my third set my legs failed on me. i was able to control the squat all the way down but then i got stuck. i hadthe clips on the end of the bar to hold the weights in place so i couldnt slide them off. i ended up just leaning the weight to one side and it landed on thesupport bars. and i was able to get out safely.

now all i can think of is my next leg day. i KNOW i can finish that third set next week.
Nice job going to failure. I don't think too many people actually squat to true failure, myself included.

Dark Rage doesn't have any hormones, but I think it works great as a Pre-workout, but same as Superpump250, NO Xplode, etc..., you have to start with asmaller dose to begin with, and be prepared to drop a deuce just before or mid-workout the first couple of times you take it.
Dark rage is intense, I was on it for 8 weeks and I must say the stuff had me on a whole new level of focused at the gym, start off with half a scoop though tosee how you react.
I've been using pre-work out supps for a minute now, I know to take a dump before I take them

What's the recommend scoop size, I normally start with that?
Also how's the taste?
i tried 2 scoops of jack3d a couple of weeks ago and i dindt feel anything

anybody hve experience with shock therapy? i might give it a try.

also, can anybody recommend me a good whey protein? ive been using ON for like a year and i think its time to change it up. i was thinking about getting allthe whey whey isolate and some bsn syntha 6. im going to get the syntha 6 cause i feel like my diet needs a bit more fat and that has like 6g per serving
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

I've been using pre-work out supps for a minute now, I know to take a dump before I take them

What's the recommend scoop size, I normally start with that?
Also how's the taste?
The recommended scoop size is half a scoop when your first starting out then gradually work your way to a full scoop. It also says only to use itfor 8 weeks, the rep at gnc told me to cycle off for a few weeks then resume another 8 weeks cycle. I just stopped taking it all together along with a lot ofother supps during my bulk because i've been eating a lot more and don't really need the extra energy, and get the fruit punch not the coke flavor ittaste like crap.
If anybody wants information regarding longevity and health, I think that Ori Hofmekler is one the best guys in the field of nutrition and fitness. He has manyvideos on youtube where he explains his theories and gets into the science of it. He's against excess estrogen in the diet. He says to eat low on the foodchain and he doesn't believe in counting calories, ratios, etc., but focusing more on the timing of food consumption. Just thought that I'd throw thisout there for anybody interested in more than just looks.

Ori maintains extremely low body fat levels year round. He's supposed to be around 7% now, and at his age, that's pretty amazing. I like the fact thathe's a living proof of how his theories work.
Ok fellas back from the gym and had my lunch (salad, boneless grilled pork loin) and vitamins. I did what the directions said and took 1 scoop for a beginnerbut i see you guys saying half a scoop. Well i was focus even though it was leg day. I was leg pressing, and curling like a mad man. I believe im gonna pay forit tomorrow when i cant walk LOL. But i was focused on lifting and finishing strong on each station and exercise. I think i had the right music going in theipod too (westcoast classics, Ice Cube, E-40, NWA etc.). I havent squatted and have only deadlifted maybe once or twice, well today i went in. Felt good too.Last time I squatted i almost threw up but not today. Overall i feel good and feel real good on the workout I had. Now i just gotta get my cardio game back upto par. I was at 35-45 mins easy a few months ago but now im barley getting in 10 mins straight before I gotta slow down.
my weak $$% finally was able to bench 135 starting today like 3 sets of 2.
Last time I tried benching 135 I couldnt push the bar back up.
Hit a PR last night on the bench... 235! I'm still walking around at about 155-159 regularly and it felt damn good to push up 80 lbs (roughly) over myweight, especially since some of the guys I lift with barely go 90 degrees on the bench, much less to the chest.

And to think, in May, my max was 185. This thread definitely helped motivate me.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

I wanna see big dude transformations like wj4 did in vol 1. Mr Monday, Hen, Mayor etc, cats like that. I was never an Ectomorph so I know how hard it can be but it really is about your diet an once that is right its a wrap on your gains. Ectos gotta work much harder than us.
If I can do it, anyone can. I used to be out all night eating Denny's, shooting pool, drinking alcohol, etc. Still waiting until Feb to takeanother picture to add to the timeline.
Originally Posted by airjzz

Thanks all for the props!

Just thought I'd look out particularly for the slim guys w/ high metabolism like myself to show that all their hard work isn't in vain. I see a lot of pictures of guys going from overweight > fit but few of underweight > fit. Hardwork and discipline overcomes whatever body type you naturally are, whether skinny or fat.

Aight now give me your work out schedule so i can start heading to the gym.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

my weak $$% finally was able to bench 135 starting today like 3 sets of 2.
Last time I tried benching 135 I couldnt push the bar back up.
The first day I repped 135 was the best day ive ever had lifting. Ive never felt more accomplished or proud than that day. For some reason, 135was this huge barrier and it felt great to beat down that wall.


some good discussion, advice and motivation over the last pages... keep it up fellas. im off to do some chest

- flat bench
- decline fly
- cable
- dips

prob do around 5-6 sets of each.. gotta push the limits..

Quote from the motivation thread:

"Dont work out to look good, work out to make others look bad"

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by gatorad3

my weak $$% finally was able to bench 135 starting today like 3 sets of 2.
Last time I tried benching 135 I couldnt push the bar back up.
The first day I repped 135 was the best day ive ever had lifting. Ive never felt more accomplished or proud than that day. For some reason, 135 was this huge barrier and it felt great to beat down that wall.

Co-sign to this. It's like finally moving up to the big boy ranks--it's just a nice ego boost to know you're at least pushing oneplate per side.

Now, I've got a long way before I get back there.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by gatorad3

my weak $$% finally was able to bench 135 starting today like 3 sets of 2.
Last time I tried benching 135 I couldnt push the bar back up.
The first day I repped 135 was the best day ive ever had lifting. Ive never felt more accomplished or proud than that day. For some reason, 135 was this huge barrier and it felt great to beat down that wall.


its something about finally benching 45s on each side

next stop is 225
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