Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

started a new routine on my workout, thought i would share with NT.

I just call it a "15/60", I do it 3x a week.
i workout 6days a week.
If i do a 15/60 i do not workout after work.
Regualr lift days i do extra cardio after work, (35 mins in the pool, or 20 mins of HIIT, or 30-45 mins str8 running/eliptical)


Chest Day as an example:

10 min Jog (around 7.5-8.5mph)

3 lifts - all chest (3 sets and heavier weight 7-10 reps)

10 min jog

3 lifts - all chest

10 min jog

3 lifts - all chest

10 min jog

3 lower ab workouts

10 min Jog

3 upper ab workouts

10 min jog

work out takes me around 2.5 hours with stretching and everything together... going to try to cut down the time.

after its all said and done I run about 8 miles in that 2.5 hours and get all my lifts in.

I believe this is the same routine David Banner's trainer had him on. I took this out of a muscle and fitness magazine years ago. Somehow i remembered it and just started implementing it into my routine...

Give it a try
^ I think it would be more efficient to do burpees, jumping jacks, jump squats, etc. in place of the jogging that you do. It stimulates the heart rate as well, but you don't have to do it for nearly as long as the running to get the effect that you want. Try doing 10 burpees between each set and resting as little as possible.

Anybody want my copy of Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe? I'm asking $25 shipped. PM me if you're interested
Originally Posted by badmoonRison

 keep going man. The first three things you mentioned are exactly what I'm trying to do... how far are you running ? Best I can do is 2 miles, I'm really trying to up that though
I run on the treadmill (less impact on my knees), 4 miles or so. Good luck, everyone needs some encouragement
From 162 to 144, in 4months i deserved/wanted a break. So i took a 11-12 days off.

But damn, your conscious eats at you lol. During this break, i decided not to watch myself(ie: eat w.e.) just so i can chill/relax; but everytime i would be thinking/estimating how much cals that sandwhich or soda had while ordering something, haha. I try to keep my diet on the low from my friends, but they know so they were surprised when i went all out at this brazilian spot, ordered something called rodicio(sp) meat after meat (nomo) delicious, in newark.

Well, the weeks up and i didn't really notice any weakness or anything of that sort, just a bloated stomach. Definitely recommend anyone to take a week off especially if they workout 5/7 a week(like me), it feels like when i just started, energy-wise. I did make sure to get my daily intake of protein, though. 80grams+food=120g protein.

Haven't really kept up with the thread, since the break, but i see Luong has done some good progress, keep it up.
^Thanks man, I'm still a fatty mcfatfat though.

160 by the end of the year is my goal. I still have a pretty nasty gut that I'm trying to lose

...Today is my cheat day
will i lose a lot of weight/fat if i shoot baskets for 30-45 minutes. go on the bike for 15 min then walk for 30 minutes on a high incline.

will try to change my diet and drink nothing but water.

this will be done about 4-5 days a week. also at time will be at the gym earlier in the day playing pickup basketball for 2-3 hours.
So I'm looking to take the FDNY test the next time it is available (I believe January or February). I'm about 150lbs, 5'10"... can anyone recommend me any workouts/cardio I should begin doing?

For everyone who wants to lose weight: WORKOUTS ALONE WON'T MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT.

Losing fat (weight) in the simplest form is a matter of burning more calories than you comsume. You can run 20 miles in a day and burn 3000 calories doing it but if your final intake is excess (i.e. you consumed 4000 calories) you will gain weight. Not necessarily fat, but weight, possibly muscle depending on what kind of exercise you did. Humans consume about 2000 calories for normal body maintenance and living conditions but the rest is up to the person eating. So the simplest way to lose fat is to eat less and exercise more. Keep in mind that you can't group it all into 1 day and go all out, lifting like crazy and eating 1000 calories. Your body will stop burning calories at a certain point if it senses that the overall energy levels are too low so it will start to store more calories than normal for the foods you eat.

Lifting weights is more efficient for burning fat than running. Strength training boosts metabolism long after the workout and muscles burn more calories when they're dormant than fat, so lift up unless you like running/are training for running.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Lost 13lbs and counting, on my third week
Nope. Just been running, playing basketball, and most importantly - eating better.

I drink a lot of tea too.
Good work bro, keep it up 
Appreciate it,
, pretty happy I'm able to do this. 160 is my goal by the end of the year.

I've had a bad knee (torn acl+shattered meniscus) and post surgery hasn't helped.
After 3 years, I've finally dedicated myself to getting back in shape. I'm 5'9 177 right now.

Wish everyone struggling the best of luck.

   Im 5'9 and was around 185lbs 2 1/2 months ago now Im down to 158 just by eating right and walking atleast 5 miles everymorning also lifting
BKMAC - i say try to bulk up since the gear your gonna be carrying is somewhere between 40 - 60lbs. are you taking the physical exam? if so start using stair master. there's a website that shows what kind of activities you do to pass the physical exam i think you have to finish under 12 min. i took it when i was doing the whole fire academy thing.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by scshift

Is it natural for my shoulder press to be much weaker than my bench press? I don't consider myself strong by any means but my shoulder press is pretty pathetic - I use 60 lb dumbbells for bench press but only 25 lbs for shoulder press, same reps. I've been doing the shoulder press military style lately with the palms facing the front but I'm probably going to start using a neutral grip.

Is it a problem that my shoulders are that weak? I'm training for basketball so if there's a more efficient exercise I should be doing please help, thanks.
Yea your bench will mostly always be more than your press, unless you've been training shoulders your whole life and neglected any chest excercise.

The way I just learned it is Deadlift > Squat > Clean greater than or equal to Bench Press > Overhead press
people are not cleaning more than they bench... are they?

the only max lifts i've done were Bench and Deadlift, so

for me 

Deadlift(250-@!*) > Squat (200's) > Clean (High 100's) > Bench (160s)
started week 2 and i wont lie i feel 10 times better then i did last week after i got done with arms

his my work out plan any help would be great

Spoiler [+]
monday- biceps/triceps

french presses
overhead rope extensions for triceps
rope pressdowns
laying hammer curls
incline curls palms down
seated dumbbell concentration curl
hammer curls

tuesday- legs

narrow dumbbell squads
raised leg curls
bent kick crosses
stationary lunge
hack squat calf raises
one legged hack squat calf raises
seated calf raises

wednesday - chest

arnold bench presses
neutral dumbbell bench presses
non peak dumb bell flys
floor flys
incline push ups
push ups

thursday - back

incline bench isolation rows
cable dead lifts
two arm dumbbell pullovers
seated rope cable row to neck
face pull
head supported barbell row

friday - shoulders

L laterals
arnold press
front plate raise
plate upright rows

everyday 65 mins(60mins then 5min cool down)of eliptical everyday to start

if you see anything i should take out or something i need to add let me know thanks for any and all help
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by scshift

Is it natural for my shoulder press to be much weaker than my bench press? I don't consider myself strong by any means but my shoulder press is pretty pathetic - I use 60 lb dumbbells for bench press but only 25 lbs for shoulder press, same reps. I've been doing the shoulder press military style lately with the palms facing the front but I'm probably going to start using a neutral grip.

Is it a problem that my shoulders are that weak? I'm training for basketball so if there's a more efficient exercise I should be doing please help, thanks.
Yea your bench will mostly always be more than your press, unless you've been training shoulders your whole life and neglected any chest excercise.

The way I just learned it is Deadlift > Squat > Clean greater than or equal to Bench Press > Overhead press
people are not cleaning more than they bench... are they?

the only max lifts i've done were Bench and Deadlift, so

for me 

Deadlift(250-+%#) > Squat (Low 200's) > Clean (High 100's) > Bench (160s)
Week 2 of Phase 1 for my p90x nutrition plan. I'm on Level 2.

My day usually consist of:

-Wake up, Cardio

-Lift in the afternoon

-Ab ripper X (2-3 times a week)

At the end of the first week I was feeling like *!%%, I couldn't finish the lifts even at 80% of my normal weight. (Back/bicep day)

I will say this: I have had the visible line separating my deltoids and my tricep for a long time and I see that it's back now...looking sexy as hell. Add to that, after a weekend of eating nothing but carbs, I weighed myself in the gym this morning and say that I've lost 3 lbs. Likely only 1 lbs of fat and the rest glycogen...but I'm very happy and. Will update you guys some more. And hopefully some pictures later on =D
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

BKMAC - i say try to bulk up since the gear your gonna be carrying is somewhere between 40 - 60lbs. are you taking the physical exam? if so start using stair master. there's a website that shows what kind of activities you do to pass the physical exam i think you have to finish under 12 min. i took it when i was doing the whole fire academy thing.
Thanks for the tips. Do you know of the website?
Originally Posted by Lunchbox

Im 5'9 and was around 185lbs 2 1/2 months ago now Im down to 158 just by eating right and walking atleast 5 miles everymorning also lifting
. Maybe I should wake up at 7 or 8am and start walking. Instead of driving, maybe walk to the gym
Any good chest workouts you guys would recommend? I'm happy with the width of my chest, but I would definitely like to add some thickness to it. Thanks.
Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

If im trying to clean bulk, about 3000-3500 calories... What should my macros look like?
Try getting in atleast 1.5 grams of protien per pound. Carbs should be about 2 grams per pound, and fat should be .5 grams per pound.
I really need to drop about 40 or 50 lbs, but I just have no willpower anymore. My food choices have gone to hell, and I just can't stop it. I have alot of stress so that definately contributes to the lack of will power.

If I could somehow lose 10 lbs in the next 2.5-3 weeks, I think id really get motivated to keep it up.
Damn.. watch what you say

That chest workout posted looks so heavy. Quite possibly overkill but that guy tripled the size of his pecs. I'm gonna try that next Monday.

My squat has dropped in strength from 205 to 185 SMH.. need to focus more on legs but the damn squat rack is always being used by idiots doing curls
. finally got my DL up to 315, and going for 325 on Wednesday.

Can someone estimate my body fat % here?? I stopped eating a caloric surplus and lost a lot of fat!
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