Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Welcome back Brett.

Looking good man.
I think I ate too much rice yesterday during my cheat day...Not a good idea

Good news - Ran 2 miles, played 4 games of basketball, and steamroom...3 hours of gym
I've been taking creatine and i'm to lazy to stir it every day plus every time i mix it i feel like im wasting some...

is it okay to just put the 5g of creatine in my mouth and then just wash it down with some water or GJ?
^Just as long as you can actually take it like that and not throw it up, mixing is mostly for consistency and being able to actually drink it. Also make sure you have enough water through the day, and not just washing it down if you're using creatine.
I need help with The Squat.

This is how it went today.

45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 8
155 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 2
135 x 10

...when I was doing 205lbs I was making sure I was SLOW and CONTROLLED and that I was getting as low as possible, but when I was deciding if I could go for a third rep I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it back out of the "hole". Mainly becuase I haven't pushed myself to the point of failure with the squat, but at this point if I want to get my weights higher than 205 I'm gonna have to push it.

Do I get someone to spot me? I've never seen a failed squat attempt.
I guess what I'm asking is how do I push through this plateau? With bench press, if I can't get the weight back up the spotter will help me, but it's not like dude is gonna grab my +*+ and help me get back up??

Team Fitness, I summon thee for advice herein upon the almighty Squat.
you'd need two people to spot if your maxing your squat, one person to the left and right of you so they can pull the weight up back into the rack
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I need help with The Squat.

This is how it went today.

45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 8
155 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 2
135 x 10

...when I was doing 205lbs I was making sure I was SLOW and CONTROLLED and that I was getting as low as possible, but when I was deciding if I could go for a third rep I was worried I wouldn't be able to make it back out of the "hole". Mainly becuase I haven't pushed myself to the point of failure with the squat, but at this point if I want to get my weights higher than 205 I'm gonna have to push it.

Do I get someone to spot me? I've never seen a failed squat attempt.
I guess what I'm asking is how do I push through this plateau? With bench press, if I can't get the weight back up the spotter will help me, but it's not like dude is gonna grab my +*+ and help me get back up??

Team Fitness, I summon thee for advice herein upon the almighty Squat.
For a weight like that, it wouldn't be difficult at all for an experience lifter to spot you. You could also drop the bar if you know how or adjust the side things (don't know what they're called) of the squat rack so that if you do fail the bar will rest on the sides and you can get out.
I've been taking creatine and i'm to lazy to stir it every day plus every time i mix it i feel like im wasting some...

is it okay to just put the 5g of creatine in my mouth and then just wash it down with some water or GJ?
Youre too lazy to stir?  WOW.

I need help with The Squat.

This is how it went today.

45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 8
155 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 2
135 x 10

...when I was doing 205lbs I was making sure I was SLOW and CONTROLLEDand that I was getting as low as possible, but when I was deciding if Icould go for a third rep I was worried I wouldn't be able to make itback out of the "hole". Mainly becuase I haven't pushed myself to thepoint of failure with the squat, but at this point if I want to get myweights higher than 205 I'm gonna have to push it.

Do I get someone to spot me? I've never seen a failed squat attempt.
I guess what I'm asking is how do I push through this plateau? Withbench press, if I can't get the weight back up the spotter will helpme, but it's not like dude is gonna grab my +*+ and help me get backup??

Id knock out the 95 and 115 lb sets.  Just go from the bar to 135.  Me personally I wouldnt even do 8 reps at 135.  Id go from a few body weight squats to a few with the bar.  Then if im doing reps of 8 I might do 4 reps at 135 just to stimulate my legs and get them adjusted to the stimulus.

Have you ever tried doing reverse pyramiding?  Have you ever tried starting with the heaviest weight and working your way down?
you'd need two people to spot if your maxing your squat, one person tothe left and right of you so they can pull the weight up back into therack
Its possible with 1.  Its awkward, but the spotter basically squats down too with his arms almost wrapped around the lifter and if he needs help its basically a bear hug and stand up from there.  It's more awkward than having 2 people, but it's def possible if 1 person is only available.
Originally Posted by Lunatic 809

I've been taking creatine and i'm to lazy to stir it every day plus every time i mix it i feel like im wasting some...

is it okay to just put the 5g of creatine in my mouth and then just wash it down with some water or GJ?
Mix it with orange juice...cant even taste the powder
Id knock out the 95 and 115 lb sets.  Just go from the bar to 135.  Mepersonally I wouldnt even do 8 reps at 135.  Id go from a few bodyweight squats to a few with the bar.  Then if im doing reps of 8 Imight do 4 reps at 135 just to stimulate my legs and get them adjustedto the stimulus.

Have you ever tried doing reverse pyramiding?  Have you ever tried starting with the heaviest weight and working your way down?

Okay I'd like to try reverse pyramiding.
So, if I'm capable of 205x5 how should the full workout look?

205 x 5
185 x 8
155 x 8
135 x 8

..? and if so, what should I be doing the week after? Simply add 5 or 10 lbs?

thanks again for the help
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by ii FLaSh ii

If im trying to clean bulk, about 3000-3500 calories... What should my macros look like?
Try getting in atleast 1.5 grams of protien per pound. Carbs should be about 2 grams per pound, and fat should be .5 grams per pound.

Thanks, I read somewhere else and they recommended the same... But it only leaves me with 2600ish calories... Im 5'9 145
So, guys, what do you eat when trying to put on muscle? I'm planning on going shopping later this week, and was wondering what kind of foods have high amounts of protein.
My plan for now is to gain 10lb of lean mass in about 3 weeks with as little fat gain as possible. Then do a 2 week mini cut before I hit up Vegas. Overall, I'm satisfied with my size right now, but I could use a bit more thickness in the chest and arms. I'm sitting around 157 at 9-10% bf. My lifts in the 8 - 12 rep range are:

75lb DB Bench press
70lb DB Military press
200lb Back Squats
245lb Deadlifts

I also do HIIT 2 - 3x a week. My most recent cut went pretty well. I was able to reach about 8% bf quite easily without losing most of my strength, only my squats dropped a bit. All i did was drop carbs, add a bit more cardio, and took a fat burner. Is 10lb. in 3 weeks without going over 11% bf a feasible goal? Any advice? Thanks. Any of you guys tan by the way? I'm white as a ghost right now and could use a tan before I hit up Vegas.
Can i get a 6 pack in 5 months if i do sit ups/push ups 3 times a week ? If so could you guys give tell me how many i should do and how often ? I would hit the gym but im broke and i have no car. Help would be appreciated
Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Can i get a 6 pack in 5 months if i do sit ups/push ups 3 times a week ? If so could you guys give tell me how many i should do and how often ? I would hit the gym but im broke and i have no car. Help would be appreciated

you are not going to get a six pack just doing those alone try doing these workouts 3 times a week you should get results faster:
Originally Posted by Noskey

So, guys, what do you eat when trying to put on muscle? I'm planning on going shopping later this week, and was wondering what kind of foods have high amounts of protein.
liquid egg whites
turkey burgers + whole wheat buns
chocolate milk
chicken +pasta
sweet potatoes

..that's essentially my week-week shopping list. you dont need a whole lot more than that, just high in quantity
^ Yep, that's a solid list of muscle building foods right there. Try buying some non fat yogurt as well. Fruits such as berries, bananas, and cherries are great choices. Almonds and peanut butter are key for me as well. Just generally try to have a well balanced diet. Counting calories religiously is an obvious way to get results quicker, but the results will still come even if you aren't counting totally but being health conscience of the foods you're putting into yourself and the portions as well. Make sure you do eat six meals daily, three bigger meals and three snacks. This will help to ensure you're blood sugar never has the opportunity to drop and you're muscles will be fueled. Everyone is different though so just experiment and hopefully you'll find a diet that is bearable and works for you.
Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

^ Yep, that's a solid list of muscle building foods right there. Try buying some non fat yogurt as well. Fruits such as berries, bananas, and cherries are great choices. Almonds and peanut butter are key for me as well. Just generally try to have a well balanced diet. Counting calories religiously is an obvious way to get results quicker, but the results will still come even if you aren't counting totally but being health conscience of the foods you're putting into yourself and the portions as well. Make sure you do eat six meals daily, three bigger meals and three snacks. This will help to ensure you're blood sugar never has the opportunity to drop and you're muscles will be fueled. Everyone is different though so just experiment and hopefully you'll find a diet that is bearable and works for you.
Exactly. I tried that out.. it wasn't for me.
"Oh **%% it's already 10pm and I'm only at 3600 cals FFFFUUUUU"

I think counting cals (or any stupid body building tactic including SUPPLEMENTS) is the difference between gaining 10 lbs or 11 lbs of muscle every 6 months.

Simply make sure you eat and lift.
middle of my bulk

gained a lot of fat.

lats have def been growing.... legs
havent been doing squats because of my hip injury but i hope to continue again in a few months

gained a lot of fat within the past few months lol

im at around 186 right now
excuse the ayoish picture
Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by Durden7

I've been taking creatine and i'm to lazy to stir it every day plus every time i mix it i feel like im wasting some...

is it okay to just put the 5g of creatine in my mouth and then just wash it down with some water or GJ?
Youre too lazy to stir?  WOW.

I need help with The Squat.

This is how it went today.

45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 8
155 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 2
135 x 10

...when I was doing 205lbs I was making sure I was SLOW and CONTROLLEDand that I was getting as low as possible, but when I was deciding if Icould go for a third rep I was worried I wouldn't be able to make itback out of the "hole". Mainly becuase I haven't pushed myself to thepoint of failure with the squat, but at this point if I want to get myweights higher than 205 I'm gonna have to push it.

Do I get someone to spot me? I've never seen a failed squat attempt.
I guess what I'm asking is how do I push through this plateau? Withbench press, if I can't get the weight back up the spotter will helpme, but it's not like dude is gonna grab my +*+ and help me get backup??

Id knock out the 95 and 115 lb sets.  Just go from the bar to 135.  Me personally I wouldnt even do 8 reps at 135.  Id go from a few body weight squats to a few with the bar.  Then if im doing reps of 8 I might do 4 reps at 135 just to stimulate my legs and get them adjusted to the stimulus.

Have you ever tried doing reverse pyramiding?  Have you ever tried starting with the heaviest weight and working your way down?
you'd need two people to spot if your maxing your squat, one person tothe left and right of you so they can pull the weight up back into therack
Its possible with 1.  Its awkward, but the spotter basically squats down too with his arms almost wrapped around the lifter and if he needs help its basically a bear hug and stand up from there.  It's more awkward than having 2 people, but it's def possible if 1 person is only available.

Unless you're having 2 Borg spot you, it almost never works out. Too uncoordinated and the unevenness will mess you up/make injury more possible for somebody. The proper way to spot is just as Durden described. Poster before that is referring to bumpers, which I'm sure you have at your gym. Unless you're working at planet fitness i would just roll the bar off my traps too if its just too heavy.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by Durden7

I've been taking creatine and i'm to lazy to stir it every day plus every time i mix it i feel like im wasting some...

is it okay to just put the 5g of creatine in my mouth and then just wash it down with some water or GJ?
Youre too lazy to stir?  WOW.

I need help with The Squat.

This is how it went today.

45 x 10
95 x 8
115 x 8
135 x 8
155 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 2
135 x 10

...when I was doing 205lbs I was making sure I was SLOW and CONTROLLEDand that I was getting as low as possible, but when I was deciding if Icould go for a third rep I was worried I wouldn't be able to make itback out of the "hole". Mainly becuase I haven't pushed myself to thepoint of failure with the squat, but at this point if I want to get myweights higher than 205 I'm gonna have to push it.

Do I get someone to spot me? I've never seen a failed squat attempt.
I guess what I'm asking is how do I push through this plateau? Withbench press, if I can't get the weight back up the spotter will helpme, but it's not like dude is gonna grab my +*+ and help me get backup??

Id knock out the 95 and 115 lb sets.  Just go from the bar to 135.  Me personally I wouldnt even do 8 reps at 135.  Id go from a few body weight squats to a few with the bar.  Then if im doing reps of 8 I might do 4 reps at 135 just to stimulate my legs and get them adjusted to the stimulus.

Have you ever tried doing reverse pyramiding?  Have you ever tried starting with the heaviest weight and working your way down?
you'd need two people to spot if your maxing your squat, one person tothe left and right of you so they can pull the weight up back into therack
Its possible with 1.  Its awkward, but the spotter basically squats down too with his arms almost wrapped around the lifter and if he needs help its basically a bear hug and stand up from there.  It's more awkward than having 2 people, but it's def possible if 1 person is only available.

Unless you're having 2 Borg spot you, it almost never works out. Too uncoordinated and the unevenness will mess you up/make injury more possible for somebody. The proper way to spot is just as Durden described. Poster before that is referring to bumpers, which I'm sure you have at your gym. Unless you're working at planet fitness i would just roll the bar off my traps too if its just too heavy.
If you have a power rack, you don't even need to adjust, just go down completely and if you're having trouble, just let it drop. The bars run the whole length of the rack along the side so there's no chance of the barbell hitting the floor.
even thought i dont get help in here (
@ my post getting jumped over all the time)

but ill say this the 1st week was hell put i pushed thru it even when i was having a hard time getting out the bed and washing my neck

im half way thru this week and the super soreness is gone i just get out of breath and tired now is that a bad thing should i still be super sore?
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