Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Id knock out the 95 and 115 lb sets.  Just go from the bar to 135.  Mepersonally I wouldnt even do 8 reps at 135.  Id go from a few bodyweight squats to a few with the bar.  Then if im doing reps of 8 Imight do 4 reps at 135 just to stimulate my legs and get them adjustedto the stimulus.

Have you ever tried doing reverse pyramiding?  Have you ever tried starting with the heaviest weight and working your way down?
Okay I'd like to try reverse pyramiding.
So, if I'm capable of 205x5 how should the full workout look?

205 x 5
185 x 8
155 x 8
135 x 8

..? and if so, what should I be doing the week after? Simply add 5 or 10 lbs?

thanks again for the help

Your spread is way too wide and your reps a bit high.  For the big compound lifts, reps of more than 6 are really counterproductive since the entire  point of these lifts is to build strength.

If you feel that you can do a set at 205 x5 for your last set then the previous 3/4 should really be:

175, 185, 195...

A 35% diff between your first set and last set is too extreme and simply means that you wasted your time and energy on 135 and 155.

As for moving up in the weight; it depends.

If you're able to move up 5 pounds every week, that's great.  Some weeks you won't be able too and that's fine too. As long as you're not dropping below the previous weeks total poundage you should be fine.

For example:

week1: 175*5, 185*, 195*5, 205*5 = 3800 lbs
week 2: 185*5, 195*5, 205*5, 205*5 = 3950 lbs

Even though you didn't increase the maximum on any single rep from the previous week, you're still technically stronger this week than last. 
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

most of you dudes make me look and feel like Hercules



for real though, thanks wawawawa. and ups to joe camel smooth for help with my shoulders and PanaRicanRetro for help on the deadlifts (got to 335lbs today
Ever since I started lifting, I keep gaining weight, And I don't wanna gain weight, I'm not eating out of the usual.

Is this normal?

I'm usually between 205-210. I weighed myself the other day I was 216 today I'm 214. I rarely get over 210 though....
Alright Im 6'2 248 and in November I want to go to wrestling school to become a pro wrestler.
My goal is to lose 20-30 pounds of fat while gaining atleast 10 pounds of muscle.

Here's the routine I've been doing for two weeks now which is already showing results.

Cardio-2 miles of running every day at 5 AM

Tues-Back and Shoulders

Im thinking I should switch the days of arms and back/shoulders around. Also for the most part i watch what I eat but just need to be more disciplined. My question is should I also be taking a protein shake?
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

you should stop making comments like that.

thread is here for others to improve themselves.

youre not big yourself so get off your high-horse.  no romo

on another note that video

check this one out
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Id knock out the 95 and 115 lb sets.  Just go from the bar to 135.  Mepersonally I wouldnt even do 8 reps at 135.  Id go from a few bodyweight squats to a few with the bar.  Then if im doing reps of 8 Imight do 4 reps at 135 just to stimulate my legs and get them adjustedto the stimulus.

Have you ever tried doing reverse pyramiding?  Have you ever tried starting with the heaviest weight and working your way down?
Okay I'd like to try reverse pyramiding.
So, if I'm capable of 205x5 how should the full workout look?

205 x 5
185 x 8
155 x 8
135 x 8

..? and if so, what should I be doing the week after? Simply add 5 or 10 lbs?

thanks again for the help
Your spread is way too wide and your reps a bit high.  For the big compound lifts, reps of more than 6 are really counterproductive since the entire  point of these lifts is to build strength.

If you feel that you can do a set at 205 x5 for your last set then the previous 3/4 should really be:

175, 185, 195...

A 35% diff between your first set and last set is too extreme and simply means that you wasted your time and energy on 135 and 155.

As for moving up in the weight; it depends.

If you're able to move up 5 pounds every week, that's great.  Some weeks you won't be able too and that's fine too. As long as you're not dropping below the previous weeks total poundage you should be fine.

For example:

week1: 175*5, 185*, 195*5, 205*5 = 3800 lbs
week 2: 185*5, 195*5, 205*5, 205*5 = 3950 lbs

Even though you didn't increase the maximum on any single rep from the previous week, you're still technically stronger this week than last. 

This applies to all compounds lifts you said, correct? I might need to redo my sets over with different weights then
Originally Posted by nba0203

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Can i get a 6 pack in 5 months if i do sit ups/push ups 3 times a week ? If so could you guys give tell me how many i should do and how often ? I would hit the gym but im broke and i have no car. Help would be appreciated

you are not going to get a six pack just doing those alone try doing these workouts 3 times a week you should get results faster:

thanks man, ima get started monday also i have a horrible diet most days i eat once and its burger king or chinese any suggestions for a new diet ?
Originally Posted by nba0203

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Can i get a 6 pack in 5 months if i do sit ups/push ups 3 times a week ? If so could you guys give tell me how many i should do and how often ? I would hit the gym but im broke and i have no car. Help would be appreciated

you are not going to get a six pack just doing those alone try doing these workouts 3 times a week you should get results faster:
You can definitely get abs by working out 3 times a week with calisthenics. Abs are made in the kitchen. You might not have the muscle mass that you like, but you can get down to low bodyfat levels without ever working out.
Here's a good article on the basics of gymnastics training and programming: http://www.eatmoveimprove...eight-strength-training/
You could always just do pull ups, dips, push ups, core work, squats, and sprints and have a fairly well-rounded routine that requires little equipment. But you will eventually need to work on harder movements or add weight. For sprints, run faster. But once you get to 20 pull ups, you're going to want to add weight or start working for a one-arm pull up. That is, if you're interested in that kind of stuff. Otherwise, if you're happy with your physique, just maintain it.
Just got back from vacation. I do NOT feel like getting back into the swing of things. Damn I am lazy right now. Ate bad and didn't work out, but that is expected since it is a vacation.

But in regards to being too lazy to stir, Chris Benoit used to put scoops of protein powder in his mouth and flush it down with water because he said it took too long to mix it up LOL.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Just got back from vacation. I do NOT feel like getting back into the swing of things. Damn I am lazy right now. Ate bad and didn't work out, but that is expected since it is a vacation.

But in regards to being too lazy to stir, Chris Benoit used to put scoops of protein powder in his mouth and flush it down with water because he said it took too long to mix it up LOL.
...and he turned out all right, huh.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Just got back from vacation. I do NOT feel like getting back into the swing of things. Damn I am lazy right now. Ate bad and didn't work out, but that is expected since it is a vacation.

But in regards to being too lazy to stir, Chris Benoit used to put scoops of protein powder in his mouth and flush it down with water because he said it took too long to mix it up LOL.
...and he turned out all right, huh.

so he smothered his protein?
Originally Posted by syxth element

This applies to all compounds lifts you said, correct? I might need to redo my sets over with different weights then

It does. One of the biggest errors I see in gym goers is that their set*rep schemes are way off and therefore they constantly struggle to advance.

Drawing out the correct regimen is most of the battle. Most people neglect it altogether and don't put much thought into it.

Not singling you out but just want to state that it's extremely important.
wawa thats some good advice...I'm doing rippetoes starting strength program and I'm in my 3rd week and i'm starting to slow down on the squat and the press I think my spread is too wide.

On another note it looks like tommorow will be my last day on the strength training program for a month because I just got an offer to go to ohio for the month of august and help my cousin run his gas station, so me not having a job right now and making some money off the books and then starting my last semester in September seems to make perfect sense for me.

So since i don't have any resistance bands I figure I would do a body weight circuit hopefully for the month to keep me in shape. I'll be working 10 hrs a day/ 6 days a week so god willing I hope I can do the circuit 3x a week.

so now i gotta cycle off creatine for a bit and then hopefully not lose the progress i've made in these 3 weeks which to me I was happy with...but I figure if you have the right mindset going out of things like you did going into it then it should be alright.

damn and no NT for a month...worse than what happened to Brett...
Anyone else think that getting the majority of their food from carbs is not good for their particular body? I tried experimenting with no carbs, high fat and moderate protein for the last 6 days and I was pretty surprised with the result. I had high levels of energy, didnt experience much brain problems and my body felt good. I lifted on all 6 days and my lifts actually went up. Today I decided to eat mostly carbs and I feel like utter crap stomach is bloated, I feel sluggish and it's given me crazy gas
. I think I'm gonna try a high fat/moderate protein diet again after this weekend is done and see if I'm able to maintain my energy levels and strength. I've been getting my fats from almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, butter (I know its not healthy but I like it) and my protein from chicken, beef, tuna, cottage cheese, egg whites while also consuming enormous amounts of veggies per day (broccolli, green beans, okra are my favorite). I'm beginning to think Keto diets aren't that hard/so bad afterall. I just think the biggest issue is being able to maintain it for an extended period of time and what happens to your body when you go back to eating carbs on a daily basis. I'm not saying that carbs = evil but I'm beginning to think that some humans aren't meant to be consuming 60% of their calories from carbs.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by nba0203

Originally Posted by LIVE BOY D

Can i get a 6 pack in 5 months if i do sit ups/push ups 3 times a week ? If so could you guys give tell me how many i should do and how often ? I would hit the gym but im broke and i have no car. Help would be appreciated

you are not going to get a six pack just doing those alone try doing these workouts 3 times a week you should get results faster:
You can definitely get abs by working out 3 times a week with calisthenics. Abs are made in the kitchen. You might not have the muscle mass that you like, but you can get down to low bodyfat levels without ever working out.
Here's a good article on the basics of gymnastics training and programming: http://www.eatmoveimprove...eight-strength-training/
You could always just do pull ups, dips, push ups, core work, squats, and sprints and have a fairly well-rounded routine that requires little equipment. But you will eventually need to work on harder movements or add weight. For sprints, run faster. But once you get to 20 pull ups, you're going to want to add weight or start working for a one-arm pull up. That is, if you're interested in that kind of stuff. Otherwise, if you're happy with your physique, just maintain it.
thanks for the reply, i dont want to add any weight i don't have a frail frame i would just like to tone up and get a 6 pack by next spring. should i diet ? im 18 5 8' 150 btw
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Anyone else think that getting the majority of their food from carbs is not good for their particular body? I tried experimenting with no carbs, high fat and moderate protein for the last 6 days and I was pretty surprised with the result. I had high levels of energy, didnt experience much brain problems and my body felt good. I lifted on all 6 days and my lifts actually went up. Today I decided to eat mostly carbs and I feel like utter crap stomach is bloated, I feel sluggish and it's given me crazy gas
. I think I'm gonna try a high fat/moderate protein diet again after this weekend is done and see if I'm able to maintain my energy levels and strength. I've been getting my fats from almonds, coconut oil, olive oil, butter (I know its not healthy but I like it) and my protein from chicken, beef, tuna, cottage cheese, egg whites while also consuming enormous amounts of veggies per day (broccolli, green beans, okra are my favorite). I'm beginning to think Keto diets aren't that hard/so bad afterall. I just think the biggest issue is being able to maintain it for an extended period of time and what happens to your body when you go back to eating carbs on a daily basis. I'm not saying that carbs = evil but I'm beginning to think that some humans aren't meant to be consuming 60% of their calories from carbs.
I've been saying this for a long time

I feel the same. High intake of carbs have been linked to many problems outside of just diabetes. Plus, all that insulin and sugar pumping through your veins can't be so good for you. Most people are addicted to carbs so when they cut down on their intake, their body feels like it's starving. Hence why people say they can't go X hours without food. I've heard that switching to a lower carb diet can making switching over to intermittent fasting. This is probably because the body begins to better use other energy sources than just carbohydrates.

Ketosis at the extreme(30 grams or less per day) might not be the best, but a fairly low carbohydrate diet like the one Mark Sisson recommends(150 grams per day or less) seems about right in my opinion. Of course different levels are appropriate for different people(more active, different age, etc.).
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

wawa thats some good advice...I'm doing rippetoes starting strength program and I'm in my 3rd week and i'm starting to slow down on the squat and the press I think my spread is too wide.

On another note it looks like tommorow will be my last day on the strength training program for a month because I just got an offer to go to ohio for the month of august and help my cousin run his gas station, so me not having a job right now and making some money off the books and then starting my last semester in September seems to make perfect sense for me.

So since i don't have any resistance bands I figure I would do a body weight circuit hopefully for the month to keep me in shape. I'll be working 10 hrs a day/ 6 days a week so god willing I hope I can do the circuit 3x a week.

so now i gotta cycle off creatine for a bit and then hopefully not lose the progress i've made in these 3 weeks which to me I was happy with...but I figure if you have the right mindset going out of things like you did going into it then it should be alright.

damn and no NT for a month...worse than what happened to Brett...
Time to work on gymnastic skills?

Seriously, give it a shot. It doesn't take too long. Increase your pull ups, work on the front lever, see if you can find dip bars, plyometrics, lunges, squats, work on the pistol squat, box jumps, etc. They don't take a lot of time if you know what you're doing. Just because you're not lifting weights doesn't mean that you can't add any muscle or strength.

Live Boy D, first work on the quality of food. At that weight you're probably not very-well muscled. Diet down a bit if you feel like you should. Then work on building some muscle. There's a big difference between being undermuscled at 8% body fat and having a good amount of muscle at 8% body fat.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

wawa thats some good advice...I'm doing rippetoes starting strength program and I'm in my 3rd week and i'm starting to slow down on the squat and the press I think my spread is too wide.

On another note it looks like tommorow will be my last day on the strength training program for a month because I just got an offer to go to ohio for the month of august and help my cousin run his gas station, so me not having a job right now and making some money off the books and then starting my last semester in September seems to make perfect sense for me.

So since i don't have any resistance bands I figure I would do a body weight circuit hopefully for the month to keep me in shape. I'll be working 10 hrs a day/ 6 days a week so god willing I hope I can do the circuit 3x a week.

so now i gotta cycle off creatine for a bit and then hopefully not lose the progress i've made in these 3 weeks which to me I was happy with...but I figure if you have the right mindset going out of things like you did going into it then it should be alright.

damn and no NT for a month...worse than what happened to Brett...
Time to work on gymnastic skills?

Seriously, give it a shot. It doesn't take too long. Increase your pull ups, work on the front lever, see if you can find dip bars, plyometrics, lunges, squats, work on the pistol squat, box jumps, etc. They don't take a lot of time if you know what you're doing. Just because you're not lifting weights doesn't mean that you can't add any muscle or strength.

Live Boy D, first work on the quality of food. At that weight you're probably not very-well muscled. Diet down a bit if you feel like you should. Then work on building some muscle. There's a big difference between being undermuscled at 8% body fat and having a good amount of muscle at 8% body fat.
yea neal I was going to do most of what you said.� for dips I guess I would use a chair but I figured I would do the crazy 8 body weight circuit from Rusty's site.� I did it for like 3 weeks last year 3x a week and by the 3rd round I could barely finish.� If anyone is interested heres the vid
nealraj006, you seem to speak highly of fasting.

1. Pros and COns
2. Will I lose much muscle mass?
3. Where will my energy come from?

I just got back from LA, I ate like I should eat on a vacation. I never had issues using the bathroom so that isn't an issue. But I just know I ate a lot of nonsense and I want to get my body back the way it was 2 weeks ago. I just feel like I need a cleanse. A total cleanse. Should I be a vegetarian for a week or so but that wouldn't make sense if I go right back to my old diet right? I regularly eat well, not much junk at all.

Anyone else a fan of fasting?
Originally Posted by easy1986

Alright Im 6'2 248 and in November I want to go to wrestling school to become a pro wrestler.
My goal is to lose 20-30 pounds of fat while gaining atleast 10 pounds of muscle.

Here's the routine I've been doing for two weeks now which is already showing results.

Cardio-2 miles of running every day at 5 AM

Tues-Back and Shoulders

Im thinking I should switch the days of arms and back/shoulders around. Also for the most part i watch what I eat but just need to be more disciplined. My question is should I also be taking a protein shake?
Yeah you should def look into buying some whey protein.  A lot of people will go for ON Gold Standard whey but check out Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate.  Stuff is a bit cheaper, mixes well just like ON and tastes amazing too.
You could also switch them up and do Arms/Shoulders, Chest/Back.  Chest back is by far my favorite combo and I see amazing results from it.
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