Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

my new goal physique


is that really tom brady
Anyone here addicted to peanut butter, almond butter, etc? So I just bought almond butter, macadamia butter and cashew butter today and I regret my decision already...all 3 are F'n crack cocaine son. Cashew + Macadamia butter + Dry pressed cottage cheese = heaven on earth. I feel like I'm cheating eating this stuff...I think I've downed over 1000 calories worth of nut butters today (Pause)
no lie im addicted to almond butter also. The almond butter plus flaxseeds is crack. I literally put it in my shake in the morning eat it with apples and put it in another shake. But It helps me keep my weight up because im more of a high protein + High fat (healthy) + low carb. Its worked wonder for me for the last 2 years.
I honestly look forward to my meals of the day with peanut butter
... I usually eat a heaping tablespoon on a slice of whole wheat toast, with oatmeal with blueberries and a banana every day for breakfast. I like to have my carb overload in the morning to get that energy going. Sometimes as a snack I'll just have a fruit with a tablespoon of PB also. It definitely is crack. All natural PB obviously. I've never tried almond or cashew butter but i do devour a crap load of raw almonds. I'll give it a try.
Love PB.......I know about the other spreads but for some reason never got around to it. Will try those out. Macadamia Nut Oil is better than Olive Oil too I read recently, in several ways..I gotta find that. Good fats are so needed each day.
Hey guys i've been lifting for about a year, and had some good progress but i still have a some belly fat that hasnt gone away. Any tips on getting rid of it while trying to bulk up at the same time?
Originally Posted by Royal Airness 29

Durden7 wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
Jealous of benching twice their max effort - an effort that took them 5 years of painful diligence.
Jealous of a lower body fat and higher muscle mass than they will probably ever achieve.

Could be anything... I know I'm jealous. However, I've found steroids to be beyond my scope of understanding and definitely too expensive at this point in my life. The risks outweigh any potential benefit ATM.

I'd love to be able to do 30 pull ups, deadlift 500, bench press 315, etc but naturally it will never happen.
You should be careful thinking that your jealousy is how others feel.

So is it the lack of knowledge on the subject/money reasons or is it the health risks that is keeping you from doing it?

Youre going in a bunch of different directions with what youve been saying recently.

This dude said people are jealous. You can't be jealous when it comes to something anyone can participate in. You are jealous of things you cannot obtain. People are jealous of others having nice cars, homes, girls, etc.

ANYONE can put a needle in them or pop some pills 3 times a day. $*%$ isn't that expensive.

And than you got this dude Ice talking bout getting results in 1 week while dudes spend 2 years to get results. First of all, 1 week won't do $*%$ after you took roids. Second of all, if someone cannot accomplish serious strength and muscle gain in 2 years, than that person obviously doesn't know how to workout correctly.

You guys are comedy. Dudes bragging cause they spent hundreds of dollars to get somewhere they could of been without roids. People like Ice n Brett like to choose the easy way out, rather than the folks who have real goals and dont want to poison their body.

Let me know when you guys get your first heart attack (God forbid) at the age of 32. But guys hold your heads up real high knowing you popped a few pills or poked yourself with a sharp needle to get to the point you're at.

BTW.....Are any of you juicers a Virgo? Just curious. Virgos tend to be insecure btw.......

With your argument, anyone who takes a prescription drug to treat a problem is "cheating". Don't take that Chantix to help stop smoking, do it naturally!! And if you have a heart attack from the medicine at age 32 oh well!! Hold your head up high knowing you tried to quit with some assistance. Yeah bro, you make sense.

^good looking out, That's a helluva deal. It's too bad that I've practically made the transition to lifting all cheapness is getting in the way of buying protein. Oh well...
You guys ever watch the "Man whose arm exploded" vid? lolzeez

Also, I'm not knocking you for taking roids. If you HAVE to you HAVE to. But there is a certain untouchable feeling when you know that YOU reached your goals and not a substance.
I need to hook up this almond butter... how do you eat it aside from spreading on toast, etc?

I am finding it easier to get the bar back up (bench press) when my lift my #$# off the bench. Is this dangerous??
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

You guys ever watch the "Man whose arm exploded" vid? lolzeez

Also, I'm not knocking you for taking roids. If you HAVE to you HAVE to. But there is a certain untouchable feeling when you know that YOU reached your goals and not a substance.

I guess every nba player should go barefoot in slam dunk contests. Let me take what you said into consideration.Lets say i train my %+! off for years and finally got 20" biceps. Lets say no matter what i can never get bigger biceps naturally because of my genetic limitations. But i want 21" biceps but can never get it. What if i decide to juice to get the 21". Does that take away that "untouchable feeling" of reaching that 20" goal?
I just had surgery in my right leg. I Can't hit the gym Hard yet, but I'm thinking about hitting the pool, and build up muscle and stay in shape by swimming laps.. I can't do cardio to lose weight, so swimming is the next best thing..& i wont be straining my right leg as much.. Any good workouts or equipment for swimming? Somebody was telling me that you can buy fins and gains muscle pretty fast.. From what i hear.. But Any advice Ill take. thanks NT.
Have any of u installed a pull up bar on ur door frame?? I'm thinking of installing one in my apartment but curious on how sturdy they are and if they will break my door frame. (I'm 6ft1 210 lbs). I feel like my door frame isn't strong enough b/c I feel like if I put my muscle and weight on the bare frame that I can break it. My cousin has a pull up bar in his apartment, but his building is very oldschool built so the frames are strong as hell. I did 20 pull ups on it without even feeling like the frame would break
Have any of u installed a pull up bar on ur door frame?? I'm thinking of installing one in my apartment but curious on how sturdy they are and if they will break my door frame. (I'm 6ft1 210 lbs). I feel like my door frame isn't strong enough b/c I feel like if I put my muscle and weight on the bare frame that I can break it. My cousin has a pull up bar in his apartment, but his building is very oldschool built so the frames are strong as hell. I did 20 pull ups on it without even feeling like the frame would break
To answer your question, YES. lolz, how do you not get it. And steroids to sneakers, that's a good comparison. Inject some juice into your brain and see if it makes you more intelligent!
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

To answer your question, YES. lolz, how do you not get it. And steroids to sneakers, that's a good comparison. Inject some juice into your brain and see if it makes you more intelligent!

Comparison between steroids to shoes is using something to enhance your natural ability . So an nba player should not feel the same glory with his ultra light flywire nikes allowing him to add another 5" to his vertical cause of his kicks? They should play barefoot to feel the FULL glory of their achievement.Get what im saying, or are you that dunce?
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