Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Money Making A

also brett its funny you mention steroids, i have asked girls about that when they have dated guys who have used/are on them and its weird how little they cared......most either shrugged and basically said whatever they didnt care and a couple were like "as long as he looks like that i dont care what hes taking." i dont think girls know a thing about them, just that they get you big, and if they like big dudes they couldnt care less.
pretty much

chicks will have no idea if a dude is juicing.

oh, and zyzz and his little aussie crew isn't as aesthetic when compared to other ppl (check spoiler)

Spoiler [+]
aussie crew


asian crew


urban crew


guido crew


kiwi crew


thats zyzz a few years ago though correct? not to d-ride but he currently has a better physique than anyone on those pics. his bro and some other of the dudes in the pics also have way better builds than the two dudes he's standing with in that pic. 

the asian crew are all way too small although very cut, only dude with decent mass has that big gap between his abs so no way his physique is more "aesthetic." black crew.....guy on the far left looks amazing the rest are in great shape but their muscle shapes/frames/or proportions dont make them look nearly as good. guido crew is awful  
 guy on the far right has a nice build but the rest dont
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Money Making A

also brett its funny you mention steroids, i have asked girls about that when they have dated guys who have used/are on them and its weird how little they cared......most either shrugged and basically said whatever they didnt care and a couple were like "as long as he looks like that i dont care what hes taking." i dont think girls know a thing about them, just that they get you big, and if they like big dudes they couldnt care less.
pretty much

chicks will have no idea if a dude is juicing.

oh, and zyzz and his little aussie crew isn't as aesthetic when compared to other ppl (check spoiler)

Spoiler [+]
aussie crew


asian crew


urban crew


guido crew


kiwi crew

thats zyzz a few years ago though correct? not to d-ride but he currently has a better physique than anyone on those pics. his bro and some other of the dudes in the pics also have way better builds than the two dudes he's standing with in that pic. 

the asian crew are all way too small although very cut, only dude with decent mass has that big gap between his abs so no way his physique is more "aesthetic." black crew.....guy on the far left looks amazing the rest are in great shape but their muscle shapes/frames/or proportions dont make them look nearly as good. guido crew is awful  
 guy on the far right has a nice build but the rest dont

that pic is several months old I believe, it was when he was off cycle. but, yeah currently his physique has improved since he went on a bulk...

I'm thinking about starting my first cycle in the Spring. Still have to do some more research on the best stack...
^^I know you're not trying to but you sound so lame dissecting these guys physiques. I mean "gap between his abs"... really???
nah im not trying to be a **** or overanalyze some dudes body im just saying......that zyzz dude has a dope physique and its hard to find many better.

im into bodybuilding, me dissecting = 1/10th of what an actual judge would do
If i am doing low carb(75carbs a day, non training days 40carbs), do i still need a carb up?

I'm thinking, no, because i'm giving my body the carbs it needs; but, then again i don't know that much about this diet.

IMO, bishes like the brad pitt body on flightclub, granted you can be bigger/nohomo, but it wont make a difference, in their eyes. They dont know what its like to have 15s or 17s on a 5'10dude.

I thought we talked about this already?
I'd say the brother on the left got the best aesthetics out of all them guys 

Zyzz is obviously still the goat though
brettTHEjett wrote:
Plain and simple.
Put it this way... those two exercises are typically the heaviest weight you will move. The higher the weight, the more GLUT-4 output and testosterone. 

I'm not about the science... but I know that lifting HEAVY weights i.e. squatting and deadlifting that require maximal output will help your entire body grow. Big arms come from heavy squats, yea I said it

When did you learn about Glut4?  

Exactly what I was thinking

NjCollector, you don't "need" to carb up. You can, say, on the weekends if you want. Or you can even raise the carbs a bit to around 100 g a day.
no no carb ups youre not gonna be in ketosis eating 45-70g/day

im doing about 40g on training days, 10 on non-training days....even that's enough to avoid ketosis.

maybe try it if you plateau for a week or two but other than that keep with your diet.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

^^I know you're not trying to but you sound so lame dissecting these guys physiques. I mean "gap between his abs"... really???
 It's like in the cute/fine girls thread. dudes see a hangnail on the perfect woman and it's automatic PASS
nealraj006 wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
Plain and simple.
Put it this way... those two exercises are typically the heaviest weight you will move. The higher the weight, the more GLUT-4 output and testosterone. 

I'm not about the science... but I know that lifting HEAVY weights i.e. squatting and deadlifting that require maximal output will help your entire body grow. Big arms come from heavy squats, yea I said it

When did you learn about Glut4?  

Exactly what I was thinking

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

I've been reading a lot  

care to shed some light? am I incorrect in my statements?
Glut4 is a transport protein in the membrane of cells. (Muscle and fat)  It shuttles sugar (glucose) from outside to inside the cell.  Insulin or exercise initiate the movement of Glut 4 to the membrane to help shuttle the glucose to the cells.

I dont exactly know what statement you were trying to make though.
damn i didn't realize how big of an effect fish oil pills had on skin.

i've been taking them daily for about 2-3 weeks now and my skin has never been in better shape.

current stack while losing weight:
ON whey
ON casein
Fish oil
Caffeine pills
Originally Posted by Durden7

Glut4 is a transport protein in the membrane of cells. (Muscle and fat)  It shuttles sugar (glucose) from outside to inside the cell.  Insulin or exercise initiate the movement of Glut 4 to the membrane to help shuttle the glucose to the cells.

I dont exactly know what statement you were trying to make though.

So, it stimulates growth?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Durden7

Glut4 is a transport protein in the membrane of cells. (Muscle and fat)  It shuttles sugar (glucose) from outside to inside the cell.  Insulin or exercise initiate the movement of Glut 4 to the membrane to help shuttle the glucose to the cells.

I dont exactly know what statement you were trying to make though.

So, it stimulates growth?
I guess you can look at it that way, yeah. 
Bulking season put on about 10lbs so far (@170). My body fat is around 13%. Going back up to 185 and cutting at the end of may. ON Pro Complex protein and a lot of chicken breast.






I always feel like I look so small in pics

-The Juice
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I hate de-load week.... BORING.
Gonna do 100 burpees after lifting. I've never done one before


You've never done a burpee, yet you think you can manage 100?

ill be suprised if you can do 10 before you're breathing heavy
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I hate de-load week.... BORING.
Gonna do 100 burpees after lifting. I've never done one before


You've never done a burpee, yet you think you can manage 100?

ill be suprised if you can do 10 before you're breathing heavy

Standing ovation if you do 15, and want to continue after.

-The Juice
Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I hate de-load week.... BORING.
Gonna do 100 burpees after lifting. I've never done one before


You've never done a burpee, yet you think you can manage 100?

ill be suprised if you can do 10 before you're breathing heavy

Standing ovation if you do 15, and want to continue after.

-The Juice
Let's do this. Everyone post a video of themselves doing burpees. Who ever does the most wins rights to rock the World Stay/Get Back In Shape Champion in their sig or something. Do this, seriously.
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