Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Why are you guys going low/no carb anyways?
lower bf %
Why that route instead of a standard caloric restriction?
quicker for me, i've done down to 1500 cal/day and i didn't see the type of progress i'm seeing with this. plus i would say by cutting out all carbs i'm probably eating at a sizeable deficit anyhow. 

plus it's more convenient, no tracking all my food intake and guessing the cals every time i eat out or eat imprecise portions. i don't have a food scale or anything either and i don't want to be bothered using one anyway.

carbs are not essential/neccessary, unlike fats and protein. so aside from feeling not as energetic or whatever carb restriction isn't gonna do you much harm
prob my first time not agreein with joe.
Havent really read anything in this thread but can someone explain to me the point of a carb cycle?

W/e happen to good old fashioned healthy eating and protein? I think people slip up when they try to do out of the box diets.

-The Juice
your body doesn't "need" them like it needs fats (ESSENTIAL fatty acids), protein, cholesterol, certain vitamins and minerals, etc.

pretty sure it can keep on functioning w/o carbs at all no problem. people who are epileptic or have other conditions live on keto diets for years/life in order to reduce seizures or other problems.

with that said the right carbs in the right quantities are beneficial for athletic performance and probably a bunch of other things like cognitive performance etc. but i dont think they are required.
yeah i mean personally i eat probably 150+ every day if i'm not on some sort of diet and i know my body works a lot better in the gym with them.

some people can get by with a lot less and not feel any different, genetics i guess.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.

huh? you must be doing it wrong completely I dont feel any pain in my back when I squat no matter how heavy.. if anything if you are going heavy it should feel like your leg is gonna not move back up.
I mean it feels like the weight is pushing down my vertebrae especially when im standing up not so much the actual squat.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.

huh? you must be doing it wrong completely I dont feel any pain in my back when I squat no matter how heavy.. if anything if you are going heavy it should feel like your leg is gonna not move back up.
I mean it feels like the weight is pushing down my vertebrae especially when im standing up not so much the actual squat.

where is the bar placement.. I dunno man the most that happens to me is that when im standing up my legs feel like going through the floor on some dbz gravity x500 steez.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.

huh? you must be doing it wrong completely I dont feel any pain in my back when I squat no matter how heavy.. if anything if you are going heavy it should feel like your leg is gonna not move back up.
I mean it feels like the weight is pushing down my vertebrae especially when im standing up not so much the actual squat.
Prob a weak core. Switch to front squats for a bit. They should significantly improve your core.
wawa if he cant even do reg squats wont he hurt hisself on front squats?

maybe front squats on a smith machine.....

i dunno man....
I say dude just needs to lower the weight and work on form first.. watch a ton of form vids on youtube. When I was beginning squats & deads, I went light and got the form down (used youtube vids for pointers) before I started going heavy
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.

huh? you must be doing it wrong completely I dont feel any pain in my back when I squat no matter how heavy.. if anything if you are going heavy it should feel like your leg is gonna not move back up.
I mean it feels like the weight is pushing down my vertebrae especially when im standing up not so much the actual squat.
dont place the bar too high or directly on vertebae you can feel ( the one sorta sticks out 3rd one like right below back of your hairline)

it should be on your back but not laying on your back a few youtubes of different trainers and or athletes to check your form.

get a good stretch. do more core work. lighten up the weight for minute.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

wawa if he cant even do reg squats wont he hurt hisself on front squats?

maybe front squats on a smith machine.....

i dunno man....

front squats are safer than back squats from an anatomical perspective. The worst that could happen is that he drops the weight because the tendency is to push up and forward when squatting (especially for those with poor hip mobility). On a back squat that tendency gets people hurt. Front squats are the safest compound exercise. 
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

co sign

front squats are more advanced exercise an DEF require strong core imo.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

co sign

front squats are more advanced exercise an DEF require strong core imo.
I like front squats way better than back squats, I feel it's easier to go ATG with the bar balance.

supersaiyan415, you work out in SF? I hit 24 hr fitness in SF all the time
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

yeah its definitely this. straightening the legs/bringing the hips up too early and then finishing with a good morning motion. that will definitely put a lot of strain on the lower back. 

drop the weight and practice form
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

co sign

front squats are more advanced exercise an DEF require strong core imo.
This is flat out wrong though regarding the belief that back squats should be learned first.
In fact, the front squat should be taught first and then the back squat is a natural extension of that. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

yeah its definitely this. straightening the legs/bringing the hips up too early and then finishing with a good morning motion. that will definitely put a lot of strain on the lower back. 

drop the weight and practice form
It may not be weight or form. Most likely it's lack of hip mobility. Most people can't go vertical in the squat because of poor hip mobility. They're physically incapable of keeping their lower back perpendicular to their legs at the bottom of the squat. 
Hey guys .. has anyone uses Clenbuterol (sp?) when trying to lose weight and get ripped?.. my cousin wants me to take this to get rid of my beer belly and get into shape again..
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

yeah its definitely this. straightening the legs/bringing the hips up too early and then finishing with a good morning motion. that will definitely put a lot of strain on the lower back. 

drop the weight and practice form
It may not be weight or form. Most likely it's lack of hip mobility. Most people can't go vertical in the squat because of poor hip mobility. They're physically incapable of keeping their lower back perpendicular to their legs at the bottom of the squat. 
even at our age though? if so damn lol work on some for the clen.....dude dont use that. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

yeah its definitely this. straightening the legs/bringing the hips up too early and then finishing with a good morning motion. that will definitely put a lot of strain on the lower back. 

drop the weight and practice form
It may not be weight or form. Most likely it's lack of hip mobility. Most people can't go vertical in the squat because of poor hip mobility. They're physically incapable of keeping their lower back perpendicular to their legs at the bottom of the squat. 
even at our age though? if so damn lol work on some for the clen.....dude dont use that. 

maybe he should perfect no weight chair squats first
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

yeah but I'm thinking dude is doing Good Mornings not squating. I would never recommend front squats to someone who cant do back squats.

yeah its definitely this. straightening the legs/bringing the hips up too early and then finishing with a good morning motion. that will definitely put a lot of strain on the lower back. 

drop the weight and practice form
It may not be weight or form. Most likely it's lack of hip mobility. Most people can't go vertical in the squat because of poor hip mobility. They're physically incapable of keeping their lower back perpendicular to their legs at the bottom of the squat. 
even at our age though? if so damn lol work on some for the clen.....dude dont use that. 
Past the early teens flexibility starts to erode. Most folks don't stretch either. Stretching used to be part of Phys Ed class back in the day. I doubt that's the case nowadays.

If you want to expose your own lack of hip mobility try the overhead squat. If your heels stay on the floor then you're good. If not, you still have some work to do in that department. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

your body doesn't "need" them like it needs fats (ESSENTIAL fatty acids), protein, cholesterol, certain vitamins and minerals, etc.

pretty sure it can keep on functioning w/o carbs at all no problem. people who are epileptic or have other conditions live on keto diets for years/life in order to reduce seizures or other problems.

with that said the right carbs in the right quantities are beneficial for athletic performance and probably a bunch of other things like cognitive performance etc. but i dont think they are required.
You really need to do some research on carbs.

Saying theyre not necessary is just plain false.
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