Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Originally Posted by CaptinStabbin

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I hate de-load week.... BORING.
Gonna do 100 burpees after lifting. I've never done one before


You've never done a burpee, yet you think you can manage 100?

ill be suprised if you can do 10 before you're breathing heavy

Standing ovation if you do 15, and want to continue after.

-The Juice
Let's do this. Everyone post a video of themselves doing burpees. Who ever does the most wins rights to rock the World Stay/Get Back In Shape Champion in their sig or something. Do this, seriously.

Club29 > Hyper Cutter with a clean win at the 'Rumble

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I hate de-load week.... BORING.
Gonna do 100 burpees after lifting. I've never done one before


You've never done a burpee, yet you think you can manage 100?

ill be suprised if you can do 10 before you're breathing heavy
You're right.
Burpee x Muscle up 

If filming yourself at the gym "socially acceptable"??

BRB getting hot chick to hold camera
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Why are you guys going low/no carb anyways?
lower bf %
Why that route instead of a standard caloric restriction?
dunno if durden is serious but carb restriction/monitoring yoru carb intake or using only when needed DEF works fast/great
brettTHEjett wrote:
That is unattainable for 95% of humans, and the females (that I'm into at least) are all dating the heroine addict looking rock star kinds.

Wouldn't say that the look is unattainable for many. 
The fact is that most who work out do not know what the hell they're doing. 
Yeah, im def. serious, but its not a great long term solution.

Im not saying this applies to this circumstance, but a lot of people dont know what theyre doing when they restrict their carbs.  They just associate that word with "bad" and don't eat any.

If its not done correctly, its really dangerous.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Yeah, im def. serious, but its not a great long term solution.

Im not saying this applies to this circumstance, but a lot of people dont know what theyre doing when they restrict their carbs.  They just associate that word with "bad" and don't eat any.

If its not done correctly, its really dangerous.

i have NOTHING to debate with what you just said.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Why are you guys going low/no carb anyways?
lower bf %
Why that route instead of a standard caloric restriction?
dunno if durden is serious but carb restriction/monitoring yoru carb intake or using only when needed DEF works fast/great
It's not sustainable though. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Why are you guys going low/no carb anyways?
lower bf %
Why that route instead of a standard caloric restriction?
dunno if durden is serious but carb restriction/monitoring yoru carb intake or using only when needed DEF works fast/great
It's not sustainable though. 

read above......
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Why are you guys going low/no carb anyways?
lower bf %
Why that route instead of a standard caloric restriction?
dunno if durden is serious but carb restriction/monitoring yoru carb intake or using only when needed DEF works fast/great
It's not sustainable though. 

read above......



Ppl who do this are usually in better than avg already, its like some body builder contest prep steez, my co workers think I'm crazy when I tell em, I gotta watch what I eat.
Can someone point me to some good chicken breast recipes? Plain grilled chicken everynight is starting to get to me
anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Can someone point me to some good chicken breast recipes? Plain grilled chicken everynight is starting to get to me

im not sure what brand i get, im sure there are many different ones anyway, but i know they have packets of seasoning like chipotle, chili lime and many other, they're pretty good too

10 sets of 10 reps with 30 seconds between sets.

finished four sets before I started getting embarrassingly tired. 

Had me heaving like a fat chick playing defense at last call on a friday night.

I will DEFINITELY be doing these every time I hit the gym. 
I need help with a routine at the gym.

Im tryna drop some weight so i've been running for 30 mins most of the week and all i've been eating is tuna w/ wheat bread, peanut butter & low fat jelly w/ wheat bread and chicken ceasar salads.

How do I go about getting cut up ? I feel like im taking to long at the gym when im lifting weights.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.
Squat in a power rack and set the safeties. 
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

I need help with a routine at the gym.

Im tryna drop some weight so i've been running for 30 mins most of the week and all i've been eating is tuna w/ wheat bread, peanut butter & low fat jelly w/ wheat bread and chicken ceasar salads.

How do I go about getting cut up ? I feel like im taking to long at the gym when im lifting weights.

Your diet seems O K, but ensure you are getting enough calories. 
Often times people feel eating extremely low calories is going to speed the process up... it's only going to hurt you in the long run and you are more likely to go back to old habits.

Forget the running. Do a warm up (jog/elliptical/etc) and then lifts wights. Building muscle will help burn fat tremendously. In order to build muscle you also need to increase protein intake to roughly 1g/1kg of body weight.

Do burpees. A lot of them. As I just found out they are amazing for endurance strength and will completely kick your *%#.. much more than the treadmill will. Plus they are anything but boring (see: treadmill).

I suggest googling a "men's full body workout" and just sticking with that 3-4 days a week... incorporating a few sets of burpees.
Originally Posted by Dam itz Lou

I need help with a routine at the gym.

Im tryna drop some weight so i've been running for 30 mins most of the week and all i've been eating is tuna w/ wheat bread, peanut butter & low fat jelly w/ wheat bread and chicken ceasar salads.

How do I go about getting cut up ? I feel like im taking to long at the gym when im lifting weights.
legacy GT
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

anyone else scared while doing squats? even with a spotter im scared i wont have any energy to push myself back up. sometimes it feels like my backs about to break.

huh? you must be doing it wrong completely I dont feel any pain in my back when I squat no matter how heavy.. if anything if you are going heavy it should feel like your leg is gonna not move back up.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Why are you guys going low/no carb anyways?
lower bf %
Why that route instead of a standard caloric restriction?
quicker for me, i've done down to 1500 cal/day and i didn't see the type of progress i'm seeing with this. plus i would say by cutting out all carbs i'm probably eating at a sizeable deficit anyhow. 

plus it's more convenient, no tracking all my food intake and guessing the cals every time i eat out or eat imprecise portions. i don't have a food scale or anything either and i don't want to be bothered using one anyway.

carbs are not essential/neccessary, unlike fats and protein. so aside from feeling not as energetic or whatever carb restriction isn't gonna do you much harm.

and yeah it's not a long-term thing like al said but restricting carbs has been the best way for me and many others to shed bf% when you're already somewhat lean. for me carb cycling didn't work too well after like a week but carb restriction (not even keto haven't really given that a go yet) is amazing
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