Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0


Zyzz putting on that size
zzyz is forgotten since the rise of plyo 
that dude is a true mesmo.... unreal stuff.

I swear the community is 100% homosexual or at least bisexual 
All these intense leg day's have my thighs getting huge..
My waist want's to wear a size 36, but my thighs wanna wear a 40

snapped this after the first week quick, i dont know my weight......dont use the scale

dgk......i dont have a before pic but the results are drastic, dudes at my gym been lookin at me weird as of late
, but yea last night this dude who i actually seen on saturday came up to me an was like "yo you on a fat burner? you cut up real quick."

obviously it looks way more insane when im pumped in the gym working out, im gonna run this for 6 weeks then pick up the carbs, but everything tightened up within days, abs, chest, arms, no clue how much weight/size i lost.

i literally had almonds and humapro the first week. this week im incorporating egg whites, bison, and kickin up the fat content/cals more.

ill post a pic again march 1st (when im done) then kickin up the carbs/switchin up routine (mon/wed/fri full body intense workout really workin up a sweat)

i dont do post workout carbs either, some on keto throw in 15/30g from what ive read but for me straight aminos.

not as skinny as i appear in the pics but my v shape is pretty sick
, cant wait to see what the weeks ahead bring then put some size back on
I know YAS because those biceps 

The hell do you do to workout arms???

I haven't done arm exercises in two months 
 just havent' had a justifiable reason.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I haven't done arm exercises in two months 
 just havent' had a justifiable reason.

brett neither do i...................

im on full body routine like you i think you said you do....................bis/tris get enough work from compound work correct?

deadlifts are great, they really are.
[h3]More fat in your food to gain weight[/h3]
If you struggle to gain weight, one simple solution is to add some more fat in your diet. When I'm bulking up, I try to have at least 1200 calories from fat in my diet. Try to avoid saturated fat, and avoid fat together with refined sugar.

A simple way to pull this off is to have an oil&juice shake. Have about 13 fl oz (0,4 liters) of orange juice in a bottle together with 3.5 fl oz (0,1 liters) of vegetable oil, and shake the bottle thoroughly. the taste is actually pretty good, and the drink gives you about a 1000 calories.
^what kind of full body workouts are you guys using?.....i just started a new job and im gunna be statrting some MMA classes within the next couple weeks, i think three days lifting a week is all im really goin to be able to about 6'4 235 with decent strength and muscle under some fat lol.
Can anyone hook me up with a good routine they've used and gotten good results from.

I'm just starting up again and mine isn't bad but I wanna see if I can get a better one.

I'm trying to put on weight/get bigger if that helps. 
Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Can anyone hook me up with a good routine they've used and gotten good results from.

I'm just starting up again and mine isn't bad but I wanna see if I can get a better one.

I'm trying to put on weight/get bigger if that helps. 
puttin on weight getting clean and eat big


you will make great gains in your lift and size.......

Compound lifts are the way to go, because they use the largest groups of muscles

id go with a mon/wed/fri routine if youre just getting back/beginner
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Can anyone hook me up with a good routine they've used and gotten good results from.

I'm just starting up again and mine isn't bad but I wanna see if I can get a better one.

I'm trying to put on weight/get bigger if that helps. 
puttin on weight getting clean and eat big


you will make great gains in your lift and size.......

Compound lifts are the way to go, because they use the largest groups of muscles

id go with a mon/wed/fri routine if youre just getting back/beginner

I'm on a MWF right now, doing

Low incline dumbell press
Chin Ups

Barbell Rows



Leg Curls
Straight Legged Deadlifts
Standing Calf Raises


Military Press

Seated Dumbbell Press

Standing Lateral Raises

Rope Pull-Down


Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl

I lost A LOT of weight because I had mono and couldn't eat/workout so I'm down to like 155 now and feel like I'm starting over 

Anything you would change about the above workout? Or any good completely new workout recommendations?

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Originally Posted by Money Making A

he's on dat bulk cycle

i'm mirin


Smh at all the dudes in the back mirin.  Dope tat though, i need one like that.
I don't think they are miring.
At this point it's just medically fascinating. He's the next gregg valentino or whatever his name was

Al Audi wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
I haven't done arm exercises in two months 
 just havent' had a justifiable reason.

brett neither do i...................

im on full body routine like you i think you said you do....................bis/tris get enough work from compound work correct?

deadlifts are great, they really are.

your arms are incredible for no direct work 
personally i go with a FULL body compound routine.............3-4 sets for each muscle group, 1 exercise per group

thats must me though
Originally Posted by Al Audi

personally i go with a FULL body compound routine.............3-4 sets for each muscle group, 1 exercise per group

thats must me though

I'm down for suggestions I want a new routine.

You have a good compound routine you could PM me or post? I've never tried one and don't wanna @%#@ it up. 
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Since we posting pics..


What do you brahs think? Def room for improvement

looks good to me, your solid, you got some thickness

what is your height and weight? im sure youd like to get bigger/leaner, so far so good imo.
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