Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

just came back from the gym.

was 'mirin the pump




really just trying to lose that flab on my lower stomach and make my abs be a bit more visible...i'd like to pump up the chest/shoulders/and arms too.

i'm pretty content with how i look. i would be happy with a bit more size...but with the amount of running i do because of my sport, i feel it's almost impossible/a very hard goal to attain. i would have to eat a RIDICULOUS amount of food. i play soccer 3x a week, so all those calories i consume are done in vain...they get burned away.
Everybody's posting up there pics so heres mine...Still trying to put on as much mass as about 185 right now and trying to get up to about 200...

Its taking a while but its a process...go ahead and critique away...anybody mirin'?
Originally Posted by dgk3188

really just trying to lose that flab on my lower stomach and make my abs be a bit more visible...i'd like to pump up the chest/shoulders/and arms too.

i'm pretty content with how i look. i would be happy with a bit more size...but with the amount of running i do because of my sport, i feel it's almost impossible/a very hard goal to attain. i would have to eat a RIDICULOUS amount of food. i play soccer 3x a week, so all those calories i consume are done in vain...they get burned away.

you want the team italia soccer look?

what is your diet like then?
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by dgk3188

really just trying to lose that flab on my lower stomach and make my abs be a bit more visible...i'd like to pump up the chest/shoulders/and arms too.

i'm pretty content with how i look. i would be happy with a bit more size...but with the amount of running i do because of my sport, i feel it's almost impossible/a very hard goal to attain. i would have to eat a RIDICULOUS amount of food. i play soccer 3x a week, so all those calories i consume are done in vain...they get burned away.

you want the team italia soccer look?

what is your diet like then?
lol yea i could fox with the italia team look.

some more examples:



usually in the AM i do a protein shake, small bowl of oatmeal, 3 eggs (with yolk) some turkey bacon and a side of cottage cheese.

during the day i snack on almonds, greek yogurt, a couple pieces of fruit, can of tuna

lunch is usually chicken/vegetables small side of brown rice.

dinner is usually the same. i switch it up with some fish/tuna steak.

usually have a cheat meal or two during the week...chiptole is my vice
any tips/advice? things i can incorporate?
I tried going very low carb for cutting purposes this last week but that cause my workouts to not be as good as I would like. Possible to cut while going moderate carb?? like 150g?

Diet was:
1st meal: 1 scoop of protein
2nd meal: 8 egg whites (from carton) with 3-4 strips of turkey bacon
3rd: 2 scoops of whey
4th: 30- 45 min before workouts 1 scoop whey, 2 wheat waffles with a tbsp of natural PB on each plus 240mg of caffeine with Slingshot preworkout
5th: 2 scoops of whey and an oz of almonds
6th: 6-8 oz chicken breast with brocoli or spinach salad
7th: 8-9 oz if lean fish with brocoli

Going to sub 1 cup of oatmeal for the turkey bacon and have 2 whole eggs with 6 egg whites
Anymore suggestions???
Oh, is it pic time?
Well, maybe this will be a source of motivation for any ectos in the house 

November 1, 2009 - 150lbs

Day 1 of working out (and this thread)

November 1, 2010 - 165lbs

Starting to learn a lot about working out but spent at least 80% of the past year wasting my time with body builder routines and broscience

December 30,  2010 - 180lbs

Learned the importance of perfect form, slow, full range of motion COMPOUND exercises. Started a strength training and really began eating like a man, thanks to advice from this thread.

January 7, 2011 - 175lbs

Did a week of cardio+lower cals+intermittent fasting just to lean out and see if I still had abs kickin around

Four more month of strength training until I *should* reach some strength goals, then it's back to more interesting workouts like PLYO and @%+%. Maybe reduce cals for beach weather.
Originally Posted by glo1980

Doing some type of card at least an hour everyday would be a good workout.

5 sets of Black Jack till failure and 1 drop set of Poker low weight high reps  
Nice progress Brett, I'd love to hit that around a year from now.

What routines were you using? Think you could help me out? 
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Since we posting pics..


What do you brahs think? Def room for improvement

looks good to me, your solid, you got some thickness

what is your height and weight? im sure youd like to get bigger/leaner, so far so good imo.
5'7 145...My goal for this year is to get to a lean 155..Been really serious for the past few months, putting weight on is hard as a %!+!#%%#++@% for me
Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Nice progress Brett, I'd love to hit that around a year from now.

What routines were you using? Think you could help me out? 

I did your typical five day split for a year and as you can see, found minimal progress.

No point in doing exercises for the 8-10 rep range when the weights you push are mad low.... the higher the weights the more stress on your muscle.

So I said #%*% it... I'm gonna gain strength for a year.. then it will be economic to go in and do "a body part a day" i.e. chest on monday backon tuesday etc.

Been doing "5/3/1" for three months.

Feels good man... four days a week and workout are 1 main lift with a ramp up of weights to a top weight of either 5 rep 3 rep or 1 rep, and then 5x10 of two assistance exercises. assistance meaning assisting the progress of the main lift. Deadlift, military press, bench, squat

I REALLY suggest it.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Nice progress Brett, I'd love to hit that around a year from now.

What routines were you using? Think you could help me out? 

I did your typical five day split for a year and as you can see, found minimal progress.

No point in doing exercises for the 8-10 rep range when the weights you push are mad low.... the higher the weights the more stress on your muscle.

So I said #%*% it... I'm gonna gain strength for a year.. then it will be economic to go in and do "a body part a day" i.e. chest on monday backon tuesday etc.

Been doing "5/3/1" for three months.

Feels good man... four days a week and workout are 1 main lift with a ramp up of weights to a top weight of either 5 rep 3 rep or 1 rep, and then 5x10 of two assistance exercises. assistance meaning assisting the progress of the main lift. Deadlift, military press, bench, squat

I REALLY suggest it.
 my god didn't even notice that. 

That sounds pretty good actually, I get the basic gist of what you're saying but I'm not a lifting expert and need specific instructions. I don't mean to sound stupid or be annoying but I'm no good at coming up with routines on my own. I wouldn't call myself a beginner but I'm definitely no expert. So if you could possibly PM me a suggested routine for each day or something it'd be extremely appreciated, maybe even the one you used. I dunno if you saw what I posted earlier but I haven't worked out in 4 months because I had mono and am pretty much starting over now. I didn't get as much progress as I would have liked in about the 9 month span that I lifted multiple times a week, so I'm trying to get a good routine that'll really help me.

Again I don't mean to be annoying by asking for a specific routine but I'm hoping you'll understand, just trying to get a good workout. 
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