Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Low carb diets work if you know what you doing.

How many grams of fish oil everyone taking?

I try to take 3gm of Dha/epa

1 pill is like 1300mg with 950mg of epa/dha

What exactly do you mean by "know what you doing?"
i weigh 165 reps of ten I bench 225 dumbbells 85 each hand, squat 225, deadlift 225

I am having issues extending to 10 reps after the 3rd set. I get fatigued, does anyone have any tips or recommendations?
Originally Posted by wildcatoffense

i weigh 165 reps of ten I bench 225 dumbbells 85 each hand, squat 225, deadlift 225

I am having issues extending to 10 reps after the 3rd set. I get fatigued, does anyone have any tips or recommendations?

for a second i thought u were saying 225 dumbbells in each hand lmfaoooo
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by wildcatoffense

i weigh 165 reps of ten I bench 225 dumbbells 85 each hand, squat 225, deadlift 225

I am having issues extending to 10 reps after the 3rd set. I get fatigued, does anyone have any tips or recommendations?

for a second i thought u were saying 225 dumbbells in each hand lmfaoooo
lol no, 225 on the barbell
then 85 each on the flat bench trying to get to 100
I am taking whey and casein, occasionally take creatine, fish oil, and eye caps
I refuse to give up what i eat so Ive given up on getting a 6 pack. 
Thanks to those that gave me advice.

I cut my cardio from 1 HR to 30 minutes. And I started lifting heavier and I also switched it up....weights then cardio.

I came up with this routine. 4x8 or 5x6

I try to finish my weight training in about 30-45 minutes (just as some one here suggested to do everything with an hour or so...) - But I still have a day where I HAVE to do a whole hour on the thread mill. I still do not know if I can finish a 13.1 mile run (training for a half-marathon). I know my cardio is good - but I'm not sure if my legs can finish/last that long.

Day one: Chest and Triceps - 30 minutes cardio
Day two: Legs and Back - 30 minutes cardio
Day three: Biceps and shoulders - 30 minutes cardio
Day four: Rest and stretches at home
Day five: Abs and 1 hour cardio
Day six: Full body (burn outs)- no cardio.
Day seven: Rest and stretches at home
Repeat day one

- is this a good routine or should I concentrate with 1 muscle group in one day? Like I've mentioned before - I'm still pretty new at all of this so if any one has any advice feel free to comment or PM me.

updates on my diet.
- Stopped eating apples and replaced it with a small bag of peanuts or cashew nuts.
- Incorporated eggs and skim milk into my diet.
- Added an extra serving of carbs (Calrose rice) - 1 cup for dinner
- Stopped drinking whey as an afternoon snack - I ate bananas instead.
- I feel like I'm eating more - I don't know why but I feel like I'm cheating.

I still feel hungry ALL the time. Any suggestions on curbing my appetite? You guys have no idea how hard it is not to jump into a drive thru - I just want to devour a burger just about now. A Double Baconator sounds so damn good. But the thought of how much calories I would have to burn for it not count is the only reason why I'm not eating that as I type. I miss fast food.

I think its working. I've lost 2 lbs since I started (5 days) - I was stuck at 185.x for over a week. I'm at 183.4 as of today (I still can't believe I've lost about 14 lbs already). I think I'm gonna change my goal and add 5 more lbs. Hopefully I can be at 168-170 lbs in about 8 weeks.

Let's stay motivated NT.
Sorry for the super long update. I dont have a blog. LOL.
So I attended my evaluation camp for Canada's National team today.....did well, ran a 4.52 40 (most other times were in the 4.7s at my position) anyhow, I also did my shuttle and T-Test...I came to the realization that I am waaaay too heavy down bottom.....
.  I weighed in at about 195lbs...I couldn't lift my legs for the life of me, I need to get my legs size can I do this?  When I was in college I played at around 185....I'm looking to get back to the same weight, but not lose my overall size..
I want 190lbs by April 1st....
If I hit that before then I'm just going to keep going....
I'm like 205 right now..
This is probably the 44335 times this has been asked but here it goes:

I'm 6'1 210 of flab.

My goal is a shredded 185 with low body fat.

Do I go all cardio and start lifting later or do I lift heavy now?
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

This is probably the 44335 times this has been asked but here it goes:

I'm 6'1 210 of flab.

My goal is a shredded 185 with low body fat.

Do I go all cardio and start lifting later or do I lift heavy now?

Do cardio, eat right, drink tons of water... don't lift heavy.. but you should definitely lift if you're trying to get cut.. The muscles will burn the fat
Same here,,,
Im 6'0 got a 185 lbs on me, i wanna get down to 175 but it just doesnt work.... i wanna get toned muscle while at it...

what should i do
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Okay I think in order to prioritize my bench/chest development I need to start doing it more
1 - chest
2 - rest
3 - legs
4 - chest
5 - rest
6 - back
7 - chest
8 - rest
9 - shoulders

Each main muscle group will have a workout based around the main lift i.e. shoulder day is really just Military press + assistance exercises.
Does this seem logical??? Can someone PLEASE suggest a good chest routine for each day?

Any input? 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Okay I think in order to prioritize my bench/chest development I need to start doing it more
1 - chest
2 - rest
3 - legs
4 - chest
5 - rest
6 - back
7 - chest
8 - rest
9 - shoulders

Each main muscle group will have a workout based around the main lift i.e. shoulder day is really just Military press + assistance exercises.
Does this seem logical??? Can someone PLEASE suggest a good chest routine for each day?

Any input? 

Instead of doing all that crap, why don't you just lift heavier on chest days? Doing it more is just going to hinder it's growth. *shrugs*
Everyone who's under 200 and trying to lose weight and bulk, you should lose the extra fat by a good diet/lift weights, after your at your weight then bulk up lift heavy...

then after that time to cut =)

im at 230 right now, cant wait to get to 220....(272 when i started)
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Any input? 

Instead of doing all that crap, why don't you just lift heavier on chest days? Doing it more is just going to hinder it's growth. *shrugs*
I lifted in the 2-5 rep range for about four months. at this point I think it's right down to genetics. some people believe you can 'alter' those things by excessive stress?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett
I lifted in the 2-5 rep range for about four months. at this point I think it's right down to genetics. some people believe you can 'alter' those things by excessive stress?
2 reps?
. I would bump it to 8. And for real sometimes it just takes time. You're young. Don't stress too much about it. Just stay consistent with the 5-8 rep range going heavy. IMO that works best for growth.

Also eat like this everyday..


That was my lunch right now. You need to eat a lot. (Minus the bread and croutons) No McDonald's. Straight man food and tons of greens/vegies/fruit. (Add cottage cheese to every fruit serving as well)
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett
I lifted in the 2-5 rep range for about four months. at this point I think it's right down to genetics. some people believe you can 'alter' those things by excessive stress?
2 reps?
. I would bump it to 8. And for real sometimes it just takes time. You're young. Don't stress too much about it. Just stay consistent with the 5-8 rep range going heavy. IMO that works best for growth.

Also eat like this everyday..


That was my lunch right now. You need to eat a lot. (Minus the bread and croutons) No McDonald's. Straight man food and tons of greens/vegies/fruit. (Add cottage cheese to every fruit serving as well)

Low reps can work extremely well when trying to gain strength... I've been on a low rep bench program for the last month and my numbers have gone up.  
For instance today was like this






And today was the first time i've ever hit 330 on the bench and it was rather easy.... 

Usually the routine is like 5,5,3,2,2 and then a set of 10x225 for endurance... like I said my strength gains have been crazy this last month
^See I think the 3x 4x 5x routine is great but 2x and 1x never did it for me. I think you should be going heavy enough to where you can't muster up the energy for a 2x or 1x. *shrugs*

Congrats on the 330
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

^See I think the 3x 4x 5x routine is great but 2x and 1x never did it for me. I think you should be going heavy enough to where you can't muster up the energy for a 2x or 1x. *shrugs*

Congrats on the 330
Thanks, hoping to get to 350 by the end of spring
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