Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

gratz on 330
. I put up 70lb db today for 3 full reps. I'm gonna focus DB for the next little while as previously suggested. baby steps. next goal is 70lbs for 8 reps then I can move up to 75s etc.

yo that pic didnt work
anyone here have had a point in their life with rounded shoulders?
Right now, I'd be looking real wide with the beginning of a nice V taper once i loose some fat in my stomach, but my shoulder posture is crap.
I've been really trying to include a lot more upper/middle back workouts like rear delt flys, shrugs, DB rows since i suck at barbell.
I feel that I'm getting nowhere, but i just need time to not look at my shoulders or back for a few weeks, which is practically impossible.

If anyone knows any good chest stretches, more than appreciated.
I got a quick question for you guys. So i just wrapped up the 3rd week of P90X last week, then i sprained my ankle severely, grade 3 to be exact. The Dr. said that i have to wear a non-weight bearing boot for 3 weeks. So do you guys think i should start from day 1 again after im all healed up???
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

anyone here have had a point in their life with rounded shoulders?
Ya homie, my delts are impeccable
starting to get veins coming out of my shoulders too
Felt strangely strong today, despite puking my brains out this past weekend. Joecam, where the hell are you? Juicing yet?
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

anyone here have had a point in their life with rounded shoulders?
Ya homie, my delts are impeccable
starting to get veins coming out of my shoulders too
When I meant rounded shoulders, i sorta was trying to say that they are sorta pushed forward, and my shoulder blades stick out a bit, 
Originally Posted by treboro01

I got a quick question for you guys. So i just wrapped up the 3rd week of P90X last week, then i sprained my ankle severely, grade 3 to be exact. The Dr. said that i have to wear a non-weight bearing boot for 3 weeks. So do you guys think i should start from day 1 again after im all healed up???

If I were you..i would just start from day 1 again.  You won't really be in rhythm with the program and how it's designed.  Week 3 is still pretty early anyway.  Good luck with that ankle tho..I'm on week 9 right now
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

anyone here have had a point in their life with rounded shoulders?
Ya homie, my delts are impeccable
starting to get veins coming out of my shoulders too
When I meant rounded shoulders, i sorta was trying to say that they are sorta pushed forward, and my shoulder blades stick out a bit, 

Do more back/rear delt work.  Seems to me that you may be doing more chest than back, which leads to a rounded shoulder. 

BB Rows (overhand)
Seated Cable Row
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Scooped up some ground buffalo yesterday, might throw it in some egg whites this evening after the gym

That %$$! sounds delicious

I must say it was pretty damn good, threw it on top of some spinach and buried it within like 3 minutes.  Round 2 this evening.
agreed I run all compounds 2 warm up sets then 4x6-8 ramping weight up an run my accessory for most 3x8-10 except shoulder isos are usually 12-15reps
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Any input? 

Instead of doing all that crap, why don't you just lift heavier on chest days? Doing it more is just going to hinder it's growth. *shrugs*
I lifted in the 2-5 rep range for about four months. at this point I think it's right down to genetics. some people believe you can 'alter' those things by excessive stress?
If you're gonna go heavy, atleast add a lot more volume. 10 sets of 3, 10-20 sets of 5, etc. Lifting that heavy works for strength, but size won't come as well with 3 sets of 3 as it would with 8 sets of 3. Volume is the key to size. Get a pump with a heavy weight.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

anyone here have had a point in their life with rounded shoulders?
Ya homie, my delts are impeccable
starting to get veins coming out of my shoulders too
When I meant rounded shoulders, i sorta was trying to say that they are sorta pushed forward, and my shoulder blades stick out a bit, 

Do these pronto...leave the chest exercises for awhile.


I like the cable to come from the top instead of the bottom but either way works.
Got a dude in my gym. Son is loud as hell, always grunts and puffs whenever ppl are around. Dropping weights on the floor and never cleaning them up.

But whats funnier is his form. Dude jerks his entire shoulder and back during rows, and leans all the way to the back during standing curls. Many times i thought his back would snap any second.
Just joined the 100lb DB club..

feels good man.....

broke 80lb on incline as well but i could have easily went up to 85
yo NT give me some advice real quick.

I want to lose some fat from my stomach to make my abs more i started eating more veggies and all that.
also i started doing some more cardio. The problem is I dont want to lose the muscle mass that I gained.

How do i go about doing this??
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