Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by KatieJade4


I just started working out at the gym. I'm trying to lose weight, not really gain too much muscle. I'm doing a lot of cardio.

What I've been doing a lot of is 15 minutes of running or speed walking on the treadmill, then 15 minutes on the stationary bike, and then 15 minutes on the elliptical or stair master.

I'm not really getting any results at all. What else so I try to do?
be honest, how long have you been following this routine for?

oh and Shady Kay has been giving some top-notch advice. (srs)

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Deadlifted 350 x 4 today, Felt amazing!
  good stuff brah
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by KatieJade4


I just started working out at the gym. I'm trying to lose weight, not really gain too much muscle. I'm doing a lot of cardio.

What I've been doing a lot of is 15 minutes of running or speed walking on the treadmill, then 15 minutes on the stationary bike, and then 15 minutes on the elliptical or stair master.

I'm not really getting any results at all. What else so I try to do?
hows the diet?
It's good.. but I mean, I guess it could always be better.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4


I just started working out at the gym. I'm trying to lose weight, not really gain too much muscle. I'm doing a lot of cardio.

What I've been doing a lot of is 15 minutes of running or speed walking on the treadmill, then 15 minutes on the stationary bike, and then 15 minutes on the elliptical or stair master.

I'm not really getting any results at all. What else so I try to do?
Gain muscle and/or a combination of changing your diet.  Try a dance class for cardio, or something a lot more intense.  It sounds like you go easy in the gym, you need to go hard, work up a sweat, get funky. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Katie, what is the eating like? It is good is broad, tell us exactly what you ate today.
Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Katie, what is the eating like? It is good is broad, tell us exactly what you ate today.
Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 
If you don't mind me asking, what are you trying to accomplish in terms of body comp? 
Lose weight?


How tall are you? How much do you weigh now?

Sorry if these are personal questions, but it would help in terms of the advice given.

edit: take my advice with a grain of salt, i feel like i can give good advice, but then again you really never know. Each person reacts differently to diets!  
I'm trying to lose a good amount of weight and I know adding weight training with cardio is more effective than just cardio only. My question is for someone like me who's main goal is to lose weight, should I do lower weights with more reps or more weights with less reps? What's the difference between the two methods?
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Katie, what is the eating like? It is good is broad, tell us exactly what you ate today.
Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 
If you don't mind me asking, what are you trying to accomplish in terms of body comp? 
Lose weight?


How tall are you? How much do you weigh now?

Sorry if these are personal questions, but it would help in terms of the advice given.

edit: take my advice with a grain of salt, i feel like i can give good advice, but then again you really never know. Each person reacts differently to diets!  
I'm really just trying to lose weight. If possible, I don't wanna bulk up at all. I want to lose around 30-40 pounds.
Any advice?
Yo, that running advice is good... but... landing on the middle of your foot? flat footing it? sounding like I'm wearing flippers.

Luckily the sun is shining and snow is melting so I can start running outside again. hopefully it will be easier to fix the problem there
It is damn near impossible for you to bulk up Katie unless you are on HGH.

How often do you hit the gym?

And if you didn't know, you can't pick and chose where you lose weight.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is damn near impossible for you to bulk up Katie unless you are on HGH.

How often do you hit the gym?

And if you didn't know, you can't pick and chose where you lose weight.
I'm at the gym for an hour, 5 days a week. 
And I'm not trying to pick where I lose weight, I just want to lose weight. 
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 
If you don't mind me asking, what are you trying to accomplish in terms of body comp? 
Lose weight?


How tall are you? How much do you weigh now?

Sorry if these are personal questions, but it would help in terms of the advice given.

edit: take my advice with a grain of salt, i feel like i can give good advice, but then again you really never know. Each person reacts differently to diets!  
I'm really just trying to lose weight. If possible, I don't wanna bulk up at all. I want to lose around 30-40 pounds.
Any advice?
For the simplest diet form:
Eat less than what you are eating now:

-cut out fast food

-white bread/pasta (substitute with whole wheat if you must)

-cut out soda

-eat more vegetables (broccoli, spinach, dark greens...can't think of anymore right now)...those 2 are full in fiber, and will keep you a bit more full without all the calories.

-don't be fooled by fruits (while they are healthy, they are still full of sugars) it all depends on how you react to it really

-eat leaner meats (turkey, chicken, pork chops, leaner cuts of beef (dunno the names lol)

Exercise (cardio):

-I'd say eliminate running on the treadmill of it hurts your feet.  Do the lower impact cardio machines (stair master, elliptical, bike).

Thats all for now, but if you want more in depth  PM  me.

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Katie, what is the eating like? It is good is broad, tell us exactly what you ate today.
Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT


For the simplest diet form:
Eat less than what you are eating now:

Why do you suggest that she eats less?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT


For the simplest diet form:
Eat less than what you are eating now:

Why do you suggest that she eats less?

Oh oops....didn't read that part...disregard that!
I'd say then set a caloric intake goal...say 1600 cal and meet that day in and day out. (its fine to guestimate)
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Intermittent fasting and a caloric deficit with weight lifting 3 days a week and cardio 3 days a week
end of thread

I'd love to try IF...just doesn't fit my schedule at the moment.
I'll settle with EC stack for now lmao.
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

It is damn near impossible for you to bulk up Katie unless you are on HGH.

How often do you hit the gym?

And if you didn't know, you can't pick and chose where you lose weight.
I'm at the gym for an hour, 5 days a week. 
And I'm not trying to pick where I lose weight, I just want to lose weight. 
Do you squat (front/back)? One thing I've noticed about all the chicks that squat (real squats not the bs ones) are their bodies. 

Tight. Round. Thick. You get the drift. I think many chicks overlook this. If that's the only thing you do (front/back squats )  then you're already winning. That's all you'd have to really do. They're full body exercises. Females are pretty flexible to begin with so you should have no problem hitting depth and racking the bar on your shoulders (the 2 biggest factors holding back dudes from starting out) . 

I hate when I see chicks at the gym and they don't squat. Shame. 
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Katie, what is the eating like? It is good is broad, tell us exactly what you ate today.
Ahh, I didn't really eat breakfast. 
I had a bowl of oatmeal for lunch.

I had an apple before the gym and then after the gym I had a turkey sandwich and a few chips 

Easiest way to drop weight is to cut out carbs to a minimum. That means that your only real intake is your meal before training (you need carbs to train well; 60-90 min before training). The rest of the time you shouldn't be consuming that many carbs. 
btw, if any of you are looking for wrist wraps. These are great. Got them in last week and they're the best I've had. Better than the thumb loop or cuff style one's.  They originated from the Chinese lifters. Very similar to what gymnasts wear.
Good looking out on those wrist straps. COPPED.

Lets talk about deloading during strength training.
every fourth "wave" (week) of training I'm supposed to deload.
My training consists of the main lift and then three assistance lifts.

During deload week, my max weight for the main lift is 60% and only 5 reps.

MY QUESTION IS: during this week is it ideal for me to reduce the weight of the assistance exercises as well? I do 4x10 of three exercises. Should I just decrease the weight, or the volume as well???
I've been pushing myself hard for the past three weeks.. I'm excited to ease off heavy weights for a while but I don't want to kill intensity all together
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Good looking out on those wrist straps. COPPED.

Lets talk about deloading during strength training.
every fourth "wave" (week) of training I'm supposed to deload.
My training consists of the main lift and then three assistance lifts.

During deload week, my max weight for the main lift is 60% and only 5 reps.

MY QUESTION IS: during this week is it ideal for me to reduce the weight of the assistance exercises as well? I do 4x10 of three exercises. Should I just decrease the weight, or the volume as well???
I've been pushing myself hard for the past three weeks.. I'm excited to ease off heavy weights for a while but I don't want to kill intensity all together
why do you do 4 sets, out of curiosity ? 
i feel like with the "assistance exercise" 4 sets could have a possibility of over training the targeted area. 

what "assistance exersice" are you speaking of as well. 

i mean when i would do my chest workout after my bench, it would still all be heavy . stayed away from 3x10 or even 4x10. 

would do more 8-6-4. like on flys for example. 
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