Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by itzbooranss

I've setup a new cutting workout routine and diet for Summer that I'll be posting up here tomorrow.


Does Animal Cuts actually work? Or even fat burners in general?
Ever since I started EC I dunno if anything will ever match it..... But yes Animal Cuts work, but the only thing that I felt with that was the diuretic. And fat burners do work, u just need to check for whats in it to make sure its not just caffeine or some whack prop blend. 

i would also like to vouch for EC.

i got some stuff from a canadian website, and it works very well.
Ditto.... Kaizen?
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by Durden7

walk on treadmill on incline for 20 min (stay away from any long distance cardio, as it burns fat AND muscle)
Define long distance cardio for me please.
any form of long distance running = long distance cardio. 

2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, 5 miles, 6 miles... should i  continue ? 


No, you shouldnt continue.

You should start all over and answer the question correctly this time.
Durden7 wrote:
Originally Posted by bwood056

Durden7 wrote:
Define long distance cardio for me please.
any form of long distance running = long distance cardio. 

2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, 5 miles, 6 miles... should i  continue ? 


No, you shouldnt continue.

You should start all over and answer the question correctly this time.

   question was answered in correct tone, and accurately.

try and not be so salty all the time in this thread.
Originally Posted by bwood056

needsomejays wrote:
brettTHEjett wrote:
Yeah I've been living by this eat big lift heavy philosophy for a bit now.. it's working but I just DO NOT have the genetics

i hear you on that

takes time man.

i know a dude that has a smaller build, shoulders are not broad.

and always had a defined build.

wanted to get on a bulking phase, and has been on it  for 1 year now ?

gained 15 pounds, and is noticeable to his frame.

he uped his caloric intake to 5-6k calories a day.
*sigh* im only at 4k a day right now and most days i just get so tired of eating
, its not even being full, it just gets tedious and annoying, im not about that life  
Originally Posted by bwood056

Durden7 wrote:
I wouldnt have to be "salty" if terrible advice wasnt given.

school me on the "terrible" advice that was given.

"walk on treadmill on incline for 20 min (stay away from any long distance cardio, as it burns fat AND muscle)"

"agility cone drills. i like doing sprint motions, because it burns fat, but gains muscle within your lower body."

Im not even saying this is terrible advice for bulking, it's just poor in general.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by bwood056

Durden7 wrote:
I wouldnt have to be "salty" if terrible advice wasnt given.

school me on the "terrible" advice that was given.
"walk on treadmill on incline for 20 min (stay away from any long distance cardio, as it burns fat AND muscle)"

"agility cone drills. i like doing sprint motions, because it burns fat, but gains muscle within your lower body."

Im not even saying this is terrible advice for bulking, it's just poor in general.


"You should start all over and answer the question correctly this time."
Duden, loosen your *%$ cheeks, let the stick out, and provide some heart-healthy and minimal muscle burning cardio advice
fail to see how.

out of curiosity, have you personally done a bulking phase ?

if so.

what would you recommend?

i feel like there is alot to learn from you

its kind of weird that i have any gains considering my lack of knowledge upon fitness.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Duden, loosen your *%$ cheeks, let the stick out, and provide some heart-healthy and minimal muscle burning cardio advice

HIIT is the safest way to go. A lot of it depends on individual genetics and to a lesser extent on your carb stores right before initiating cardio type training.  I knew a former scout recon dude in college who weighed in at about 245 (about 5'10") at ~9% BF and ran 6-8 miles a day, 5 times a week. Some individuals retain lean mass much better than others.
btw, can we stop talking about "bulking". There ain't no such thing. You either train (and eat) in a way which increases, decreases, or maintains your lean body mass. When BB'ers talk about "bulking" that's their normal training routine. Competition weight is abnormal and only maintained for short periods of time. 
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by Durden7

walk on treadmill on incline for 20 min (stay away from any long distance cardio, as it burns fat AND muscle)
Define long distance cardio for me please.
any form of long distance running = long distance cardio. 

2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, 5 miles, 6 miles... should i  continue ?

but what if you're trying to burn fat AND put on muscle? cuz I do about 50 mins of cardio every time I work out
fail to see how.
out of curiosity, have you personally done a bulking phase ?
if so.
what would you recommend?
i feel like there is alot to learn from you
its kind of weird that i have any gains considering my lack of knowledge upon fitness.

Personally, I think bulking/cutting isn't necessary.  I've said it in here before, but it's a niche idea that was taken from one culture and transferred to another culture that doesnt need it.  Bulking/cutting is a bodybuilding concept and when it makes it's way to general fitness it creates more hassle than what's needed.
I wasn't even speaking about the bulking advice.  I was reading what was typed in general health and fitness terms.
In regards to the last statement you made, this is the mindset that created "broscience".  The "I lift weights; therefore I know what i'm talking about" mental attitude has lead to novices giving advice to other novices and the advice receivers thinking they've learned something valuable.  It's the color blind people explaining art to the legally blind.  You have an idea of what youre looking at, but you don't really know what it looks like.

If you would have given a time or distance value of what long distance cardio is then there wouldnt be this hassle.
Aside from the fact that you measure distance in time, how long is long distance cardio?  From your post, I can infer that you mean distances not much more than 20 minutes.  Am I wrong for deducting that?
If youre bulking, whats the point of walking 20 minutes at an incline anyways?  It's not creating any cardiac benefits nor is it expending many calories so wheres the value?

Agility cone drills won't gain lower body muscle either.  There's no overload stimulus to the muscles.  You might increase reaction time, contraction time, and abductor strength but not muscle size.
Originally Posted by BOBtheHOE

hitting up gnc tomorrow .....someone recommend me a protein??

ON (Optimum Nutrition)

The Double Chocolate is good and the Strawberry one tastes damn near like the strawberry Nesquik powder

I also like the Muscle Milk Vanilla flavor, but only to use it in my fruit shakes as it gives it a great flavor, but higher in calories and more expensive..
Originally Posted by GreenRanger

Originally Posted by BOBtheHOE

hitting up gnc tomorrow .....someone recommend me a protein??

ON (Optimum Nutrition)

The Double Chocolate is good and the Strawberry one tastes damn near like the strawberry Nesquik powder

I also like the Muscle Milk Vanilla flavor, but only to use it in my fruit shakes as it gives it a great flavor, but higher in calories and more expensive..

I always get standard. I'm looking to try something new btw wth is Hydro Whey
Well... I tired this whole cardio thing out for the first time (srs). I've never done running or the purpose of cardiovascular health and hardly ever did it for fat burning.

After ten mins of slight incline (1-3 varying) and a speed of about 5.0 average... my calves were THROBBING and my shins were split so bad I couldn't even walk.
This happens when I go beyond 5min while warming up.
I told myself to push on because it will get easier as I go on. Dead wrong.
After 15 mins I had to hit the elliptical because it was so bad....

what do?
I'm wearing nike air 360s if that matters... they are tied up normally...
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by th1nk

I need help.
 I haven't worked out regularly in about two and a half years.
I have lost so much strength/endurance that I once had and a lot of my muscle has either gone or turned to fat.
I don't mind much about losing strength, because I want to lose weight and would like to simply become skinnier + slimmer. Among other things, my goal is to have the endurance to run a marathon.
I'm looking for a workout plan/diet that is most conducive to giving me endurance + lean muscle.
Can someone help?
I know it is a very basic question that I could google, but I'm wondering who has found something that actually works.
Why do you want to run a marathon? There's lots of evidence against long, slow distance cardio(marathons, half marathons, etc.). It's common to see lots of joint problems, inflammation, imbalances, and muscle deterioration with marathoners. If you want to be able to say you ran a marathon, go ahead and start training slowly and consistently. If you want to simply become a lean and fit guy, marathons won't help you. You'll be running atleast 30 miles per week once you get used to the volume. That's a big time commitment that would be better spent in my opinion.
Check out the book "The Primal Blueprint" by Mark Sisson. Right up your alley. He was an Ironman competitor and marathoner for years, and now he hates that type of training. It's a great starting point for a beginner. There's lots of false information out there in the fitness industry and Sisson does a good job correcting the myths.
I have to say this is one of the dumbest posts I have read on here, but unfortunately it is a pretty regular response for people that don't know @$+% about running.
Running is actually proven to improve joint health. My advice though is to focus on your running form to decrease chance of injury along with doing simple strength exercises such as one leg squats to work on the stability of your lower body.
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