Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by awash242

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Green tea is not meant to be a replacement, I already knew that...I just didn't wanna go looking for "ephedrine" because I wasn't exactly sure of the best source to get it from. Green tea itself is good for weight loss because of anti-oxidants and has some metabolism boosting qualities as well.
How many times does the link need to be posted? Read and proceed. A "GTC" stack is a waste of time.
Yes I read the +*%*++@ thing like 3 times already, and the fact that I need to find bronkaid. Is there any reason they can't just sell ephedrine by itself though? That's the thing I'm concerned with.

And how is green tea+caffeine wasting my time? Are you referring to maybe less results for my money? I'm
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I feel like power cleans would start to kill my already fragile knees

I'm trying to gain some damn leg mass, but at the same time doing exercises to avoid too much pressure on my knees (i.e. not doing leg curls, squats the proper form, etc). I normally work out different areas of my body once a week, is 2x a week for legs a good start (or just one day a week with some running on the off days)? I am a super-set kind of person so I would mix in the legs with a back day.

Just could use some input.
PS: Just started messing with dead lifts recently on "back" days (never bothered to do them), so far I'm up to 200+ and I know I could do m ore eventually, just getting the form and technique right. On what days should I begin implementing the power cleans/hang cleans?
Mez, I do my Cleans on my Chest and Shoulder days.  Start light if you haven't done them before - make sure your technique is solid before you add weight.

As for your legs....regular deadlifts suck imho. I just started training for football - I haven't squated since 2004 and even then I used to struggle to even hit 275.  I just started again, and was using a machine for a while to build up strength in my quads, then I moved to squats on a free rack.  Started @275 for 10 reps, 4 weeks later (today) I did 3 sets of 365, 6 reps.  Not huge weight to some, but for me it is. I got 2 screws in my knee, chronic tendonitis an MCL issues.  So basically I'm saying ease yourself into it and the strength will come.  I also do leg press and with heavy weights to supplement my squats as well as leg extensions. If you are afraid of injuring your knees, buy a roll on knee wrap (specifically for power lifting/squating) It'll ease your mind and add the support your knees might need.

Good luck
My squat sucks dude since I haven't ever done them consistently after my knee surgery a few years back, my upper body strength is pretty solid (bench 275 max, arms/back and shoulders are solid, etc), just want my leg strength to be on the same page eventually. I shouldn't be benching more than I can squat at this point

Today I will mess with dead lifts since I am working out my back, and some squats for legs (and other random leg exercises since I alternate both to super set), and tomorrow I'll mess with chest and cleans for the first time to see how it goes.

I really need some shoes for power lifting though, I know they make a ton of difference,

To ease your mind some more. I had a torn meniscus and still have chronic patellar tendinitis... from basketball.

I've never seen someone injure their knees as a result of squats. The only acute knee injuries I've seen are torn meniscus from snatches.

Don't get power lifting ( a flat soled; no cushion ) shoes for squats. Get weightlifting shoes; they're basically shoes with a raised heel. They help with hitting depth in a more upright manner. 
Originally Posted by ScottyHoward42

Anyone worried about recurring knee issues should not be using leg extensions to strengthen their quads

No one should be using leg extensions to strengthen their quads.
Actually leg extensions are pretty good rehab ( a lot of PT's advise against this but from my experience most PT's are useless) after knee surgery from the anecdotal evidence that I've heard. Idk, may be  it's just one of those myths? Similar to the "no knees past toes on squats". I've literally done them a handful of times myself but from the rehab end I've heard plenty of people applaud leg extensions even when they were advised not to do them. 
Well yeah, outside of rehab purposes......

I was referring to strengthening of the quads, not the rehabilitation of them.
I increase calories and my bodyfat goes through the roof...
I decrease calories and my overall weight drops significantly (not bf)...
I read a bench press log from this time last year and I was actually pushing more weight...

**%*+%+ sick of this **+!!
I just want to get some what stronger, and build muscle while staying lean. At the same time I don't want to stay 170 forever.

Genetics are a !$+@!
Can someone recommend me some good whey protein powder without soy, artificial sweeteners, lactose, etc. and "ready to drink" nutritional protein shakes?
Thanks for calling my profession "useless", you can modify the exercise and do short arc extensions during rehab for acl, tkr and other protocols, but going through the full range with a significant amount of weight Puts considerable forces squarely on your pfj rather than distributing them, there are 100 ways to work on your quaffs without ever doing a leg extension machine, do some research before you generalize a whole population of educated professionals, you'd be smart to take their advice.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I increase calories and my bodyfat goes through the roof...
I decrease calories and my overall weight drops significantly (not bf)...
I read a bench press log from this time last year and I was actually pushing more weight...

**%*+%+ sick of this **+!!
I just want to get some what stronger, and build muscle while staying lean. At the same time I don't want to stay 170 forever.

Genetics are a !$+@!

sounds exactly like me, weight and all. Hit 172 the other day but damn im getting flabby
Originally Posted by Kartoon2005

Can someone recommend me some good whey protein powder without soy, artificial sweeteners, lactose, etc. and "ready to drink" nutritional protein shakes?
Proteins plus....thank me later. It's not whey, it's a plant based protein.  I drink it with rice milk. Seems tow work great as a meal replacement (when blended with fruits) or as an after workout recovery. Not sure if available in the US, but it's worth it. Taste great too
Originally Posted by ScottyHoward42

Thanks for calling my profession "useless", you can modify the exercise and do short arc extensions during rehab for acl, tkr and other protocols, but going through the full range with a significant amount of weight Puts considerable forces squarely on your pfj rather than distributing them, there are 100 ways to work on your quaffs without ever doing a leg extension machine, do some research before you generalize a whole population of educated professionals, you'd be smart to take their advice.

Sorry, I have had some pretty bad first and second hand experiences with multiple PT's  which makes me think that they were't just bad apples.  It wasn't that they were necessarily bad; just the level of advice/ knowledge was pretty minimal. I've seen the same in MD/DO's who practice general medicine so don't get too worked up.
Maybe some of it has to do with malpractice fears? 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ScottyHoward42

Thanks for calling my profession "useless", you can modify the exercise and do short arc extensions during rehab for acl, tkr and other protocols, but going through the full range with a significant amount of weight Puts considerable forces squarely on your pfj rather than distributing them, there are 100 ways to work on your quaffs without ever doing a leg extension machine, do some research before you generalize a whole population of educated professionals, you'd be smart to take their advice.

Sorry, I have had some pretty bad first and second hand experiences with multiple PT's  which makes me think that they were't just bad apples.  It wasn't that they were necessarily bad; just the level of advice/ knowledge was pretty minimal. I've seen the same in MD/DO's who practice general medicine so don't get too worked up.
Maybe some of it has to do with malpractice fears? 
I think so...

going on a tangent, my new doctor was going through that whole survey of questions they give to their new patients and she asked me if I smoked weed. I said I've tried it, and her response was "well don't do it again...." me: "why, what exactly is wrong with it?" Doctor: "Don't, it's just bad.
" Pretty much they're always telling us things we already know....I don't know, it's just frustrating at times.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by ScottyHoward42

Thanks for calling my profession "useless", you can modify the exercise and do short arc extensions during rehab for acl, tkr and other protocols, but going through the full range with a significant amount of weight Puts considerable forces squarely on your pfj rather than distributing them, there are 100 ways to work on your quaffs without ever doing a leg extension machine, do some research before you generalize a whole population of educated professionals, you'd be smart to take their advice.

Sorry, I have had some pretty bad first and second hand experiences with multiple PT's  which makes me think that they were't just bad apples.  It wasn't that they were necessarily bad; just the level of advice/ knowledge was pretty minimal. I've seen the same in MD/DO's who practice general medicine so don't get too worked up.
Maybe some of it has to do with malpractice fears? 
I think so...

going on a tangent, my new doctor was going through that whole survey of questions they give to their new patients and she asked me if I smoked weed. I said I've tried it, and her response was "well don't do it again...." me: "why, what exactly is wrong with it?" Doctor: "Don't, it's just bad.
" Pretty much they're always telling us things we already know....I don't know, it's just frustrating at times.

The truth is the net has made non specialized MD's/DO's obsolete and to a (much) lesser extent all non surgeons. General MD's are just glorified (legalized) prescription writers nowadays. That's why I have my own stock of meds. Why do I need to go to a doc just to get a script? 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I increase calories and my bodyfat goes through the roof...
I decrease calories and my overall weight drops significantly (not bf)...
I read a bench press log from this time last year and I was actually pushing more weight...

**%*+%+ sick of this **+!!
I just want to get some what stronger, and build muscle while staying lean. At the same time I don't want to stay 170 forever.

Genetics are a !$+@!
werent you just going on about how you were eating fried foods and beer every day? 
bro.....try finding your maintainance calorie range and eating slightly (100-300 calories) above it. no more. not saying you do this, i don't know exactly what you eat, but a lot of people think you need to "bulk" with 4000+ calories. not smart.

you can only gain so much muscle at a time, the rest of those calories are gonna make you fat.

btw i believe calf development is largely genetic and they have relatively few androgen i hear......but does anyone have any tips on making them bigger? i have small calves w/high insertions and they look so tiny 
man this thread is epically big, idk if I wanna read all this bt nice anyways....
been on my workout stuff for like 14 weeks now, gained a good 6 lbs on bulking(kinda gave up on eating alot)
started out at 174lbs currently 180(was 185 last summer bt im tryna get back to that )
 10 more lbs to go but keeping my 11 percent bodyfat 

ill be there son, dont worry im gone go hard summer almost here & im still big as heck now but I want more....
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett
werent you just going on about how you were eating fried foods and beer every day? 
bro.....try finding your maintainance calorie range and eating slightly (100-300 calories) above it. no more. not saying you do this, i don't know exactly what you eat, but a lot of people think you need to "bulk" with 4000+ calories. not smart.

you can only gain so much muscle at a time, the rest of those calories are gonna make you fat.
Are there online sites to help me put together a meal plan???
Something where I just plug in my macro needs/calorie needs and it gives meal plans?

I honestly never know what to eat. I know what foods are good to eat and not, obviously.. but WHEN do I eat carbs and WHEN do I eat fats.. and do I eat the same amount workout days and non workout days??? There is no clear source out there. All opinions. 

IS saturated fat actually bad.. if I req "90g" of fats in a day does it really matter what the source is?
^brett, reading your post on the last page, I can relate in every way. I guess the way to go is to bulk while using some metabolic enhancers to decrease the bodyfat? Scooby on youtube says in order to gain muscle while still losing fat or staying lean guaranteed, there has to be some cardio or other exercise probably doesn't apply to everybody but it might apply to people like you and I. On top of that, I think the macro portions need to be scrutinized or else a few extra calories here and there could show up in your gut within a days.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett
werent you just going on about how you were eating fried foods and beer every day? 
bro.....try finding your maintainance calorie range and eating slightly (100-300 calories) above it. no more. not saying you do this, i don't know exactly what you eat, but a lot of people think you need to "bulk" with 4000+ calories. not smart.

you can only gain so much muscle at a time, the rest of those calories are gonna make you fat.
Are there online sites to help me put together a meal plan???
Something where I just plug in my macro needs/calorie needs and it gives meal plans?

I honestly never know what to eat. I know what foods are good to eat and not, obviously.. but WHEN do I eat carbs and WHEN do I eat fats.. and do I eat the same amount workout days and non workout days??? There is no clear source out there. All opinions. 

IS saturated fat actually bad.. if I req "90g" of fats in a day does it really matter what the source is?
I dont know of any site that does that but someone else might know of something? That'd be pretty cool.
As for nutrient timing, I think a lot of that is overly done. I would keep high carbohydrate meals (w/some protein) around the workout time (i.e. before and after workouts). Other than that I wouldn't worry about it. 

As for fats, saturated fat won't kill you but I'd try to get the bulk of my fat intake from unsaturated fat sources- think olive oil almonds etc. If you cook use olive oil instead of butter etc. But that's for health terms of body composition I doubt it matters too much.

For me I find that eating more fat and less carbs than a "normal" macro split recommends works well for me but everyone's different. 90g of fat is low for me.
what do ya'll do to hit side and rear delts?
lately i've been doing wide grip upright rows, the general lateral raises, reverse flies and whatnot. i feel like i need some variation
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