Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I just finished reading about four hours on nutrition for gaining muscle and not gaining fat....
...I didn't learn anything new. It did re-emphasize the importance of eating enough. I need to stop being a douche with worrying about BF%

My ratios are like this:
150g protein = 600cal
80g fat = 720cal
300g c = 1200
and an additional 500 calories of either... for a MINIMUM of 3000 cals, approx 400 higher than maintenance.

Roughly five sources said essentially the same thing, so if anyone is worried about the macro break down, base it off that.
if youre doing 400 over maintanance id try to stick w protein and fat for those 500 "your choice' cals

DNeou- for shoulders i do military, arnold presses, front raises, side raises, and then for rear delts i do reverse flies and/or face pulls
thanks joe; lately i've steered away from doing front delts as a workout because of injuries and the damage it takes in all workouts anyways.
I'll hit bigs: legs/chest/back and i'll add in the secondary work on whatever day. but i'm changing it a bit and moving arms to their own day and putting side on chest and rear on back days. i hit side shoulders today and did the rotation of the arnolds but didn't do the press to hit the sides
Eat clean foods..

Lean chickens, red meats, fish, eggs etc.. if you're bulking as long as you're 400-500 over maintenance, then what type of food doesnt exactly matter. Nutrient timing is overestimated as well. I eat my carbs in the morning and pre/post workout.

Fats I try to eat them wherever.

At the end of the day calories in vs calories out. What kind of food you choose to bulk/cut with will ultimately have an influence on you're body composition.

Is there any study that shows people eating lets say 2000kcal of clean foods vs 2000kcal of junk/fast food? and who lost more weight/had a better body composition? Or was there any difference..
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I increase calories and my bodyfat goes through the roof...
I decrease calories and my overall weight drops significantly (not bf)...
I read a bench press log from this time last year and I was actually pushing more weight...

**%*+%+ sick of this **+!!
I just want to get some what stronger, and build muscle while staying lean. At the same time I don't want to stay 170 forever.

Genetics are a !$+@!
werent you just going on about how you were eating fried foods and beer every day? 
bro.....try finding your maintainance calorie range and eating slightly (100-300 calories) above it. no more. not saying you do this, i don't know exactly what you eat, but a lot of people think you need to "bulk" with 4000+ calories. not smart.

you can only gain so much muscle at a time, the rest of those calories are gonna make you fat.

btw i believe calf development is largely genetic and they have relatively few androgen i hear......but does anyone have any tips on making them bigger? i have small calves w/high insertions and they look so tiny 

You keep speaking about genetics, which is partly true. But you make it sound as if someone that is extremely skinny can NEVER build anytype of muscle which is NOT true. And as far as calf's go, the man in your picture (Arnold) had NONE while he was overseas as a young BB. If you notice, alot of his older pics are him in water up above his calf's. He trained calf's EVERYDAY to get to where he was on stage. Don't make it sound as if you are small you can never get "big" BC of your genetics. You can ALWAYS build muscle, just up to the trainee to get at it.
No I understand but what I mean is that calves are leas responsive to weight training when compared to other muscles like pecs r delts I if ur born with big calves ur in luck kinda

but like you said no excuses you can still work and make them I did back and calves lol I'm gonna hit them a lot
NT Trainers
; I need help with everyday supps/vits:

In need of stamina, endurance, cognitive sharpness (ginko/fish oil?)

Thanks in advance.
So I tried some power cleans yesterday after some dead lifts (25lbs on each side of an Olympic bar), mad did that feel weird

My body won't allow my wrists to bend back when I have the bar by my shoulders.....probably a fear thing or just not used to the motion, but the exercise felt really good especially with a lighter weight. I look forward to adding cleans to my workout, just want to master the form before I even think about adding an extra pound.

Today I am going to mess with some chest/legs, probably only two bench press exercises and some flys since I am going to combine it with some squats and full cleans.....I may end up doing front squats instead just to further help me get used to the "cleans" form.

Just for motivation I guess (ipod camera sucks)


By the way, what are some good exercises to build up my quads besides squats, anything else I can do today? (except leg extensions)
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

So I tried some power cleans yesterday after some dead lifts (25lbs on each side of an Olympic bar), mad did that feel weird

My body won't allow my wrists to bend back when I have the bar by my shoulders.....probably a fear thing or just not used to the motion, but the exercise felt really good especially with a lighter weight. I look forward to adding cleans to my workout, just want to master the form before I even think about adding an extra pound.

Today I am going to mess with some chest/legs, probably only two bench press exercises and some flys since I am going to combine it with some squats and full cleans.....I may end up doing front squats instead just to further help me get used to the "cleans" form.

Just for motivation I guess (ipod camera sucks)

By the way, what are some good exercises to build up my quads besides squats, anything else I can do today? (except leg extensions)
Bulgarian split squats and step ups. 
Yeah Bulgarians are def no joke even without weight

Going to mess with some step ups today, thanks.

Don't neglect your abductors and adductors people!
Originally Posted by I3

At the end of the day calories in vs calories out. What kind of food you choose to bulk/cut with will ultimately have an influence on you're body composition.

Is there any study that shows people eating lets say 2000kcal of clean foods vs 2000kcal of junk/fast food? and who lost more weight/had a better body composition? Or was there any difference..
Your first two sentences contradict each other.
Sentence 1: true for overall weight loss/gain

Sentence 2: true for overall composition

I haven't read any formal studies, but that documentary that was the opposite of "supersize me"... dude ate nothing but McDonalds and he lost weight due to caloric deficit .

There would absolutely be a difference in composition... it's not JUST fat that he would have been losing.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by pookieman

Mez, I do my Cleans on my Chest and Shoulder days.  Start light if you haven't done them before - make sure your technique is solid before you add weight.

As for your legs....regular deadlifts suck imho. I just started training for football - I haven't squated since 2004 and even then I used to struggle to even hit 275.  I just started again, and was using a machine for a while to build up strength in my quads, then I moved to squats on a free rack.  Started @275 for 10 reps, 4 weeks later (today) I did 3 sets of 365, 6 reps.  Not huge weight to some, but for me it is. I got 2 screws in my knee, chronic tendonitis an MCL issues.  So basically I'm saying ease yourself into it and the strength will come.  I also do leg press and with heavy weights to supplement my squats as well as leg extensions. If you are afraid of injuring your knees, buy a roll on knee wrap (specifically for power lifting/squating) It'll ease your mind and add the support your knees might need.

Good luck
My squat sucks dude since I haven't ever done them consistently after my knee surgery a few years back, my upper body strength is pretty solid (bench 275 max, arms/back and shoulders are solid, etc), just want my leg strength to be on the same page eventually. I shouldn't be benching more than I can squat at this point

Today I will mess with dead lifts since I am working out my back, and some squats for legs (and other random leg exercises since I alternate both to super set), and tomorrow I'll mess with chest and cleans for the first time to see how it goes.

I really need some shoes for power lifting though, I know they make a ton of difference,

To ease your mind some more. I had a torn meniscus and still have chronic patellar tendinitis... from basketball.

I've never seen someone injure their knees as a result of squats. The only acute knee injuries I've seen are torn meniscus from snatches.

Don't get power lifting ( a flat soled; no cushion ) shoes for squats. Get weightlifting shoes; they're basically shoes with a raised heel. They help with hitting depth in a more upright manner. 
Yeah I had torn meniscus as well, back when I did squats improperly and played bball every other day.

Pookie, you def were not lying about those full cleans man, I wasn't even doing a heavy weight (just 25lbs each side of an Olympic bar), but the motion of the exercise gets you tired real quick.....did about 3 sets of 6 reps (mind you by the 4th rep I had to slow it down a bit).

I tried to do front squats but no matter how hard I tried it did not feel comfortable so I resorted to normal squats. When it came time for full cleans I was able to do the motion just fine, bar laying above my chest, but I had trouble keeping my elbows high.....feels like my body won't allow me to do so.

I was able to do the following today (chest/legs): super sets

- Bench press (1st set 225lbs, 2nd set 245lbs, 3rd set 275 lbs)

- Bulgarian split squats (20lb dumbbells)

- Incline bench press (2 sets of 175lbs, 3rd set 195lbs)

- Squats (olympic bar 155lbs)

- Cable flys (100lbs each arm)

- Full Cleans

-Step ups with 25;b dumbbell.

Obviously you can see the drastic weight change with legs, but I am working em' hard to start. 
Is there such thing as too much cardio...trying to lose weight mostly and have been on the eliptical 5 days a week for about an hour.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Is there such thing as too much cardio...trying to lose weight mostly and have been on the eliptical 5 days a week for about an hour.

fat loss = DIET DIET DIET !!!!!
I think some people here *COUGHCOUGH* Brett *COUGH* are too focused on the short term without thinking about the big picture. It doesnt matter who you are, you're not going to get amazing results in just a couple of weeks/months. Stick to a good plan and after a few years you'll probably be pleased with your progress.

And there is science out there that proves you can gain muscle and lose fat/keep fat gain minimal without "bulking up" and gaining a ton of fat. I know they are genetic freaks, but look at athletes who are able to gradually gain muscle without ever getting fat. Work out regularly, eat relatively healthy, do some cardio, eat more on days you're more active and less on days you're less active and you should get nice results over the long run. I'm simplifying things a bit but this isnt as complicated as some are making it out to be.
I think some people here *COUGHCOUGH* Brett *COUGH* are too focused on the short term without thinking about the big picture. It doesnt matter who you are, you're not going to get amazing results in just a couple of weeks/months. Stick to a good plan and after a few years you'll probably be pleased with your progress.

And there is science out there that proves you can gain muscle and lose fat/keep fat gain minimal without "bulking up" and gaining a ton of fat. I know they are genetic freaks, but look at athletes who are able to gradually gain muscle without ever getting fat. Work out regularly, eat relatively healthy, do some cardio, eat more on days you're more active and less on days you're less active and you should get nice results over the long run. I'm simplifying things a bit but this isnt as complicated as some are making it out to be.
Originally Posted by trak1sh

Is there such thing as too much cardio...trying to lose weight mostly and have been on the eliptical 5 days a week for about an hour.

doin it wrong dude, do HIIT on treadmill...for about 15min...get your heart rate up...

just try it, it should work more efficiently than what you are doing atm...

btw DIET. dont eat any of that crap, make sure you eat breakfast...and good luck
btw has anyone been doing pylometrics? i want to get quicker in jumping...

and it seems to me like im stuck at 225lbs...sigh...
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

this summer im def doing an oly style workout

should be good

im gonna be a monster

Haha. You're already a monster dude. How have your workouts been so far since starting the cycle? Side-effects so far?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett
werent you just going on about how you were eating fried foods and beer every day? 
bro.....try finding your maintainance calorie range and eating slightly (100-300 calories) above it. no more. not saying you do this, i don't know exactly what you eat, but a lot of people think you need to "bulk" with 4000+ calories. not smart.

you can only gain so much muscle at a time, the rest of those calories are gonna make you fat.
Are there online sites to help me put together a meal plan???
Something where I just plug in my macro needs/calorie needs and it gives meal plans?

I honestly never know what to eat. I know what foods are good to eat and not, obviously.. but WHEN do I eat carbs and WHEN do I eat fats.. and do I eat the same amount workout days and non workout days??? There is no clear source out there. All opinions. 

IS saturated fat actually bad.. if I req "90g" of fats in a day does it really matter what the source is?

Not a free site but this guy knows his stuff. He will help you reach your goal.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Vitamin recommendations? Yay or nay on Fish Oil (if yay, recommendations)? 
Fish oil is one of the only supplements that EVERYONE should take. Try getting a tested and filtered one if you can afford it. Cheap ones usually mean cheap quality(rancidity, heavy metals, etc.). I like Carlson's. You can get 100 tsps at for around $20
Brett: Calories dictate weight. Food quality dictates body composition.
Originally Posted by krazyg

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

this summer im def doing an oly style workout

should be good

im gonna be a monster

Haha. You're already a monster dude. How have your workouts been so far since starting the cycle? Side-effects so far?

thanks bro. workouts are stupid, i have to cut myself off after like an hour and a half or an hour and 45 minutes since i feel like i can go on forever. 
absolutely no side hair loss acne nothing 

oh and fish oil is a must, very good for you and cheap. not a workout supplement, just for overall health.
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