Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^ try OEP This is my second week...i have no trouble sleeping at night...i take my second pill around 3 or 4...get through my workout go home shower and right to sleep. I just wouldnt recommend taking it after 6pm. I have yet to do so but I have heard complaints of people being up late behind it.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

No legs.
boo this man. 
This was before BB'ers became HGH/ Insulin guinea pigs. Even the AAS they cycled wasn't nearly as diverse or specialized as it is today. 

wawa- I'm tired of your holier than thou attitude when it comes to fitness... Tom Platz was in this era
 arguably the greatest quads of all shutup. no legs
First of all, you don't know that you're talking about. 
You're comparing apples to oranges. 

- Nubret was tall. About 6'1". Platz was short; about 5'7". 

- During Nubret's peak, "enhancers" were not at their peak or specialized for BB'ing. The BB'ers were basically using what was developed for Oly lifters. Mainly Deca and a few other oral AAS in their early development stages by the Soviets/ East Germans. Platz competed a decade later (comparing peak to peak) and ":enhancers" were much more advanced in the 80's than they were in the 70's. 

- Platz was known for his legs. He was gifted with great genetics for legs. Nubret wasn't. Nothing about Platz's legs is normal and if a BB doesn't have that that doesn't mean "no legs".

I might come off as holier than thou to people who don't know !*%@ while pretending to know. 
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Any substitute to wide grip cable pull downs? I just dont like the motion for some reason and I end up swinging too much. Theres an iso plate machine that I can do more weight on, same motion as the cable pull down obviously. That good enough?
Pull ups/Assisted Pull ups. Pull downs don't compare to pull ups

Tom Platz was a genetic freak of the first order. It's literally impossible for every pro BB'er to reach that level. Everyone has their strong and weak points, even if you're "assisted."
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

- Platz was known for his legs. He was gifted with great genetics for legs. Nubret wasn't. Nothing about Platz's legs is normal and if a BB doesn't have that that doesn't mean "no legs".
Originally Posted by pookieman


Anyone trying to build leg and upper body strength real quickly...start doing  power cleans and hang cleans.

Your strength will go OUT THE ROOF in no time once you develop the proper technique....

So whats the exercise when you do the hang clean, but go into the front squat? (instead of not squatting).. make sense?
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by pookieman

Anyone trying to build leg and upper body strength real quickly...start doing  power cleans and hang cleans.

Your strength will go OUT THE ROOF in no time once you develop the proper technique....

So whats the exercise when you do the hang clean, but go into the front squat? (instead of not squatting).. make sense?
It's called a full clean...I alternate between power cleans and full cleans Tuesday/Friday.  Full cleans are a $@%*$....but still the best overall exercise out there
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

I'm tellin you guys. Muscle Pharm Assault.

And with regards to SHOULD do it. It keeps your body from building a tolerance. When you cycle off avoid stims so N.O. Xplode wouldn't be good to take

I looked it up and it got good reviews so I might actually go pick this up rather than 1MR. How do you cycle it? How many weeks on and off? 
Went to CVS today to try and cop an EC stack, ending up going a GTC tea and caffeine only. Chickened out of the ephedrine....hopefully the combo of these 2 alone can help aid my fat loss, still. 
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Went to CVS today to try and cop an EC stack, ending up going a GTC tea and caffeine only. Chickened out of the ephedrine....hopefully the combo of these 2 alone can help aid my fat loss, still. 

I'm sorry, but what makes you think Green Tea in place of Ephedrine will have the same effect?
Why did you chicken out?
Green tea is not meant to be a replacement, I already knew that...I just didn't wanna go looking for "ephedrine" because I wasn't exactly sure of the best source to get it from. Green tea itself is good for weight loss because of anti-oxidants and has some metabolism boosting qualities as well.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

boo this man. 
This was before BB'ers became HGH/ Insulin guinea pigs. Even the AAS they cycled wasn't nearly as diverse or specialized as it is today. 

wawa- I'm tired of your holier than thou attitude when it comes to fitness... Tom Platz was in this era
 arguably the greatest quads of all shutup. no legs
First of all, you don't know that you're talking about. 
You're comparing apples to oranges. 

- Nubret was tall. About 6'1". Platz was short; about 5'7". 

- During Nubret's peak, "enhancers" were not at their peak or specialized for BB'ing. The BB'ers were basically using what was developed for Oly lifters. Mainly Deca and a few other oral AAS in their early development stages by the Soviets/ East Germans. Platz competed a decade later (comparing peak to peak) and ":enhancers" were much more advanced in the 80's than they were in the 70's. 

- Platz was known for his legs. He was gifted with great genetics for legs. Nubret wasn't. Nothing about Platz's legs is normal and if a BB doesn't have that that doesn't mean "no legs".

I might come off as holier than thou to people who don't know !*%@ while pretending to know. 

I could find three BB's in Nubrets era with better legs than him you idiot.. the same way I can say no Branch Warren has no arms..eventhough they are big by normal standards.
Sup NT.

I got kinda like a Ron Artest-type build, where my torso is huge compared to my lower half.

What exercises should I do to make it more proportional?

Thanks for the help in advance.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Green tea is not meant to be a replacement, I already knew that...I just didn't wanna go looking for "ephedrine" because I wasn't exactly sure of the best source to get it from. Green tea itself is good for weight loss because of anti-oxidants and has some metabolism boosting qualities as well. you went to buy EC stack ingredients without knowing EC stack ingredients.  The link has been posted in this thread several times...have you even researched EC?  Not sure if serious dude.
Bronkaid (can only be purchased in Walgreens and CVS) + caffeine pills.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by pookieman

Anyone trying to build leg and upper body strength real quickly...start doing  power cleans and hang cleans.

Your strength will go OUT THE ROOF in no time once you develop the proper technique....

So whats the exercise when you do the hang clean, but go into the front squat? (instead of not squatting).. make sense?
It's called a full clean...I alternate between power cleans and full cleans Tuesday/Friday.  Full cleans are a $@%*$....but still the best overall exercise out there
I think he means a high pull, but i could of just read it wrong. 
But Power/Hang Cleans are def. my fav. exercise, 

my max is around 240-250, with myself weighing ~ 170. 
Yeah its a hang clean, but when you snatch it up to your shoulders, you squat down (like a front squat) - is there any advantage over that vs the hang clean?
I feel like power cleans would start to kill my already fragile knees

I'm trying to gain some damn leg mass, but at the same time doing exercises to avoid too much pressure on my knees (i.e. not doing leg curls, squats the proper form, etc). I normally work out different areas of my body once a week, is 2x a week for legs a good start (or just one day a week with some running on the off days)? I am a super-set kind of person so I would mix in the legs with a back day.

Just could use some input.
PS: Just started messing with dead lifts recently on "back" days (never bothered to do them), so far I'm up to 200+ and I know I could do m ore eventually, just getting the form and technique right. On what days should I begin implementing the power cleans/hang cleans?
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Green tea is not meant to be a replacement, I already knew that...I just didn't wanna go looking for "ephedrine" because I wasn't exactly sure of the best source to get it from. Green tea itself is good for weight loss because of anti-oxidants and has some metabolism boosting qualities as well.
How many times does the link need to be posted? Read and proceed. A "GTC" stack is a waste of time.
Originally Posted by I3

Yeah its a hang clean, but when you snatch it up to your shoulders, you squat down (like a front squat) - is there any advantage over that vs the hang clean?

You are talking about a full clean, I alternate between full cleans and power cleans on my upper body days....
With power cleans, you are using less of your legs, to me its a huge trap and shoulder exercise...only using my legs once the bar rests on my upper chest. 
Full cleans you are using your traps to pull, but you don't have to get the bar as high since you are ending up in the front squat position, you can litterally fall underneath the bar and go straight down

I like power cleans better, I feel that they are a better overall test of strength....however, when I hit my max in the power clean, I ended up squatting the weight up anyway. I mean, if you want to test your leg strength, you'll just do a squat....

I started 3 weeks ago at 3 sets of 185 for 6, now I'm at 245 for 3 sets of 4....I hope to reach or get over 300lbs by June 20th.....
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I feel like power cleans would start to kill my already fragile knees

I'm trying to gain some damn leg mass, but at the same time doing exercises to avoid too much pressure on my knees (i.e. not doing leg curls, squats the proper form, etc). I normally work out different areas of my body once a week, is 2x a week for legs a good start (or just one day a week with some running on the off days)? I am a super-set kind of person so I would mix in the legs with a back day.

Just could use some input.
PS: Just started messing with dead lifts recently on "back" days (never bothered to do them), so far I'm up to 200+ and I know I could do m ore eventually, just getting the form and technique right. On what days should I begin implementing the power cleans/hang cleans?
Mez, I do my Cleans on my Chest and Shoulder days.  Start light if you haven't done them before - make sure your technique is solid before you add weight.

As for your legs....regular deadlifts suck imho. I just started training for football - I haven't squated since 2004 and even then I used to struggle to even hit 275.  I just started again, and was using a machine for a while to build up strength in my quads, then I moved to squats on a free rack.  Started @275 for 10 reps, 4 weeks later (today) I did 3 sets of 365, 6 reps.  Not huge weight to some, but for me it is. I got 2 screws in my knee, chronic tendonitis an MCL issues.  So basically I'm saying ease yourself into it and the strength will come.  I also do leg press and with heavy weights to supplement my squats as well as leg extensions. If you are afraid of injuring your knees, buy a roll on knee wrap (specifically for power lifting/squating) It'll ease your mind and add the support your knees might need.

Good luck
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by I3

Yeah its a hang clean, but when you snatch it up to your shoulders, you squat down (like a front squat) - is there any advantage over that vs the hang clean?

You are talking about a full clean, I alternate between full cleans and power cleans on my upper body days....
With power cleans, you are using less of your legs, to me its a huge trap and shoulder exercise...only using my legs once the bar rests on my upper chest. 
Full cleans you are using your traps to pull, but you don't have to get the bar as high since you are ending up in the front squat position, you can litterally fall underneath the bar and go straight down

I like power cleans better, I feel that they are a better overall test of strength....however, when I hit my max in the power clean, I ended up squatting the weight up anyway. I mean, if you want to test your leg strength, you'll just do a squat....

I started 3 weeks ago at 3 sets of 185 for 6, now I'm at 245 for 3 sets of 4....I hope to reach or get over 300lbs by June 20th.....
Cheers pookie!

Yeah when I first did full cleans, I felt my traps go nuts.  I did a 5x5 of this, then did 5x5 military press.. had a good shoulder workout.  I think i'll alternate them like you do, maybe 3-4 weeks of power cleans, then same with full cleans.

Squats + cleans (power or full) + abs and few other exercises is one of my workouts.
Squats + chest + military etc. another workout.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I feel like power cleans would start to kill my already fragile knees

I'm trying to gain some damn leg mass, but at the same time doing exercises to avoid too much pressure on my knees (i.e. not doing leg curls, squats the proper form, etc). I normally work out different areas of my body once a week, is 2x a week for legs a good start (or just one day a week with some running on the off days)? I am a super-set kind of person so I would mix in the legs with a back day.

Just could use some input.
PS: Just started messing with dead lifts recently on "back" days (never bothered to do them), so far I'm up to 200+ and I know I could do m ore eventually, just getting the form and technique right. On what days should I begin implementing the power cleans/hang cleans?
Mez, I do my Cleans on my Chest and Shoulder days.  Start light if you haven't done them before - make sure your technique is solid before you add weight.

As for your legs....regular deadlifts suck imho. I just started training for football - I haven't squated since 2004 and even then I used to struggle to even hit 275.  I just started again, and was using a machine for a while to build up strength in my quads, then I moved to squats on a free rack.  Started @275 for 10 reps, 4 weeks later (today) I did 3 sets of 365, 6 reps.  Not huge weight to some, but for me it is. I got 2 screws in my knee, chronic tendonitis an MCL issues.  So basically I'm saying ease yourself into it and the strength will come.  I also do leg press and with heavy weights to supplement my squats as well as leg extensions. If you are afraid of injuring your knees, buy a roll on knee wrap (specifically for power lifting/squating) It'll ease your mind and add the support your knees might need.

Good luck
My squat sucks dude since I haven't ever done them consistently after my knee surgery a few years back, my upper body strength is pretty solid (bench 275 max, arms/back and shoulders are solid, etc), just want my leg strength to be on the same page eventually. I shouldn't be benching more than I can squat at this point

Today I will mess with dead lifts since I am working out my back, and some squats for legs (and other random leg exercises since I alternate both to super set), and tomorrow I'll mess with chest and cleans for the first time to see how it goes.

I really need some shoes for power lifting though, I know they make a ton of difference,
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I feel like power cleans would start to kill my already fragile knees

I'm trying to gain some damn leg mass, but at the same time doing exercises to avoid too much pressure on my knees (i.e. not doing leg curls, squats the proper form, etc). I normally work out different areas of my body once a week, is 2x a week for legs a good start (or just one day a week with some running on the off days)? I am a super-set kind of person so I would mix in the legs with a back day.

Just could use some input.
PS: Just started messing with dead lifts recently on "back" days (never bothered to do them), so far I'm up to 200+ and I know I could do m ore eventually, just getting the form and technique right. On what days should I begin implementing the power cleans/hang cleans?
Mez, I do my Cleans on my Chest and Shoulder days.  Start light if you haven't done them before - make sure your technique is solid before you add weight.

As for your legs....regular deadlifts suck imho. I just started training for football - I haven't squated since 2004 and even then I used to struggle to even hit 275.  I just started again, and was using a machine for a while to build up strength in my quads, then I moved to squats on a free rack.  Started @275 for 10 reps, 4 weeks later (today) I did 3 sets of 365, 6 reps.  Not huge weight to some, but for me it is. I got 2 screws in my knee, chronic tendonitis an MCL issues.  So basically I'm saying ease yourself into it and the strength will come.  I also do leg press and with heavy weights to supplement my squats as well as leg extensions. If you are afraid of injuring your knees, buy a roll on knee wrap (specifically for power lifting/squating) It'll ease your mind and add the support your knees might need.

Good luck
My squat sucks dude since I haven't ever done them consistently after my knee surgery a few years back, my upper body strength is pretty solid (bench 275 max, arms/back and shoulders are solid, etc), just want my leg strength to be on the same page eventually. I shouldn't be benching more than I can squat at this point

Today I will mess with dead lifts since I am working out my back, and some squats for legs (and other random leg exercises since I alternate both to super set), and tomorrow I'll mess with chest and cleans for the first time to see how it goes.

I really need some shoes for power lifting though, I know they make a ton of difference,
Do powerlifting shoes make a big difference? I've seriously been considering purchasing some and was wondering if they were worth it, or if anyone else has purchased them and could give a review. They're pretty pricey, but I've also heard that they help a lot with squats, deads, cleans, etc.
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