Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0


Good job G

Iunno if it's been posted, but I thought I'd try and contribute by putting you guys on to Jeff Cavalier. Dude's youtube channel always has mad creative workouts that are great if you wanna challenge your body.

His 12 week abdominal routine is really good. I'm on week 5, and I'm definitely seeing results.
nealraj006 wrote:
Grimlock, higher protein, higher fat, fewer carbs. Carbs should come from veggies and fruits. Eat more meat, veggies, nuts. Basically I advocate a paleo/primal approach. Check out "The Primal Blueprint"  or "The Paleo Diet"/"The Paleo Solution"


Some examples:

Breakfast for me is eggs, bacon and coffee (black or with heavy cream)

Lunch is a salad, usually spinach based with vinaigrette or ranch (ranch has barely any carbs) dressing and some form of protein (chicken mostly)

Dinner is a good sized serving of animal protein (steak, chicken breast, salmon, pork chops, whatever)

I also do intermittent fasting, which helps a lot.  I noticed that the 2 o'clock feeling of fatigue when eating carbs never happens, I also can go longer between meals without feeling hungry.

Some fast-food lo-carb foods:

Costco (or any brand, I like Costco) Rotisserie Chicken
Wings 'N Things or Wingstop (any unbreaded) wings
Chipotle steak or chicken salad bowl (no rice or beans)
In 'N Out double double protein style
Carls Jr Low Carb 6 dollar Burger
Thanks for the suggestions.

On a sidebar...does anyone use Kre-Akalyn as opposed to Creatine Monohydrate?

I just got a bottle of 120 caps for $10 and before I use them would like to get some reviews from people who have taken it especially if they noticed a difference between the two.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Thanks for the suggestions.

On a sidebar...does anyone use Kre-Akalyn as opposed to Creatine Monohydrate?

I just got a bottle of 120 caps for $10 and before I use them would like to get some reviews from people who have taken it especially if they noticed a difference between the two.
I've never heard of anyone having a bad experience.. side effect wise. It's not going to harm you any differently than monohydrate.
I think overall monohydrate has the exact same results.. 
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

as a black man the things id do for Ray Allens calves...

Pretty lean too surprisingly...but too small for my preference

lol i suffer from small calves and high calf insertions too. definitely common among black people i have notices....asians the opposite, large calves/low insertions. 
look at a lot of sprinters and nba players and they seem to have high insertions and small calves so i guess its not bad for athletic purposes but they def make you look like you have chicken legs.

ray ray is super lean, not much mass but he is like sub 8% bf all season.
Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

wat about some advice for a skinny nter trynna get some put on some weight?

lots of protein, take creatine, a multi and lift heavy brah. 
on a side note i originally weighed 179 weighed myself on the scales... and 173!!! ya boy was at the gym wit the 
 face on lol. it took me about 6 days on oxy elite normal doseage and a somewhat strict diet.. I can see the body fat slowly dissapearing now. its an awesome feeling i use to could pinch and grab the fat on my stomach area.. now i can just barely get any fat when i pinch myself lol. also i didnt do much cardio at all. probably about 25 minutes worth the whole week. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

as a black man the things id do for Ray Allens calves...

Pretty lean too surprisingly...but too small for my preference

lol i suffer from small calves and high calf insertions too. definitely common among black people i have notices....asians the opposite, large calves/low insertions. 
look at a lot of sprinters and nba players and they seem to have high insertions and small calves so i guess its not bad for athletic purposes but they def make you look like you have chicken legs.

ray ray is super lean, not much mass but he is like sub 8% bf all season.

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Thanks for the suggestions.

On a sidebar...does anyone use Kre-Akalyn as opposed to Creatine Monohydrate?

I just got a bottle of 120 caps for $10 and before I use them would like to get some reviews from people who have taken it especially if they noticed a difference between the two.
I've used three different types of creatine. Monohydrate powder, monohydrate serum, and now Kre-Alkalyn 1500 capsules. The Kre-Alkalyn is 10x better than anything I've ever taken. Been on it for about 3 weeks and I'm getting excellent results. Many say the powders are the way to go but the Kre-Alkalyn capsules have been the best for me.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Thanks for the suggestions.

On a sidebar...does anyone use Kre-Akalyn as opposed to Creatine Monohydrate?

I just got a bottle of 120 caps for $10 and before I use them would like to get some reviews from people who have taken it especially if they noticed a difference between the two.
I've used three different types of creatine. Monohydrate powder, monohydrate serum, and now Kre-Alkalyn 1500 capsules. The Kre-Alkalyn is 10x better than anything I've ever taken. Been on it for about 3 weeks and I'm getting excellent results. Many say the powders are the way to go but the Kre-Alkalyn capsules have been the best for me.
That's great.  Do you do the whole 1 cap prior to workout, one cap after workout deal?  It's just a new concept to me not taking creatine with some dextrose or sugar.  What i'm asking is at what times and in what quantities do you use Kre-Alkalyn...especially on off days.  Seems way too simple how to take them
Been on oxy elite pro for a week now and I've never had to pee some much in my life, it's insane but definitely noticing results. Not much weight loss overall but it appears to mostly be all fat that's been lost so far.
Originally Posted by chuck67

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

wat about some advice for a skinny nter trynna get some put on some weight?

lots of protein, take creatine, a multi and lift heavy brah. 
on a side note i originally weighed 179 weighed myself on the scales... and 173!!! ya boy was at the gym wit the 
 face on lol. it took me about 6 days on oxy elite normal doseage and a somewhat strict diet.. I can see the body fat slowly dissapearing now. its an awesome feeling i use to could pinch and grab the fat on my stomach area.. now i can just barely get any fat when i pinch myself lol. also i didnt do much cardio at all. probably about 25 minutes worth the whole week. 

do you feel like you've lost any muscle mass at all? or does it seem to all be fat? cause im thinking about trying out oep as well
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Thanks for the suggestions.

On a sidebar...does anyone use Kre-Akalyn as opposed to Creatine Monohydrate?

I just got a bottle of 120 caps for $10 and before I use them would like to get some reviews from people who have taken it especially if they noticed a difference between the two.
I've used three different types of creatine. Monohydrate powder, monohydrate serum, and now Kre-Alkalyn 1500 capsules. The Kre-Alkalyn is 10x better than anything I've ever taken. Been on it for about 3 weeks and I'm getting excellent results. Many say the powders are the way to go but the Kre-Alkalyn capsules have been the best for me.
That's great.  Do you do the whole 1 cap prior to workout, one cap after workout deal?  It's just a new concept to me not taking creatine with some dextrose or sugar.  What i'm asking is at what times and in what quantities do you use Kre-Alkalyn...especially on off days.  Seems way too simple how to take them
You're supposed to take four throughout the day... Best way to do it is take 2 when you wake up and then 2 more 30mins prior to your workout. Also drink a lot of water to maximize results.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Soon as dudes lose crazy weight the first thing to pop off is a faux hawk or some other crazy cut.

for real 

going for that full transformation 

It wasn't even my idea, actually. My boys and I were chilling and talking about the resurgence of the old school fashion (snapbacks, denim jackets, etc.) Someone brought up haircuts, and two of us decided to go for flat tops. I actually like it, and wish I would have thought of it before.

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

lol that haircut is awesome. lol
Thank you.

Originally Posted by chuck67

Originally Posted by Shorty Doo Wop

wat about some advice for a skinny nter trynna get some put on some weight?

lots of protein, take creatine, a multi and lift heavy brah. 

Originally Posted by rhester

Is a 5x5 routine good for getting your numbers up?That's what I wanna focus on this summer...
Yeah, that or a similar linear progression program a la Starting Strength, Strong Lifts, etc.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

What multis you guys using?

Trying to decide between Opti-Men or Orange Triad.

Both are good options, I've been using opti-men and this plus ON's fish oil really keeps me from having any joint point.
Originally Posted by higherthanthemonument

whats the verdict on those naked smoothies i drink 2 32oz ones a day

Loaded with sugars and calories.  1 bottle alone is 320 calories. And you're drinking 2,  640 calories...that's a meal in itself.

I tend to stay away from calorie dense smoothies other than post-workout ones I make myself.
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