Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

nervous about jogging outside where I live, probably because people probably stare at me like i would be crazy...i usually do this at the gym

do any of you guys jog outside? im not a shy person like  I was, i'm very verbal when i want to be, but it just makes me feel weird as +#$@ running outside in the open.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

You'll be lucky to lose 2 lbs in 2 weeks.
A deficit if 3500 calories an entire week = loss of 1 lb  (basically 1500caloric consumption a day for the entire week)

Do the math and see that its impossible to lose 10 lbs in that short amount of time....Unless you do the Christian Bale Machinist diet = Coffee and Cigarettes

it might be time i lost 5 pounds in one week.......ran 3 to 4 miles a day sometimes 6 and kept my calorie intake at around 1200-1500

Most likely water weight.  But I've posted what I think will help the most.
Good Luck
...and 10 lbs in 2 weeks??  Even if you did lose, it most likely wouldn't be very noticeable in the mirror.

I'm sort of biased against people who try to get these quick-fix diet plans 

Honestly, you should use these two weeks to implement a healthier lifestyle as opposed to just being a slave to the scale for the next 14 days.

but then again, this is just advice, no disrespect.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

nervous about jogging outside where I live, probably because people probably stare at me like i would be crazy...i usually do this at the gym

do any of you guys jog outside? im not a shy person like  I was, i'm very verbal when i want to be, but it just makes me feel weird as +#$@ running outside in the open.
is jogging outdoors really that abnormal? Unless you live in the hood, idk 

Man up and get that cardio in.  If you're that self-conscious just drive to your local park and run in that setting.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

nervous about jogging outside where I live, probably because people probably stare at me like i would be crazy...i usually do this at the gym

do any of you guys jog outside? im not a shy person like  I was, i'm very verbal when i want to be, but it just makes me feel weird as +#$@ running outside in the open.
is jogging outdoors really that abnormal? Unless you live in the hood, idk 

Man up and get that cardio in.  If you're that self-conscious just drive to your local park and run in that setting.
nah i can do it, im just type lazy with running one of those dudes that rather lift weights....but i gotta wait til i get some money for a membership

guess i'll just run outside for 10 minutes for a week, then up it by 5 minutes each week.
Originally Posted by awash242

Yeah Im no expert either....thats not my info, but I couldn't figure out how to quote it. Its from an article based on Lyle McDonalds book, "The Ketogenic Diet".

He goes on to say:

"If your worry is about the leptin levels, then you must remember that ketosis requires a period of induction until the body is adapted to a ketogenic metabolism. Once the body is fully adjusted to a ketogenic metabolism, all of the symptoms felt during induction such as moodiness suddenly disappear. This suggests that leptin levels readjust once the body has fully adjusted."
Thanks for posting that, if it came from Lyle McDonald himself then it means a lot.

It's funny because Lyle is one of the biggest advocates of refeeds while dieting so I'm surprised he doesnt recommend glycogen refeeds while on keto. Maybe he doesnt recommend them for the first few weeks of the diet. I'll try to look into the book although I'm not really interested in reading a 300+ page book on keto
. I've read 4-5 of his books and in all of them he says that refeeds are required because your body basically doesnt want to lose any more fat once you get into the sub-12% bodyfat range.
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

nervous about jogging outside where I live, probably because people probably stare at me like i would be crazy...i usually do this at the gym

do any of you guys jog outside? im not a shy person like  I was, i'm very verbal when i want to be, but it just makes me feel weird as +#$@ running outside in the open.
is jogging outdoors really that abnormal? Unless you live in the hood, idk 

Man up and get that cardio in.  If you're that self-conscious just drive to your local park and run in that setting.
nah i can do it, im just type lazy with running one of those dudes that rather lift weights....but i gotta wait til i get some money for a membership

guess i'll just run outside for 10 minutes for a week, then up it by 5 minutes each week.
You are working on yourself. Who cares if people stare..maybe that will be motivation for them to start jogging. I used to run around my neighborhood. I prefer it because it gives you the chance to get some fresh air, see things in your neighborhood etc. I put my headphones on and tune the world out. I hate running as well but i am sure it is probably the best for cardio.
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by blacktopking319

it might be time i lost 5 pounds in one week.......ran 3 to 4 miles a day sometimes 6 and kept my calorie intake at around 1200-1500

Most likely water weight.  But I've posted what I think will help the most.
Good Luck
...and 10 lbs in 2 weeks??  Even if you did lose, it most likely wouldn't be very noticeable in the mirror.

I'm sort of biased against people who try to get these quick-fix diet plans 

Honestly, you should use these two weeks to implement a healthier lifestyle as opposed to just being a slave to the scale for the next 14 days.

but then again, this is just advice, no disrespect.

No need to preach, my lifestyle is pretty damn healthy. And I'm a pretty lean 190. But I remember reading in here awhile back about dudes dropping weight overnight. Yeah I know it's not the best way to go, just looking for a little extra.  
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

10 pounds in 2 weeks is not possible

false, it will only be attainable if you alrdy have a strong metabolism tho... alot of discipline food wise and expending insane amounts of calories
try eating 5 very small protein/carb meals a day, swimming n the morning, circuit training afternoon (after work), and something like basketball or plyometrics after that

its doable.
Losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks is definitely possible.

On January 1 I started trying to follow the Primal Blueprint and 2 weeks later I was 12 pounds lighter.

Fast forward to May and I have lost about 40 pounds, so yeah the weight loss slowed to about 1.5-2 pounds per week, but the first two weeks was drastic.

I started at 255 in late December, I'm 6'2."  Today I weighed in at 216, I have some more pounds to go to get to my goal of 190.  Luckily I have grown accustomed to the lifestyle change and also picking up the weights here and there hasn't hurt either (in addition to occasional walks/hikes and playing ball)

Back in 2004-2005 I lost 75 pounds (295-220) doing calorie restriction and chronic cardio.  I'd rather eat steak and lift heavy weights than restrict calories and run 3-4 miles a day but that's just me, same finishline different race I guess.
Theres a difference between "is 10 lbs in 2 weeks possible" and "is 10 lbs in 2 weeks possible for (me/him)'

In this case, the answers are different.
The fatter you are the faster you lose fat/weight...simply put.

DrTobaggan is in a spot where losing 5 pounds in 1 damn near impossible.
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Ah, I guess I should have read the whole discussion before replying.

Sorry guys.
It's all good.

Congrats on the weight loss though.  Its good to hear youre going about your weight loss in a healthier way too. 
I've been lurking and checking out this thread for a while.  I found out about Mark's Daily Apple and PB through here.

Now just trying to find information on weight lifting techniques and theory.
Anyone try the warrior diet?

This whole counting calories and multiple meals a day just isn't for me..It clashes with my schedule, and i don't like having to revolve my whole day around food.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

how many of you guys say !$*% bro-science and just listen to your body?

word. Well, I'm in med school, so it's pretty funny contrasting the whole "evidence-based research" approach of medicine with that of bro-science. My approach is: realize a lot of it is bogus, but there is some truth to SOME of the stuff, so I take bits and pieces out of all the bullcrap that's spewed on BB forums etc and kinda apply what I think would work best, and see how it works on MY body.
Thanks for the input guys. It's really appreciated. I guess 10 lbs is a little unrealistic. Still going to bust my *$@ trying lose what I can, I'll let you know how it went.
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Thanks for the input guys. It's really appreciated. I guess 10 lbs is a little unrealistic. Still going to bust my *$@ trying lose what I can, I'll let you know how it went.

honestly bro I find aiming for a numerical or quantitative amount of weight loss / weight gain kinda pointless. I mean I get that it's a good way to measure success and keep yourself motivated, but as opposed to an obsession with a number on a scale, just keep working hard until you begin to see changes in the mirror! That's my motivation at least.
Set a personal best on the bench yesterday at 225. I'm trying to get up to like 250 or 275. I'm 5'7" 168. 
Alright so I really need some help in the area of losing some fat in the love handle and abdominal college graduation is coming up and I would like to lose 5-10 lbs of fat in a month or as much as I can. I just want to detail what my weekly eating/working out regimen is so that I can paint a better picture of what i'm doing versus and advice to what I should be doing:

Program: Rippetoe's starting strength 3-5 x 5

5 min warmup on treadmill

5 min on abs - 2 min basic plank, 1 1/2 min each side plank

Bench Press
Power Clean


alternating each workout session - Mon, Wends, Fri

My nutrition is like this:

Breakfast - Big carb meal - rice/pasta with small portions of veggies and some chicken

Post workout - 1 scoop of whey(25grams), 2 scoops of dextrose (50grams), 5grams of creatine

1 hour later(lunch) - meal of rice/pasta, beans, chicken and assorted veggies OR a baked potato, cous cous, garbanzo beans w/sauteed onions, banana

Dinner - 2 egg whites, cereal/oats with 1% milk, some fruits (kiwis...etc...)

***I do get
at night which of course causes the munchies, which sometimes I probably indulge too much and I have some ice cream, crackers, milk, kiwis...etc.

i'm 5'7 - 155lbs

On my off days I usually keep the eating about the same where I try to taper off carbs towards the night.

What do I need to be doing in order to shave some pounds of fat off my sides and get a nice v-cut going for myself?

I don't really want to take any supplements for cutting but is there somethings I should tweak in my nutrition/workout plan that would help me lose some extra pounds come graduation?
Hey guys need some help. I stopped being conscious about my weight after high school and went from 160/190 in just 2 years and stayed there till now I have lost 10 pounds so far but I can't lose anymore it's like no matter why I stay constant. I eat somewhat healthy food....guess what I'm saying is can you guys point me in a nice direction to a good diet/work out plan that will help me obtain a more leaner body

As of now I'm 5/11 at 180

High school was at 150 160 give or take but seemed real thin

I want to be at a weight were I still have a sizable body but with a six pack to boost. What would be a nice tater weight to achiee this sorry I'm a total noob to workout exercise thing. Help would be appreciated. Thanks fellas
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Alright so I really need some help in the area of losing some fat in the love handle and abdominal college graduation is coming up and I would like to lose 5-10 lbs of fat in a month or as much as I can. I just want to detail what my weekly eating/working out regimen is so that I can paint a better picture of what i'm doing versus and advice to what I should be doing:

Program: Rippetoe's starting strength 3-5 x 5

5 min warmup on treadmill

5 min on abs - 2 min basic plank, 1 1/2 min each side plank

Bench Press
Power Clean


alternating each workout session - Mon, Wends, Fri

My nutrition is like this:

Breakfast - Big carb meal - rice/pasta with small portions of veggies and some chicken

Post workout - 1 scoop of whey(25grams), 2 scoops of dextrose (50grams), 5grams of creatine

1 hour later(lunch) - meal of rice/pasta, beans, chicken and assorted veggies OR a baked potato, cous cous, garbanzo beans w/sauteed onions, banana

Dinner - 2 egg whites, cereal/oats with 1% milk, some fruits (kiwis...etc...)

***I do get
at night which of course causes the munchies, which sometimes I probably indulge too much and I have some ice cream, crackers, milk, kiwis...etc.

i'm 5'7 - 155lbs

On my off days I usually keep the eating about the same where I try to taper off carbs towards the night.

What do I need to be doing in order to shave some pounds of fat off my sides and get a nice v-cut going for myself?

I don't really want to take any supplements for cutting but is there somethings I should tweak in my nutrition/workout plan that would help me lose some extra pounds come graduation?

Carb cycling may help a bit.

High-!+# carbs on lift days (MWF). I try to get around 110g...low fat intake those days.

Very low on off days (TThSS). When I mean low, don't eat anything thats pure carb source(breads, pastas, potatos, etc.) The only carbs you should be getting are incidental carbs from vegetables. On those days, eat a bit more nuts, pb's or anything with higher that will be your source of energy instead of carbs.

Smoke less if you think the munchies are hindering your progress.

ALSO: Fat spot reduction is a myth.  Fat in lower abdominal area is the hardest to get rid of, and is usually the last to go.  Just keep that in mind.
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