Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Not going to be able to get to the gym for almost a week. Is it a good idea or bad idea to try to hit every muscle possible today since I won't be in the gym for a week?
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Not going to be able to get to the gym for almost a week. Is it a good idea or bad idea to try to hit every muscle possible today since I won't be in the gym for a week?

DB Bench (flat)
Standing BB Military Press
Bent-over Rows or Weighted Chins

Boom. You're good to go.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

can someone help me out with breakfast getting kind of bored with my breakfast. i aiming for low carb and low calorie items. i usually rotate instant low calorie flavored oatmeal with a banana, a english muffin with a teaspoon of nutella and a banana, or a egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms, cheese onions and some times chicken. I eat a banana every morning. I am getting tired of that rotation though and would like to try other things...any suggestions?

I swear that you asked this same question, almost word for word, about a month ago, and I answered it...

nvmind I didn't.

i think i remember too.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Brett why so much milk? You bulking? Counting cals?

I usually do 1 scoop caseine 1 scoop whey with 30g dextrose in water after workout
It was a dare
OxyElite Pro users.. anyone have severe stomach pains as a side effect from using this??  been having some serious stomach issues and don't know if I can chalk it up to the OxyElite Pro or not
Originally Posted by alhubley

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Can one of you 3 "studs" recommend me a good ab work out since you guys are so fancy now ... I want my abs dancing too!

Not one of the 3 studs but I'm like Joe camel I don't do much Ab work at all. I've gone years without doing any. Squats and deads will give you great abs.
Ditto. I've seen my abs grow most once I started going heavy and consistent on compounds, namely deadlift and squat. Even then, like everyone says "abs are made in the kitchen". If you're not lean (or close to it), they're not gonna show regardless. Ectomorph FTW/L
So I havent stepped inside of a gym for the last two years. Before I moved to the middle of nowhere North Carolina I had a 6 pack, great shape, weighed 178 (5'8") with really low body fat and I was ripped. I now weigh 195 and have a beer gut.

Yesterday I decided to get in gear because I have some extra time. I did 350 pushups and today I feel like my chest upper back and sides are all ripping apart. I also ran two miles last night and again this morning with considerable pain. Can anyone recommend anything to help facilitate muscle growth in the form of good foods? I know chicken breast and fish are good but anything else?

Any other tips would be great too. Im looking to lose about 12-15 pounds but gain definition as well.
Has anyone here tried Doggcrapp (DC) training? Dante Trudel, the creator of this training method trains several profesional bodybuilders who have had great success with it. I work with a guy (he's +%@%%+* swoll as %%+%) who's been doing it for awhile and he swears by it. I've been doing it for a couple month and I've gotten a lot stronger and put on some good size. Here's some links with more info:
In regards to that last line, how do I know which ones are inferior products? And is an average of one scoop a day enough to cause serious damage. Ive tried googling this info but no "credible" sources came up and the bodybuilding forum just seems to laugh this topic off.
Dont let a few studies and articles stop you from using certain products. Whey protein is great for building muscle, and its been used for years and years. Dont let one study stop you.
Checking in. I posted about two weeks ago about starting to take jack3d and kre-alkalyn. For anyone interested, I would say they definitely work.

The first week I only took one scoop to 1.5 scoops of the jack3d and I felt the energy only after I started my workout. I was able to go a lot harder on the cardio I usually do after workouts. The strength increase with the creatine was there as well. Minimal of course.

As of today, I'm taking two heaping scoops of jack3d and it feels goooood. I've heard people have differing effects with the stuff, and mine is pretty much a high/relaxed feeling. Not even kidding. As like it was with the first week, about 15 minutes into my workout I finally feel jack3d and thats with waiting one hour to let it sink in. Combined with the kre-alkalyn I'm throwing more weight around and have much more stamina to do every workout at a very high intensity.

Yesterday I did 1 hour and 45 minutes of cardio. I didn't want to stop. It works. I'm sure there is some sort of placebo effect as well, but the results is really all that matters. Go for it!
I wish jack3d worked for me. It only worked for me once and it felt amazing. It added so much more to my lifts and workout. I can take 4 scoops and not feel a thing. I don't even drink caffeine. I'm going to use it only on chest days from now on.
^ I wouldn't be surprised if that happens to me at some point. And I am a coffee drinker, so I'm sure that's why I almost get a relaxed sensation when I take it at first.

If anything, I would say the part that works for me is the focus. I wouldn't say I'm more energized. It's just that my energy is honed in and is harnessed into my workouts.
All naturale for the win... go until i plateau which is usually when im reppin 3x12 of 225 on bench or so

then 3 weeks of creatine and protein shakes pre and post workouts, then cut back on workouts and repeat.

if i take supplements much longer than that stretch marks ensue and i really dont like being above 210 lbs at 5'11, clothes start fitting horribly
just squatted last night for the first time. legs felt great
i probably didnt have good posture but ehh ill work on it
Is it normal to lose 4 lbs the first week on a keto diet? i had roughly the same amount of calories but low carb the previous week but only lost like .5 lbs. not to mention my bf% stayed the same after the first week on keto. the only thing i got going is the fact that my strength hasnt gone down. its frustrating and i really appreciate all the contributions you guys make in this thread.
Haha. Weird. I just started Keto exactly a week ago, and I've actually gained weight. My lifts have gone up and my bf has gone down a bit. Lost a bit of water weight too. Gained like 2-3 lbs. I haven't been counting calories though, but have been eating lots of fats and proteins. My daily carb intake has been 30g or lower. We'll see how this second week turns out. I've been hitting the decline bench hard lately, and my chest has been responding very well to it.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

All naturale for the win... go until i plateau which is usually when im reppin 3x12 of 225 on bench or so

then 3 weeks of creatine and protein shakes pre and post workouts, then cut back on workouts and repeat.

if i take supplements much longer than that stretch marks ensue and i really dont like being above 210 lbs at 5'11, clothes start fitting horribly
About 4 days in to my cleanish bulk, I'm at 201 to about 205 now..... Shooting for 210 by next weeks end. End well, I hope it does. Abs are still showing tho and waist is still somewhat slim.

My shoulders, arms and chests have been getting noticeably bigger. Barely fit in my weekend shirts and button downs..... but I guess thats a good thing
Originally Posted by Zyzz

just squatted last night for the first time. legs felt great
i probably didnt have good posture but ehh ill work on it
I have heard from many people that the only squat you will ever need to perfect is the "goblet squat"......if done right, build leg muscles like crazy and this exercise burns 3x more calories than most exercises
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Dont let a few studies and articles stop you from using certain products. Whey protein is great for building muscle, and its been used for years and years. Dont let one study stop you.
Yet if we hear that one study says ejaculating makes one smarter, we would go all out.

What's the purpose of studies again?
Since we're on the subject of WPI, would 1 scoop of ON after a workout be enough to make a difference, or do I need to step it up?
Originally Posted by Ground King

Originally Posted by Zyzz

just squatted last night for the first time. legs felt great
i probably didnt have good posture but ehh ill work on it
I have heard from many people that the only squat you will ever need to perfect is the "goblet squat"......if done right, build leg muscles like crazy and this exercise burns 3x more calories than most exercises

this is some of the strongest broscience i've ever read in my life
?Anybody have any experience with Kre-Alkalyn? How many should I take a day if each pill is 1500 mg?
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