Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Man this low carb stuff sucks. I gotta have rice.

Diet wise, I should be good if I just cut out fried food, sweets, and soda/juice right? Only drink water and all my foods baked/grilled.
how much does your chest strength (bench press dumbbell/barbell) depend on your shoulder strength (ability to military press)?

i feel like i've plateaued on my bench and i've done things like switch up workouts and exercises and to no avail. could this be attributed to weak shoulder strength? (i've also been eating less as i've been working more for busy season, i know this can also attribute to lack of strength)
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

how much does your chest strength (bench press dumbbell/barbell) depend on your shoulder strength (ability to military press)?

i feel like i've plateaued on my bench and i've done things like switch up workouts and exercises and to no avail. could this be attributed to weak shoulder strength? (i've also been eating less as i've been working more for busy season, i know this can also attribute to lack of strength)

You do need shoulders a lot, but a strong back and lats will help a great amount as well
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by topherr



i know there are some fellow NTers around....

Sup, I go to UT. And I work out at gregory here and there. I don't live on campus so I sometimes just go to 24

nice, I'm there almost everyday hooping and lifting. 
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

what do yall do for cardio?? just wondering..

got some incline hills i like to run. great exercise. also plyo workouts help with speed and cardio
Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by topherr



i know there are some fellow NTers around....

Sup, I go to UT. And I work out at gregory here and there. I don't live on campus so I sometimes just go to 24

nice, I'm there almost everyday hooping and lifting. 

Word? When do you usually go? I hate going around 5-8 pm because it gets packed.And I used to hoop there all the time but I haven't really played since I had ankle arthroscopic surgery in June.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

rayray3thousand wrote:
easiest way to keep muscle/strength yet lose body fat % ?

lift heavy. 
last i checked, lifting contributes to fat loss.

lifting weights period contributes to fat loss.

try super-setting exercises together - 60 sec rest periods in between each set.

keeps your heart rate up. 

DIET = fat loss, no other way around it. 

this thread has great info, please stop asking, and read back on pages, most likely your answer is already here.

its like going into a sneaker thread, and asking the release date. gets redundant.
Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Can anyone recommend me a protein supplement at GNC? I got a GNC voucher a month ago, but the fine print said I couldn't purchase any hot buy items. Such as Optimum Nutrition's whey protein, I wanted this item, so what is the next best thing? Its for $40 worth

myofusion but im guessing you cant use it on that either.
Yeah =/  is there any alternatives?
Originally Posted by bwood056

Originally Posted by Based Mod

rayray3thousand wrote:
easiest way to keep muscle/strength yet lose body fat % ?

lift heavy. 
last i checked, lifting contributes to fat loss.

lifting weights period contributes to fat loss.

try super-setting exercises together - 60 sec rest periods in between each set.

keeps your heart rate up. 

DIET = fat loss, no other way around it. 

this thread has great info, please stop asking, and read back on pages, most likely your answer is already here.

its like going into a sneaker thread, and asking the release date. gets redundant.
yeah, ya'll read back on all these 800 pages and chill with the questions.
Yo, okay i've been going pretty hard since Feb. Put on near 15 pounds of muscle.
Past two days I was supposed to be in the gym but I took them to sleep and be lazy and have had my first incomplete, unsatisfied week in awhile.

I feel like complete *!!!
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by Zyzz

Originally Posted by eeibaby

Can anyone recommend me a protein supplement at GNC? I got a GNC voucher a month ago, but the fine print said I couldn't purchase any hot buy items. Such as Optimum Nutrition's whey protein, I wanted this item, so what is the next best thing? Its for $40 worth

myofusion but im guessing you cant use it on that either.
Yeah =/  is there any alternatives?
Think you could beat the system by using that voucher on something else, then returning that product at another GNC and using the store credit on what you want? Or does GNC not embrace returns?
Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

Yo, okay i've been going pretty hard since Feb. Put on near 15 pounds of muscle.
Past two days I was supposed to be in the gym but I took them to sleep and be lazy and have had my first incomplete, unsatisfied week in awhile.

I feel like complete *!!!
Realistically, that might help, although you prob arent feelin that right now. A few days off an give your muscles some much needed rest, depending on how your recovery after workouts is timed.

and ^ JRS coming through with the ingenuity
^^^ nah it's good to take some time off, I did a 4 days off for the first time since I started lifting. Feelsgoodman. Jpg
I honestly cant read through all 800+ pages of this... but for gaining weight, what typical meals do you guys eat? I've been doing research and I see that 6 meals a day is typical. but when the hell do you guys have time to eat 6 meals throughout the day?

a small snack obviously doesn't count. how and when do you guys find time for these meals? and what do you eat? I'm trying to gain 15 muscle pounds by next june. And I want to start now. I have a naturally great build. but I just want to expand on it. so help me!
I know this might be a lot to ask, but I wanted to start lifting and don't really know which exercises would be best.

I'm a pretty small guy and not trying to get huge or anything, just trying to make sure it looks like I work out and am strong, so mostly arms, chest, etc...

If it's possible could someone just give me a small and easy routine that would cover some important exercises and possibly explain how exactly to do each one if it's not completely obvious (I've been in a gym and worked out a million times, just don't really know if I'm ever doing the right stuff)

thanks in advance
/\/o... read

and no /\ not even CLOSEEE... that dude has horrible form and is going to wreckkk his shoulder
Originally Posted by blackxme

Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by blackxme

Sup, I go to UT. And I work out at gregory here and there. I don't live on campus so I sometimes just go to 24

nice, I'm there almost everyday hooping and lifting. 

Word? When do you usually go? I hate going around 5-8 pm because it gets packed.And I used to hoop there all the time but I haven't really played since I had ankle arthroscopic surgery in June.
6-8 weekdays... anytime on the weekends
Originally Posted by throwback1718

I honestly cant read through all 800+ pages of this... but for gaining weight, what typical meals do you guys eat? I've been doing research and I see that 6 meals a day is typical. but when the hell do you guys have time to eat 6 meals throughout the day?

a small snack obviously doesn't count. how and when do you guys find time for these meals? and what do you eat? I'm trying to gain 15 muscle pounds by next june. And I want to start now. I have a naturally great build. but I just want to expand on it. so help me!
You dont really need to worry about how many meals you eat and when you eat them and all that stuff. You just need to hit your caloric, protein and fat goals really.

Read this:

Originally Posted by thejrob

I know this might be a lot to ask, but I wanted to start lifting and don't really know which exercises would be best.

I'm a pretty small guy and not trying to get huge or anything, just trying to make sure it looks like I work out and am strong, so mostly arms, chest, etc...

If it's possible could someone just give me a small and easy routine that would cover some important exercises and possibly explain how exactly to do each one if it's not completely obvious (I've been in a gym and worked out a million times, just don't really know if I'm ever doing the right stuff)

thanks in advance
Read the last few pages of what Ive been telling SC

Originally Posted by Bballkingsrule

What are the best protein bars? I got some, just use after workouts right?
They all suck. Drink a shake or eat a meal, or both.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\/o... read

and no /\ not even CLOSEEE... that dude has horrible form and is going to wreckkk his shoulder

From what I read, its all part of the CrossFit routine and training
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