Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Reps sound fine, the program doesnt really matter as long as you go as hard as you possibly can. I like All-Pros cuz its compound movements for days, so its sure to put on mass if you do everything else right. If you want to keep the workout shorter, you could check out the Boss Hogg workout too, Ive only been hearing good things about it.

I cant really comment on protein causing acne. Ive gotten a lil on my shoulders since I got serious about lifting but Im thinking its jsut the sweat.

If youre really serious about this you will watch your macros. Youll probably get good results not giving a genuine %+$% about what you eat, but when you record everything and make a point out of doing it right, people around you might not believe youre getting the results youre getting without taking all types of supplements. It really does make a difference if done right. Get your bodyweight in grams of protein and 50-100% of that in grams of fat, both of which are minimums. The rest of your calories can be allocated however you want. Thats the basics of it, but check out the nutrition section on BB and read, read, read. Youll learn something every day, I know I do.

Youre in a hell of a position right now man. I wish I was this serious about anything outside of school at your age, I would be so much more accomplished by now. Realistically, you have a huge headstart on all your peers, not just in this but everything else if you maintain the same attitude. Keep it up b

Thanks man. I'll do my research on the different programs and just pick one that's heavy on compound lifts and run with it.

I will look into macros. Honestly, I want to build muscle, not fat so the last thing I want to do is work out hard and put on a ton of fat. Some is fine (I know it's probably inevitable), but too much is not good. What are the general rules on macros?

I weigh about 150 so 150g of protein... that's definitely doable. I drink a ton of milk anyways, so just a little more meat will be easy.

And I appreciate it. I'm glad I got a head start on all of this stuff too... I don't have a single regret in my life, except I wish I was taller. Not that that was in my control though
Originally Posted by scshift

Thanks man. I'll do my research on the different programs and just pick one that's heavy on compound lifts and run with it.

I will look into macros. Honestly, I want to build muscle, not fat so the last thing I want to do is work out hard and put on a ton of fat. Some is fine (I know it's probably inevitable), but too much is not good. What are the general rules on macros?

I weigh about 150 so 150g of protein... that's definitely doable. I drink a ton of milk anyways, so just a little more meat will be easy.

And I appreciate it. I'm glad I got a head start on all of this stuff too... I don't have a single regret in my life, except I wish I was taller. Not that that was in my control though

General rules on macros are like I said .5-1g of fat per pound you weigh and 1g of protein per pound you weigh, both of which are minimums. If you really wanna get into it, you can try to break down your fats so about 40% are monounsaturated, 35% are polyunsaturated and the rest are saturated, but I wouldnt worry about it. Just try to avoid trans fats.

The only thing thats gonna influence whether you gain weight or lose it is calories in versus out. If youre in surplus youll gain weight, deficit and youll lose it. About 500 calories in surplus seems to be the sweet spot for a lot of people to gain weight with minimal fat gain. If you workout hard enough your body will prob be able to allocate most if not all of the 500 cals to weight gain in muscle tissue. Whatever amount of cals you choose to consume, stick with it for a week and weigh yourself before and after. If you havent gained any weight up your intake by another 500 calories, wait another week, and see what happens.

Make sure you weigh yourself the same way every time too, so the measurements are comparable. Personally, I use the same scale at home every time, right after I wake up, before I eat or drink anything and after I take a piss.

Theres also a lot of debate about whether drinking milk is a good idea or not. Id say just dont drink whole milk, not that Im sure that it matters.
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

General rules on macros are like I said .5-1g of fat per pound you weigh and 1g of protein per pound you weigh, both of which are minimums. If you really wanna get into it, you can try to break down your fats so about 40% are monounsaturated, 35% are polyunsaturated and the rest are saturated, but I wouldnt worry about it. Just try to avoid trans fats.

The only thing thats gonna influence whether you gain weight or lose it is calories in versus out. If youre in surplus youll gain weight, deficit and youll lose it. About 500 calories in surplus seems to be the sweet spot for a lot of people to gain weight with minimal fat gain. If you workout hard enough your body will prob be able to allocate most if not all of the 500 cals to weight gain in muscle tissue. Whatever amount of cals you choose to consume, stick with it for a week and weigh yourself before and after. If you havent gained any weight up your intake by another 500 calories, wait another week, and see what happens.

Make sure you weigh yourself the same way every time too, so the measurements are comparable. Personally, I use the same scale at home every time, right after I wake up, before I eat or drink anything and after I take a piss.

Theres also a lot of debate about whether drinking milk is a good idea or not. Id say just dont drink whole milk, not that Im sure that it matters.

Alright got it. Should I be worried if I'm gaining weight but I'm not noticeably bigger or fatter? That's happened a couple times in the past. I'd see that I gained 5 pounds but I was no more muscular or fat.

And I don't drink whole milk, just organic 1%. That's my main source of protein, cause I don't have a lot of meat in my house, I need to buy some more.
^whole milk is fine. im pretty sure he doesn't recommend it because of the saturated fat being supposedly bad, which is broscience.
Been hitting the gym hard the past month tryin to lose fat and gain some muscle. Biking like 15 miles a day and getting my diet and weight training straight. Started at 6'2" and a decently in shape 195, already lost like 7 pounds and the abs are starting to come through. I'll have some before/afters and a full workout/diet log ready to go in like a month.

Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Why is whole milk bad? Especially if one is trying to bulk? I thought only hitting the macros mattered

If it's not heavily pasteurized, it will also have a ton more nutrients than 2% milk or low-fat milk.
Yeah im not much of a fan of Milk - for some reason I gain a lot of fat and feel bloated and chubby when I drink it..

GOMAD is proven to work apparently, but i haven't thought of giving it ago as there's just too much fat to gain
Like I said, Im not sure it matters what type of milk you drink, and Im no expert among experts but Ive reas enough to think the side arguing against milk might have a point. Supposedly it causes an insulin spike which encourages the body to pack on calories as fat. This kind of makes sense when you think about milk really being for infants which arent looking to pack on muscle, bodybuilder style, but might need fat reserves should anything happen to their mother and they have to wait longer before their next "meal".
^ Anytime bro. Natural Peanut Butter (nuts, salt) is quite calorie dense, so go ahead and consume it as ONE source of good fats. Too much of anything is bad so I suggest you keep an eye on the quantity.

From what i've read from articles throughout the years, fats are particularly great to consume in or as one of your last meals as they encourage satiety(sp) - the feeling you get when you're full. This may not apply to those wanting to gain mass, but its great for cutters
Originally Posted by 2LipsLegit

Like I said, Im not sure it matters what type of milk you drink, and Im no expert among experts but Ive reas enough to think the side arguing against milk might have a point. Supposedly it causes an insulin spike which encourages the body to pack on calories as fat. This kind of makes sense when you think about milk really being for infants which arent looking to pack on muscle, bodybuilder style, but might need fat reserves should anything happen to their mother and they have to wait longer before their next "meal".
Building on this point....I'm no health expert - and like a lot of you, I drank milk constantly as a kid and into my 20s.  However, since doing more research about what I put into my body, I have cut out milk completely.  I will never drink cow's milk again.
Without going into too much detail, people don't realize that we are 1) the only species that drinks milk after infancy and 2) we are the only species to drink milk from another species.

Do some research on BGH in milk, it's dangerous stuff.  Plus there are plenty of alternatives: I drink almond milk for the most part, but you can also go with hemp, rice or soy milk.
Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

anyone here take Opti Men by ON?? how is it

i've been taking it for the past 2-3 years.   i suppose it's working fine.  i dont think you're supposed to "feel" anything from multis.  makes your pee neon yellow as would any supplements with vitamin B.
i'm only taking one a day vs. the suggested 3 a day, if that matters.
NT fam! I'm starting a powerlifting/strength YouTube channel. I'll be uploading weekly training videos, advice, nutrition tips, recipes, training programs, supplement reviews, and of course you will see our training progress. Please subscribe and show some support. I've come a long way from a skinny weak dude but I know I still have lots to go before I reach my goals. Thanks in advance.

someone please embed 
any college heads in here? Any tips on some splits i can do? preferably a 3 day split
I started going to college 3 weeks ago and have lost some weight. I find it hard to get a consistent work out schedule since im always tired. I haven't even been eating like i should anymore.
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