Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by gatorad3

I think I've fallen off the wagon in staying in shape 

I'm weighin 166-163lbs @ 5'6

Clothes are getting tighter and some of my more "tighter" shirts don't really fit and look like %++! on me now lol.

During the summer I was 149-146

The only good things that came from this weight gain were my lifts got stronger
bench 155 (struggling) to now 165 for reps. I can do 175x5 and like 180x2 1 set now
deadlift from 265 for reps to 300 3 rep max
lat pulldown 150 for reps to 180 for reps... 200 2rep max
leg press 280 for reps to 410 for reps. I think I could go heavier.

confidence and motivation is low
I've tried cuttin back down but I guess the fat me wants to EAT

I need to get back in shape smh

I saw a picture of me sittin down in some club/bowlin alley spot.
. Fatty lookin thighs and gut. No more defined jawline.
Been in the same boat as my previous post. It's cuttin' time!
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

mild depression kicked in. very weird feeling. working out helps some though.
go buy more tanktops.

Spoiler [+]
and take me with you (PAWS)

Dude the facial bloat is the worst for's definitely genetic.....I need to stay pretty lean to keep it away, and once I start bulking, even lean bulking, I notice it a lot more. Very annoying, but I guess it's extra incentive to stay lean.
dajon- skip the leg presses then. they are def not a vital exercise imo, even though i do them a fair amount. do some lunges, hack squats, etc. 
Lat Pulldowns and Pullups.
Anyone here get pain in the side of their stomach after doing leg presses??? I heard that i might be going too low.... But i still get the pain and i dont go low. I adjusted the back.. tried to move it closer and farther away and im still getting the same pain. It hurts so much i just wanna leave the gym. But i finish the workout and the pain eventually goes away before the workout ends.

I read that it might be my ribs. But i cant be the only one getting this pain. Or am i?
Originally Posted by gatorad3

I think I've fallen off the wagon in staying in shape 

I'm weighin 166-163lbs @ 5'6

Clothes are getting tighter and some of my more "tighter" shirts don't really fit and look like %++! on me now lol.

During the summer I was 149-146

The only good things that came from this weight gain were my lifts got stronger
bench 155 (struggling) to now 165 for reps. I can do 175x5 and like 180x2 1 set now
deadlift from 265 for reps to 300 3 rep max
lat pulldown 150 for reps to 180 for reps... 200 2rep max
leg press 280 for reps to 410 for reps. I think I could go heavier.

confidence and motivation is low
I've tried cuttin back down but I guess the fat me wants to EAT

I need to get back in shape smh

I saw a picture of me sittin down in some club/bowlin alley spot.
. Fatty lookin thighs and gut. No more defined jawline.

If that doesn't motivate you to get off your %$$ and get back in gear, I don't know what will.
Look into EC stack if you're worried about your appetite.


Just placed an order for a bunch of supplements and I'm totally geeked like a kid on Christmas Eve. 
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Pretty standard order. I can't even workout anymore without Xtend.

Yeah, I ran out of the supps a few days ago and it just hasn't been the same.
Happens everytime I run out...I just get the shakes.

Where do y'all get your supplements from?
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Pretty standard order. I can't even workout anymore without Xtend.

Yeah, I ran out of the supps a few days ago and it just hasn't been the same.

What kind of difference did you see in your workouts when you all started taking Xtend?
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Pretty standard order. I can't even workout anymore without Xtend.

Whoa. I read this and thought you said "extendz"....I was so confused/intrigued.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Pretty standard order. I can't even workout anymore without Xtend.
Damn you guys got me wanting to try it now. That pump post-workout really is awesome tho. I've only been back in the gym for a few weeks now but since I'm SO naturally skinny (
) I can see a big difference in my shape already. Clothes fit so much better, confidence up, I don't know why I ever stop. Well I do but...yeah
Originally Posted by Mr4thQuarter

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Pretty standard order. I can't even workout anymore without Xtend.

Yeah, I ran out of the supps a few days ago and it just hasn't been the same.

What kind of difference did you see in your workouts when you all started taking Xtend?

Honestly, it's probably placebo, but for 20 bucks and 30 servings, it's not that big of a deal.

I take creatine so the extra water during my workout helps me out and plus it taste good.

BCAA's are never a bad thing either.
Supplementation - don't get me wrong it has benefits but like RaWex said I think it is coupled with the almighty placebo effect.
Typically on a day to day basis I wake up...take a multi-vitamin (Orange Triad), Fish Oil, A fruit and vegetable pill (it is hard to get the serving of fruits and veggies everyday) and a joint support pill.

Before a workout (dependent on the time of day) I take a pre-workout (Omega Sports Ultima)

BCAA's and EAA's during workout (IntraBolic) and post-workout I go with ON's Pro Complex.

Some days I forego the pre and intra workout stuff and I get just as good of lifts in.

Really just make sure your food sources are quality. Supps will give you a boost though but they aren't a substitute for eating good.

Also, all products are worth the purchase.

IntraBolic is easily the #1 intra-workout product.
what has helped my motivation is cooking! I've been doing intermittent fasting but recently got back to the gym. I just ate about 8 ounces of grilled chicken, broccoli and some pesto pasta. I'll be hitting back/bi today and when I come back from the gym I'll have some beef tacos waiting for me. I put 3lbs of lean beef shoulder in the dutch oven and it'll be ready in 3 hours. the recipe is tylers ultimate tacos from the food network. can't wait!
Hey guys, I need a good, simple workout routine I can follow for 3-4 days a week. Im 6'0 around 185-190 but Im starting to get pretty flabby, especially in the stomach area and the back of the shoulders. Schools been killing me up until now, I wanna really start getting into gear up to Winter Break for school. any help is appreciated.
How long should a bulk last (weeks) and what are some excercises to make my arms wider (from the bicep up to the shoulder)??
Originally Posted by EMkicks

How long should a bulk last (weeks) and what are some excercises to make my arms wider (from the bicep up to the shoulder)??

There are no designated lengths that a bulk should last.  Set a weight goal, reach it, and then end your bulk...simple as that.

Curls for the girls. (Bicep Curls, Hammer Curls, Chin-ups, Bent-over Row underhand grip)

Tris for the guys. (Tricep extension, Tricep pulldown, Overhead extensions)

Shoulders to get boulders. (Military press, DB shoulder press, shoulder raises lateral and front)
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by EMkicks

How long should a bulk last (weeks) and what are some excercises to make my arms wider (from the bicep up to the shoulder)??

There are no designated lengths that a bulk should last.  Set a weight goal, reach it, and then end your bulk...simple as that.

Curls for the girls. (Bicep Curls, Hammer Curls, Chin-ups, Bent-over Row underhand grip)

Tris for the guys. (Tricep extension, Tricep pulldown, Overhead extensions)

Shoulders to get boulders. (Military press, DB shoulder press, shoulder raises lateral and front)
i like the little rhymes. thats the first ive heard of it
I've tried the Xtend BCAA's during workout before and I didn't feel any difference. Most fitness interviews I read said that BCAAs are really better as an intra workout supplement during cutting.
I want to gain about ten more pounds (currently ~175) but damn I hate the bigger gut due to constant bloat 
Originally Posted by EMkicks

How long should a bulk last (weeks) and what are some excercises to make my arms wider (from the bicep up to the shoulder)??
definitely look more into tricep workouts if you desire a wider-appearing arm. One that Shady listed that I highly recommend are the tricep overhead extensions and close grip benchpress.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by EMkicks

How long should a bulk last (weeks) and what are some excercises to make my arms wider (from the bicep up to the shoulder)??
As long as you want.
Do you have a target weight?

During a bulking phase most people try to add .5 to 1.5 lbs a week.

And the best exercises for overall mass are COMPOUND movements.

If you wanna spend half an hour in the gym doing curls then go ahead

I would recommend chinups and pullups to target the biceps

Dips and bench press to emphasize the triceps

Shoulder/Military Press for shoulders. Good luck
Intra workout drinks are a joke.... they literally do nothing for you. You think something can digest fast enough to be effective DURING YOUR WORKOUT? unless you are at the gym for 4 hours

Took the advice of using less reps for strength warm ups....
Hit 155lbs on the push press, and I think I only stopped there because I had reached 135, 145, 150 and THEN 155 (not expecting to get that high at all)

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Intra workout drinks are a joke.... they literally do nothing for you. You think something can digest fast enough to be effective DURING YOUR WORKOUT? unless you are at the gym for 4 hours

to be honest intrabolic was the best supp (besides maybe protein and i guess juice) ive ever tried.....dont think it was placebo either, i definitely felt less fatigued as my workout went last couple exercises didnt have as much of a drop off in performance as they usually would. 
but i got tired of making it every day before working out, and the taste gets old. maybe its placebo but i really dont think so. and i think most supps out there are overpriced garbage. hell even this is probably overpriced considering you get a mild boost, not anything crazy, but i do think it works. 

oh and congrats on the push press PR, i havent done barbell military or push press in a while but man thats one lift that makes you feel like a beast!! feels so good to lift that weight above your head.
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