Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

What exactly do internal/external rotations do? I've never done them and I'm curious. It seems like more of a rehab/physical therapy type of move fromwhat I've seen. There's one huge guy at the gym that I go to, and he's always doing one of two things: being on the stair stepper or doing internalrotations with wrist weights and a 1 kg plate.
Well this move to S&T is only the beginning of the end for this thread. These threads DIE in this forum.
For shoulders just do heavy pressing. Shoulders thrive on heavy workloads.

My routine is:

push press/ power clean 4x6
upright row bb/db
front plate raise for negatives/ side db static holds
Originally Posted by Durden7

Well this move to S&T is only the beginning of the end for this thread. These threads DIE in this forum.

This should be moved back to the general forum. Who cares if its not under a properly categorized section?

A lot more people view/contribute to this thread when its seen in the masses..

..if we're talking from a marketing perspective.. then yeah this thread might actually do this forum good lol
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by D723

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by D723

How is my shoulder routine?

DB or Military Press 3x10,8,6
DB Front Raise 12,10,8
DB Side Raise 12,10,8
Lighter weight DB Arnold Press 12,10,8
DB Shrugs (I do this like 3x a week though)
Personally, I'd get rid of front raises, and add something for rear delts and make sure to add external/internal rotations.
I NEVER go heavy on rear delt exercises tho, I feel like I just need to get a minor stretch/pump to get them worked. Do yall go heavy on these?

I usually do 30 lbs, 3x12. I could maybe do 35 if I wanted to, but this is usually my third or fourth shoulder exercise so it's enough for me. Doesn't make sense to go heavy elsewhere and not go heavy on these, especially if you're not doing internal/external rotations. Musclular imbalances FTL.
I ultimately wanna look like the person in your avy...

Motivation before I head out to the gym tonight:
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by the coolness

anyone wanna include some links or advice on warming up and stretching? I always feel like I'm not doing it right

Start w. a dynamic stretch:


(if the pics don't work, just google dynamic stretching)

and save the static stretching for the end of your workout....

Thats a great list of stretches, I incorporate most of those on the days I just stretch. The Scorpion stretch and the knee raise are great stretches alongwith the side bends.
Originally Posted by ItsGettinHot

Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

anyone know any good ab workouts ?
Personally, I just hit situps on a decline bench. Focus on using a curling motion as opposed to sitting up, and be sure to flex at the top just like it was any other muscle. See if that don't
you up.

thanks fam
i do reverse crunches, anyone else do them
i just started lifting weights (DB only) i do 4 sets of 12, good workout plan or bad idea?
paging joe cam and anyone else interested:

i took biochemisty in undergrad but i wish i paid more attention
.�for those wondering how alcohol affects muscles, i saw this vid in a thread in general that breaks down the biochemistry of it.� the vid should start at 55:35

basically, the metabolism of ethanol results in a lot of free fatty acids.� these accumulate in muscle tissue and blunt insulin response (muscular insulinresistance).� the muscle cells have a harder time getting the glucose and protein they need.� that mean muscle repair and rebuilding get less efficient.

anyway, it's a good video to watch if you have a lot of time to burn.� it reveals a lot about how economic greed and incomplete research has mad it a lotharder not to be fat or unhealthy than before.� the political/economics/industrial information kicks in at 1 hour 16 minutes
Mannnnnnnnnnn I almost forgot about this thread. Even worse, I forgot it was moved to Sports and Training forum. I don't come here often, only when big MMAfights go on.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Mannnnnnnnnnn I almost forgot about this thread. Even worse, I forgot it was moved to Sports and Training forum. I don't come here often

yea its not even the same

welp, we hadda good run.
damn I did my lats yesterday and their killing me...growing some wings FTW/FTL?

If you guys are looking for a good snack inbetween classes like me or at work I suggest looking into clif bars, I just bought a box of 18 minibars for $10,pretty expensive but are great for energy and a quick 100 cal snack

Blueberry crisp and Oatmeal with raisin are pretty good.
bumping this thread because of this S&T crap

also, anyone have a good +$@@ workout for me? i'm not chicken chested, but i need to put some muscle on myself forreal
Well, before this thread officially drowns, I need some advice. I ran into a problem today when I was going through my back and biceps workout, and I thinkit's my biceps lagging behind the rest of my body in strength. I'll try to keep this short.

Stats: 6'2", 179 lbs.

Today's Workout:

Pull-Ups: 4 (I've been trying the add-a-pull-up-a-day method, and I can't say yet whether this actually works or not.)

Lat Pull-downs: 3x8, 120 lbs

Seated cable rows: started 1x8 at 105, went down to 90 and completed 2x8 because of poor form (not being able to pull the cable all the way to my chest)

T-bar Rows: 3x8 @ 25 lbs...piss poor reps, my arms couldn't even pull the bar all the way up after rep 4 or so.

DB curls: tried to go for 8 reps with 20's, and that failed, so I went down to 2x8 @ 15.

BB curls: 3x10 @ 30 lbs.

Unless I'm missing something or just doing things completely bass-ackwards, I'm pretty sure my biceps are holding the rest of me back as far asstrength gains are concerned. How can I catch them up to the rest of my body in a more timely fashion?
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Well, before this thread officially drowns, I need some advice. I ran into a problem today when I was going through my back and biceps workout, and I think it's my biceps lagging behind the rest of my body in strength. I'll try to keep this short.

Stats: 6'2", 179 lbs.

Today's Workout:

Pull-Ups: 4 (I've been trying the add-a-pull-up-a-day method, and I can't say yet whether this actually works or not.)

Lat Pull-downs: 3x8, 120 lbs

Seated cable rows: started 1x8 at 105, went down to 90 and completed 2x8 because of poor form (not being able to pull the cable all the way to my chest)

T-bar Rows: 3x8 @ 25 lbs...piss poor reps, my arms couldn't even pull the bar all the way up after rep 4 or so.

DB curls: tried to go for 8 reps with 20's, and that failed, so I went down to 2x8 @ 15.

BB curls: 3x10 @ 30 lbs.

Unless I'm missing something or just doing things completely bass-ackwards, I'm pretty sure my biceps are holding the rest of me back as far as strength gains are concerned. How can I catch them up to the rest of my body in a more timely fashion?
It doesn't seem like your biceps are holding back much. Your bicep numbers seem consistent with your back numbers to me (but your overallnumbers seem pretty low for your height/weight). Just keep focusing on building overall body strength.
anyone trying this yet?? I think im going to order me some. It's time for a refill anyway.. flavors are Turbo Chocolate and Velocity Vanilla

Platinum Hydrowhey is the fastest, purest, most advanced whey protein we've ever developed. In a word: excellence. By hydrolyzing the protein in this premium formula we've created our fastest-acting whey protein yet. Hydrolyzing breaks larger proteins down into smaller pieces that are able to get into your system rapidly, enabling your muscles to start rebuilding quickly. For added effectiveness, we've also enhanced this revolutionary formula with digestive enzymes and micronized branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). In addition to being fast, Platinum Hydrowhey is also ultra-pure. That's because it's made entirely with hydrolyzed whey protein isolates. So there's no excess fat, cholesterol, or lactose to slow down your progress.
[h4]Beyond The Basics[/h4]
  • Made With advanced Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolates for Faster Delivery
  • 30 Grams of Ultra-Pure Protein Per Serving
  • Nearly 9 Grams of Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine (BCAAs)
  • No Lactose, Cholesterol, or Sugar
  • Contains Digestive Enzymes for Enhanced Utilization
  • Instantized to Mix Easily With a Spoon
Originally Posted by djkaos23

anyone trying this yet?? I think im going to order me some. It's time for a refill anyway.. flavors are Turbo Chocolate and Velocity Vanilla

Platinum Hydrowhey is the fastest, purest, most advanced whey protein we've ever developed. In a word: excellence. By hydrolyzing the protein in this premium formula we've created our fastest-acting whey protein yet. Hydrolyzing breaks larger proteins down into smaller pieces that are able to get into your system rapidly, enabling your muscles to start rebuilding quickly. For added effectiveness, we've also enhanced this revolutionary formula with digestive enzymes and micronized branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). In addition to being fast, Platinum Hydrowhey is also ultra-pure. That's because it's made entirely with hydrolyzed whey protein isolates. So there's no excess fat, cholesterol, or lactose to slow down your progress.
[h4]Beyond The Basics[/h4]
  • Made With advanced Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Isolates for Faster Delivery
  • 30 Grams of Ultra-Pure Protein Per Serving
  • Nearly 9 Grams of Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine (BCAAs)
  • No Lactose, Cholesterol, or Sugar
  • Contains Digestive Enzymes for Enhanced Utilization
  • Instantized to Mix Easily With a Spoon
All this stuff about it being ultra pure, and more hydrolyzed is complete b.s.

There are plenty Protien mixes out there that have hydrolyzed protein, and why does it need to contain digestive enzymes if the body makes it's own? Itsbecause the body can't break this stuff down properly.

If it works for people then okay but to me all these new protien mixes and old ones are full of alot of hyped up nonsense.
Found an amazing new exercise to build giant quads and a really strong core.
The risk/benefit ratio on this one is through the roof...

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