Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I'm officially done with this thread.

Want to get big? Eat.

Want to lose weight? Run.

Want to get your 6-pack back? Diet.

It's not rocket science.
Originally Posted by Vancity74

I'm officially done with this thread.

Want to get big? Eat.

Want to lose weight? Run.

Want to get your 6-pack back? Diet.

It's not rocket science.
But where does the 'roid come into play though?
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Vancity74

I'm officially done with this thread.

Want to get big? Eat.

Want to lose weight? Run.

Want to get your 6-pack back? Diet.

It's not rocket science.
But where does the 'roid come into play though?

Wanna look like Iceman? ...

i think i'm gonna really try eating won't be fun, but i'm loving these results.

also, i take the gnc joint vitapak and maybe darkchocolate knows, but is there proof that these pills work/don't work? i really dont know what to believe,i always search the internet and get very differing results.

Eating healthy becomes a habit after a while.

A couple of years ago I used to go study at a boba place on a regular basis. I used to get Thai ice tea or milk tea. Fast forward to last week..I went back andgot the same Thai ice tea I used to get. I drank about 1/5 (if that) of the cup. It was too sweet for my liking. Gave a sip to my friend and she said it tastesthe same. I guess my taste buds changed. I can't even see myself eating the same crap I used to before taking on this lifestyle.
Originally Posted by wj4


Eating healthy becomes a habit after a while.

A couple of years ago I used to go study at a boba place on a regular basis. I used to get Thai ice tea or milk tea. Fast forward to last week..I went back and got the same Thai ice tea I used to get. I drank about 1/5 (if that) of the cup. It was too sweet for my liking. Gave a sip to my friend and she said it tastes the same. I guess my taste buds changed. I can't even see myself eating the same crap I used to before taking on this lifestyle.
man, u just need to get more boba-drinking reps in
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

i think i'm gonna really try eating won't be fun, but i'm loving these results.

also, i take the gnc joint vitapak and maybe darkchocolate knows, but is there proof that these pills work/don't work? i really dont know what to believe, i always search the internet and get very differing results.

Supplements are all a big mystery
Originally Posted by Vancity74

I'm officially done with this thread.

Want to get big? Eat.

Want to lose weight? Run.

Want to get your 6-pack back? Diet.

It's not rocket science.

Hahaha seriously, dudes is like oh complex carbs, multi-grain nutrients, amino acid, glycogen. Shut the hell up
this is why this thread is so damncluttered, people get too damn technical and miss the basics. tombout oh i heard wednesdays are better for shoulders because the sun is aligned with the galaxyand micronutrients circulate through the blood better and zinc fertilizes through the minerals. goddamn haha
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

anyone know any good ab workouts ?
Personally, I just hit situps on a decline bench. Focus on using a curling motion as opposed to sitting up, and be sure to flex at the top justlike it was any other muscle. See if that don't
Originally Posted by Vancity74

I'm officially done with this thread.

Want to get big? Eat.

Want to lose weight? Run.

Want to get your 6-pack back? Diet.

It's not rocket science.
good stuff but we need to throw some info on page 1 for the most common questions.

Ill try to come up with some food and some other info. Any other volunteers, suggestions ?

maybe introduce our goals and our progress, kinda motivational if we have to keep track.

just somethings to make this thread more than people asking the same questions over and over.
Im trying to cut my last 20lbs
I use to be 270

210 now

I think am at a plataue?

anyways im thinking of taking up ju jitsu or sometype or martial art

any suggestions?

I work out at 24hr fitness on redondo beach blvd btw lol
I'm currently working overnight 8pm-7am and in desprite need of losing weight. What would some of you guys suggest to eat overnight.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

You sure you can keep up with the thread and do countless edits?

i mean we could just all work together an when a dude gets time he can edit, thats how i see it.
How is my shoulder routine?

DB or Military Press 3x10,8,6
DB Front Raise 12,10,8
DB Side Raise 12,10,8
Lighter weight DB Arnold Press 12,10,8
DB Shrugs (I do this like 3x a week though)
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by miamib30514

Couldnt find an answer last thread but i get Lower Back Tightness during leg day (squats/deadlifts especially) its really starting to get intense. Any remedies? Or ways to prevent?

You may not tightening your core when you squat which would lead to your lower back handling a higher load than it needs to.
First, make sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together and have the bar resting on your traps. Do not think about bending at the knees when you squat. That movement needs no concentration in order to perform it properly.
Instead concentrate on keeping your core tight (abs/obliques/ lower back) and moving as if you're going to sit on a chair. The important thing is to concentrate on keeping your core tight at all times and experiencing no lateral movement.

Is it pain or tightness? Tightness should not hinder your training. It may be uncomfortable but it's not horrible even to train through pretty bad tightness.
I stil get pretty bad tightness at times when I deadlift. So no worries.

Its just really intense tightness, its uncomfortable but i push through and it usally subsides 20 mins after my workout.
I was thinking maybe it had to do with my hamstrings, but i will try that core thing you suggested.
Originally Posted by D723

How is my shoulder routine?

DB or Military Press 3x10,8,6
DB Front Raise 12,10,8
DB Side Raise 12,10,8
Lighter weight DB Arnold Press 12,10,8
DB Shrugs (I do this like 3x a week though)
I would add one more set to DB press

And why is the world do u do DB shrugs 3x a week? Thats not going to help them grow any faster more likely to slow it down, go heavier on the DB press thathelps

Just had dinner at my Profs house, six course of pasta and 7 bottles of wine
Cant have a cheat day on Saturday now, and have to double up the cardio for the rest of the week

but i could not say no, hes the one grading my papers
Originally Posted by miamib30514

Couldnt find an answer last thread but i get Lower Back Tightness during leg day (squats/deadlifts especially) its really starting to get intense. Any remedies? Or ways to prevent?
Have someone at the gym check your form. Have them make sure that you are remaining in your form of NEUTRAL, and that you are not breaking thatform during the eccentric/negative/descending phase of the movement. Also, make sure that you've warmed up properly before doing leg work, then doing someballistic type stretches beforehand..
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez

i think i'm gonna really try eating won't be fun, but i'm loving these results.

also, i take the gnc joint vitapak and maybe darkchocolate knows, but is there proof that these pills work/don't work? i really dont know what to believe, i always search the internet and get very differing results.
Creatine works, Carb replacement drinks work. Protein powders/amino acid tabs are incredibly suspect. I posted a link to the Sports Illustratedarticle, which gets in depth as to why most of that crap does not work. It's better to eat a turkey sandwich, or have a few boiled eggs. The body does notreadily absorb protein powders/amino supplements, and that is the reason that they recommend that you take it with a food source. Point being, it's a wasteof money. If you work out hard, don't say to yourself that the protein powder helped to get you there, because it didn't and wont. Your efforts in thegym will get you there. Train smart, eat well, get to where you want to be on your own.
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