Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Ive seen dues do body squats on a physio. ball but ive NEVER seen it done with 135. Thats insane... I dont even think he performed that. He most likely justposed for it.
I've gained a lot of weight since starting college. Maybe 15-20 pounds. I used to hoop a lot so thats what kept me in shape. I read through each page andit seems the best way to go is HIIT. I wanted to start with 90/30 with 6-8 reps. I read it on a site. Then move up from there. Any pointers i should know doingthis exercise, and how many times a week? Is this the best way to shed the weight? I also read swimming.

Eventually i want to start lifting weights also. But i will save that until i get this weight off, unless i should lift and HIIT?
Originally Posted by Air23Jordan707

I've gained a lot of weight since starting college. Maybe 15-20 pounds. I used to hoop a lot so thats what kept me in shape. I read through each page and it seems the best way to go is HIIT. I wanted to start with 90/30 with 6-8 reps. I read it on a site. Then move up from there. Any pointers i should know doing this exercise, and how many times a week? Is this the best way to shed the weight? I also read swimming.

Eventually i want to start lifting weights also. But i will save that until i get this weight off, unless i should lift and HIIT?
Yes, do both. You'll achieve better/faster results.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Found an amazing new exercise to build giant quads and a really strong core.
The risk/benefit ratio on this one is through the roof...

This is a really good way to kill yourself.

BTW, thanks for the advice. I may start adding in an extra bicep day (currently working a 3-day routine) and see how that works out.

And what's good on the Team Fitness sig?
Don't sleep on that video posted by verynecessary. It's extremely informative. Definitely worth the watch
It'd be better to do those squats on like 2 bosu balls. That way, if you lost your balance you'd just step down as opposed to totally falling.
Just copped a jump rope. Hoping to be proficient at it, going to take me a lot of trial and errors.
Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Found an amazing new exercise to build giant quads and a really strong core.
The risk/benefit ratio on this one is through the roof...

This is a really good way to kill yourself.
I will never try this.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

It'd be better to do those squats on like 2 bosu balls. That way, if you lost your balance you'd just step down as opposed to totally falling.

It would be better to do those squats on the ground. There is absolutely no benefit to squatting on an unstable surface with that much weight on youshoulders, regardless of how strong you are. I hope everyone realized I was being sarcastic when I posted that, and that unless you were taking someonethrough a phase of stabilization training (even then, they would squat on a bosu with NO added weight) or something, that what he's doing in that pic isjust stupid.
hey guys I've been eating at a caloric deficit since November 2008 and I've dropped ALOT of weight from 267 lbs to157lbs(stomach still ain't flat)And I'm thinking about trying to eat at maintenance and just do 4-5 day split lifting and maybe 1-2 sessions of HIIT aweek instead of what I'm doing now which is compound lifts(deadlifts,squats,bench) 3 days a week with 30 minute of cardio everday of the week. I think thatif I continue cutting like this the end result isn't gonna look that nice.. because I don't have much lean muscle mass at all. I'm thinking eatingat maintenance and just lifting hard might make me gain some mass and lose fat at the same time but happen slowly. Good idea?bad idea?
I just want to say that the reason part 1 of this thread was so successful was BECAUSE it was in General, not Sports and training. People go to S&T firstand foremost for sports, and there is no correlation between sports enthusiasts and people with a healthy knowledge of fitness and training experience. Thepeople who contribute most to this thread, and those who benefit the most from this thread can be found in General.

Move this back please.
so after losing 20-25 pounds now, i found out i have very low blood pressure. getting heavy head rushes when i stand up too fast. i got up to take a piss andpassed out in front of the toilet and cracked my mouth open on the bowl, pretty lame.
Originally Posted by eeBS7eez

so after losing 20-25 pounds now, i found out i have very low blood pressure. getting heavy head rushes when i stand up too fast. i got up to take a piss and passed out in front of the toilet and cracked my mouth open on the bowl, pretty lame.

sounds to me you're very dehydrated. you sure you're eating and drinking enough? tell us what you're doing on a daily basis,you're obviouslydoing something wrong.
I've got a couple of questions... I finally found a real gym with all the things my previous gym didn't have.

For triceps... is doing skull crushers AND close grip bench press really that bad? (I supplement these two with triceps kickbacks, is there a better detailingexercise?)

For chest... is incline, decline and flat bench press just fine (like doing all 3)? I vary between barbell and dumbbell.

For back... I've been doing deadlifts, unilateral dumbbell rows and weighted pull ups. Am I set?

For triceps... I've just been doing preacher curls, barbell curls (straight bar).

For legs... I've been doing leg press (hoping to switch these with squats if my doc approves it. I have scoliosis), and will be adding in lunges. I warm upwith leg curls and extensions.
Would doing leg press and squats be frowned upon?

For shoulders... Arnold DB press, front and sides raises. Is this fine?

My breakdown is chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/legs right now. I should be changign it shortly... what is most recommended?

Would something like:
Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Arms
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Back
Saturday - Arms

be good?
We NEED this back in General... I know someone who can move this is seeing our pleas.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

I just want to say that the reason part 1 of this thread was so successful was BECAUSE it was in General, not Sports and training. People go to S&T first and foremost for sports, and there is no correlation between sports enthusiasts and people with a healthy knowledge of fitness and training experience. The people who contribute most to this thread, and those who benefit the most from this thread can be found in General.

Move this back please.


The thread isnt just about lifting weights, its about a healthier lifestyle and needs to be in General.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

I just want to say that the reason part 1 of this thread was so successful was BECAUSE it was in General, not Sports and training. People go to S&T first and foremost for sports, and there is no correlation between sports enthusiasts and people with a healthy knowledge of fitness and training experience. The people who contribute most to this thread, and those who benefit the most from this thread can be found in General.

Move this back please.


The thread isnt just about lifting weights, its about a healthier lifestyle and needs to be in General.

x1000. please move back.
Real talk, move this back into GENERAL. More responses, replies, and "help".

Back on topic, mannnnnnnnnnn jump roping is no joke. I can only do an average of 20 secs before messing up. My peak was 45 secs, I'm going to work on it5 days a week. Heard jump roping improves stamina and helps you lose weight easily.
Originally Posted by SSgochin

Originally Posted by saxman2112

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Found an amazing new exercise to build giant quads and a really strong core.
The risk/benefit ratio on this one is through the roof...


People are just trying to get too cute now, keep it damn simple.

LOL @ trying to kill yourself.
Someone mentioned Hydrowhey....

Honestly, ON is a lot more hype than it used to be. ON Gold Standard is a cheap, solid protein, but it's not THAT great. Isopure is one of the more reallypure protein mixes out there.

Plus, there is a debate in the nutrition world right now about how much whey protein can actually be absorbed at one time. A lot of theories are saying between10 -15 g of whey post workout would be suffice, which a mix of egg, caesin, soy, etc. Any of these companies with huge marketing campaigns, just remember, itcosts A LOT for them and needs to be passed on to us via high costs/less superior products.
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

I've got a couple of questions... I finally found a real gym with all the things my previous gym didn't have.

For triceps... is doing skull crushers AND close grip bench press really that bad? (I supplement these two with triceps kickbacks, is there a better detailing exercise?) both those exercises together is fine. I would start with close grip presses and eventually go heavy, like 8-10 reps on the last 2 sets. With the skullcrushers, stay 10-15 reps per set. Kickbacks are good, but I prefer overhead rope extensions and cable pressdowns for detail.

For chest... is incline, decline and flat bench press just fine (like doing all 3)? I vary between barbell and dumbbell. I'd alternate the decline press with dips every other workout, and do the dips with your elbows out a little and your feet behind you. Other than that, all 3 is ok, just choose one that you'll do for 4-5 working sets and just do 3 sets of the other two for now. Rotate them each week, so if this week you start with flat, next week start with incline, etc... and don't forget to add some dumbbell or cable flyes in there afterwards.

For back... I've been doing deadlifts, unilateral dumbbell rows and weighted pull ups. Am I set? Pretty much, but add bent rows, and then non-weighted pullups with a different grip at the end of that. Only do the dumbbell rows every other workout, and experiments with some other lifts, like v-bar rows, t-bar rows, etc...

For triceps... I've just been doing preacher curls, barbell curls (straight bar). I take it you mean biceps. Add dumbbell curls in there so you have to work each arm individually and every other workout, do them as hammer curls.

For legs... I've been doing leg press (hoping to switch these with squats if my doc approves it. I have scoliosis), and will be adding in lunges. I warm up with leg curls and extensions.
Would doing leg press and squats be frowned upon? No, it wouldn't be frowned upon, just see what your doc says, cause I have no idea how severe your scoliosis may be. You could also do Hex-Bar squats as an alternative or even front squats after the leg press, since it doesn't put the same direct pressure on your spine.

For shoulders... Arnold DB press, front and sides raises. Is this fine? I'd say start doing regular miltary presses and keep your chest arched up while doing them. Also, no need for front raises, since we use the front delts so much for shoulder presses and all the bench presses. If you have even a mild scoliosis, I have a feeling your shoulders are at least a little bit rounded forward, so you want to do more to work your rear delts and traps, like wide-grip upright rows, regular upright rows, and bent laterals. Shoulders is usually as simple as 4 sets of military presses and then 3 sets of each of the following: Upright rows, upright wide-grip rows, lateral dumbbell raises, bent laterals, shrugs (in your case, I'd suggest doing the shrugs with dumbbells). I would only do that every other week. On the off weeks, just do the presses, laterals, and bent laterals 3 sets each of 8-12 reps.

My breakdown is chest/tri, back/bi, shoulders/legs right now. I should be changign it shortly... what is most recommended?
I would try doing shoulders on their own day, or doing them with bi's and tri's and giving chest and back their own days. Legs need their own day most of the time if you want to push yourself on them enough to grow and get stronger.
Would something like:
Monday - Legs
Tuesday - Chest
Wednesday - Arms
Thursday - Legs
Friday - Back
Saturday - Arms
You would def. overtrain your arms with this split. I would just take Wednesday as a rest day and start the rotation with back on Thursday, then shoulders on Friday or something like that.
be good?
PanaRican, I've heard that upright rows aren't good for the shoulders. Can you clarify this for me?
Every exercise has someone saying they're bad for you. Some people say bench presses are bad for you. Some people say squats are bad. Shoulder presses ofany form are bad to some people. upright rows are fine, the problem is when people go too heavy on them, rotate their elbows back as they pull the bar up, andthen let the bar drop down and almost pull their arms out of socket at the bottom. If you've had shoulder injuries in the past, like a rotator cuff injuryor a torn ligament and you're still recovering, it's best to leave them alone for a little while, but if your shoulders are ok, they should be fine.
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Every exercise has someone saying they're bad for you. Some people say bench presses are bad for you. Some people say squats are bad. Shoulder presses of any form are bad to some people. upright rows are fine, the problem is when people go too heavy on them, rotate their elbows back as they pull the bar up, and then let the bar drop down and almost pull their arms out of socket at the bottom. If you've had shoulder injuries in the past, like a rotator cuff injury or a torn ligament and you're still recovering, it's best to leave them alone for a little while, but if your shoulders are ok, they should be fine.
The biggest mistake that people make when doing upright rows concerns hand placement. They place their hands too far apart and that leads torotator cuff injuries.
As a general rule the hands should not be wider than the smooth parts of the bar. The closer one keeps the arms to the body the less risk for injury.


Upright rows are one of best shoulder/trap/bicep (as well as balance) exercises. Few people do them........which is good.
I was wondering where this thread went

Anyways, I went without White Flood and Kre- Alkalyn this past week and I noticed a big decrease in my strength. Started back today and everthing went well. Iwas sore as all hell after my chest workout last week, this week I went just as hard and didn't feel fatigued at all.
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