Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

at 16.5% BF you still have a lot to lose, you shouldn't be plataeuing that hard

first off that's an exact number, are you actually getting regular BF% measurements done? is so what method?

and are you positive you're actually in ketosis? you may be getting too many trace carbs, buy some Ketostix from CVS or online, that way you will know for sure

are you positive youre in a caloric deficit?

finally, cardio and/or HIIT on keto is fine, i usually just lift though, keto burns fat QUICK.
man I have been stuck at 180 for the last few weeks. what should I do to help this?! I eat about 1200 or so calories a day. Im 5'9 so that shouldnt be much calories at all. I do basketball about 3 times a week but dont really have much time to hit the weights. I dont know what the heck Im doing any way. somebody help me out with some simple routines?
what does everyone's supplements consist of? I have Whey Protein, NO Xplode for pre-workout supp, multi vitamins and fish oils. any additional supplements i should look into?
oh yeah- up the calories dude......1200 is like not enough to survive on, you should lose weight fine on 2000ish. i don't recommend going so low, it can be counterproductive
you'll also notice more dramatic changes in body composition if you incorporate full body weight lifting......try a routine like 5x5 or starting strength, anything that has you doing stuff like squats, deadlifts, etc.....

chino- honestly unless you're really in shape and in tune with your body and workout routine you won't get much out of a lot of supps unless it's steroids or stuff like that. try creatine, i am one of those people who finds it does nothing for them but it is a tried and true proven ergogenic aid that can be obtained very cheaply and is effective for most people. no downsides either. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

at 16.5% BF you still have a lot to lose, you shouldn't be plataeuing that hard

first off that's an exact number, are you actually getting regular BF% measurements done? is so what method?

and are you positive you're actually in ketosis? you may be getting too many trace carbs, buy some Ketostix from CVS or online, that way you will know for sure

are you positive youre in a caloric deficit?

finally, cardio and/or HIIT on keto is fine, i usually just lift though, keto burns fat QUICK.

I use ketosix to determine whether or not im in ketosis. I was told on that even moderate means you're in ketosis so thats what i go by and carb up on saturday. i measure myself every week with a scale to get my bf and weight. im surrently at 177 with 16.5 % bf and currently taking in about 2200 calories a day. before this i was bulking eating about 1000 calories more. am i doing something wrong? this is on a ckd keto diet btw and thanks for your help.
Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

at 16.5% BF you still have a lot to lose, you shouldn't be plataeuing that hard

first off that's an exact number, are you actually getting regular BF% measurements done? is so what method?

and are you positive you're actually in ketosis? you may be getting too many trace carbs, buy some Ketostix from CVS or online, that way you will know for sure

are you positive youre in a caloric deficit?

finally, cardio and/or HIIT on keto is fine, i usually just lift though, keto burns fat QUICK.

I use ketosix to determine whether or not im in ketosis. I was told on that even moderate means you're in ketosis so thats what i go by and carb up on saturday. i measure myself every week with a scale to get my bf and weight. im surrently at 177 with 16.5 % bf and currently taking in about 2200 calories a day. before this i was bulking eating about 1000 calories more. am i doing something wrong? this is on a ckd keto diet btw and thanks for your help.
carbup period should be 48 hrs. sounds counterproductive but its essential

also like chicagos finest said scales are basically worthless when it comes to measuring bf%.....with that said though the readings should be decreasing and you should be losing weight.

can you post up a sample of what your diet looks like?
anybody just OD on pushups? I've been doing between 250-500 for the past 5 days.. just came back from hoopn and now my back is kinda tight. word to the wise stretch that back after doing your pushup routine
So ive found the G.O.A.T ab exercise...

swiss mountian climbs...

do a plank on yoga ball... alternate legs drawing ur knee to your chest ive been doin 3x25 for starters

getting shredded QUICK... i also do the ab crunch machine, squats and the ocassional hangin leg raises but nothin compares to how my abs/obliques feel after mountian climbs
so im 5'11 and weight 157 with BMI of 18%-21%. Anyone know a good workout plan and diet plan to lower it and get my body looking good, appreciate it. ANy links will do
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

man I have been stuck at 180 for the last few weeks. what should I do to help this?! I eat about 1200 or so calories a day. Im 5'9 so that shouldnt be much calories at all. I do basketball about 3 times a week but dont really have much time to hit the weights. I dont know what the heck Im doing any way. somebody help me out with some simple routines?
I'm no expert, but switch up your work out. Try HIIT exercises, swimming, etc etc. Which is what I'm doing.
I got a vein in my right hand that if i use heavy weights it gets stressed and it feels like i need to give in and drop it before it gets too stressed or gets pulled.

I feels like i cant fulfill my potential heavy lift.

Ive tried to wait it out and let it heal, but its been bugging me for the past few months to a year.

What do.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Scales suck at bf measurements, next to the water test calipers are the most accurate way to estimate bf %

Body pod is THE most accurate
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

^ Expensive, too.

not that much, should be around $25 from what i heard which isnt bad if you want the best and most accurate info.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by SuperSaiyan415

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

at 16.5% BF you still have a lot to lose, you shouldn't be plataeuing that hard

first off that's an exact number, are you actually getting regular BF% measurements done? is so what method?

and are you positive you're actually in ketosis? you may be getting too many trace carbs, buy some Ketostix from CVS or online, that way you will know for sure

are you positive youre in a caloric deficit?

finally, cardio and/or HIIT on keto is fine, i usually just lift though, keto burns fat QUICK.

I use ketosix to determine whether or not im in ketosis. I was told on that even moderate means you're in ketosis so thats what i go by and carb up on saturday. i measure myself every week with a scale to get my bf and weight. im surrently at 177 with 16.5 % bf and currently taking in about 2200 calories a day. before this i was bulking eating about 1000 calories more. am i doing something wrong? this is on a ckd keto diet btw and thanks for your help.
carbup period should be 48 hrs. sounds counterproductive but its essential

also like chicagos finest said scales are basically worthless when it comes to measuring bf%.....with that said though the readings should be decreasing and you should be losing weight.

can you post up a sample of what your diet looks like?
Meal 1-4 whole eggs ,4 strips of bacon, and one table spoon of coconut oil
Meal 2-.5 lb ground beef

Meal 3-.5 lb london broil

Meal 4-1.5 scoops of whey

Meal 5-anything with no carbs that fits into my macros, sometimes peanut butter

Meal 6-container of plain greek yogurt and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

thats roughly what a normal keto day looks like

when i carb i usual start out with a sugary cereal and work my way to slower carbs towards the end of the day. how important is it to minimize fat intake on a carb up btw? sometimes ill end up cheating and eating french fries, etc.
So supposedly a friend of mine said starting July 1st, you can start signing up/inquiring about the FDNY Placement Exam. If I'm not mistaken, the physical test is not taken until you receive a call (should you warrant a phonecall based of your exam scores), but I feel as if it's better to start training/preparing now.

Now, I'm not frail, because I've been in the gym for quite some time now, but I'm far from FDNY ready. Any tips on workouts I should consider doing to bulk up a decent amount for the upcoming months, and tips to build up stamina?
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by OHyeah10

man I have been stuck at 180 for the last few weeks. what should I do to help this?! I eat about 1200 or so calories a day. Im 5'9 so that shouldnt be much calories at all. I do basketball about 3 times a week but dont really have much time to hit the weights. I dont know what the heck Im doing any way. somebody help me out with some simple routines?
I'm no expert, but switch up your work out. Try HIIT exercises, swimming, etc etc. Which is what I'm doing.
What types of swimming cardio do you do? This could be a good switch up from the stairmaster or eliptical. 
I started the year at 193 and am down to 167 (5'7" tall). I'm trying to drop another 10-15 lbs. I've noticed that my weight really started dropping when I started lifting weights. I did P90x in the past and it helped change my physique, but I've lost more weight and gained more strength working out 4 to 5x a week doing about 6 to 8 lifts and 30 mins of cardio each gym session.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

So ive found the G.O.A.T ab exercise...

swiss mountian climbs...

do a plank on yoga ball... alternate legs drawing ur knee to your chest ive been doin 3x25 for starters

getting shredded QUICK... i also do the ab crunch machine, squats and the ocassional hangin leg raises but nothin compares to how my abs/obliques feel after mountian climbs
those any different than regular mountain climbers? 
i hit that cable crunch today with some hanging knee raises and decline sit ups all weighted and i must say it felt good.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

I got a vein in my right hand that if i use heavy weights it gets stressed and it feels like i need to give in and drop it before it gets too stressed or gets pulled.

I feels like i cant fulfill my potential heavy lift.

Ive tried to wait it out and let it heal, but its been bugging me for the past few months to a year.

What do.

I get that too especially when doing curls and skull crushes. I've heard it's from holding the weights too tight. I just man up and fight through it. The Results are worth the 20-30 seconds of pain
Can somebody suggest some 'DECENT' tasting Casein Protein Powder (when mixed with water)? I tried ON Vanilla Cream last night and it almost made me puke
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