Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Has anyone ever went in for a physical and was told they have high protein in their urine analysis....I think taking protein powders when I was in h.s....especially back in the 90's was a bad move.
Does protein really stay in your urine for that long?
My fellow fitness fam.

I come today in seek of some equipment information. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with WEIGHTED VESTS. I want to buy one but id like to see if anyone can reccomend me a comfortable one. Ill be using it for calasthetics,walking, running, jumproping, and just to shoot around or something. Id really appreciate if anyone could shed some light for me.
Started a kickboxing class a couple weeks ago. It's incredibly intense. I believe you lose 700 calories each session. It's awesome. Yall should def look into it.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I'm on day 3 of a juice fast and it's going great right now. My body is getting all the nutrients it needs so I don't have any loss of energy or anything substantial like that, but I am fighting off the hunger pangs. That should subside after day 3 from what I've read. Some observations:

- Face has broken out a bit and my face is generally always blemish free. This is a side effect of the toxins looking for a way to leave my body so it's a good sign.

- Lungs are sore. I read that this is another side effect of when your body is ready to start detoxifying so I'm guessing the tissue in my lungs are starting to repair.

- Muscles are a little weak, but again that's just another side effect.

- So far this morning only had hunger pangs when I woke up, but took some juice and now I feel fresh and ready to go.

i dont understand why your doing this, your gonna go back to eating normally again.
Research it like I did and you'll find out why. Crazy stories out there and tons of benefits come from it. It's not about losing weight...At all.
Not sure. At least 10 is the goal, but it depends on how I feel. If I feel like it's working then I may keep going, but if I'm not seeing/feeling any progress then I'll stop. Just want to at least try it to see what happens.
Getting back into my old routine. Did abs and shoulders earlier. Going to go back to the gym swim now. Copped a new container of whey protein isolate. Feels good man, getting back to what I used to be.
you guys suggest eating granola on a cut? mixing it with plain greek yogut. low sugar, high protein.

trying to cut out most sugars.

im just hungry all the time, been eating peanuts like crazy
so calorie dense too
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Has anyone ever went in for a physical and was told they have high protein in their urine analysis....I think taking protein powders when I was in h.s....especially back in the 90's was a bad move.
Does protein really stay in your urine for that long?

it's called proteinuria.  usually caused my damaged kidneys. unless you were drinking 10 shakes a day, i doubt taking protein powders is the cause.
hendrix, no protein doesn't "stay" in the urine for that long.  in fact, there should be very little protein at all.  if there is excess protein in the urine, it's caused by the kidney not doing its job of filtering out the protein from getting into the urine.
Starting P90X again tomorrow morning. Gotta kind of hybridize it to incorporate 2 of my 4 mile runs per week though. I'm gonna run on yoga day and rest day, just like last time I did P90. I'm training to run a few races this year. Warrior Dash, Run For Your Life, Rock N' Roll Half Marathon and the Chicago 10K. Gotta get back to last summer's body....NOW! LOL
i just bought NO Explode 2.0 grape and i tried a sipp of it and i thought it tasted a little sugary, is this how this product going to taste the amount of water for this was 5-6oz of

water so i did 6 oz to be on the safe side.. Anyone else with this issue??

update: its not that bad, its drinkable , but if you like a great tasting grape get  Amino Energy by ON.
I simply don't understand the mechanics of my body. I am now able to deadlift 365lbs but still can't barbell bench press 185lbs more than once.

I am, however, increasing my dumb bell bench press considerably.

The most difficult aspect of barbell bench press is the pressure on my hands. I can pull things but I can't push em.
Originally Posted by swooshdude

Starting P90X again tomorrow morning. Gotta kind of hybridize it to incorporate 2 of my 4 mile runs per week though. I'm gonna run on yoga day and rest day, just like last time I did P90. I'm training to run a few races this year. Warrior Dash, Run For Your Life, Rock N' Roll Half Marathon and the Chicago 10K. Gotta get back to last summer's body....NOW! LOL

i was just about gettting ready to start p90x

question will i need an equipment for it?

So I'm trying to get into law enforcement and I want to prepare myself physically just in case I do into the academy. Running is big portion of the academy training. I started running about a month ago, 3-4 days a week. As of today, I can run 6 miles non stop, about 67 minutes. Any advice/tips on how I can improve?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I simply don't understand the mechanics of my body. I am now able to deadlift 365lbs but still can't barbell bench press 185lbs more than once.

I am, however, increasing my dumb bell bench press considerably.

The most difficult aspect of barbell bench press is the pressure on my hands. I can pull things but I can't push em.

i can bench 205, but could barely do the same weights for squats. 

about the pressure on your hands, is it causing pain?  i have wrist problems, so i always have to adjust my positioning once i get the barbell off the rack to reduce the strain on my wrists.
Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by swooshdude

Starting P90X again tomorrow morning. Gotta kind of hybridize it to incorporate 2 of my 4 mile runs per week though. I'm gonna run on yoga day and rest day, just like last time I did P90. I'm training to run a few races this year. Warrior Dash, Run For Your Life, Rock N' Roll Half Marathon and the Chicago 10K. Gotta get back to last summer's body....NOW! LOL

i was just about gettting ready to start p90x

question will i need an equipment for it?


dumbbells and pull-up bar.  or resistance bands.
the way it works for me is that I can deadlift more than I can squat. I can squat more than I can bench press. I always assumed it was the same way for everybody else.
Originally Posted by Based Mod

Originally Posted by MMG

Originally Posted by swooshdude

Starting P90X again tomorrow morning. Gotta kind of hybridize it to incorporate 2 of my 4 mile runs per week though. I'm gonna run on yoga day and rest day, just like last time I did P90. I'm training to run a few races this year. Warrior Dash, Run For Your Life, Rock N' Roll Half Marathon and the Chicago 10K. Gotta get back to last summer's body....NOW! LOL

i was just about gettting ready to start p90x

question will i need an equipment for it?


dumbbells and pull-up bar.  or resistance bands.

   whats the difference between the dumbbells and resistance bands? will i need up to a certain weight ?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I simply don't understand the mechanics of my body. I am now able to deadlift 365lbs but still can't barbell bench press 185lbs more than once.

I am, however, increasing my dumb bell bench press considerably.

The most difficult aspect of barbell bench press is the pressure on my hands. I can pull things but I can't push em.
Deadlifts for everybody will be higher than their bench. You are using more of your body when deadlifting than benching.Are your hands bent back too far when you are holding the barbell? I use to do that and it caused some discomfort in my palm and wrist. You could try wristwraps or gloves. Those usually help. 
Sorry for being to lazy to check this whole thread but, Does anyone have any easy meals I can make to eat healthy.
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