Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I haven't worked out in 2 weeks -=0(

Just got back to regularly benchpressing with 225 again too 5 x 5s
Just bought a container of Jack3d. Those who are experienced with it...Can you school me on how often you use it and cycle off of it. I live in Canada and for some reason it's harder to get up here, and I'm pretty oblivious to it but have heard many rave reviews. I only really plan to use it on the days that I'm really not feeling like being in the gym.

It depends on the weight your pushing. When I'm doing light military press I do it like the "135x5" video where I keep my legs straight. When I'm doing heavy military press I use my legs like the "Cory Holly" video in order to protect my back.

Military press is great because it not only strengthens your shoulders but your abs and upper and lower back as well. The problem is it puts a lot of strain on your lower back so you have to take it easy at first and get familiar with the lift. I strongly recommend bending your knees and using your quads to help you push up the weight when you go heavy on this lift because it decreases the tension put on your lower back.

I also recommend doing an exercise to warm up your lower back before heavy military presses. Either 1-2 sets of deadlifts or even something like Russian ab twists with a medicine ball to get some blood pumping into your lower back. Also wear flat soled shoes in order to help you with your balance. Wearing basketball shoes or running shoes while doing this exercise can put you at risk of injuring yourself.
I've finally got back to my diet plan since last Monday after slacking off since mid-May(i think?) and I can start to see my 6 pack outline again my clothes are fitting better and getting leaner. I'm trying to do this til the end of August or maybe a little bit into September I hope I don't look like someone from a concentration camp at the end of this. The only benefit I saw from slacking off from my diet was my bench, deadlift, military shoulder press went up like 5-10 lbs. And my chest, abs, and arms got a little bigger.

Since I've been following my diet I've been bringing my own food to work ( I work at a big food stand in a baseball stadium) all my coworkers are either jealous that I'm eating healthy compared to their hot dogs or they say "That's all you eat?? how do you eat like that?" lol. Then they try to talk to me about losing weight and stuff while eating a hot dog, pretzel, elephant ear, or something... smh.
Question, should I lift today knowing full well that later tonight I will be drinking? Not just casual drinking but most likely binge drinking (friend's 21st Birthday). I know alcohol has detrimental effects on muscle growth but if I lift today would drinking just negate my gains, or possibly worst with muscle atrophy? I'm just really bored right now and I would rather be in the gym right now. Maybe I'll just do all cardio and lift with high rep/low weights.
1st way is valid but thats more of like a "push press" using legs

second one is a pure military press, using only upper body

i do the second way personally. all depends on what youre comfortable with though.
Man I hate cutting up. Another question about cutting:

When I do cardio should I eat extra since I burn those extra calories that day in order for me to maintain/gain strength instead of losing it?

For example, today I lifted then ran on the elliptical and burned 235 calories. I usually consume 2300-2400 calories per day. Since I burned those calories running should I eat around 2500-2600 or just stick to the 2300?

Thanks for the quick answer k10e05h. Btw I figured out I weigh 156 not 145 lol.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez


It depends on the weight your pushing. When I'm doing light military press I do it like the "135x5" video where I keep my legs straight. When I'm doing heavy military press I use my legs like the "Cory Holly" video in order to protect my back.

Military press is great because it not only strengthens your shoulders but your abs and upper and lower back as well. The problem is it puts a lot of strain on your lower back so you have to take it easy at first and get familiar with the lift. I strongly recommend bending your knees and using your quads to help you push up the weight when you go heavy on this lift because it decreases the tension put on your lower back.

I also recommend doing an exercise to warm up your lower back before heavy military presses. Either 1-2 sets of deadlifts or even something like Russian ab twists with a medicine ball to get some blood pumping into your lower back. Also wear flat soled shoes in order to help you with your balance. Wearing basketball shoes or running shoes while doing this exercise can put you at risk of injuring yourself.

using oyour legs makes it a push press though... low back stress can be heavily reduced by great abdominal strength.
Since I cheated yesterday I had to punish myself(as my friend put it) was on a cardio machine for 65 mins burned about 900 calories(god knows how true that is
) I was drained but I still had to make up the chest work out then to do the back I felt great until I got home and cooled down.

My question is should that be what I push for(60mins on a cardio machine)everyday to start my work out? Or am I over doing it?
Anybody know often I can have a cheat meal while on the p90x plan? I wanna get this info down before I go ahead and order some chinese takeout tomorrow or something.
If you're going for strength strict military barbell pressing is pretty pointless. If you want to build up your static shoulder strength dumbbells are superior because they are safer (less injury risk to your rotators) and you can use a neutral grip (which is the better grip).

If you're going barbell, always do heavy push presses (6 reps or less and 80%+ 1RM; unless you';re doing speed work).  Your delts are a relatively small muscle grouping (as well as your triceps) and they thrive on ever increasing stress loads.

I wouldn't recommend military barbell presses at all. There are many cons and too few benefits.
Ok guys, i need some advice/help on my issue.About 2 months ago i finally got tired of my weight and decided to go ahead and get on a diet. I started at 277 pounds, and im now 260
, and my height is 6'.My goal weight is to be 200.

Here's my question, when should i start working out? i wanna be able to use my fat and get muscle, so that way i wont have any extra skin lying around.
 I was thinking once i get down to 230, i should start lifting weights and all that good stuff. As of now, all i do at the gym is about 40 min. of cardio.

What you guys think? thanks!
ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Anybody know often I can have a cheat meal while on the p90x plan? I wanna get this info down before I go ahead and order some chinese takeout tomorrow or something.
i would like to know as well

family ordered pizza tonight, had me sittin there like
while i was eating my healthy food
Originally Posted by Shaky3

Man I hate cutting up. Another question about cutting:

When I do cardio should I eat extra since I burn those extra calories that day in order for me to maintain/gain strength instead of losing it?

For example, today I lifted then ran on the elliptical and burned 235 calories. I usually consume 2300-2400 calories per day. Since I burned those calories running should I eat around 2500-2600 or just stick to the 2300?

Thanks for the quick answer k10e05h. Btw I figured out I weigh 156 not 145 lol.
Stick to 2300 for now. You'll be able to maintain/gain strength if you are eating the proper amount of protein( also taking creatine helps).What does your ratio of macronutrients look like?

And you don't really want to eat more because the whole purpose is to essentially "get cut", eating more just defeats the purpose of cardio.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
yeah ive gotten pretty good at em boost-it-up-with-the-knees trick or the lift them up simultaneously as i sit down for my first rep thing. or i might just get a "spot" just to help me get them up the first time.

i agree on the used to be DB, then BB, now its DB for now. BB i could push more weight and it was more fun  but i really feel it more in my shoulders with DB.......its hard to get a good pump etc. using BB for me right now so i dropped it.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
yeah ive gotten pretty good at em boost-it-up-with-the-knees trick or the lift them up simultaneously as i sit down for my first rep thing. or i might just get a "spot" just to help me get them up the first time.

i agree on the used to be DB, then BB, now its DB for now. BB i could push more weight and it was more fun  but i really feel it more in my shoulders with DB.......its hard to get a good pump etc. using BB for me right now so i dropped it.
Youre doing DB sitting?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
yeah ive gotten pretty good at em boost-it-up-with-the-knees trick or the lift them up simultaneously as i sit down for my first rep thing. or i might just get a "spot" just to help me get them up the first time.

i agree on the used to be DB, then BB, now its DB for now. BB i could push more weight and it was more fun  but i really feel it more in my shoulders with DB.......its hard to get a good pump etc. using BB for me right now so i dropped it.
co-sign with both of you, I've always been a DB guy because when I first started using weights I figured that it would force me to learn to control the separate weights better which it that i'm on a barbell strength program I think that using DB for all those years made it so easy for me to get accustomed to a single bar.  the db do force you to recruit more muscle imho because especially if using heavy weights its a challenge to keep it in a good position forcing you to use muscles to help balance.  Barbells i can def push more weight with so i'm using that for strength but when i'm trying to build muscle I would use DB for more excercises but still keeping the BB in the rotation.
If you really want to get a good DB workout sit on a flat bench and do the exercise without any back support. More than anything it forces you to balance with significant weight overhead (similar to push press/jerk) . It'a akin to standing and doing the exercise but I dislike standing while strict pressing.
 I've def. bruised a kidney that way before.
You'll be forced to do less weight (I have to drop about 20-25%) but when you do use a bench with back support you'll find yourself stronger in the strict press.

It does get a bit tough to hoist the DB when you get into the triple digit range but I see it as a sign of functional strength.
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