Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Shaky3

Man I hate cutting up. Another question about cutting:

When I do cardio should I eat extra since I burn those extra calories that day in order for me to maintain/gain strength instead of losing it?

For example, today I lifted then ran on the elliptical and burned 235 calories. I usually consume 2300-2400 calories per day. Since I burned those calories running should I eat around 2500-2600 or just stick to the 2300?

Thanks for the quick answer k10e05h. Btw I figured out I weigh 156 not 145 lol.
Stick to a low carb/high fat/high protein diet for cutting. Instead of counting the total calories, count how much carbs, protein, and fat you're eating each day, and keep the total intake the same everyday (even on rest days).

For example, if you set your daily intake at 30g carbs, 140g fat, 158g protein, then just count those intakes and stay away from sugar/artificial sugar because it defeats the whole purpose of low carbing.

30g carbs x 4 = 120 calories
158g protein x 4 = 632 calories
140g fat x 9 = 1260 calories
Total calories = 2012 calories

If you eat the same amount of carb/protein/fat everyday, your calories will always be 2012 everyday. When you eat a serving of bacon, you're not counting the 90g of calories on there, you're counting the 7g of fat, 0g of carbs, and 5g of protein. So what I'm saying is set your daily carb/protein/fat intake, and just count that instead of counting calories.

I also suggest not doing too much cardio when you're on this diet, it will most likely cause you to lose muscle. 10-20min max cardio, 5 days a week, HAS to be HITT, and if you're lifting that day, make sure you do it immediately after you lift (to avoid catabolism).
Originally Posted by 23kidd

Ok guys, i need some advice/help on my issue.About 2 months ago i finally got tired of my weight and decided to go ahead and get on a diet. I started at 277 pounds, and im now 260
, and my height is 6'.My goal weight is to be 200.

Here's my question, when should i start working out? i wanna be able to use my fat and get muscle, so that way i wont have any extra skin lying around.
 I was thinking once i get down to 230, i should start lifting weights and all that good stuff. As of now, all i do at the gym is about 40 min. of cardio.

What you guys think? thanks!
Sounds like you are making progress, nice job. I'm trying something similar... I'm down to 195 from 230, and it feels really good. Keep trying to get out and run or do cardio, cut out junk food, don't eat after 8 pm. etc. I'm not sure what you mean by "using fat to get muscle"
And yeah, your first priority should be dropping that excess weight, then lifting once you get down to a good weight IMO
doing the p90x, but i dont really like the bands. i need to get some weight/dumbells
anywhere to get a set of dumbells for cheap?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
yeah ive gotten pretty good at em boost-it-up-with-the-knees trick or the lift them up simultaneously as i sit down for my first rep thing. or i might just get a "spot" just to help me get them up the first time.

i agree on the used to be DB, then BB, now its DB for now. BB i could push more weight and it was more fun  but i really feel it more in my shoulders with DB.......its hard to get a good pump etc. using BB for me right now so i dropped it.
Youre doing DB sitting?
always, why
i been slacking on my diet for the past 2 days..this what happens when you run out of the healthy food..smh i was forced to eat fast food lately, getting out work late and tired make me not want to make anything..but im def gonna punish myself tonight im hitting the treadmill hardcore...i prob run 3 miles and do 2 more miles with it on incline while speed walking...smh any way shoulder workout tonite
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Lost 13lbs and counting, on my third week
Nope. Just been running, playing basketball, and most importantly - eating better.

I drink a lot of tea too.
Good work bro, keep it up 
Appreciate it,
, pretty happy I'm able to do this. 160 is my goal by the end of the year.

I've had a bad knee (torn acl+shattered meniscus) and post surgery hasn't helped.
After 3 years, I've finally dedicated myself to getting back in shape. I'm 5'9 177 right now.

Wish everyone struggling the best of luck.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Lost 13lbs and counting, on my third week
Nope. Just been running, playing basketball, and most importantly - eating better.

I drink a lot of tea too.
damn dude, thats nice.

i gotta start doing something, its gettin ugly. real ugly
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
yeah ive gotten pretty good at em boost-it-up-with-the-knees trick or the lift them up simultaneously as i sit down for my first rep thing. or i might just get a "spot" just to help me get them up the first time.

i agree on the used to be DB, then BB, now its DB for now. BB i could push more weight and it was more fun  but i really feel it more in my shoulders with DB.......its hard to get a good pump etc. using BB for me right now so i dropped it.
Youre doing DB sitting?
always, why

Just surprising thats all.  I just thought youd be one to do it standing (Because of the other benefits of it, etc.)
Is it natural for my shoulder press to be much weaker than my bench press? I don't consider myself strong by any means but my shoulder press is pretty pathetic - I use 60 lb dumbbells for bench press but only 25 lbs for shoulder press, same reps. I've been doing the shoulder press military style lately with the palms facing the front but I'm probably going to start using a neutral grip.

Is it a problem that my shoulders are that weak? I'm training for basketball so if there's a more efficient exercise I should be doing please help, thanks.
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

damn dude, thats nice.

i gotta start doing something, its gettin ugly. real ugly
I was running 3 miles on the treadmill and I was like
Then, next time I went for 4 miles...Etc etc. Just make sure to eat healthy.

I have 1 or 2 cheat days a week if it matters
, trying to make it one though.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

ive been doing db only as of late as i feel it working my shoulders a lot more than feels unnatural now but i used to love it....w/e
Im the opposite.  If im going really heavy, I prefer barbell over dumbbell.  Its much easier to unrack the barbell than it is to clean the dumbbells off the ground.

Ive done em' both, like em' both.. I just go in phases to which one I prefer. 
yeah ive gotten pretty good at em boost-it-up-with-the-knees trick or the lift them up simultaneously as i sit down for my first rep thing. or i might just get a "spot" just to help me get them up the first time.

i agree on the used to be DB, then BB, now its DB for now. BB i could push more weight and it was more fun  but i really feel it more in my shoulders with DB.......its hard to get a good pump etc. using BB for me right now so i dropped it.
Youre doing DB sitting?
always, why

Just surprising thats all.  I just thought youd be one to do it standing (Because of the other benefits of it, etc.)

nah i mean ill do bb military always standing  and ill do push presses too

but with db's i like to just focus on the shoulders, they are the absolute best for that for me. sitting means no leg involvement etc
Originally Posted by scshift

Is it natural for my shoulder press to be much weaker than my bench press? I don't consider myself strong by any means but my shoulder press is pretty pathetic - I use 60 lb dumbbells for bench press but only 25 lbs for shoulder press, same reps. I've been doing the shoulder press military style lately with the palms facing the front but I'm probably going to start using a neutral grip.

Is it a problem that my shoulders are that weak? I'm training for basketball so if there's a more efficient exercise I should be doing please help, thanks.
Yea your bench will mostly always be more than your press, unless you've been training shoulders your whole life and neglected any chest excercise.

The way I just learned it is Deadlift > Squat > Clean greater than or equal to Bench Press > Overhead press
im gonna start a bulk soon. how do you guys feel about doing a mile run while on a bulk about 2x a week? and approx. how many trips around the basketball court is that?

IMO youd be better off doing HIIT work 1-2x a week max, it could definitely limit fat gains while eating above Maintenance
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by Steve Cash

Originally Posted by Luong1209

Lost 13lbs and counting, on my third week
Nope. Just been running, playing basketball, and most importantly - eating better.

I drink a lot of tea too.
 keep going man. The first three things you mentioned are exactly what I'm trying to do... how far are you running ? Best I can do is 2 miles, I'm really trying to up that though
When pressed for time (or not) do 10 minutes of jump rope 

  • Jumping rope for 10 minutes at a moderate pace is like cycling 2 miles in six minutes.

  • Jumping rope for 10 minutes at a moderate pace equals swimming a quarter mile in 12 minutes.
        Jumping rope for 10 minutes at a moderate pace is the equivalent to running one mile in 12 minutes.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by scshift

Is it natural for my shoulder press to be much weaker than my bench press? I don't consider myself strong by any means but my shoulder press is pretty pathetic - I use 60 lb dumbbells for bench press but only 25 lbs for shoulder press, same reps. I've been doing the shoulder press military style lately with the palms facing the front but I'm probably going to start using a neutral grip.

Is it a problem that my shoulders are that weak? I'm training for basketball so if there's a more efficient exercise I should be doing please help, thanks.
Yea your bench will mostly always be more than your press, unless you've been training shoulders your whole life and neglected any chest excercise.

The way I just learned it is Deadlift > Squat > Clean greater than or equal to Bench Press > Overhead press
people are not cleaning more than they bench... are they?
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by scshift

Is it natural for my shoulder press to be much weaker than my bench press? I don't consider myself strong by any means but my shoulder press is pretty pathetic - I use 60 lb dumbbells for bench press but only 25 lbs for shoulder press, same reps. I've been doing the shoulder press military style lately with the palms facing the front but I'm probably going to start using a neutral grip.

Is it a problem that my shoulders are that weak? I'm training for basketball so if there's a more efficient exercise I should be doing please help, thanks.
Yea your bench will mostly always be more than your press, unless you've been training shoulders your whole life and neglected any chest excercise.

The way I just learned it is Deadlift > Squat > Clean greater than or equal to Bench Press > Overhead press
people are not cleaning more than they bench... are they?
Well I took that relationship from rippetoes book for's just  a generalization for someone who works at every muscle group but if you've been benching your whole life and never did a power clean then of course you would bench more than you clean.  But the ability to clean more weight than you bench is possible if you give each exercise it's time in the gym.  I figure you'll stall more on adding weight to your bench but for the clean where your using momentum and inertia to help you get under the bar and do some of the work would let you put more weight on it.
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