STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I need to get back to consistently going to the gym

been going three/four days a week then have four days off before I workout again.. Anyone recommend a good plan mainly for strength training?
Got told i have to travel to pasedena for work (cali). Might hit up an equinox while im out there after the talk in here.
What is the consensus on your thoughts on working out chest/triceps or back/biceps in the same day/workout?

You use a lot of triceps on chest exercises and after I'm done with chest my triceps are shot. Some thing goes for back and biceps. I'll normally split them up, like biceps on leg days and triceps on back days.
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What is the consensus on your thoughts on working out chest/triceps or back/biceps in the same day/workout?

You use a lot of triceps on chest exercises and after I'm done with chest my triceps are shot. Some thing goes for back and biceps. I'll normally split them up, like biceps on leg days and triceps on back days.

I actually just changed my workout split from chest/tri, back/bi

to arms, legs, rest, chest, back, shoulders/traps, rest

yesterday was day 1 on the new split...

Giving arms on their own day was :smokin
What is the consensus on your thoughts on working out chest/triceps or back/biceps in the same day/workout?

You use a lot of triceps on chest exercises and after I'm done with chest my triceps are shot. Some thing goes for back and biceps. I'll normally split them up, like biceps on leg days and triceps on back days.

I actually just changed my workout split from chest/tri, back/bi

to arms, legs, rest, chest, back, shoulders/traps, rest

yesterday was day 1 on the new split...

Giving arms on their own day was :smokin

that's how i do it on typical weeks. Legs/abs, chest, back/shoulders, arms, legs/abs. then rest for 2 days like a boss.
that's how i do it on typical weeks. Legs/abs, chest, back/shoulders, arms, legs/abs. then rest for 2 days like a boss.


forgot to include when i do abs

Being overweight makes me not think about em much outside of the gym :rofl:

one day... :evil:
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