STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Really don't wanna go to the gym after work I'm still in lazy thanksgiving mode. Def going tomorrow though just haven't made up my mind on tonight : (
Did a barbell strength training class at the gym today and man that was a workout for real and keep in mind that I'm just starting back going to the gym so I have no prior experience lifting weights. Planning to go again tomorrow.
Hey people,

If anyone is looking for rumbleroller or Trigger Point Performance roller

Go to and use BLACKOUT code for 40% off.

Check it out. They have some good stuff for mobility.

:smokin REPPED

Got me the bigger rumble roller, extra firm for $45 shipped :smokin

Seeing gains since becoming gym partners with my boy from HS

Deez gains aint ready!!!
Can anybody school me on XF Up 2.0 or Cor Whey? Saw a thread on BB forums, and these are getting praise, but how did they compare to Gold Standard Optimum Nutrient? I've been messing with that for ages and will try something new if it's worth it/better.
Today was the first time that both the squat rack/platforms at the gym were both being used..was gonna do deadlifts + run, but just ended up running..
On monday, I'm going to start my 4 day split and I'm going to try to focus in on my diet. I have 15bls of whey sitting around. I'm going to utilize it. Also, I'm going to try and up my fruit and veggie intake.
Idk if I'm burned out or I really just don't like it anymore..but...I think I might be over lifting. Like, ever since I got back into hooping I've been realizing how much I actually dislike lifting weights and how I actually don't even find a point in being big. Being in shape is one thing, being swole just for the sack of being swole is another. I def think I need a break. Because as of now..I hate it lol. It'd be harder to stop going just because it's pure habit and become a part of my life but lately I've been taking more and more days off and I actually don't get that itch when I'm not there anymore. I really think I might be over it. Idk.
Idk if I'm burned out or I really just don't like it anymore..but...I think I might be over lifting. Like, ever since I got back into hooping I've been realizing how much I actually dislike lifting weights and how I actually don't even find a point in being big. Being in shape is one thing, being swole just for the sack of being swole is another. I def think I need a break. Because as of now..I hate it lol. It'd be harder to stop going just because it's pure habit and become a part of my life but lately I've been taking more and more days off and I actually don't get that itch when I'm not there anymore. I really think I might be over it. Idk.

Unless you're training to be a body builder or solely to look better, you could train to be better at basketball.
Can anybody school me on XF Up 2.0 or Cor Whey? Saw a thread on BB forums, and these are getting praise, but how did they compare to Gold Standard Optimum Nutrient? I've been messing with that for ages and will try something new if it's worth it/better.
i pretty much only use xf protein. i have a 5# tub of lemonade whey and a bunch of 2# up 2.0 tubs. 18g of good protein per scoop is fine for me and the taste and texture is the best out of all the proteins i've used. as far as the profile, i lost 30# while using a bunch of this protein so it just depends how you fit it into your macros - it'd be great for bulking for sure too. top 3 flavors for me are: 1)lemon cream pie tastes like those lemon cream cookies you see at convenience stores 2)butterscotch tastes disgustingly good 3) cinnamon roll tastes like a cinnabon. other good ones: triple chocolate is the best chocolate protein i've had. banana cream is great. it's on sale for black friday/cyber monday. imma probably grab some back-up tubs on monday.

is it better than ON? in terms of taste, it's better by a mile but ON is a reputable company and you can't go wrong using their stuff. unfortunately i drink protein once or twice a day and can't stand drinking something that tastes junk so i pay the $ for xf.
Idk if I'm burned out or I really just don't like it anymore..but...I think I might be over lifting. Like, ever since I got back into hooping I've been realizing how much I actually dislike lifting weights and how I actually don't even find a point in being big. Being in shape is one thing, being swole just for the sack of being swole is another. I def think I need a break. Because as of now..I hate it lol. It'd be harder to stop going just because it's pure habit and become a part of my life but lately I've been taking more and more days off and I actually don't get that itch when I'm not there anymore. I really think I might be over it. Idk.
I'm the same way. Ever since I started balling again I get so bored lifting weights. I'll do some set and get bored then head to the courts. I get fat when I play ball because I eat like a machine after I ball. I gotta be more focused on weights.
Idk if I'm burned out or I really just don't like it anymore..but...I think I might be over lifting. Like, ever since I got back into hooping I've been realizing how much I actually dislike lifting weights and how I actually don't even find a point in being big. Being in shape is one thing, being swole just for the sack of being swole is another. I def think I need a break. Because as of now..I hate it lol. It'd be harder to stop going just because it's pure habit and become a part of my life but lately I've been taking more and more days off and I actually don't get that itch when I'm not there anymore. I really think I might be over it. Idk.

Like someone else said, why not train to be a better baller, train for quick feet, more hops, stamina, etc. no one says u can't switch up ur goals. If it's not making u happy to train, u gotta change something up or it will drain u mentally
I've experienced the same thing with my lifting. Been doing it so long it has become a chore. I was definitely not built for the bodybuilding lifestyle.

So I decided last summer to go back to my old HS football workouts\diet. I was in the best shape of my life back than, and I actually enjoyed working out. Instead of hitting the treadmill, I run stadiums and do various speed\agility drills. Instead of spending hours in the gym doing isolation movements, I've gone back to the bare bones football lifts. My chest workouts are bench and incline bench....that's it. An hour is all the time I need in the gym 4x a week, the rest of my time is spent either doing drills or playing soccer or basketball.

The switch added some needed variety and spice to my workouts. Maybe its just the nostalgia speaking, but I doubt I'll go back to the lifting for aesthetics lifestyle. I prefer the lifting for athleticism style
Could be burn out, could be boredom. Doing the same lifts, going to the same gym, seeing the same people. It could get boring. Try a new gym or same gym different location. Seeing new faces, being in a new environment could help.

Or you can quit lifting and focus on something else altogether - like distance running.
Since I moved and don't really have a gym yet aside from work, i'm just gonna chill for 2 weeks and do only cardio daily.
I ordered p28 bread over the weekend. I should get it this week. If anyone is interested I can put up a review after a finish the 1st loaf.
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