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inching my way to a 3 plate bench press. hit 285 once this morning. feels like my bench press progresses sooo slower than all my other lifts(DL/OHP/Squat) :smh:. i guess it doesnt help that ive been cutting. to those of you in the 3 plate bench club how long did it take you to get there from the day you started training? i want it so bad >:
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get a tortilla + throw some pizza sauce on it + throw some shredded cheese on it + bake in the oven = money and no where near the damage of real pizza 

i haven't made it in a while, but i use to throw chicken on there too. It's actually pretty good.

Well look at God.... well def be trying sometime in the near future.

for me, I just cop the frozen Kashi joints. A whole pizza is 870 calories. Now, are you gonna sit up and eat a whole pizza in one setting? I hope not :lol: One serving is a third of the pizza (290 cals) and even after a serious workout that's usually good enough for me (accompanied by a bowl of cereal usually)


If you cook it juuuuuust right, it ALMOST looks exactly like this. Takes like 8-9 minutes so don't walk away too far.
I've experienced the same thing with my lifting. Been doing it so long it has become a chore. I was definitely not built for the bodybuilding lifestyle.

So I decided last summer to go back to my old HS football workouts\diet. I was in the best shape of my life back than, and I actually enjoyed working out. Instead of hitting the treadmill, I run stadiums and do various speed\agility drills. Instead of spending hours in the gym doing isolation movements, I've gone back to the bare bones football lifts. My chest workouts are bench and incline bench....that's it. An hour is all the time I need in the gym 4x a week, the rest of my time is spent either doing drills or playing soccer or basketball.

The switch added some needed variety and spice to my workouts. Maybe its just the nostalgia speaking, but I doubt I'll go back to the lifting for aesthetics lifestyle. I prefer the lifting for athleticism style

Yeah i'll probably go back to strictly compounds and outdoor cardio. Maybe it's that lull that the winter months bring though I take my vitamin D supplements.
Soooooooo.... I've been lurking and taking notes over all the threads over the past year and a half. And so far I'd like to share my progress. Before 5'9" 215 lbs around 32% body fat. I was incredibly unhealthy and even though I hooped 2x a week my intake definitely kept me from looking/feeling any better. Today I am 179lbs 18% body fat and I am lighter than I was 10 years ago. I am 26 and been really focusing on diet and doing more cardio than lifting. I have maintained the same amount of strength and just been dropping excess fat from nutrition and a little more exercise. It's amazing how different you feel. I still have a ways to go until my goal of 10% body fat. But I started the journey about 1.5 years ago.
Soooooooo.... I've been lurking and taking notes over all the threads over the past year and a half. And so far I'd like to share my progress. Before 5'9" 215 lbs around 32% body fat. I was incredibly unhealthy and even though I hooped 2x a week my intake definitely kept me from looking/feeling any better. Today I am 179lbs 18% body fat and I am lighter than I was 10 years ago. I am 26 and been really focusing on diet and doing more cardio than lifting. I have maintained the same amount of strength and just been dropping excess fat from nutrition and a little more exercise. It's amazing how different you feel. I still have a ways to go until my goal of 10% body fat. But I started the journey about 1.5 years ago.
Keep going man. Progress is a marathon, not a sprint. 
Crossfit is fun don't let anyone tell you it isn't.

As a switch up it's totally worthwhile. Mis you get to meet like minded people, go out for drinks after, even get a wod smush in.

I just think people, like with anything, tend to veer into loony town and argue that those momentum pull ups are really the pinnacle of fitness training.

It's koo though.
Sup fam, been working out for about a year now, 5 days a week. Having serious trouble gaining weight though, currently at 152 lbs, trying to get to 165lbs. I currently take c4 for preworkout, cellucor whey for protein and fish oil. Here is my workout schedule
Workout schedule
Barbell bench 4 sets (8-10 reps)
Bench dips 4 sets (15 reps)
Pullups 4 sets (8-10 reps)
Goblet squat 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Military shoulder press 4 sets (9-12 reps)
Pushups 4 sets (25 reps)
Lunges 4 sets
Bicep curl 4 sets
Dumbell clean and press 4 sets

Sitting barbell shoulder press 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Front raises 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Side raises 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Arnold press 4 sets (10 reps)

Squats 5 set increase weight 5-6 reps
Leg press 5 sets 10 reps
Calf raises 5 sets 10 reps
Dead lift 5 sets 10 reps

Barbell bent over row 4 sets 12 reps
Pullups 4 sets 12 reps
Lat pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps
Row machine 4 sets 12 reps
EZ bar curls
Hammer curls
Incline curls

Bench press 4 sets 10-12 reps
Dumbbell bench press 4 sets 10 reps
Dumbbell incline bench 4 sets 10 reps
Bench dips 4 sets 12 reps
Skull crushers 4 sets 12 reps
Tricep pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps

Any suggestions?
Sup fam, been working out for about a year now, 5 days a week. Having serious trouble gaining weight though, currently at 152 lbs, trying to get to 165lbs. I currently take c4 for preworkout, cellucor whey for protein and fish oil. Here is my workout schedule

Any suggestions?
Did you come up with that on your own or did you copy it from somewhere, no shots just wondering. Everything makes sense except for mondays which looks like a full body which I don't think is very productive.

What is your main goal(s)?

If your trying to get bigger and stronger then concentrate on your core lifts with a barbell and stop doing 4x10 and switch to more strength oriented rep ranges. (5x5)

If your really having trouble gaining I suggest buy a mass gainer, couple scoops can get you 1k calories and you'll gain weight in no time. But i suggest getting the majority of calories from real foods.
Sup fam, been working out for about a year now, 5 days a week. Having serious trouble gaining weight though, currently at 152 lbs, trying to get to 165lbs. I currently take c4 for preworkout, cellucor whey for protein and fish oil. Here is my workout schedule

Any suggestions?

Did you come up with that on your own or did you copy it from somewhere, no shots just wondering. Everything makes sense except for mondays which looks like a full body which I don't think is very productive.

What is your main goal(s)?

If your trying to get bigger and stronger then concentrate on your core lifts with a barbell and stop doing 4x10 and switch to more strength oriented rep ranges. (5x5)

If your really having trouble gaining I suggest buy a mass gainer, couple scoops can get you 1k calories and you'll gain weight in no time. But i suggest getting the majority of calories from real foods.
My cousin sent me that workout and I have just been going with it. Will def start doing 5x5. My main goal is to get bigger and stronger. I'll also switch up Monday to more chest oriented workout.
Sup fam, been working out for about a year now, 5 days a week. Having serious trouble gaining weight though, currently at 152 lbs, trying to get to 165lbs. I currently take c4 for preworkout, cellucor whey for protein and fish oil. Here is my workout schedule
Workout schedule
Barbell bench 4 sets (8-10 reps)
Bench dips 4 sets (15 reps)
Pullups 4 sets (8-10 reps)
Goblet squat 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Military shoulder press 4 sets (9-12 reps)
Pushups 4 sets (25 reps)
Lunges 4 sets
Bicep curl 4 sets
Dumbell clean and press 4 sets

Sitting barbell shoulder press 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Front raises 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Side raises 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Arnold press 4 sets (10 reps)

Squats 5 set increase weight 5-6 reps
Leg press 5 sets 10 reps
Calf raises 5 sets 10 reps
Dead lift 5 sets 10 reps

Barbell bent over row 4 sets 12 reps
Pullups 4 sets 12 reps
Lat pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps
Row machine 4 sets 12 reps
EZ bar curls
Hammer curls
Incline curls

Bench press 4 sets 10-12 reps
Dumbbell bench press 4 sets 10 reps
Dumbbell incline bench 4 sets 10 reps
Bench dips 4 sets 12 reps
Skull crushers 4 sets 12 reps
Tricep pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps

Any suggestions?


eat more.
I eat
Sup fam, been working out for about a year now, 5 days a week. Having serious trouble gaining weight though, currently at 152 lbs, trying to get to 165lbs. I currently take c4 for preworkout, cellucor whey for protein and fish oil. Here is my workout schedule
Workout schedule
Barbell bench 4 sets (8-10 reps)
Bench dips 4 sets (15 reps)
Pullups 4 sets (8-10 reps)
Goblet squat 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Military shoulder press 4 sets (9-12 reps)
Pushups 4 sets (25 reps)
Lunges 4 sets
Bicep curl 4 sets
Dumbell clean and press 4 sets

Sitting barbell shoulder press 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Front raises 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Side raises 4 sets (10-12 reps)
Arnold press 4 sets (10 reps)

Squats 5 set increase weight 5-6 reps
Leg press 5 sets 10 reps
Calf raises 5 sets 10 reps
Dead lift 5 sets 10 reps

Barbell bent over row 4 sets 12 reps
Pullups 4 sets 12 reps
Lat pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps
Row machine 4 sets 12 reps
EZ bar curls
Hammer curls
Incline curls

Bench press 4 sets 10-12 reps
Dumbbell bench press 4 sets 10 reps
Dumbbell incline bench 4 sets 10 reps
Bench dips 4 sets 12 reps
Skull crushers 4 sets 12 reps
Tricep pulldowns 4 sets 12 reps

Any suggestions?


eat more.
I eat quite a bit,
Thanks for the helpful advice
forreal though. that routine is ok i guess except the volume is kinda OD. gains are made though diet though. unless you eat at a calorie surplus, you will not get bigger.
I'm gonna be more charitable and say I can appreciate the concept in that routine, paidingum.

Does look like that first day is a full body, then it gets into sort of a more specific kind of routine.

Maybe you're trying to start the week off with a full body, you now start the week off with a full body burn, get the alcohol out from the weekend, then go into specifics after getting some burn in on Monday.

I'd be interested to see how that works for you 2-3 months from now.

But yeah make sure on those days you're being specific, lift heavy, since you'd probably have more time on your hands.

But maybe keep it all to 3 sets instead of 4, save a little time and energy for other stuff.

Try to eat a bunch too. Let us know how this works out.

As far as my opinion, since it seems you're looking for advice, get some cardio in at the end of your work outs.

10 minutes on the stair master at a high speed does the trick for me after a night of partying.
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I'm gonna be more charitable and say I can appreciate the concept in that routine, paidingum.

Does look like that first day is a full body, then it gets into sort of a more specific kind of routine.

Maybe you're trying to start the week off with a full body, you now start the week off with a full body burn, get the alcohol out from the weekend, then go into specifics after getting some burn in on Monday.

I'd be interested to see how that works for you 2-3 months from now.

But yeah make sure on those days you're being specific, lift heavy, since you'd probably have more time on your hands.

But maybe keep it all to 3 sets instead of 4, save a little time and energy for other stuff.

Try to eat a bunch too. Let us know how this works out.

As far as my opinion, since it seems you're looking for advice, get some cardio in at the end of your work outs.

10 minutes on the stair master at a high speed does the trick for me after a night of partying.
Awesome man! Thanks! As far as sets go, would you recommend 5x5 or 3x?, also, what are your thoughts on creatine for building strength and mass?
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I eat
I eat quite a bit,
Thanks for the helpful advice

def gotta eat more man. how tall are u? how much u eating right now?
I'm 5'9 I get about 2,500 calories a day. I'm also in college so buying food in bulk is sometimes a struggle. Trying to cut alcohol out of my life too, but being in college, that is a STRUGGLE with all my roommates/friends going out on weekends
I'm 5'9 I get about 2,500 calories a day. I'm also in college so buying food in bulk is sometimes a struggle. Trying to cut alcohol out of my life too, but being in college, that is a STRUGGLE with all my roommates/friends going out on weekends

sounds like ur metabolism is pretty fast. i would recommend upping it to 3000 cals with a 40protein/40carbs/20fats diet. my homie is a physique competitor. he's 5'5" at 160 right now (stage weight is 147lbs) and has a crazy fast metabolism. he eats about 3200 cals a day trying to get to 170.
i'm 5'6 and i cut at 2500 calories. tough on a college student budget but depending on your goals, fast food can be your friend. $1 mcdoubles 340 calories and 20g protein - throw a fried egg and a another slice of cheese on there and you're golden. eat 3 or 4 to start your day off :nthat:
I'm 5'9 I get about 2,500 calories a day. I'm also in college so buying food in bulk is sometimes a struggle. Trying to cut alcohol out of my life too, but being in college, that is a STRUGGLE with all my roommates/friends going out on weekends

sounds like ur metabolism is pretty fast. i would recommend upping it to 3000 cals with a 40protein/40carbs/20fats diet. my homie is a physique competitor. he's 5'5" at 160 right now (stage weight is 147lbs) and has a crazy fast metabolism. he eats about 3200 cals a day trying to get to 170.
might be a dumb question, but I'm going to ask anyway, what do you mean by 40protein/40carbs/20fats?
Ya'll have been super helpful, thank you! Going to change up my workout a bit and def eat more to get to 3000 calories a day.
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